Heartless Mercy (The Sinful Alliance #1) Una Foto Remix by Mesita, Nicki Nicole, & Tiago PZK Ft. Emilia 39%
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Una Foto Remix by Mesita, Nicki Nicole, & Tiago PZK Ft. Emilia

After finding out from another one of our other dealers that Andrei was working with the Albanians and cutting our product, I knew that we needed to devise a plan as soon as possible. I did have to hit the man a couple of times, but his dumbass took one look at my machete and decided to jump off his four-story work building. He knew what he was getting himself into when he decided to help Andrei by cutting the product for him.

We called up our local police contact, John Hayden, to check the status of the patient at the hospital. Yes, Willow’s father. She was in for the shock of her life when she found out he was in our pocket. She told us that motherfucker told her that he worked for us and scared her into thinking we would hurt her if she didn’t betray her oath and kill him for us. Talk about another fucking piece of shit. I swear, Sonny and Willow have the worst luck when it comes to fathers.

Convincing Willow to spend the weekend with us in Shreveport was not difficult. After being put on mandatory sick leave, she was all for a weekend vacation. However, getting Sonny on board was another story. But after Willow and Dario talked to him about letting go for once in his life, he was all for it. It also helped that Dario lightly touched his arm and whispered something in his ear that cemented that change up quickly.

Standing guard with Alessio, I’m amped up for a plan to put Andrei Sokolov and his sons in the ground. If I had my way, I would tie him and his sons up, strip them naked, chop their dicks off, and torture them slowly to make them regret ever crossing us. They call me a devil for a reason and I’m more than willing for them to find out just how psychotic I can be. I’m itching to be let off my leash and put my trusty machete to good use.

“First, let’s discuss who we want to put in charge if we want to eliminate him. The other three are just as bad,” Maeve starts. I smile, knowing who she wants to put in charge.

“Got an idea? I have a feeling I know who,” I say, smirking from the corner of the room as Alessio chuckles and bumps his arm against mine.

“Y’all know that Irina and I are together.” Maeve shifts in her seat and I see October do the same. Interesting. Is October finally letting her crush on Maeve be out in the open?

Niccolo and Dario nod as Maeve continues, “Well, I’ve been speaking with her and I think she could take over. She has the support of the bodyguards, especially Maxim, who is her main bodyguard. He has influence and I know Irina will not go against anything we decide together.”

“I support that decision. I know Irina will do an awesome job and you will be there to help her with anything,” Dario agrees.

“I feel the same way. So, now we need to get rid of four. That’s going to be a tough feat,” Niccolo interjects. I snort because nothing is too challenging for me or my guys; we’ll get the job done.

“ Calmate , diablita . I know you can handle it, but we need to think of it from all angles and not go hit him on his turf. He’ll see it coming from a mile away. So look, he’s coming with Ilya on Monday morning to talk about trading some guns for drugs. I say we finish the trade-off and ambush him. They won’t make it back on the plane. We can also have Irina keep watch of the other two,” Dario explains.

“I agree with that plan. They won’t have much backup, so taking them out will be easier, and we can deal with the other two after we take out Andrei and Ilya. However, I feel October, Catalina, and Alessio must be there. October can trace their location and Alessio can pull a sneak attack if all four of them are in play,” Niccolo declares. Maeve and Dario nod in agreement, and I perk up at the idea.

“And if a problem occurs? What’s plan B?” Alessio asks, looking around the room at our bosses’ faces.

“Plan B is we call for reinforcements. Marcello Barone from Las Vegas just formed a friendship with the new head of the Russians, Marfa. If it comes to it, we’ll band together to eliminate them for good,” Dario answers, his fingers tapping on the table, showing his anxiousness. Fuck, he needs a distraction before he spirals so far that nobody will reach him. He’ll dive into work and alienate those who love him. We need to wrap this up.

“Okay, so it’s a plan. Hopefully, after we ambush them and Irina keeps an eye on the other two, we can finally put this behind us. Andrei has been a nuisance since our fathers were in charge. It’s time he pays for his crimes,” Maeve growls, thoughts of her father on her mind. Andrei has tormented her and her father since it was made known she would take over. Maeve has been letting that hatred stew for too long, especially after Andrei was the cause of her father’s heart attack. Due to the alliance, we haven’t been able to do anything, but now that he’s crossed a line by manipulating Dario’s supply, his time of reckoning has come.

“Alright, it’s a plan. You three get the crews ready and prepared for Monday. For now,” Dario declares, pointing at October, Alessio, and I, “the three of us are going to head downstairs for some fun and keep an eye on the others.”

“We’ll arrange the crews. Here are your phones, we’ll be down after,” October interjects. Niccolo, Dario, and Maeve grab their phones as Alessio opens the door and informs the guards that they’re on their way down.

Alessio shuts the door and joins October and I at the table. Grabbing my phone from the Faraday case, I see that I have a couple of unread messages.

Two unread messages from “Princesa”

I enhance the photos and see Isabella kissing Willow while Sonny grabs onto their asses, looking straight at the camera. Fuckkkk. I’m so fucking wet. My girl knows just what to do to turn me on. Fuck, I better get out of here quickly because I need to show her that she’s not going to get away with that without some fun punishment.

“Alright, we need to get this shit going. My girl just sent me photos and I need to bounce,” I say while Alessio makes a gagging noise.

“That is disgusting. Please, do not talk about your sex life with my sister in front of me. Seriously, I told Niccolo the same thing.” I smile and swat at his chest, shaking my head for being dramatic.

“Alright, let’s talk about our girl October here and her little crush.” I smirk and Alessio chuckles while October stares us down like she wants to burn us at the stake.

“Fuck you both. You know she’s with Irina. She doesn’t see me that way,” October whispers.

“Hey, who knows? Maybe you can have a relationship with me, Isabella, Dario, and Niccolo. We’re all in with each other, and we’ve actually gotten to know Willow and Sonny a bit more. We might include them in our relationship going forward. So, it can work for you, too, Tober. You need to put yourself out there. Tell her how you feel because I caught a vibe between you both. I feel she definitely feels something for you, too,” I declare as Alessio nods in agreement.

“Yeah, I saw that, too. Go for it, and if it doesn’t work out, we got you. But damn, Cat, how do all of you do it? I’m happy for my sister and how she’s found all of you, but I don’t think I could do it. That’s so many people,” Alessio says.

“It takes work, but we make it work. We all have to be open and honest, and we have a rule that we talk about everything as a group first and foremost before opening the relationship or if it’s not working out. It’s all about communication, for sure,” I share.

“So, let’s talk about who we want to go and how much firepower we need,” Alessio interjects.

“I can put Alejandro, Camila, and about ten more guards. We have a lot of tools that can be suitable for war. How about y’all?” I ask.

“Chiara can be there and I think I can spare five more guards, besides myself. We need a couple here to watch over Isabella and the casino,” Alessio declares.

“I can send Cillian and about five guards, as well. Maeve and I will also be there, so we should be okay with that. I have some new prototypes of grenade launchers we can use and a couple of long guns with some scopes that will be perfect,” October says, giddy with the new toys she’s been making. I swear, she’s so happy when she makes all these badass weapons or anything technology-related. Our little nerd, for sure. “Sounds good. Let’s g—”

“Oh, fuck. Strap up. Andrei and Ilya are downstairs and starting trouble with your new friends. We need to go now because it looks like Niccolo wants to pop off,” Alessio states.

Oh, hell no. If that fucker wants to start shit, it will go down tonight. I’ll kill him with my bare hands and make him suffer for everything he’s done, if it’s the last thing I’ll do.

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