Harmonizing Hearts (Darkest Symphony #1) 19. Chapter 19 Emma 87%
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19. Chapter 19 Emma

I watch from the porch as Mac, Jax’s father, pulls into our driveway. Excitement bubbles within me knowing that the barbecue is about to begin. As Mac steps out of his car, I rush over to greet him, “Hey, Pop! It’s so great to see you.” I wrap him a tight hug.

He returns the embrace with a gentle squeeze, his eyes filled with warmth. “Emma, it’s always a pleasure to be here. I brought my famous ribs,” and thank God he did. I was craving them and Jax promised he’d ask him to teach his secret recipe. I couldn’t forget their amazing flavor and cravings are a pain lately. Jax is a sweetheart and spoils me every time. “And I couldn’t forget the beautiful lady of the house.” He presents me with a bouquet of vibrant sunflowers.

I take them in my hands, inhaling their sweet fragrance. “Oh, Pop, thank you! These are absolutely gorgeous.”

Mac grins, his eyes crinkling with affection. “You deserve nothing less, my dear. Now, where’s that son of mine? I’m ready to lend a hand with the preparations.”

I guide Mac toward Jax, who is setting up the table and placing torches along the beach. He wanted them since said it gives that cozy atmosphere. Honestly the tiny white lights upon the porch and the strings up to the beach for me are more than enough but I guess he’s getting nervous. Jax looks up, his face lighting up with joy at the sight of his father. They share a heartfelt embrace, and I can’t help but feel a surge of warmth at the bond they share.

“Hey, Dad. Thanks for coming early,” Jax says with a wink to me.

Mac pats Jax on the back, a proud smile on his face. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, son. Now, let’s get to work. We’ve got a barbecue to set up.”

As Mac and Jax set to work, I assist them by arranging the plates and cutlery on the table. The sunflowers Mac brought brighten the atmosphere, their vibrant petals mirroring the joy that fills the air.

As we finish placing the last torch, the scent of charcoal and sizzling food drifts through the air, enticing our appetites. We take a moment to step back and admire our handiwork, the table set with care and the torches casting a warm glow along the beach.

Mac wipes his brow, a satisfied smile on his face. “Looking good, isn’t it?”

Jax nods, “Yeah, it’s perfect. Thanks for your help, Dad. It means a lot to us.”

Mac claps a hand on Jax’s shoulder. “Anytime, son. I’m always here to support you and Emma. Where’s the rest of the lot?”

Just then, the sound of laughter and chatter reaches our ears as more guests begin to arrive. The air fills with an electric energy, a mix of anticipation and happiness. As we welcome our friends and loved ones to the porch, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the love and support surrounding us. The sight of Jax and his father working side by side, their laughter blending with the sound of waves fills my heart with love.

As the laughter and music fill the air, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the joyous atmosphere surrounding us. The barbecue party is in full swing, and the beach is alive with games and laughter. I watch as our friends and family engage in friendly competitions, their faces lit up with excitement.

Angel follows me into the kitchen, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “I’m still mad at you.” We exchange a knowing glance, both of us eager to add an extra element of fun to the festivities. “But I have an idea for the announcement.”

“Should I be scared?” I giggle while we hide into Jax’s studio.

“Trust me, if they’re as crazy as I think they are then this will be a blast.” She playfully nudges me. “I can’t believe he told me the news.”

Yeah, me either. It was so freaking hard to keep my mouth shut. But Angel is amazing, and she and Matthew have a great bond with no secrets. Which means she’d have told him. Matthew is Jake’s best friend who appears to be Chris’s too. And Chris and Luke are close too. Jesus, it’d have been like jumping on a hamster wheel. And the secret, poof, wouldn’t have been a secret anymore. I shake my head at the tricky thoughts I had. “I was afraid of being judged.”

She snaps her head to me, “What? It’s been what, six years we've been friends and you still think I’ll judge you?”

I sigh and start to pace back and forth, “You’ve been the first to cheer for me and Jax.”

