I jerked awake with a gasp, my mind and heart racing as my body struggled to function. It was dark, and I was cold, and…lifting my hand, I stared at the smudge on my palm and tried to make sense of my surroundings. Dirt. I was lying in the dirt.
Pushing myself up onto all fours I looked around and didn’t understand any of what I was seeing. It was as if I’d been dropped in the middle of a forest. Large trees were standing thick and tall all around me, with very little moonlight breaking through the canopy. A twig snapped, and I flinched from the noise, but nothing else moved. I needed to get the hell out of here…wherever here was.
It was a herculean effort, but I managed to get myself upright and then swayed on my heels. This morning, they were sexy when I was with Branson, now I wished I’d never worn them. The question was which way to go. Nothing looked like a clear path, and it was pitch dark. Swallowing hard, I took one step and froze.
“Hello, Pumpkin.” The Horseman moved out from behind a large tree, his mask glowing brightly. He took a step in my direction, and I took one back but stumbled and almost fell on my ass as my heel sunk into the dirt. He snickered as he crossed his arms, showing off the massive knife in his hand.
“So this is it? You’re going to kill me now?”
He laughed, and the sound was twice as eerie, not being able to see his face. “No, not yet. First, you need to run.” He bent over and grabbed a small bag I hadn’t noticed and tossed it at my feet. “I’m even going to be generous and let you change your shoes. Not that it will make a difference, but it will give you the illusion of a chance.”
Keeping my eyes on him, I reached for the bag and felt around before opening it to make sure there wasn’t something like a snake inside.
“What did you do to my friend?”
“Brianna is perfectly safe, and not a single hair on her pretty head has been harmed. If she remains that way totally depends on you.”
“What the hell do you want from me?” Opening the bag, I looked inside and my sneakers were the only thing in there.
“You’ll find out soon enough. Put the running shoes on, Pumpkin. Time is ticking on your friend.”
Removing my white lab coat, I tossed it down on the ground and stood on it. My heels were set aside, and I managed to pull out the sneakers without having a full-blown panic attack.
“How are you killing everyone,” I asked, trying to keep my mind busy and on something I understood. His reasons would probably never make sense to me, but how…I lived for the how.
“You’ll find out soon enough,” he said again, and I pictured him smirking under the mask.
“You don’t have to do this,” I said, pulling on the second shoe and tying the laces tight.
“I know, Pumpkin. It’s not a matter of having to do anything. I want to do this. I’ve planned this for a very, very long time,” he said and shrugged, showing off his wide shoulders. If he wasn’t planning on killing me and hadn’t killed so many other people—including people both Branson and I cared about—this would be strangely hot. A much younger version of me would’ve loved this insane man and the fact that he wanted to hunt me through a forest. The adrenaline racing through my veins and an ending that would be addicting and tantalizing to the dark and rebellious nature of my youth.
But I was grown up, and this was not a game. This man was holding my good friend and colleague hostage and planned on removing both our heads. I needed to be smart, and I needed an escape, but I had no idea where he was keeping Brianna. Even if I managed to slip away from him right now, it would mean certain death for her.
I tossed the bag down on the ground, my thin blouse blowing with the breeze. “Tell me one thing.”
He cocked his head to the side as if analyzing me. “I will answer your question if I can.”
Guess that would have to do. “How do I get you to let Brianna go?”
“Not worried about yourself?” He stepped closer, but this time, I didn’t back away and stared into the glowing red eyes of the mask. “Interesting. Far braver than anyone else I’ve taken. Most plead for their lives and offer everything under the sun, or they simply give up. Both are boring. I knew you’d be different.”
“I don’t want your compliments. Just tell me how I ensure she lives,” I said.
“All you need to do is please me.”
“What does that mean?”
“For now, it means run. Fucking run for me, Pumpkin, make me work for it.” He laughed, and it startled an owl in a nearby tree as a bone-deep terror filled me. I didn’t ask any more questions. He was clearly insane.
Turning around, I took off in a sprint toward a narrow path that looked like something deer would use. As soon as I crested into the thicker trees, I could hardly see the next stride in front of me. Branches and leaves brushed my arms, and I had to slow at the last moment to make sure I didn’t trip over the thick roots.
