Heartless Mercy (The Sinful Alliance #1) Mirrors by Justin Timberlake 37%
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Mirrors by Justin Timberlake

I can’t stop kissing and cuddling her in my arms. When she finally revealed why she resented me and my decisions all those years ago, I mentally kicked myself for letting her believe that I didn’t appreciate what she did for me.

Taking that bullet should’ve never been something she had to do, but she did it, anyway. Because Isabella is the most selfless, beautiful, and caring person I know. Just like I promised all those years ago, I will never let anyone or anything come close to harming her. And now that we have taken a step further in our intimacy, both physically and emotionally, I feel like I have my best friend back. I should’ve expressed my love and gratitude years ago when she returned to Shreveport for a job. She asked her brother and my second-in-command, Alessio, to see where I needed help. I should’ve known then that something was up, but I just chalked it up to her not wanting to ask me for anything when, instead, she felt a brewing disconnect in the relationship and friendship we had formed since we were children.

Though we’ve buried the hatchet, I’m not naive to think it is all better. I know, and I’ve seen, the darkness she has since taking that bullet. A calloused heart that she slowly has let Catalina chip away, but I know it’s not all gone. She may be sweet at times, but there are moments when I see her put on a facade, thinking that’s what we want to see from her. But she will learn to let it all out now that Dario and I are in the picture. We don’t want her to keep a false pretense around us. We’ll teach her that with us, she can be her true self; darkness and flaws be damned.

Isabella giggles in my arms as I rub my trimmed beard in the crock of her neck. I tighten my hold and squeeze her, not wanting to let her out of my arms.

“Stop it! It tickles, baby.”

“Oh, it tickles, huh?” I chuckle as Isabella squirms on my lap. “Well, it was about damn time.

“ Stavo iniziando a pensare che non ci avresti mai provato, ” Chiara says, interrupting our tickle fest and Isabella’s squirming.

“Oh, stai zitto . Well, we finally got over it, so be prepared to see more of us acting like horny teenagers because we have a lot to make up for,” Isabella chimes in. I look at her and raise my eyebrows.

“Is that so, farfallina ?” I ask.

“Oh, don’t act like we aren’t, tesoro . We’ve both wanted this for a long time.” Isabella winks at me and I’m a fucking goner. Damn, this beautiful fucking woman is now mine.

“It’s not like I haven’t seen anything before. You and Catalina. And you and Dario. I’m pretty sure I’m immune to it all,” Chiara interjects.

“Well, good. Because I love to put on a show and I’m sure you know I love it when people watch. Isn’t that right, baby?” Isabella rocks her hips in circles, pushing her ass further onto my hardening cock. Jesus fucking Christ. My dick is never going to go down if she keeps up with this shit.

“Yes, baby. But we need to stop for right now. We’re almost home and I have to meet your brother when we arrive. I really don’t want a fucking boner when you’re with me. He’ll kill me,” I plead.

“Baby, you’re the boss. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t dare.”

“I may be the boss, but as someone who has sisters, I wouldn’t like it if my best friend fucked my sister without talking to me about it first.”

“Fine. But we need to tell him as soon as we get off. I want to be able to kiss my man in front of whoever I want,” Isabella instructs as she leans in, giving me a chaste kiss, and returns to her seat.

“Okayyyy. So, we have ten minutes before we land. I’ll text Alessio to meet us on the tarmac,” Chiara remarks.

“ Non mi interessa cosa dice. Il capo vuole che la stanza sia riservata per las riunione di stasera. Fallo adesso! ” Alessio barks orders at someone over the phone and angrily pockets the phone. He looks up and smiles when he sees us walk down the plane’s stairs, and he catches my eye. Confused, he raises his eyebrow in concern and I realize my face might be showing something’s off.

“What’s wrong?” Alessio asks. Grabbing Isabella’s arms, he looks her up and down, inspecting her for any marks or signs of danger.

“What are you doing? I’m fine, Ale,” Isabella says, playfully swatting his chest and breaking away from his hold.

“What’s wrong, boss? I know that face and something is wrong. You’re nervous. Did something happen with the informant Catalina was trying to talk to?” Due to Catalina and Alessio’s command status, they have become very close along with Maeve’s second-in-command, October. Those three share intel with each other before they come to us and it’s something Maeve, Dario, and I have grown accustomed to. If sharing knowledge guarantees that it benefits all of us, then I don’t see a problem with it.

“No, it’s not that. She got information. That’s what we are going to talk about in tonight’s meeting. October and Maeve should be getting here soon, and Dario and Catalina should be here in time for tonight’s meeting. They’re securing two more individuals to come along as we speak.”

Walking towards the black Escalade, my hand hovers behind Isabella’s lower back. Chiara opens the backdoor, Isabella slides in, and I say, “Let me talk to your brother real quick, okay?”

Before I close the door, Isabella shoots her hand out and shakes her head. “What about? Work or?”

“Work. Give us five minutes.” She nods and closes the door as I turn to face Alessio.

“What the fuck was that?” he asks.

“First, I need to talk to you about something. Vieni qui .” Alessio indulges in my command and doesn’t press any further.

