My eyes were heavy, and I just wanted to go back to sleep curled up beside Branson. Work could wait five more minutes. I sighed and tugged on my arm, but it wouldn’t move. That was strange. Blinking a few more times, I tried to see why I was stuck, but it was too dark. Maybe the blanket was wrapped around me. Giving my arm another pull, something sharp bit into my wrist, and I jumped. The pain pushed away the last bit of sleep as the nightmare I’d been thrust into came racing back. I couldn’t move and something was covering my eyes.
“I wouldn’t try to struggle, Pumpkin. You’ll only hurt yourself.” The mechanical voice sent a fresh wave of adrenaline storming through my system. From one heartbeat to the next, it all came back to me. I wasn’t in bed curled up with Branson. The Horseman had taken and chased me through the woods, and now...
A few things became very clear very quickly. It was dark. Not pitch black like it had been in the forest, but there was a single light shining through the material on my face and chasing away bits of darkness while leaving the rest of where I was a mystery. I was in a very strange position that felt like the downward dog pose in yoga, but my hands weren’t touching the ground. My stomach was pressed into something soft, keeping me on my feet while my hands and head were stuck inside a contraption that made me feel like I was a cat that had put my head through bars and couldn’t get it back out. But the most glaring issue was that I was completely naked. I didn’t know what I should be more horrified about at this point. Sucking in a ragged breath, I tried to calm the steadily increasing frantic beat of my heart.
“Where am I?”
What sounded like chains and muffled yelling came from behind me, and I tried to turn and look even though I knew it was a futile effort.
“You are on your family farm,” the Horseman said, and I swallowed the instant terror. I loved my parents. We were the ‘call every couple days’ and ‘meet up every other weekend for dinner’ type of family, and it had always been that way. Even though he’d mentioned everyone I loved, I didn’t expect him to be this diabolical.
“You better not have hurt my parents,” I said and jerked on my arm, instantly regretting it as something sharp pressed into my wrist.
“For now, they are perfectly safe, and you know how to keep them that way.” I jumped as his hand ran over my exposed ass. “To start, we’re going to play a little game. I’m going to ask you a question, and for every answer that I don’t think you’re being truthful, you’ll be punished. But, for every honest answer, you’ll be rewarded.” I didn’t know what he meant, and at this point, it didn’t matter. Sucking in a deep breath, I tried to remove the last of my moral shackles and embrace his insanity despite being physically tied up.
“Okay…let’s play.” His hand was hot on my ass as it rubbed over my skin like he was lulling me into his web. Maybe he was. Who knew at this point? Maybe he was right, and I always had been and only thought I was free.
“To start with let’s give you a demonstration of what will happen if you behave like the naughty girl I know you can be or if you’re bad and try to be the perfect good girl.” I was already confused, and we hadn’t even begun. I shivered as a humming filled the air. Not being able to see was enhancing all my other senses, and the moment he touched what I figured to be a vibrator to my ass, I almost screamed. He moved it around between my crack and over my pussy lips before finally resting on my clit.
My knees weakened as the vibration traveled through the most sensitive part of my body and spread warmth in every direction. I relaxed as he rubbed it in small circles and moaned as the remnants of my earlier climax that I was denied came back with a vengeance.
“Look at you already glistening wet for me.” I knew he wasn’t lying, and there was no point denying so I kept my mouth shut. “Are you more than a naughty girl? Are you my slut?” Normally, the use of that word would’ve had my back up, and I’d be ready for a fight, but for whatever reason, coming from him, it sounded dirty in the best way possible. He was once more holding open a door for me to step through into a night filled with old desires without any guilt…at least no guilt at the moment. I had no idea about tomorrow or the next day. The vibrator turned off, and the urge to hit him as my body raged for the release was strong.
“This is what happens when you lie.” His hand connected with my ass, and my whole body jerked. I sucked in a sharp hiss as both my wrists and ankles felt like they were stabbed by little needles. Blood dripped down my hands and over my feet. “First question, this is an easy one. Do you love Branson?”
I wasn’t sure what I’d been expecting, but that wasn’t it. “Tick tock. A delay in answering will be viewed the same as lying.”
Licking my lips, I took the plunge at being honest. “Yes. Yes, I love him.” The vibrator turned on.
“And would you do anything to keep him alive?”
“Yes. I would do anything.” He ran it over my ass, and I swayed back and forth.
“Were you sad about Christian dying?”
