Hawke (Protective Hero: Noble Network #2) Chapter 16 62%
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Chapter 16



K inley peeked at Hawke in the driver’s seat. He was quiet and focused. She recognized the look he wore like armor. His intense gaze left her teetering somewhere between a nervous wreck and resting easy peasy, knowing he was on the job gave her peace, she swallowed the fear gravel lodged in her throat.

“We’re safe. Gunner and CJ are close behind; they’ll be meeting us there tonight.”

“Good. I know having them nearby helps you rest at ease.”

“Not much when it comes to you, but every bit counts. Gunner and I have been together for so long, it’s natural to hash out a plan with him.”

“How long have you known him?”

“Since we were eighteen years old. My foster dad was military, so he went to the recruitment center with me. We were in basics together, hit it off instantly. Gunner, his brother Hunter, and Ryker were the only ones on my team not killed. Luca, Jett, and Axel were around back in our service days, too.”

“Where’s Gunner’s brother? I haven’t met him yet?”

“Disappeared. We have no answers, every lead ends nowhere, but my gut and Gunner feel he’s still out there. Vanished. Last anyone ever heard from him, or crossed paths, was about seven years ago. I miss the hell out of the guy. I’ll follow every lead until he’s back with us.”

“That’s terrible. I hope and pray for him, and all of you, that he will be found. Sounds like you were close.”

“We are. Thanks. We won’t stop searching until we do.”

“I’m an only child, but if I had a brother or someone that close, I’d never stop looking. Maybe one day I can help you find him; I have a lot of connections,” Kinley said.

“Thank you, I appreciate it. Never know. You just might.” She noticed Hawke reached for her leg and stopped himself, putting his hand firmly on the steering wheel.

Kinley stared out the window. She lost herself in thought. How could she get him to trust her and let his guard down? She’d made two obvious moves on him, and he had responded. But he never initiated anything. It was as if he talked himself out of it. She craned her neck and assessed Hawke, adjusting her body in his direction.

“What?” he questioned as he eyed her. His brows were knitted together, and his expression was hard to read.

“You’re a funny one to figure out.”

“Trust me, it’s been said many times. Why?”

“It’s driving me nuts, and I’m pretty darn good at seeing things in people. I pride myself in gauging body language and behaviors. People communicate in different ways, it’s a fun part of my job, if I can figure out what they are hiding.”

“Kinley Lincoln, a woman who likes to be in control, can’t figure me out? I bet it’s driving you more than nuts.” He gave a low chuckle.

“In a manner of speaking, you got that right. I’m almost nutty.”

“You mentioned you could read me. Bring it on.” He gave her a sidelong glance.

“You’re loyal. Instead of emotions, you act. You’re keen and intelligent. You’ve been hurt, mentally and physically, horribly, maybe from your youth or the war, but I’m betting on both.”

He white knuckled the steering wheel, veering slightly off the road and swung his head in her direction. “You got it all figured out, I guess, so what’s the problem?”

“I’m not done. You have a knee-jerk reaction to most things, especially when someone gets too personal or penetrates your bubble. Like I am right now.”

He shook his head and laughed. “Touché.”

She leaned closer. “If it isn’t obvious.” She took in a sharp inhale. “No matter how hard you push me away, I will not disappear.”

“Who says I want you to?”

“Your conscience. Don’t worry, I won’t. I don’t back down from a challenge.”

“So, I’m a challenge to conquer?”

“I go after what I want.” She poked him in the side.

“Ouch, stop. I’m driving.” His lips curled at the corners.

“Aw, was that almost a smile?”

“Nah, I don’t do that.”

“Another thing you try to keep hidden, but I’ve seen your softer side with Gunner and CJ.” She leaned over, put her hand near her mouth, and whispered, “Don’t worry your secret is safe with me.” She winked.

“Right. You’re distracting me from my driving.”

“Whatever. You could drive blindfolded if you needed to. Face it, I’ve been distracting you since day one and that’s what’s pissing you off so much.”

“Prove it.”

“Pull the car over and kiss me.”

“Not gonna to do that.”

“Why? Scared?” She coated her words with more attitude.

“I scare little. And I can kiss you and feel nothing.”

“Sure. Not what I recall in the basement, though. Prove it.” She hitched her thumb to a side road. “Pull off, scaredy cat.”

Hawke whipped the car over and released both her and his seatbelt in a flash. He tugged her hips forward and claimed her mouth.

