Hawke (Protective Hero: Noble Network #2) Chapter 15 58%
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Chapter 15



K inley changed into a cute lavender tank and yoga pants. Her blonde hair was unruly, so she slicked it back and threw it in a ponytail. She blew her curtain bangs out of the way and twisted them into a small hair pin. “Prepare to be schooled, Mr. Smarty Pants.” She stretched and limbered her tight muscles. Kinley threw a towel over her shoulder and took a swig of water from the bottle sitting on her bedside table.

She called out for Hawke, and he wasn’t there. She repeated the call and he yelled up the stairs. “Down here.”

She jogged down the stairs and rounded the corner. Hawke was in loose black workout shorts and a sleeveless grey tee shirt. His tattoos trailed from his neck, over his shoulder and down his left arm. The largest piece was a skull and a long blade with the word’s death before dishonor, shadowed in dark grey ink that looked like waves of smoke, a sniper rifle covering his forearm. She examined him thoroughly and drank in his appearance; he resembled someone you wouldn’t want to come across in a dark alley. But he was one of the good ones and she was inexplicably drawn to him like a moth to a sweater. His ashy blonde hair was in disarray. Beads of sweat dotted his upper lip. Her knees were weak, and she was afraid she’d stumble. He’d made it obvious the timing was off, but she could dream. Everything about him told her it was the perfect time.

She directed her gaze towards the table, where various weapons were stocked, including brass knuckles, a small blade, an intense looking firearm which was usually in Hawke’s holster, and a smaller pistol typically strapped around his ankle.

“You brought your toys. I have one or two of these or used to.”

“Just a few.” He smirked. “You know how to shoot a gun, but the brass knuckles will help you and a blade is easy to conceal. You’ll have a vest for protection, we installed a few hidey-holes to stash extra munitions. I’ll show you a couple of moves, hopefully you won’t need them, but we must make sure you’re fully aware of your environment and come primed. We don’t know what lies ahead, but it’s not our first.”

She tapped her foot, then set her towel and water down. “Okay, I’m ready. Are you? I’ll walk you through it first, but watch out.” She stepped forward and pointed two fingers. “Eyes.” She curled her hand in a fist. “Nose.” With a karate chop she lowered her aim. “Throat.” Kinley drew back her fist, then her other fist and a knee thrust lowering it to his crotch area. “Groin.” A smirk curled the corner of her lips. She demonstrated a hammer strike, groin kick, heel palm strike, one elbow strike, then two.

He backed away. “You know the vulnerable places. That’s a good start but, please, hands off the family jewels. I’m here to assist.” He cupped his hands over his man parts and smiled. “I’m guessing self-defense class and Krav Maga.”

“How did you know?” She blew at her nails and anchored a hand on her hip. “I’ve taken both, more than once. It helps burn off the stress of the job.”

“Great. I’ll introduce no fail exchanges, which will give you a better advantage.”

“I believe you will.” She tipped her head back and assumed a fighting stance, and in a fraction of a second hit her first blow. Hawke’s guard went up and he spun around, locked his hand around her arm and pulled her to his chest. She tried to wiggle free and jabbed him with an elbow to the ribs. He sidestepped, mirroring her every move with a block. Kinley shifted, flipping around and landed a punch. He ducked the blow easily. Her breathing increased, but Hawke was calm and focused. Struggling to free herself, she went for his eyes.

Hawke maneuvered swiftly, squeezing her tighter. Her hands were secured behind her in seconds. Somehow, she didn’t hate the way he was holding her. Kinley went lax, his grip released, then she whipped her legs around his calves and knocked him to the ground. She fought to dominate the situation and he let her. Kinley straddled him and locked her fingers around his wrists.

“You play dirty. Pretended you lack the skills.” He smirked.

“Maybe I did.” She held back a laugh. “None of my other moves worked.” She repositioned herself and his manhood pressed against her center. She was utterly speechless. His dark stare was intense, and the connection was a deeper level than they had ever experienced. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Kinley leaned forward to kiss him, but he spun in a swift move, pinning her to the floor. It was sexy as hell. Her heart raced and she ached to get closer. He growled, attempting to move, but she latched her arms around him. “Don’t.”