“You’re doing well with the easy questions,” he said, and I moaned loudly as he teased my clit before pushing just the tip into me. Each passing second brought me to a new level of desperation that was turning me into the wanton whore he wanted. He stopped again just short of a climax, and I growled in frustration, making him laugh.
I could hear him walking around to my head, and with a tug, whatever had been covering my eyes was removed. Blinking, I stared down at the wood boards and knew that I was in the barn. I’d assumed from the sweet straw smell, but as my eyes bounced around, taking it all in, I inevitably ended up staring at the boots of the Horseman. He slowly squatted down and tapped the wooden pillory that my hands and head were through. It was attached to two posts, holding it in place, which explained why I couldn’t figure out what it was.
“How do you like my custom work? I made this myself.”
“Aren’t you crafty,” I blurted out, and his head fell back as he laughed.
“This is why we are meant to be together. I’m not sure I could find anyone who wouldn’t be screaming, crying, and begging for their life by this point.” He twirled his knife in his hand and grazed it down my cheek. “Especially after you know what I can do.”
“Do you want me to cry? Is that part of your fantasy?”
“If you cry, it’ll be because I’ve earned the tears, Pumpkin. I don’t need you to fake them for me. Just like I don’t need you to fake an orgasm like you did with Christian.” I glared at him. “Do you deny it?”
I hated to speak ill of the dead, but my hesitation cost me as his hand smacked my breast. The sting was instant, and my already hard nipple throbbed. I glared at him a little longer, and he smacked the other one. I didn’t know if this punishment was doing what he wanted it to. Not waiting to see if I’d answer, he pinched both my aching nipples and twisted.
“Oh fuck,” I yelled, but there was no denying the lust that was in my tone. My pussy throbbed in time to him squeezing and tugging on the sensitive skin.
“Well now, Pumpkin, I thought I knew everything there is to know about you, but it looks like even I have something to learn.”
He didn’t let up and became relentless, smacking each breast before teasing my nipples. A breeze alone would’ve made them throb at this point. The vibrator turned on, and I bit my lip, trying to hold back the scream as he circled my nipple and then teased my clit, a circuit of endless torture.
“You going to come for me? Get that pussy of yours soaking wet for my cock?” The orgasm was right there, just out of reach. I felt like one of the desperate animals in a pet store scratching at the glass, hoping someone would save them. “Do you want me to fuck your pussy hard? Make you squirt all over my hard cock like a depraved little slut?”
“Yes,” I yelled, yanking on the wooden restraint, not caring about the cuts to my arms and the blood that now painted my fingers red.
“Yes, what?”
There was no way to know for certain what he wanted me to say, and my mind was too juiced up on lust running through my veins and the aching between my legs that had my body on fire.
“Yes, please fuck me!”
“Not good enough. Keep going.”
I screamed and tugged on all my restraints as the need twisted into a wild rage. The mechanical chuckle made me wish I had a gun so I could kill him and fuck him at the same time.
“There she is,” he said as he got close to my face, taunting me. He shut the vibrator off and sat there watching me writhe like a fish on his hook. “I said keep going.”
“Fuck you,” I growled out instead, my chest heaving and sweat dripping in my eyes. I watched him stand, and I moaned as he grabbed my ass, welcoming anything, including another smack. Instead, he pulled on my hip, and to my surprise, the thing I was standing on turned. It felt like I was poised on a rotating dessert tray.
I sucked in a gasp as I faced what I hadn’t been able to see behind me a few minutes ago. My step dad was tied to a chair in a far corner of the barn, with a blindfold on, silver tape over his mouth, and large noise-canceling earphones on his head. My mother was adorned with all the same headgear but strapped to an inversion table. What was truly horrifying was finally understanding how he cut the heads off his victims so easily. The inversion table was designed to flip back, and her head would end up right underneath a fucking guillotine. The blade was so sharp I could see the perfect edge and the glimmer of the metal waiting to strike.
As if all of that wasn’t bad enough, Brianna was naked except for her underwear and suspended from the rafters about six feet off the floor by silver hooks. There were dozens of them lining her body, and they all pulled at her skin, holding her in place. Brianna’s head was hanging down, with her hair covering her face, but I could see her breathing. Suspended right beside her was Branson. My heart sped up at the sight of him. He was hanging by leather cuffs that held his arms over his head while his toes just touched the floor. He was the only one not wearing a blindfold or sound-canceling earphones.