She clutched him and met his tongue, each clawed to get closer. Hands roamed everywhere. There was a frenzy, an urgency to their union. Kinley’s mind helicoptered out of control with every intoxicating swirl of his tongue and dug her nails into Hawke’s back and pulled him closer. Hawke shifted Kinley’s legs and hauled her onto his lap. Her legs quaked, and she ground her bottom against his erection. Heat pulsed through her body. She pulled him close as he cupped her breast. He pinched her nipple. Pain and pressure shot though her. He tugged at her lip and his tongue sucked, his breathing nearly out of control. His hands squeezed her hips and arched forward, pressing his manhood into her center.

Her stomach tumbled.

“Oh god, I love the way you feel.”

Hawke’s tortured groan added a hunger to his low whiskey voice that sent shockwaves throughout Kinley’s system. “I never felt such desires,” she panted between breaths.

He put his hand under her shirt and slipped under her bra. An anguished gasp escaped his lips. His sex strained and quivered as if it was tormented with desire.

Kinley rocked back and forth over his thick manhood. Deep threads of desire consumed her. She clutched and clawed, fisting Hawke’s shirt in her hands. Thoughts of ripping it at the seams tempted her. She stilled, noticing a familiar vehicle slow its roll and flash its lights. Kinley braced her hands on Hawke’s shoulders, but he continued biting her neck.

She gasped for air and clarity to speak. “Shit.” She went rigid and stilled.

“Shit is right.” He nuzzled closer.

“Hawke”. She smacked his chest. “You said Gunner and CJ were—behind—right?” She slapped the head rest. “I think that’s them, isn’t it?” Hawke’s head whipped around, and he flung her into the passenger seat. She squealed and flipped nearly upside down with her head on the floor. Kinley reached for him to right herself in the passenger seat. Thoughts swooned in her mind, envisioning if things went any further between them and it was a real possibility. She might have mooned them if she’d removed her bottoms.

“Shit. Sorry, Kin.” He wrapped an arm around her, hoisting her onto her seat.

Kinley blew the hair out of her face and patted her wayward strands Hawke pointed at her shirt, which was still shifted up high and showing off the girls. She gasped and glanced, yanking it down. Nervous energy floated through her stomach.

Hawke looked through the rear-view mirror. “I need to stop them before they come here; you’re bright red. I think you have whisker rash and your lips are swollen. But you look damn sexy right now.”

She eyed him. “Wait!” She wiped her lip gloss off his mouth. “It’s not your shade.”

He gawked in the rear-view mirror again and wiped his face with the back of his hand. “Now?” he asked.

She nodded. “Better.”

Hawke closed his eyes for a minute. “I’m concentrating.” He pointed south of the border to his crotch region.

“Oh.” She smirked. Her eyes widened.

“Stop looking so sexy. And quit looking at me that way or it will happen again.”

She laughed and covered her mouth like a shy schoolgirl. “Guess I have zero effect on you like you mentioned.”

“So I lied. What am I going to do with you?” He stood outside the car and shifted himself around, leaning through the open window. “You’re gonna get it.” He pulled his shirt lower.

“I hope whatever I’m gonna get, you use that thing?” She bit at her nail.

He snapped his mouth shut. “Oh, you’re going to get it all right.” He stomped off and waved to Gunner and Cinder. Kinley turned to watch the exchange.

Hawke squirmed and shoved his fists in his front pockets. Kinley lowered her window to get some air and yelled, “Hurry back.”

He squinted his eyes and shook his finger.

Hawke jogged to Gunner’s vehicle and squatted down. “Hey guys.”

“Everything okay?”

No, it’s not. Uncomfortable is an understatement. I’m sporting wood and your timing sucks. “Um…I thought I smelled something smoking under the hood. We pulled off to check it out.”

“Sure, that’s what they all say.” CJ giggled and hit Gunner on the arm. He made a tsking sound.

“Hawke, you sure you’re good?”

I would have been better than good without the interruption. “Fine,” he grumbled. Hawke jogged away without turning around.

CJ whistled, “Hawke, you have something on your chin. Looks like lip gloss.” He wiped his chin.

“Gotcha. Something burning under the hood is you, Hawke. It’s written all over your face and we saw Kinley straddling you in the driver’s seat.”

He flipped them off, opening the vehicle door.

“How did it go?” Kinley asked.

“Not well, considering they didn’t believe me because they already saw us necking.”

“Oh crap. I hope you won’t get in trouble.”

“Nah, they won’t say anything. I caught them too, not so long ago. Fuck, I feel like I just got caught by my parents.” He assumed what that would be like . He turned the key in the ignition. “I’m too damn old for this.” He revved the engine.

“Necking? That’s an ancient term.”