“ Don’t is right and why I’m creating distance.” His teeth snapped together.

“No, please don’t,” she pleaded, locking her hands tighter. Kinley recognized the war, he was fighting by his conflicted expression “I need you, Hawke.”

“No, you don’t. Need is a big ask. You know nothing about me.”

“I know you are a good man with integrity, and you would fight for what’s right. You’d protect those in need, and you have scars, deep scars from the past.” She ran the tips of her fingers softly over his neck.

He pulled away. “You don’t give up. I thought we talked about the timing.”

She entwined her legs around him and locked them tight.

“I’m not easily swayed and rarely give in.” She winked. “Please, hear me out. I can’t change what happened in your past, but I know we have something worth exploring and if you let me, I would love to see you. All of you. Everything you hide from your team and the people you're trying to protect.”

He interrupted. “You have a unique way of showing me a bipolar of emotions—you loathe me one minute, then the next you’re doing this.” He licked his bottom lip. “Didn’t we discuss this?” he stammered.

“Yes…but…I’m allowed to change my mind. I tried to fight it, and I would have succeeded if you weren’t so damn irresistible.” She secured her grip. “I know you can get out of my hold, but you’re not trying.”

“Right.” He looked away.

“I’ll make a deal with you, then I’ll stop all this insanity. All you need to do is look me in the eyes and say you don’t want me.”

He bowed his head and closed his eyes. Silence lapsed between them. “Damn you. I can’t.” He gazed deep into her eyes. “I want to, but I can’t.”

“Then don’t.” Her grip loosened, and she placed her hands around his hips, moving.

His hands soothed and touched with trepidation, He encircled in his arms around her, gathering her close. The cadences changed. Hawke worked his spell over her frenzied senses.

He pressed his manhood against her center, consuming her. Hawke’s lips brushed across hers, first slow swirling, lapping, then with deep thrusts, claiming her mouth.

“I crave you so bad it hurts. It’s wrong. You are a drug I can’t get enough of. It’s wrong.”

“Surrender into the feeling of us.” She pulled him closer and whispered, “How can something that feels this good, be so wrong? Surrender. I won’t hurt you.”

“You’re always so logical; you make me believe it.”

“Kiss me again. We don’t have very many private moments.”

He gathered her into his arms and pulled her from the floor. Hawke pressed Kinley against the wall and she felt the wild beating of his chest.

“Hawke! You down there?” Ryker yelled.

“Shit!” Hawke untangled from their embrace and ran the back of his hand along Kinley’s cheek. “Be up in a second.” He smoothed his hands down her arms, followed by an exasperated sigh. He rested his forehead to hers.

“I don’t want you to go,” she whispered, pulling him into another kiss.

“What’s taking you so long? Never mind, I’m coming to you,” Ryker’s voice echoed in the corridor.

“Dammit, woman, what you do to me…” He shifted his workout shorts, hightailing it behind the bar and guzzled some water. He tossed her a small water bottle. “You look flushed.” He gave her an intense gaze and shook his head. “You are something unexpected, Kinley Lincoln.”

She jolted, hearing footfalls draw closer, then she poured the water over her head, threw it aside and raked her fingers through her hair. She said at the top of her voice. “Thank you, Hawke, those moves will definitely help me.” She spun around and waved a hand in front of her face. “Woo hoo. What an intense workout,” she said, out of breath, dodging Ryker and scurrying up the stairs.

“Did everything go as planned with the self-defense instruction?” Ryker leaned against the bar and inspected him, waiting for a reply.

“Uh huh. Yep. She knows every move and what she didn’t tell me is she’s taken several self-defense classes from the police department and Krav Maga.” Hawke chugged the last of his water. “She excels at the moves.” He hummed deep in his throat.

“You say something?”

“Just thinking, Miss Lincoln has what it takes in this situation, I might have been wrong. But that doesn’t mean I won’t make sure she isn’t in the center ring of the circus. Everyone agreed to put her there, so my job is to make sure she’s not in with the lions.”

“We all will. You can count on it.”

“You’ve modified a vest for her, right?”

