Every time I’m near Isabella, Willow, Sonny, Dario, and Niccolo, my heart beats faster and I long for their presence, always. This weekend was a whirlwind of beautiful memories, and while the night before wasn’t the best, my loves showed me just how much they loved me. I was needed and wanted by them; they made sure to worship me all night long and I couldn’t get enough.
I feel so drained. I came about ten times and definitely felt closer to all of them, especially to my Isabella. It hurt me to see that she was hurting because she thought I was mad at her. That couldn’t be further from the truth. She is one of the reasons I am still breathing. I’d do anything for her, and even if we fight, I’ll always love and care for her.
Alessio, Alejandro, and I are loading up our weapons from the bunker armory with various types of guns, grenades, brass knuckles, knives, spiked bats, and my trusty machete.
“I can’t wait for tonight. I’ve been dying to kill the fuck outta Andrei. Niccolo said that Maeve texted him, saying that she and October would meet us on the tarmac. They should be here in an hour and a half, so we better get moving,” Alessio announces. Alessio and his guards, along with mine, have been training and meshing well together. I’m hoping everything goes off without a hitch and we can end Andrei once and for all.
“Let me text Dario to hurry his ass. Niccolo is on the phone outside, so let me check in with him. Load the rest of the stuff up in the two SUVs and the other guards can trail us from a distance, so Andrei and his people don’t catch on,” I demand, sending a text to Dario and heading out of the bunker armory to the stables.
I walk through the lighted pathway and up the stairs to the stables and find Niccolo talking sweetly on the phone. I linger back so he doesn’t notice me so I can eavesdrop on his conversation. He better not be talking to some bitch or asshole, because I’ll kill them and chop his dick off for even thinking he could get away with that.
“I miss you, too, baby. I’ll see you tonight, so how about you stay up for me? I can’t wait to fill my cock deep in your pussy. Talk to you soon, amorina ,” Niccolo whispers. He hangs up the phone and I silently sneak up from the reinforced steel hatch.
“So, who was that bitch?” I shout, lunging at him and grabbing him by the neck. I place my machete on his throat, the sharpened, black blade causing blood to pool from the inflicted incision.
“You might want to put that down, little devil.”
“And why would I do that, Niccolo? We all just got together and you’re already cheating on us?” I state angrily.
“Baby, I’m not cheating on you. I was on the phone with Willow,” he announces. Fuck, I feel like a complete idiot and psycho. I immediately take my machete from his throat and slide it into the sheath attached to my boot.
“I—” I start as Niccolo raises his eyebrow, waiting for me to continue.
“Well, why are you so fucking secretive?”
“Oh, so that’s all you have to say? No, sorry?” he asks.
“Niccolo, you know I don’t say sorry. I can’t help but feel jealous. You’re mine and nobody but me, Sonny, Isabella, Willow, and Dario can have you,” I declare, grasping the back of his neck and licking the blood from his throat.
“You’re such a psychotic devil. But I love you so much, baby. I would never cheat on you or the others. I know you’d light me on fire, little devil,” he says, taking hold of the sides of my face and kissing me with such unconstrained hunger for one another.
He then surprises me by picking me up as I lock my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. Squeezing my ass, I move up and down his bulging cock, and I don’t want to let go of him. We pant heavily in between our makeout session and I think I might need him to fuck me before we kill some fuckheads.
“Are y’all almost done? Willow and Sonny just got here. We need to get to the tarmac before those assholes do. Isabella vaguely told me something and I’m in the mood to kill every last one of them,” Dario says, clearing his throat. Niccolo and I slowly break apart with one more kiss before he lets me slide down.
We face Dario and quickly approach the SUVs waiting for us. “She told you?” I ask. Dario’s jaw tenses and he shakes his head before he says, “Not all of it. She wanted to come along, but I told her no. She hinted that it was personal and that she told you. I kinda got the idea, and if that motherfucker is there, we are bringing him back for her. She deserves that.”
“I agree. I wanted to tell you guys, but back then, she was only mine and she was so raw. I just wanted to protect her. Believe me, I wanted to tell y’all, but it wasn’t my story to tell. It still isn’t. When she’s ready, she’ll tell you,” I answer.
“C’mon, we’ll talk about this later. We’re all going together with Alessio and Alejandro while Chiara and Camila take the rest of the guards in the other SUV,” Niccolo insists.
Climbing into the SUVs, we leave Dario’s ranch behind as he texts one of the guards to initiate the lockdown protocol for Isabella, Willow, and Sonny. We need them safe so we can go to this meeting with a level head and get the justice Isabella deserves, showing Andrei the consequences of what messing with us will get him.
We arrive at the tarmac an hour earlier than the meet time Dario gave to Andrei. Dario and Niccolo pull out the box filled with marijuana, cocaine, LSD, meth, mushrooms, and uppers. I climb out of the SUV and join Alessio, Alejandro, Chiara, and Camila, instructing the guards on their positions. We send Alessio and his guys to the west side of the airplane hangar while our crew, led by Alejandro, to the east side of the hangar. I assume my position as the lead sniper to the north of the hangar while Camila and Chiara are in their nests five yards beside me.
The plan is set in motion when we see October and Maeve arrive. They sneak into one of the SUVs so October can do her magic, blocking our locations and scattering them across the U.S.
Twenty minutes pass and it’s game time. Andrei’s plane lands on the tarmac and we all wait with suspense.
“No one moves in unless I say so,” Dario utters through the earpiece all of us have.
“10-4. Target has opened the doors,” I report as the doors to the plane open. Everybody is waiting on pins and needles. I’m ready to see this man, kill him, and hopefully grab his piece of shit son.
Ilya is the first to come down the stairs with a briefcase and he halts at the bottom of the stairs, looking toward Niccolo and Dario.
“Where’s Andrei?” Dario inquires. Ilya then looks up as his brothers, Vadim and Akim, jog down the plane’s steps.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Niccolo shouts, clenching his fists, ready to blow at any minute.
“ Nana decided to stay home. He’s been hearing some chatter that this was an ambush,” Ilya answers.
“So, what? He decided to send his three sons to test that theory. Is he fucking stupid?” Dario yells loudly through the earpiece.
“Yeah, he did. Because if you kill us, you know he’s going to come ten times harder to kill you and your loved ones,” Ilya teases with a sinister smile.
My scope is aimed directly at this motherfucker’s shoulder, he needs to bleed, but his death belongs to Isabella. I shift in position, itching to get this party started.
“So, where’s your backup? Because there’s no way you think you can take us, right?” Dario states.
“Three against two. I think we got it,” Ilya responds. He quickly takes out his gun, and chaos immediately ensues when he takes a shot aimed directly at my boys.
Oh, fuck no. You’re done, pussy ass bitch. No one messes with the ones I love. It’s time for war.