“No hiding the fact we were, and you can thank CJ for that word. I would have used something inappropriate, but since I’m with you, I panicked and used her verbiage.”

“I’m not ashamed and we have nothing to hide.” She gave him a matter-of-fact look. “Feel free to say whatever you feel. Trust me I’ve heard it all.”

He raised a shoulder. “I’ll adjust. We better hit the road; they’ll be following us to Cade’s place.”

She leaned in.

He pointed. “No, you don’t, Kinley. You better stay over there.”

She stuck out her lower lip and made a ‘hmm’ sound. “You do understand. I see you smiling a wee bit.” She raised her forefinger and thumb an inch. “I can keep a secret only if you promise to kiss me like that again later.”

He winked. “I suppose if the opportunity arises, I might.”

She got in his face and bunched his t-shirt in her fist. “You best make it a point if you know what’s good for you, mister.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and bolted back to the furthest point in her seat, creating distance.

He gave her a quick side glance. “Who’s smiling now?”

She turned scarlet. “Newsflash. I smile when I’m happy.” She shifted in her seat. “What’s your first name?” Her face lit up as she spoke.

“Everyone calls me either Hawke or Hawkens. Why?”

“Curious, because I don’t want to call you what everyone else calls you.”

“I don’t go by my given name much. It’s complicated, but if it suits you, you can call me Zane.” Hawke observed her closely.

She raised her hand to her chest. “Brave, strong, powerful. Zane, a gift from God. It’s perfect.”

He shook his head. “How do you know things like this?”

“I’m a researcher at heart and a book nerd. What can I say?” She tapped at her temple and snickered. “I know lots of useful and useless information. This knowledge I’m glad I learned.”

Old feelings surged to the surface. “As I mentioned, it’s complicated. It messed me up sideways, but…if I was a gift from God why would my parents give me up?” He stretched his neck around, raising his chin to the high heavens and focused back on the road ahead.

“It’s a travesty, but you were destined for so much more,” Kinley said as she gently smoothed her hand over his. “You are a gift from God to so many—your country and military brothers, Noble Network, CJ. You have had an immense effect on so many lives.” She weaved her fingers through his and kissed the top of his hand. “And to me. Zane Hawkens, you make me happy.”

Hawke’s stomach dipped. No one had ever said those words to him before. Spending most of his life going from one foster home to another, he’d longed for a family to say those words. He’d been passed around from one home to another before he was twelve. By then no one wanted older kids, but the foster parents he had from fourteen to eighteen had given him everything he missed. Former military themselves, they adopted him so he could join the service. Having Kinley say something like you make me happy threw an entirely different context to everything else he had lived. She was tough as nails, called it as she saw it, didn’t back down when it got tough. She was unlike anyone he had ever encountered and somehow, if he didn’t fuck it up, he might have a minute to find his own happy.

“You’re smiling, Zane.”

“An odd concept, but yes.” No one had ever really got him before except Gunner and his military buddies, in a different way. His unpredictable journey led him here along the side of a woman who set his life ablaze. But how would she ever fit into his life? She was his ward. It was too dangerous. One slight misstep could change everything. His smile faded.

She leaned forward and gave him an inquisitive look. “You’re too quiet and have that look on your face again.” She raised a brow. “Don’t you dare shut down on me again.”

He released his hand from hers and shifted in his seat. “I’m not. I’m driving.” How does she do that? “Always the district attorney, hey? I’ll admit you’re good at seeing through people.”

“Told you it’s my superpower.” She sat back and fiddled with her fingers.

“Who’s shutting down now?” He gave her knee a squeeze. “What’s going on between us is complex.”

“Only if you make it that way by overanalyzing.”

“Thinking my way in and out of situations is my jam. I take pride in it.”

“From what I’ve seen, you excel, but you might plunge overboard thinking about why we won’t work instead of why we will.”

He let out a sigh. “You’re right. I’ll give you that. It’s me being me.”

“I like who you are and wouldn’t want to change you, but please give me a chance before you discard me for what you think will happen. Please.” She steepled her hands and gave him a look that could undo him.

God, he craved her like she was the air he needed in his lungs. He reached across the space and caressed her cheek with the palm of his hand. “You’re incredibly beautiful. I’m honored, I’m the one who gets to take care of you.” He was awestruck. “Gorgeous. I read you too. You’re turning red because somewhere under your tough exterior, is a little shy girl who blushes when someone she cares about compliments her.”

She held his hand and kissed it. “Thank you.”

“For what? Telling the truth? I see you, Kinley Lincoln.”

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