Heartless Mercy (The Sinful Alliance #1) Vendetta by UNSECRET ft. Krigarè 71%
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Vendetta by UNSECRET ft. Krigarè

“Three against two. I think we got it,” Ilya declares. He then quickly unholsters his gun and shoots right toward Niccolo and me. I take my gun and aim it at one of his brothers, Akim. We need Ilya alive. I go for the kill shot, aiming my pistol at his head and firing. He drops down immediately, but what I don’t realize is that Ilya took his shot, and my adrenaline can’t figure out who he’s shot.

The piercing of a bullet sounds beside me, and I see blood splattered on my white dress shirt. I look myself over to see if I’m bleeding, but it’s not me, and I know that can only mean one thing. My amorcito has been shot . I need to carry him to the hidden chopper behind the hangar.

“Snipers!” I yell, hoping Catalina, Camila, and Chiara hear me through the roaring echo through my ears from the bang of Ilya’s gun. My heart hurts and I don’t know if I can look out of fear that my baby is hurt. He can’t be. We aren’t done here. I need him. We need him.

“Ilya’s mine. Shot to the shoulder and leg. He’s out. East and west side teams engage, now. I don’t trust they don’t have a backup team. Move, move, move!” Catalina shouts in our earpieces.

And just like that, Ilya’s men come piling out of the plane as mine and Niccolo’s people pick them apart, one by one. Alessio grabs Vadim, blocks his shot, and slices a knife through Vadim’s throat. He then takes the knife and stabs him brutally sixteen more times in the chest and abdomen. The amount of anger from them shooting his boss and best friend is evident in Alessio’s face and his actions.

Shots, bullets, blood, and screaming can be heard everywhere, but I block it all out at the reality that I might lose him. Isabella, Willow, Sonny, and Catalina will look at me differently if something happens to him. I can’t let that happen.

I let go of my fear and see Niccolo pouring blood from his stomach as he drops to the ground. Quickly, I fall to my knees and press down on his wound to stop the bleeding. Maeve and October exit the vehicle; October comes to Niccolo’s aid beside me while Maeve watches our six with a semi-automatic rifle. Maeve takes three men down with a single shot to the face and they all go down like dominos.

“Rip his shirt. We need to see where the blood is coming from!” October shouts, knocking me out of my trance. Staring at Niccolo’s beautiful face, which has morphed from his natural, smiling self to one of pain and shock, causes me to tear up from the immense, gut-wrenching reality that I can’t do anything to stop it.

I rip his shirt and, just as I suspected, his stomach is bleeding profusely. October inspects the bullet wound and immediately wraps his torn shirt around his stomach.

“We need to get him somewhere. Is your doc on call?” she asks.

“Yes, but we’re not taking Niccolo to him. There’s only one person I trust more. We need to take him to the chopper. He won’t make it if we drive. While I carry him, I need you to sprint to the chopper with me and instruct the pilot as I put him in the back,” I answer. October acts quickly and opens the backdoor as I carry Niccolo to the backseat.

I relay a message through our earpieces and yell, “Niccolo’s down! He’s taking the chopper. I need y’all to eliminate anyone who comes near us. I want Ilya alive and the rest burn it to the ground. Maeve get word to Andrei that he just messed with the wrong people.”

“Baby…don’t let them get away…for Isabella…” Niccolo says, pained from the sudden shift in movement.

“Shh, don’t speak, amorcito . Catalina’s got him. I’m going to take you back to Willow. She’s going to fix you up,” I explain, cutting toward the chopper with him in my arms. October stays beside me, a knife in one hand and a gun in the other, keeping watch for anyone who gets in our way.

Two men come barreling toward us and October lunges, knifing one, but the other takes the upper hand. She stumbles and I can’t help her. Turning to her side, I yell into my earpiece, “Kill shot, towards the south side!”

“Got you, boss. Target acquired,” Camila says calmly as she takes the shooter down with a shot to the side of his head. Blood and brain matter spew all over October’s face and body, as well as my back, as I shield Niccolo away from this man’s blood landing on him.

“What the fuck, Camila. A little warning next time,” October declares, disgusted as she removes the man’s blood and brain from her face. We continue our trek to the chopper and finally get there just in time before Niccolo starts coughing up blood.

“Fuck, baby. Please, stay with me. I love you. Please, keep fighting just a little longer,” I plead as October gets the pilot up to speed. October connects the earpiece connection to the chopper’s headsets and we hear all the action from down below. We lift off hurriedly and I look out the window to see Catalina and Alejandro grabbing Ilya, putting him inside one of our SUVs. Maeve takes pictures of Andrei’s sons as proof of death, then heads to one of the SUVs.

