Her Texas Cowboy Protector (The Winchester Cowboys #3) Chapter Four 24%
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Chapter Four

Natalie grinned at Landon as he ascended below her. Most of the routes at Reimer’s Ranch were bolted ones, so Landon was on the rope below her. She loved climbing here, although none of the climbs were above fifty feet or so. Still, there were a lot of them, so Reimer’s presented a challenge.

“Get a move on, slowpoke,” Landon called up with a smile.

She grinned. “You asked for it, old man.”

“Hey! I’m only two years older,” Landon objected.

She laughed as she quickly moved up to the next bolt.

Glancing to her right, she spotted another climber farther over on the cliff, ascending slowly. He must be new to sport climbing. An older climber waited patiently below him as he moved from one bolt to the next.

This bolted climb was a refreshing change from the free climbing that she’d been doing the past few months. It was sharpening her skills again, and it was fun having Landon below her, urging her on.

It was an early October day with a nice breeze at their height, and the sun was warm on their backs as they climbed. “It’s beautiful up here,” she said and paused, leaning back against her harness.

Landon stopped too. “We couldn’t have asked for a better day to climb. This breeze is awesome.” He smiled up at her. “You’re good at this. I’m having fun.”

“I like having you challenging my pace. It keeps me on my toes.” She looked to her right again at the newbie climber. “Do you remember when you were that guy? Just starting out and worried about each little step?”

Landon nodded. “I do. I was scared my first few climbs. I just knew I’d screw up and fall to my death.”

She smiled. “I was so lucky to have my coach with me. I don’t remember being scared. He made sure of that.”

She started moving again. “Let’s go. I can’t wait to eat that lunch I brought.” This was their second ascent, and it was past lunchtime.

Ten minutes later, she made it to the top and stood as Landon’s head appeared over the edge.

He grinned and climbed over the lip, rolling to his back. “That was nice.”

“It sure was. We made good time today.”

Once Landon had rested a minute or two, he got up. “Ready to go down?” The excitement in his eyes mirrored her feelings. She loved rappelling and the sensation of almost flying down the cliff or mountain she’d just climbed. It freed something in her soul.

Minutes later, exhilarated from her descent, she removed her gear, stuffing it into her backpack. Landon did the same as he landed softly beside her.

He grinned. “I love that part of climbing. It makes all the hard work to get to the top worth it.”


He walked over to her and took her into his arms. His kiss was passionate and full of the excitement he was feeling.

She held him tight, her heart soaring with happiness.

After packing everything up, they headed for his truck and drove over to the picnic area.

Landon found a table in the shade and, as she climbed down from the truck, he took the cooler from the back seat and carried it over to the table.

Her stomach growled as they sat down, and Landon chuckled. “Hungry, are we?”

She giggled. “I sure am-and proud of it. I hope you like what I brought for lunch.” As he opened the lid, she added, “I may have brought too much but everything looked so good.”

She took out a large plastic container of croissant sandwiches and offered it to him.

He said, “Oh my God. Chicken salad sandwiches. Awesome.”

She laughed as he took one. “I love them too.”

Next, she opened a container of fresh strawberries, blueberries and pineapple.

He said, “That looks good.”

She handed them to him as she picked up a bag of potato chips and opened them. Then she asked, “Orange or lemon-lime soda? We have both.” She put the chips on the table between them. “Of course, there’s water too.”

“I’ll have an orange soda and a water, please,” he said.

She handed them to him and then took a bite of her sandwich. Her mouth exploded with the balance of creamy chicken and juicy grapes. She closed her eyes and chewed slowly, enjoying it immensely.

He said, “This was worth waiting for.”

She nodded and took another bite, unable to wait. After she’d swallowed it, she said, “I’ll say it is. I can’t wait to try the fruit.”

When she’d finished eating, she stretched out on the bench and closed her eyes. The slight breeze and the soft shade of the tree branches felt good.

Landon packed up everything and put the cooler back into the truck. “I think you have the right idea. Let’s rest for a bit. This is a nice spot for a little nap.”

“You bet. Thanks for cleaning up. Eating made me drowsy.” She sighed, feeling relaxed, her heart as full as her tummy. It was amazing being there with Landon.

Sometime later she was roused by his voice. “You awake, sleepyhead?”

She smiled and raised up onto her elbow. “Yep. I think I fell asleep.”

He grinned. “You snore.”

“I do not!”

He laughed. “Softly, I’ll admit, but you do, gorgeous.”

“Ugh! How embarrassing.”

He gave her his hand and helped her to her feet. “I thought it was adorable.”

She curled her lip in disgust. “Not hardly, but thanks.”

It took them the rest of the afternoon until twilight to make the hard ascents at Insect Wall. She couldn’t remember when she’d had so much fun climbing, and she knew it was because she was with Landon. He equaled her in skill and speed, and the fact that she was incredibly drawn to him made it magical.