Even though my mind screamed not to look behind me, the fear and curiosity were far too great, and I dared to glance back. There was no glowing mask chasing me, and that terrified me more. He was dressed in all black and holding a knife that could gut me with one swipe, and now I had no clue where he was. I was passing a wide tree and at the last minute, darted behind it and squatted down to listen. Nothing. Nothing moved. Nothing made a noise other than the leaves rustling above me. The wind picked up, and my hair blew around my neck, startling me. I took a deep breath, happy that I didn’t scream and give my position away.
My lungs were already feeling the strain. It wasn’t that I was out of shape, but running was not my thing. I’d never been an outdoors person. A walk through the park with friends or on a date, sure, but otherwise, I was more of a yoga, rumba or even a CrossFit class type.
There was a reason I didn’t want to buy the family farm from my parents. I loved being close to town and appreciating nature from a distance. Now, I was really wishing I’d gone camping more with my step dad when he wanted to take me. The little bit of knowledge I’d picked up was not enough to keep me alive in the middle of nowhere and out of the clutches of a serial killer.
Something crawled across my hand, and I smacked at it and jumped up. Okay, bugs I couldn’t see were also something I didn’t love. Please me . His words rang in my head. What the hell did that mean? Focus, Izzy, one riddle at a time.
If I kept running the way he saw me go, then it would be obvious and easy to track me, but if I backtracked, then I could take the wider path I’d originally been heading toward.
He was blocking it, which means he doesn’t want me to go that way…right? Maybe?
It seemed like a solid plan, and I peeked around my hiding place and still didn’t see or hear anyone coming. How did someone so large manage to move so silently? Daring to step out, I stayed as low as I could and tried not to rustle the leaves as I jogged back the way I’d just come. Just before pushing out into the area where I’d woken up, I stopped and listened again, but there was still nothing. What kind of game was this?
The not knowing was terrifying me more, and when I heard something move behind me, that was all I could take. Racing out into the small clearing, I noticed that my lab coat, bag, and heels were gone. Another burst of adrenaline and fear circled my system. He didn’t want any evidence that I’d been here.
Arms and legs pumping as hard as I could, I ran for my target. A shiver lanced right down my spine as I passed the tree he’d stepped out from behind before. I couldn’t help looking back. There was a brief moment of relief before something moved, and the mask turned on. Jesus. He’d anticipated me coming back. How?
That same evil laugh reached me, and I’d never run so hard in my life as the floating Jack-o-lantern now chased after me. Every time I looked back, he was a little closer, and a bubble of terror welled up and got lodged in my throat. Tears stun my eyes.
“That’s it, Pumpkin, keep running. Make me work for it.”
My legs were starting to slow even though my brain was yelling to keep going. Rounding a bend, I could see an opening ahead. There was a single light illuminating a wooden walking bridge. Glancing back, he was still coming, the mask the only thing you could see of him moving.
Looking forward, I screamed as a massive black horse with a headless rider reared at the narrow, covered bridge. They seemed to shimmer in front of me. My pace slowed, and I blinked over and over, trying to rid what I knew in my mind had to be fake, and yet…I couldn’t see through it.
The horse neighed, and it sounded like it was coming straight from hell. The rider held a carved glowing pumpkin under his arm and pointed at me as the horse landed on all four hooves. The terrifying animal pawed the ground, and I could hear the scraping sound, but as they turned and ran at me, my feet skidded to a halt.
“This can’t be real,” I said, but I could feel the vibrations…couldn’t I? Forgetting all about the killer behind me, I turned to bolt back up the trail but yelled as I was lifted off the ground and crushed against a hard body. “Let go it’s coming!”
“I know, I created him,” the guy who had me said. I didn’t even know who to call the Horseman now. He held me firm, the two of us standing in the middle of the path. I closed my eyes as the giant horse and rider closed in. His arm rose, and the pumpkin in his hand turned into a fireball. I squirmed hard in my captor’s hold to get away, but suddenly the apparition disappeared. My heart pounded like a rabbit in my chest, and I wanted to run away just the same.
“What the hell was that? What did you put in that gas?”
“What’s real? What’s fake? What does it matter,” he said, mocking me as he stepped off the trail and pushed me up against a tree. My cheek was pressed against the rough bark, my feet still off the ground as my mind tried to comprehend what the hell was going on. Could this all be a bad nightmare? Did I hit my head? I’d felt things in dreams before. Could I be in a coma of my own terror?