“Fall back, fall back. Grenades incoming,” Catalina yells as she, Maeve, Alejandro, and Alessio each throw a grenade toward the plane where all of Andrei’s men are gathered, setting them ablaze. They burn alive while everyone piles into the two SUVs we brought, as well as the hidden ones the rest of our guards parked a couple of meters out.

Up in the air, the pilot finally catches more ground. I look down at Niccolo, hoping and praying that he’s still with me. His eyes are closed and I can’t take it, so I lightly slap his face to wake him.

“Baby, please. Stay awake for me. C’mon, let me see those beautiful green eyes,” I plead, tears forming in my eyes. Niccolo lightly flutters his eyelashes and opens them slightly.

“There you are. You’re doing so good, baby. Stay awake, we’re almost there.” I look up to see October and see a slight hint of fear in her eyes.

“We’re almost there. He’ll be in great hands. Willow’s got this,” she reassures me.

“Clone my phone and tell the guards to lift the lockdown protocol. Notify Willow she’s needed and ask her to meet us in the bunker. She’ll have everything she needs down there,” I instruct loudly through the headset. October moves immediately, doing as she’s told, working her tech magic.

“Never mind, call Willow. Now, please,” I beg. She nods and calls her; the ringing is the only thing I hear before Willow’s sweet voice answers.

“Dario, what’s wrong?” she asks.

“Baby, Niccolo’s hurt. He’s got a gunshot to the stomach. It looks like a through and through with the amount of blood he’s losing,” I explain as she gasps, but doesn’t say anything, letting me continue.

“We need you to save him. Whatever you need, let me know, but we have a surgical suite in the bunker. Meet us there. I already lifted the lockdown protocol. One of the guards is waiting to take you there and we should be there shortly in a chopper,” I rush out.

“I’m not a surgeon. But um. Of course. I’ll do my very best work, Dario. But I might need to call in a lifeline. He has experience in surgery,” she declares.

“Thank you, Mama . I know you can do it. Our ETA is five minutes.” “Okay, I’ll be waiting. Be safe and tell Niccolo I-I love him and that if he wants to hear me say it, he needs to hang in there,” Willow admits.

“Will do, Mama . I’ll see you soon,” I say, nodding for October to end the call.

I cast my gaze back to Niccolo’s wound, and so far, the bleeding has been contained and his eyes slowly open and close.

“Stay awake, Niccolo. That was Willow. She said she loves you, and if you want her to tell you, she needs you to hang in there,” I add, relaying the message Willow admitted.

Looking outside, my ranch comes into view and the chopper makes for landing ten meters away from the stables.

“Radio the guards to bring the ATVs to the chopper. Now,” I declare to October, still staring out the window.

“They’re already on their way,” she answers, getting my attention.

“What do you me—” I start.

“I told them to meet us when I lifted the lockdown protocol. Willow will also be there so she can give Niccolo an assessment. Everything’s going to be okay, Dario,” October says comfortingly.

The pilot touches down, and the guard instantly opens the door to the chopper. Willow leaps off the ATV and runs in some cute scrubs towards us.

“How long has he been in and out? Show me the wound,” she exclaims in full doctor mode.

“He’s, uh—he’s been in and out for about twenty minutes and his wound is right here. October tied his shirt around it,” I rush out. Willow inspects the gunshot wound and sees it pouring blood, causing her to hesitate for just a moment.

“Willow,” I hedge as she emerges from her trance.

“Let’s move. Everything is set up and ready for surgery. I just need to FaceTime my friend.” We load Niccolo onto the ATV, and we move to the stables.

“Stay awake, baby. Please. I need you,” she begs, placing his head on her lap. Niccolo bats his eyelashes open and close.

“Hi, amorina . I love you, too,” he whispers as he closes his eyes again, his body limp.

“No, no, no. Niccolo, please. Don’t leave us,” Willow cries, tears freely releasing. We approach the stables, the reinforced hatch open and ready to enter.

I quickly grab Niccolo’s body and say, “Baby, let’s go. We’re here. Call your doctor friend.”

Treading down the stairs, I lay his body on the operating table. “ Amorcito , please. Come back to us. We need you. Don’t you dare let go,” I whisper, kissing his forehead.

He smiles. “I’ll try, baby,” he mumbles before going unconscious.

“Willow, he’s out again. Come now.”