“We need to retaliate. I need you to think of a crew to help Maeve and Dario’s people. I trust you with this. You’ll know more about the plan tonight, but we’ll need them ready to execute it at a moment’s notice,” I instruct.

Alessio nods and says, “Got it, boss. Non ti deluderò. ”

“ So che non lo farai ,” I assure him.

“Now, are you going to tell me what just happened between you and my sister a while ago?” I smirk and tilt my head toward the SUV.

“Get in the car. We’ll talk with your sister present.” Alessio smiles and shakes his head. He opens the backseat, ushering me inside while Chiara finishes loading our luggage from the plane.

Alessio takes the passenger seat and radios two of my men in the SUV behind us to load up and follow us to the casino. Chiara closes the trunk, hops into the driver’s seat, and drives away from the tarmac.

“So, what’s up? I know something is going on between you two,” Alessio asks. Chiara snorts and smiles without removing her eyes from the road ahead.

“We finally got together. Catalina, Dario, Niccolo, and I opened our relationship to be one while still having individual relationships. We’re polyamorous,” Isabella starts. Alessio turns around in his seat and the look on his face surprises me.

“Well, it’s about time. Just don’t do shit in front of me. I do not want to see my best friend and sister get it on,” Alessio declares as he makes a gagging noise to emphasize his point.

“We will do whatever we please, Ale. Deal with it,” Isabella declares, sticking out her tongue like a child.

“I will not deal with it. I’ll fuckin—” Alessio starts.

“ Attento a cosa dici dopo, fratello. You will not harm her. Understand?” I order. Isabella grins wide, grabs my hand, and kisses my knuckles.

“ Ti amo, tesoro, ” she sings. I take her face in my hand and give her a chaste kiss on her lips.

“ Ti amo, anch’io, farfallina, ” I say, kissing her lips once more.

“Ugh, okay. I got it. Disgustoso ,” Alessio says, rolling his eyes and facing the front.

Isabella chuckles as she cuddles closer to me. I pull my phone from my coat pocket and open my and Dario’s text thread.

Closing our thread, I lean into Isabella and inhale her scent. She smells like sex and I love it. I can’t wait until we are all together to have a whole lot of fun.

Chiara arrives at the casino and drives through the hidden entrance, which only Maeve, Dario, and my crew know about. We come to a stop and exit the vehicle while Chiara and Alessio grab Isabella and I’s luggage. I intertwine Isabella and I’s hands and move toward the elevator. Alessio and Chiara join us, and I push the P button, leading to my private office. It’s time to get down to business.

Isabella and I had a couple of hours to spare, so we spent time getting to know each other’s bodies. She is a sinful little devil, and I think Catalina must have rubbed off on her just a little, because she loves to challenge my dominance. But after this, I’m sure she’s learned she won’t get away with that when it comes to me. Isabella went down to check on the casino when one of her managers texted her that there was an emergency. Dario texted that they were on their way about an hour ago, so they should be here soon.

“ Capo, Maeve è qui ,” Alessio announces. I look at my watch and see it’s barely 7:00 p.m. Well, she’s early. I motion for him to let her in and he nods to Matteo, another of my bodyguards, to allow her entry.

Maeve’s usual power-suit attire is lacking as she struts in with an emerald green dress with a slit that stops on her right upper thigh. Her auburn locks cascade in unkempt waves down her back. Her signature black Dr. Martens combat boots are the only thing showcasing her usual self.

October trails behind a striking Maeve and catches me staring. She scrunches her nose and clenches her jaw. Aww, it looks like Maeve’s hacker and second-in-command has a little crush on her boss. That would look interesting. Catching October’s attention, I smirk and lift an eyebrow. She rights herself and removes a laptop from her briefcase. Maeve sits opposite me with her legs crossed and ready to talk business.

“I trust your flight wasn’t too bad?” I ask.

“It was fine. Nothing to write home about,” Maeve answers. I nod as October gathers the tech to sweep for planted bugs. She extends her hand and I place my phone in her palm, knowing the drill. Alessio approaches her and hands his phone over as October places all our phones in her faraday case to block out all radio and cell signals.

“Okay, now that we’re secure, have you heard anything else from yours or Dario’s contacts?” Maeve asks.

“Mine haven’t heard anything, but I know Catalina was going to talk to another dealer after Isabella and I left this morning. I’m sure they’ll fill us in when they get here,” I answer.

“Dario says he has a meeting with him in El Paso two days from now. Let’s take that as an opportunity to strike,” Maeve suggests.

Nodding, I agree with her statement and say, “That sounds like the most ideal place. It needs to happen fast—he won’t expect it.”

There’s a knock on the door and Alessio opens it, revealing a crazed Catalina and a heated Dario. October extends her hand as Catalina and Dario give her their phones. After everything is secure, Maeve and I get up and sit at a nearby table along with Dario.

“So what’s the plan? My machete has been feeling a little lonely,” Catalina starts.

“First, let’s discuss who we want to put in charge if we want to eliminate him. The other three are just as bad. ” Maeve reminds us of one major thing we haven’t considered. If we kill Andrei, his son, Ilya, is going to be in charge. By then, we might as well be living the same kind of hell because he’s exactly like his father.

Fuck, we’re screwed.

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