“Of course, you two are perfect together.”

“When I found out about my pregnancy I was in Tokyo. I didn’t want to tell him by phone, I wanted to look him in the eyes to make sure he wants it too.” She snorts like I’m saying bullshit. “After five days I couldn’t bear with my nightmares. Each night was different, and I needed to come back home.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? I had nightmares too, but Matthew laughed at me and I’m pretty sure I’d have done the same for you, Em,” she stops in front of me and squeezes my hands, “You don’t see what we all do: Jax adores you in a visceral way.”

“Wasn’t the same thing you said with the mint chocolate ice cream?”

“Pretty much but I craved that devil flavor,” she laughs. “No, seriously Em, he’s so into you and I can see it. Even when we talk, he looks for you. It’s like a magnet. That’s why when you told me he was the mysterious Dom from Royals I told you it’s fate.”

“Now I see it too,” I shamelessly admit.

“Was about damn time, Em!”

“One of my nightmares, though, became true when I found out about my parents accident. I couldn’t believe it and was trying to convince myself it was a trick of my head due to my tiredness, but the more that Blake talked, I couldn’t even breathe.”

“I know Em, I figured out it was something more than what you told me that night.”

I shake my head, “No Angel. You don’t know everything.” I wipe my tears off. It still hurts to think about it, “Alone with my thoughts I did the dumbest thing ever.” She awaits in silence, and I look away. "At first, I couldn't bear the thought of keeping the baby of someone who caused my family's accident, and then... I didn’t want to force him to stay with me because of the baby I was carrying.”

“Em…” She gasps.

“When I heard their heartbeats, I burst into tears and backed off. The thought of pushing him away of my life was painful but knowing I’d lose what our love created made me feel miserable. I’d have raised them alone but then Jax showed up at the hospital and I knew Trish had told him about my pregnancy and the abortion. The desperation I read in his eyes was the final hit.”

“If you had told me, Em, I’d have come to kick your ass only for letting that stupid idea cross your mind.” She drags me closer, “But I’d have never judged you.”

“I’m sorry.” I sob, hugging her.

“Get used to being always hormonal, but,” she pulls me away, “we have a party going, grandparents and our friends that need to know about this amazing news.”

Shit, she’s right. And I’m a mess.

Together, we prepare a game for our guests, filling balloons with hints and dares. Each balloon holds a surprise, ready to be discovered that leads to the next one until the final one.

As we distribute the balloons, the two groups form, each one eagerly waiting for their turn. Laughter erupts as the balloons are popped, revealing challenges and funny tasks. The beach becomes a playground of joy for us adults and lightheartedness.

The moment arrives when it’s Auntie Trish and Mac’s turn. They exchange an amused glance, excitement evident in their eyes. As they pop the balloon, a note emerges, and a sparkle of curiosity dances across their faces. It instructs them to open the glittering box.

Anticipation fills the air as they lift the lid, revealing three adorable onesies. My heart skips a beat as I see the words written on each one forming the announcement: The three of us are coming in February to rock your life.

Trish and Mac’s expressions transform from curiosity to sheer astonishment. Their eyes widen, and then it dawns on them—they will be grandparents to not just one, but three precious babies. A chorus of joyful gasps and cheers erupts from our loved ones as they realize the incredible news.

Jax and I exchange a glance, our eyes brimming with overwhelming happiness. The secret we’ve been cherishing, the news of our triplets, is now out in the open, surrounded by the love and excitement of our family.

As the family gathers around us, showering us with hugs and congratulations. The sound of laughter and heartfelt conversations fills the air, merging with the crashing waves and the crackling of the bonfire. At this moment, surrounded by the love and support of our family, I feel overwhelmed by all my emotions and my tears well up. Again. Oh, please!

Jax pulls me in his arms, and kisses my head. “I love you, baby girl.”

Our journey to parenthood, though filled with uncertainties and fears, is now embraced by the warmth of those who mean the world to us. And as I rest my head against Jax’s chest, I breathe in his cologne. Home.

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