“Okay, you need to leave, Dario. I promise to do my very best. I will.” She nods. I exit the surgical suite and go to one of the bunker’s bedrooms. Walking to the bathroom, I look into the mirror and see the blood, sweat, and tears all over my face. Breathing in and out, the man in the mirror is holding on for dear life. I can’t do this without him. He needs to be okay. I need for him to be okay.

“Get it together. They need you, Dario. Be there for them. Snap out of it,” I whisper to myself. I need to talk to Isabella and Sonny; they need to know. Shaking my head out of my daze, I turn the water on and splash it on my face. I rinse all the blood and wipe my face with the black towel hanging nearby. Taking my dress shirt off, I grab an extra shirt from the dresser near the door. I put on the new black shirt and take a few moments to collect my thoughts.

Relaxing, I exit the bedroom and find Isabella and Sonny waiting outside the surgical suite. They both turn, and Isabella comes barreling towards me with Sonny following behind. Isabella wraps her hands around my neck, her face resting on my chest as she starts to cry, her body violently shaking.

“Shhh, it’s okay. He’s going to be fine, Isabella. He’s in good hands with Willow,” I say, comforting her as I rub her back up and down.

“What happened?” Sonny interjects.

“He took a shot to the stomach,” I whisper. Sonny’s face blanches, but he instantly recovers, masking his anxiousness.

Maeve, Catalina, Alessio, October, Alejandro, Camila, and Chiara come down the stairs. They follow me as I walk Isabella and Sonny to the sitting area. I sit on the couch and Isabella clings to me, laying her head on my shoulder.

Alessio is the first to talk and asks, “How is he?”

“I don’t know. Willow is still operating on him. It might be a while,” I exclaim, facing Maeve. “Did you send it?” I ask.

She nods, taking out her phone and showing me the text message she sent to him. There are two pictures of his Akim and Vadim dead and a message below that reads, “ You sent your sons to fight your battles. Well, it looks like we called your bluff. Ilya’s not shown, but don’t worry, he’ll be dead by midnight. He’s receiving an extra special treatment and you won’t receive the remains. We’ll meet again soon .”

“Good. And Ilya’s here?” I inquire, causing Isabella to shift, collecting herself, her gaze on Catalina and Maeve.

“Yes, he’s in the carnage room, ready and waiting for you, princesa ,” Catalina answers.

“Ready for my sister? And why is that?” Alessio interrupts, shifting his gaze at his sister.

“He um…He did something to me in college, and that’s all I’m saying, Alessio. I just can’t talk about it. Please, let it go. But I have to be the one to kill him,” Isabella answers.

“As you should. I just wish I could’ve done it for you sooner,” he replies.

“Alright, you get ready with Catalina, baby. I’ll wait here with Sonny and everyone else for Niccolo,” I say, kissing her forehead as she gets up from her place.

Isabella and Catalina exit the sitting area while Maeve looks at October and nods. “We better get going. We can’t all be together at once. He might’ve sent a backup team and one of us needs to be alive to end him,” Maeve teases.

“Oh, gee, thanks for having faith in us. Go ahead, and thanks for everything.” I chuckle, giving her the finger as she leaves with October following behind.

“Thank you, October. For everything.”

“Of course, boss. I’ll keep Niccolo in my thoughts,” she replies, closing the door behind her.

“We’re going to go check out some of the guards. Three died and a couple more were injured. I’ll have a status report soon and let you know. Please, message me when Niccolo wakes up,” Alessio remarks.

“Yes, of course. Thank you for everything, Alessio; my mind is all over the place,” I reply, shaking his hand. Alejandro, Chiara, and Camila nod towards me and follow closely after him.

“Are you okay, mi sol ?” I ask, the room quiet with only the sound of our breathing echoing around us.

“I just. I just don’t know what to say. Isabella told us what happened to her when y’all were gone and now this. It’s just a lot. We can’t lose him, Dario,” he mutters, leaning on my shoulder. I pull him closer to me and place him on my lap as I trace my finger down his face, taking in his beautifully pained face.

“He’ll be okay. Willow’s working on him. He won’t leave us,” I reassure. Leaning forward, Sonny gives me a chaste kiss on the lips and I delve deeper for more.

I need a distraction. We both do. I can’t bear the thought deep in the pit of my stomach that I might lose one of the loves of my life. And if we do, we won’t recover.

“I want you to fuck me, Sonny. Please. We need this,” I plead, grabbing the back of his head and pausing inches away from my face.

“Yes. Yes, baby. I want to make love to you,” he replies and I nod without hesitation.

What started as a night for revenge ended up being one of the worst nights of my life. But Andrei has another thing coming if he thinks this is the end. We’ll come back ten times stronger, and this time, it’ll be him we set ablaze.

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