My eyes locked with his, and I quickly looked away as shame and carnal need twisted in my gut and only accentuated my burning desire. What the hell was wrong with me?
“Don’t look away. Branson is enjoying the show. In fact, he’s been waiting patiently for this day.” I looked up at the Horseman as he walked toward Branson with the knife in his hand. “Your toy cock here likes to watch. He’s a naughty one.”
“You promised you wouldn’t hurt him,” I said.
“I’ve kept my promise. As you can see, he’s perfectly fine. Not a mark on him. They all are. Even your friend Brianna, who at the moment is in her own little world of ecstasy.” I glanced at her and couldn’t understand how that could be true, but the soft moan that left her lips a few moments later confirmed what he said. “In case you’re wondering, she is stuffed full of Ben Wa balls, a vibrator on a timer, and anal beads.”
I hated myself for the flash of jealousy. Not only had he touched her to get all of that inserted, but the hooks were an advanced skill and one that took practice and care to make sure they didn’t tear or cause damage. She’d obviously been having an unknown amount of orgasms and was hanging there in a pleasure daze while my body was ready to burn up.
“I see the green sparking in your eyes, Pumpkin. Don’t worry. I’ll be coming back to you in just a second.”
Branson’s eyes were murderous as he stared at the Horseman, who was casually twirling his knife. I sucked in a breath and held it as he cut off Branson’s leather belt and then easily sliced his jeans, making Branson cringe. Grabbing the sides, he ripped the material, and it fell open in two large flaps to show off exactly how turned on Branson was watching me. His cock bounced in the air, the tip wet with precum, and my pussy clenched with need despite the insanity.
The Horseman walked over to a table and picked up a device I’d never seen before. It didn’t look like a threat or painful, but I couldn’t be certain. He held it up for me to see before blocking my view of Branson. Whatever he was doing was making Branson yell behind his gag. I couldn’t understand a single word. When he stepped out of the way, the device had been slipped onto Branson’s cock, and there was a piece that seemed to be wrapping around behind his balls.
“What is that for?”
“This will only provide pleasure…unless you lie.” He squatted in front of me and grabbed my chin. “I suggest you not lie, or your walking cock will be in extreme pain. Push me too much, and I will add him to my headless list.” I swallowed the bile that wanted to rise as I stared into the red glowing circles of the mask’s eyes. “I’m going to fuck you now, but I’m not just going to fuck you. I’m going to fill you all night long, and Branson gets to watch as I breed what he thinks is his.” My eyes went wide, a new desire and horror rising at the same time.
“Oh, are you thinking that tonight was random? No, Pumpkin. I’ve been planning this for some time. I know you’re not on anything. You haven’t been since Christian. I also know your cycle and that you’re primed and ready to ovulate and were looking into ordering semen from a donor because you wanted kids and Christian never did.” He snorted out a disgusted sound. “Like I was ever fucking allowing that to happen.”
“Who the hell are you,” I asked, needing to know who was so close to me for so long that I never noticed.
“Stop trying to rush the surprise. You’ll find out soon enough. It’s always been you, and soon, I’m going to make sure that you’re filled with a piece of me. That way, you’ll remember me forever.”
My body trembled as the weight of what he meant sank in. He was going to get me pregnant. That was his goal. He knew I’d never have him willingly, so he’d set up this entire, elaborate situation, including killing multiple people, just to impregnate me. He was right off the deep end of the crazy pool and was happily doing laps there.
“What if I don’t want your child?” The Horseman held up a small black device and pressed a red button. Instantly, Branson thrashed in his bindings as his muffled screams had my heart racing. “Okay, stop. Stop hurting him.”
“I don’t know why you wouldn’t want my child.” I could think of a dozen reasons but kept my mouth shut. “I have all the attributes you checked off on the submission form.” I narrowed my eyes into a glare. How the hell did he know all this stuff? I hadn’t even told my parents about looking into artificial insemination.
He walked back over to the table and picked up something that was straight out of medieval times. It was leather and covered in what looked like silver spikes that had been rounded off so they no longer had a sharp point. I tried to follow what he was doing as he disappeared behind me.
“I’m tall, strong, highly intelligent, with no family history of major diseases like cancer. I’m the perfect specimen to father a child.”