“Sure thing.” Ryker hitched his thumb toward the stairs. “Richards’ upstairs; he has it.”

“I think a few more weapons on her person could help, too.”

“Jett said she was comfortable with a Glock.”

“Good, we’ll load her up with a knife and few other weapons. Do we have an extra earpiece?”

“Yes. Made sure of it. We have more men from the DEA coming in tonight. We’ll lock and load the last of the plan and familiarize ourselves with the layout of the area.”

“More of the team arrived. We’ll be ready to roll out in waves, familiarizing ourselves with the terrain and any coordinate changes. We’re more than ready.” He nodded. “Nice to have Gunner and CJ back, isn’t it?”

“Yes, especially now CJ is permanently one of the team. Wouldn’t be the same without her.” Hawke was grateful for the small talk; it gave him a little time for his head clear and get his hormones back in check after kissing Kinley.

“That’s wicked fire.”

Hawke rounded the bar and slapped Ryker on the back. “Let’s do this.”

Hawke leaped up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Kinley wasn’t there. She must be in her room. He grabbed some coffee and sat next to Richards, who was working in the great room. Hawke hovered over him. “Is this an aerial view of the meeting point?”

“Hey, Hawke, we tweaked direction and went further west, near the first responder training facility. Cade Winslow, his partner, Trinity Steele, and a couple of our guys are scouting the terrain. We’ve swept the area and set up a perimeter.”

“Been there. I’m extremely familiar with the coordinates—there’s several hidey-holes, including rock caves, not visible to the naked eye. Plenty of places for us to hide in plain sight. If the rest of the team aren’t doing their recon and something happens to Kinley, I’m resigning. I’m. Not. Kidding. So, make sure it doesn’t happen.”

“No need,” Ryker tipped his head and went back to the map of the area. “We’re all over it. We’ll use the dogs too.”

“Good. We came close losing Tiny and CJ last time we were there, so we’re not repeating.” Hawke caught a glimpse of Kinley as she opened her door to her bedroom. He winked and tracked her movements. She smiled, and he observed the familiar rosy glow of her cheeks. He took pride he was the one responsible. She’d changed; her hair was dry now from her previous self-imposed bottle shower. Kinley’s icy blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders. Her eyes flickered at him, a private language between the two of them. Everything about the situation set off warning bells, but he gave in to the sensation. He understood a little more clearly what CJ and Gunner might have experienced. For the first time, he didn’t give a flying fuck. Something stirred deep inside his core, the lawyer had blindsided him. Who would have thunk . Me. The path forward was unclear, but there was no reversing the ground the two had covered. Or the feelings stirring. It wouldn’t be business as usual with Kinley anymore now that he’d tasted her lips and felt her under him. His cranium was jammed packed with thoughts of her. He had never craved like this.

“Is it okay if I get a little air? Will you come with me?”

He tipped his head. “You’re learning. Thank you for asking. Can you give me a couple of minutes?”

“Sure.” She looked down and picked her nail, then bit at it.

His eyes met hers. Something was off. “Everything okay?” Concern flitted in his gut. Something is definitely off .

“I just need a little air.” She toyed with the hem of her shirt, but her movements were on edge.

“Never mind. This can wait.” He nodded and gave her a smile and sat his coffee on the nearby counter. “Later, gators. Be back. Carry on.”

“Thank you.” Her shoulders shrugged, coupled with a deep sigh.

“Let’s get some air.”

He escorted Kinley to the glass door and slid it open. Hawke wrapped the coat around her and closed the door.

“Sorry, all of this is playing with my head. I’m seeing things.”

He crouched lower, looked deep into her worry-filled eyes, and lifted her chin. “Talk to me.”

“When I was in my room, I looked out the window and I saw something over the ridge. Not once, but twice.”

He scanned the terrain. “Which direction? Where?” Hawke’s spine went iron rod straight and his voice sounded like a sonic boom.

She gasped and pointed. “Over there, but it’s probably nothing.”