“I feel you thinking, Pumpkin. I assure you that this is very real. I am real,” he said, pressing his body firmly against mine.
“I’m going to kill you,” I growled, and he laughed, the sound rumbling in his chest and vibrating.
He pressed his hips into me, and there was no mistaking the feel of his hard cock rubbing against my ass. “No, I don’t think you will. In fact, I can guarantee you that you’re not only going to hand your body, your soul, and your sanity over to me willingly but that I’m going to call on all your darkest desires. The things you’ve tried to hide from the world but secretly crave.”
“You’re insane,” I hissed and then shivered as the cool blade of his knife touched my neck.
“Am I?” He rubbed his cock back and forth across my ass. I was horrified and wanted to curse my body as it responded to him, and I fought the urge to push into him harder.
“Yes, you are. I would never willingly be with someone who killed people for sport.”
“Who says it was for sport?” That gave me pause. I’d always assumed this was a sick game, but if it wasn’t, then why was he doing it? “I wanted to get your attention, but you kept fucking all the wrong people.” Jesus…did I know who he was? “Look what I’m willing to do for you to see me and not look right through me.” The mask glowed and reflected off the old tree. His hand skimmed down my body, and I shivered as he grabbed my hip. “I’m going to have so much fun making you scream.”
“But I don’t know who you are,” I said, and he growled, the mechanical sound worse right beside my ear.
“Exactly, but you will.” He pushed himself away from me, and I slowly turned around to face him. My eyes darted along either direction of the path, looking for the horse and rider.
He pointed in the direction of the bridge. “You’re mine. You always have been. You just didn’t see it.” Every person I knew all the way back to middle school flashed through my mind, and no one, not a single face, stood out as someone who wanted me. “Run, Pumpkin, and this time, I want to hear you scream.”
“I’m not doing this again,” I said stubbornly. “Tell me what you want.” He moved so fast that I could only suck in a breath before my back was pressed up against the tree with the knife to my throat. The blade cut in, and I sucked in a deep breath, sure that this was the end and I’d pushed him too far. I whimpered as he fisted my hair and yanked my head to the side.
“Keep your eyes closed, or I slit your throat right now. You already know I can and will do it.”
His personality seemed all over the place. I couldn’t pin it and it made him extremely dangerous. More so than what I ever thought possible. The warmth from his tongue touched my neck, and I shivered and held back the urge to look to see who it was. He teased the side of my neck and then licked a line all the way up the cut he’d made before sucking on the spot.
“Fuck you taste so good.”
A gut reaction sent my knee up to nail him in the crotch, but instead of my target, I hit something hard. Pain and numbness radiated down my leg. If he hadn’t been hanging onto my hair, I would’ve crumbled. It hurt so bad, and tears stung my eyes.
“I had a feeling you might try something stupid like that. How do you like my metal jock strap?”
“Asshole,” I said through clenched teeth.
“Now, now, Pumpkin, let’s not be like that.” Releasing me, he took a step back, and I grabbed my aching knee and rubbed at the spot I knew would be sore for days. “You will run for me, or it won’t just be your friend that I kill.” I glanced up at his masked face and could almost picture a sadistic grin that matched his mask. “You’ve already seen the lengths I’ll go. Why not your sweet parents, or how about your precious Branson,” he snarled, the hate palpable.
“Don’t you dare hurt them,” I said.
“Then don’t give me a reason to. Do as you’re told. Run. Scream. And when I catch you, and I will catch you, I’m going to fuck you.”
I licked my lips, and my hand went to my throat as he pointed with the massive knife toward the bridge. There was no point in arguing with him. I sprinted away down the path, and when I looked back, the mask was gone, and I could no longer see him standing on the trail.
My lungs hurt, and my legs shook as I ran over the wooden bridge, my feet echoing. I kept my eyes peeled for the other horseman to appear, but he never did. All I could hear was my breathing huffing out in time with my strides. The canopy was thicker here, and I had to slow down, which increased the panic of being caught.