And you’re also as crazy as a bag of hammers. I really wanted to say that out loud, but I glanced at Branson. His face was still showing the lingering signs from the device, so I said nothing. I jerked and then couldn’t stop the moan as suddenly the Horseman’s cock began tracing a line from my rosebud all the way to my clit and back again. My body didn’t care about who he was, it only wanted one thing.
“Fuck you’re so incredibly wet.” He smacked his cock against my pussy, and the throbbing between my legs got worse. I snarled when he stopped touching me. My calm was slipping with each passing second. “Were you happy that Betsy died?”
“Stop with the questions and just fuck me already,” I growled at him like an animal and was happy my parents were wearing noise canceling earphones and blindfolds.
“Answer the question, Pumpkin. Don’t make me hurt someone.”
I glanced up at Branson, who was staring at me. “Yes, I was happy,” I answered honestly.
“Such a naughty slut wishing death on your rival,” he said. I hadn’t wished death on Betsy, and I opened my mouth to correct him, but then he shoved his cock into me. He had to be wearing the thing I’d seen in his hand. My scream of pleasure and pain was loud as he stretched me wide with his massive cock.
I’d never felt anything so intense. Each of the metal balls rubbed and pushed me to the peak of my orgasm before he was even fully inside of me.
“Fuck you’re tight, Pumpkin. Your hot little pussy was made for me,” he said as he bottomed out, and tears ran down my face from the extreme sensations taking control. He smacked my ass, and I moaned. There was no holding back the orgasm as he pulled out slowly before pushing in again and hitting every sensitive spot in a single thrust.
“Ah!” I stared at Branson’s still-hard cock as I came, my mouth watering as my body was finally given what it had been dying for, like letting off steam on a pot about to explode. The Horseman’s hands rubbed my ass as my orgasm continued to grip me. Wetness dripped down my legs from the powerful release.
“So perfect.” He held my hips and began fucking me hard, making me scream for a whole new reason. Everything felt too intense now, and my body wanted to leap away from the powerful thrusts that were slamming me into the padded bench. “Oh fuck, yeah…God, I have waited so long to do this. How many loads of my come do you think you can hold, Pumpkin,” he asked, his voice deeper and husky even with the mechanical device distorting it. I couldn’t answer. I could hardly breathe as he fucked me harder and harder. He was forcing another climax to rise like he was reaching into my body and yanking it out by hand.
I watched Branson’s cock bounce in perfect time to the Horseman’s thrusts like it was him fucking me, and my pussy squeezed tight. I glanced at his face, but he was watching the Horseman fuck me like I was one of the animals.
“You ready for my first load, Pumpkin? You ready for me to breed this sweet pussy?”
My climax was so close to the surface again, and I felt more desperate than I did the first time to reach the sweet abyss. He smacked my ass, and I yelled in pleasure, the sting going straight to my throbbing clit.
“That’s it, that’s my naughty girl, come for me. Come on my cock.” Slap. His hand made me shudder. Slap. “Do it. I need to feel this pussy claim my cock. Tell me you want me to fill you with my come.”
“Yes! Come, please come,” I yelled and just started to crest the final peak when Branson jerked in his bindings and came. He was just close enough that the first jet of his release landed on my cheek. I watched him writhe in pleasure as his cock continued to unload, leaving a trail on the floor that pointed to me. That was it. That was all it took to push me over. I thought I was going to black out as I squirted for the first time in my life.
“Oh fuck me, that’s incredible,” the Horseman groaned, his fingers tightened on my hips as he pumped into me harder and faster. A scream lodged in my throat as he thrust in deep and held still. I could feel his cock jerking, which set my body off all over again. By the time his cock stopped releasing inside of me, I was reduced to simpering and incoherent words. I was slumped on the bench thing holding me in position, breathing hard and unable to form a single thought.
I mistakenly believed he would pull out now that we were done, but I was wrong. He was just getting started. “Fuck, that first one is so fucking good. My balls were ready to explode, Pumpkin. But don’t worry I can come again, and again, and again. I’m not like other guys. And I intend to keep my promise of having you pregnant before I set you free.”
There was no more fear, although there should’ve been. I should’ve been grossed out or at least thinking about the repercussions of carrying this man’s child, but there wasn’t a single part of me that wanted him to stop.
Licking my lips, I looked up at Branson, who was breathing hard and slumped, his head hung down, but his cock was just as hard as the Horseman’s. Impossibly my pussy twinged and started to beg for more.
I didn’t know what the hell he’d done to me, but something in my brain was officially broken.