His sight snapped in the direction she pointed. “Trust your instincts. I do. You have a logical mind; doubtful it was nothing.” Hawke swooped in and held Kinley, nestling her under his arm. He punched the mic of his earpiece and yanked his weapon from his shoulder holster, tapped the tip of his Sig Sauer against the glass, and gave a signal. Richards beelined to a side door and Jett took off down the stairs by the firepit. Hawke pointed them in the direction Kinley had seen movement with a code in his mic and a wave of a finger. Ryker handed Hawke a pair of binoculars and took off down the deck stairs to an ATV heading to the ridge. The two rookies on the team jumped in the SUV in pursuit to the frontage road. “Heads up. Everyone’s mic’s better be live. Be careful.” Hawke flattened Kinley against the exterior of the house, shielding her from any possible threat. He slid behind an evergreen and crouched down, hovering over her. Hawke focused the binoculars and looked in the direction over the ridge. “What exactly did you see?”

Kinley’s voice hitched and she sucked in a breath. “I looked out the window and saw a glint of light. I focused on the area and a plume of debris floated around, like a vehicle stirring dust. I stepped away from the window and from the corner of my eye I saw another flash of light, like glass or mirror reflection bouncing off the sun.” She ran her hands along her arms and trembled. “My mind must be playing tricks on me. But I got the weirdest sensation someone was watching me. Not Noble Network. This was different. Eerie.”

Gunner pounded up the exterior stairs and blocked Kinley. Hawke spotted the same flash of light. He handed Gunner the binoculars and pointed. “Over there?” He pressed on his earpiece. “Hit the road team at two kilometers, due north. We have company.” He slid into the doorway and waved Kinley forward. “Stay low. We got you.” Hawke hurled himself in behind her and they made it inside with Gunner at their heels. “Our guys will be there soon.”

Luca set off a drone overhead. “I spy two vehicles. Three assailants. Two in a truck, white. One in another smaller car, navy blue. They’re on the move; I’ll tag along. Only one place to go on that road. They’re heading to Solemn Creed.”

“Jett and Axel are covering the grounds where the vehicles were spotted,” Luca said in the earpiece.

“Let me know if they find anything.” Hawke ran a soothing hand along Kinley’s back, moving closer and trailed a finger below her chin inching it higher. “You did right, alerting us.”

“A lot of good it did.”

“You noticed them before anyone got hurt and that’s more important.” He shifted in closer, tapping her nose. “Right?”

She gave a failed attempt at a smile.

He cupped her cheek and ran his fingers over her buttery soft skin. “Come on, I know you can do better.”

Kinley yielded an overly dramatic smile, showing all her pearly whites.

“That’s better.” He laced his fingers around her waist and she laid her head on his chest.

“You’re the best part of all of this.”

“Ditto.” He kissed her on the cheek. “I think it’s time we leave.” Hawke pulled his phone from his pocket. “I’ll contact Cade. See what he has to say.”

“On it,” Gunner shouted from the kitchen.

Richards entered. “Time to bolt.” He put his weapon away.

“Kinley, gather your things. We don’t have much time.”

Kinley turned back and smiled at Jeffrey Richards; he returned the courtesy.

He leaned against the doorway to the kitchen. “Ryker’s doing another check of the perimeter. I think it’s best you and Kinley leave for Cade’s place. Gunner, you and CJ, too.”

Hawke took a few boxes of extra ammo and situated the rest of his weapons. “Is this vest for Kinley?”

“Yeah, this one.” Richards threw it at Hawke. “Here, your night vision goggles and a few other toys.”

Hawke rummaged through them and found a small handgun for Kinley and a blade, throwing them into his rucksack. He held up nun chucks. “I’ll leave this for someone else. She might feel the need to whack me upside the head. She hates me giving orders.”

“That’s your superpower, Hawke. You love bossing everyone around.” Gunner leaned around the corner.

“See you on the other side of this.” Hawke tore down the stairs to load up the rest of the toys, he returned. “Hope I got everything.”

“If you forget something, we got it covered. Gunner and CJ will be close behind. Be safe, my man. We got your six.”

“I’m counting on it.” Hawke craned his neck when Kinley inched closer. “We both are.” He slapped Richards on the shoulder, took Kinley by the hand, and strode out the exit.

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