I hated to admit it, but he was partially right. There was something thrilling in the unknown, and the terror-induced adrenaline running through my body. Rustling in the trees caused me to trip over my own feet as I jumped to the side and landed face-first on the trail. Breathing hard I searched the forest and screamed as two eyes stared back at me through the trees. I couldn’t see what it was, but I bolted upright and took off again.
“That’s it, scream for me, Pumpkin.” I could hear him now. He was running somewhere beside me, and with each twig that snapped and leaves that moved, my fear and anticipation spiraled higher. The two sensations danced together, and I hated myself for not leaving this part of me behind when I graduated high school. I was a professional and in a new relationship with the person I’d always wanted, and yet…there was something about this insanity that called to me.
Bursting out of the thicker trees, I took one step into the small valley and let out a blood-curdling scream as I was tackled from behind. The two of us went down in a heap, and all the air was pushed out of my lungs on impact. He roughly flipped me, his face looming over mine as he held my hands above my head. I sucked in a ragged breath, the thumping of my heart loud in my ears.
“You liked that, didn’t you, Pumpkin?”
“No,” I said.
“Liar. You were made for me, and I’m going to prove it to you.” Keeping me easily pinned even as I thrashed around, he undid the button and zipper on my pants.
“I don’t want you to touch me,” I growled, trying to yank my hips away from him.
“Is that so? That’s not what you said in your diary with the kitty cover. Page eighty-two, ‘ I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I keep having the same dream. I’m running through the forest, and a masked man is chasing me. When he catches me he does all sorts of things to me .’ Would you like me to go on?”
My mouth dropped as I stared at the mask with a renewed sense of horror. “I threw all my old diaries away. How do you know that?”
“I’ve already told you. It’s always been you.” The distraction was all he needed to slide his hand down my pants and into my panties.
“Stop,” I growled as his finger circled my clit. His hand surprisingly stopped, which shocked me, but there was a thread of disappointment that I pushed aside.
“You have to decide what is more important to you.”
“You mean I have to choose between the death of those I love or being raped?”
“No, you have to choose between the death of those you love or continue to cling to this version of yourself. The one that is a cover for who you really are and what you really want. Look around you. There is no one here to see you, no one to hear you scream but me. I’m offering you every depraved fantasy you’ve ever dreamed of. Is that really a hardship for the lives of those you care about?”
I ground my teeth, the wheels spinning as I tried to think of a way out of this, and yet my body had already decided for me. To save them, I would do anything, and he not only knew that, but he was using my own words against me. Words I’d thrown away and thought I’d never see or hear again.
My back arched off the ground as he continued to tease me. His finger flicked softly back and forth until I was panting.
“Say the words, Pumpkin. Hand yourself over, and I guarantee that there will be no more killing.” My hips pressed up into his hand, demanding more.
“This seems very extreme for one night of sex with me,” I said and then moaned as a little bit more of my resistance slipped.
“I have my reasons. Stop denying yourself what you crave. Be my naughty girl, Pumpkin, and I’ll fulfill every one of your fantasies.” One finger pushed into me, and I shuddered and absurdly spread my legs wider.
“And no more killing,” I asked, trying to hang on to my sanity, which was quickly vanishing.
“I give you my word.”
I had no idea what that was worth, but it would have to do. “Then, yes. Yes, I hand myself over to you,” I said and cried out as he added a second and third finger.
“So wet, I can’t wait to fuck this pussy,” he said, rubbing himself against my leg. “Feel how fucking hard I am for you?” I moaned, my eyes fluttering closed. “That’s it, scream for me. Scream and come on my fingers.” He pumped faster and I could feel the wave coming, and just when I was about to explode, he stopped moving.
I wiggled my hips and whimpered as my body demanded the release he’d started. Every part of my body was tingling. “Please,” I begged when he continued to hold still. Opening my eyes, I looked at him and I didn’t even care about the creepy glowing mask. “Please,” I begged again, but he removed his hand from my pants.
“Soon, Pumpkin, but not yet,” he said, wrapping his hand around my throat. He began to squeeze, and I gasped, trying to get air in. “Don’t fight it. It only hurts when you fight. Give yourself to me.”
I still couldn’t move my arms. He was incredibly strong, but even so, I didn’t try. My brain fought the lack of air, but as I stared into the unknown face of the Horseman, all was calm in my body. Everything started to darken, and then there was nothing.