They returned to the truck in near-dark conditions, and she reached for his hand.

He squeezed her palm and brushed her shoulder with his. “This was an amazing day.”

She sighed, swept with a feeling of quiet euphoria. “I’m exhausted, but I also feel like I could just lift up and fly away.”

He chuckled softly. “I feel a little bit like that.”

They walked silently after that, listening to the night sounds as they slowly swelled with the rising moon.

At the truck, he took their backpacks and tossed them into the back seat. As he helped her up into the tall passenger seat, he touched her shoulder. “I’m so happy I met you, Natalie. This was a perfect day.” He leaned in and kissed her tenderly. It was so sweet and gentle it made her heart melt.

She slipped her hand behind his neck and kissed him back, making it count, showing him how much she’d come to care for him.

When she drew back, his face was handsome in the moonlight coming through the windshield.

She caressed his cheek. “I hate that this day is over.”

He kissed her palm, his eyes shining, then shut her door.

She leaned back and snuggled down in her seat.

When he was on the road back to Austin, he reached for her hand, his thumb softly caressing her.

She closed her eyes as joy wove its way through her heart. She’d dream of him tonight, and it would be wonderful.

Landon glanced at his dad as they headed back to the ranch house. They’d just finished treating a lame calf who’d probably been bitten by a snake. They’d lanced and drained the site and given him a shot of antibiotics.

His dad looked away from the pasture road. “Something on your mind, son?”

“Yeah, I guess there is. Dad, I’m really getting attached to Natalie. She’s sweet, and funny, and kind, and yet she’s also strong and independent. We have so much fun when we’re together.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet her when she was out here at the ranch. Debra said she was a nice young woman. She liked her and thought she was good for you.”

Landon smiled. “I’m glad Mom liked her. Natalie liked Mom, too, and she thinks she’s an amazing cook.”

He turned to look at his dad. “I guess what I’m saying is that I’m having serious feelings for her, even though we haven’t known each other for very long.” He scanned his dad’s face, trying to gauge his reaction.

His dad nodded. “Sometimes these things happen fast when you meet the right person. Just don’t rush things. Let them happen naturally, son. You’ll be all right.”

Landon sighed, feeling better. “Thanks, Dad.”

When they got to the ranch house, he got into his truck and went straight home to shower. Carson and Haley had invited him to dinner.

He hurried, and twenty minutes later, he was on the way out the door again.

Haley answered the door with a baby blanket thrown over her shoulder and chest as she breastfed little Derrick, who was now a month old. “Come in. Dinner’s ready. I’m so glad you could come tonight.” She smiled as she opened the door wide.

Carson called from inside the house. “Hey, brother. I’m starving. Come in and sit down.”

Landon grinned and followed Haley into the dining room, where Aria was already sitting in her booster seat at the table. He bent and kissed the top of her head. “Hi, cutie-pie. How’s my favorite niece?”

“Hi, Uncle Landon.” The redheaded three-year-old smiled up at him, and his heart melted.

He sat down beside her and looked over at Carson, who had just taken his seat at the head of the table. “Thanks for the invite. I’m hungry too, and this all looks wonderful.”

Carson grinned. “I’m a lucky man.”

Haley sat down and smiled at Landon. “Thanks. I’ve learned all I know from your mom. She’s shared your family recipes with me, and I’ve had fun learning all about cooking from her. I never did much when I was in Houston.”

While Haley continued to nurse Derrick, Carson made a plate for Aria. As he finished, he passed it to Landon. “Give this to Miss Priss. We’re having her favorite tonight. Hamburger gravy over mashed potatoes.”

Landon grinned as Aria’s big blue eyes watched the plate move from her father’s hands to his and then to a spot in front of her.

“Thank you,” she said quickly before picking up her spoon. Ignoring the broccoli and also the peaches topped with cottage cheese, she drove her spoon deep into the mashed potatoes and gravy.

He chuckled and began to serve himself.

“So, tell us about your climbing trip with Natalie. Did you have a good time?” Haley said.

He glanced at her as he passed the gravy to Carson, who was now making Haley’s plate. “I had a blast. She’s amazing. She climbs just as well as I do, and she makes me laugh.”

“I wish we could have met her when she was here riding that Sunday. Next time, let’s all get together,” she said.

“That sounds great. I’d love for you to meet her.” He finished serving himself and passed the cottage cheese to Carson. “She’s really sweet.” After a few seconds, he added, “I care about her a lot.”

“Really? You all haven’t known each other very long, have you?” Carson asked.

“No, but we’ve gotten close despite that. It’s like we were meant for each other. I know that sounds clichéd, but it’s true.” He grimaced, trying to put his thoughts into words. “It’s been a long time since I felt this way about someone.” He hesitated. “In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this.”

Carson put his hand on his shoulder. “I’m happy for you, brother. You needed this in your life. Tell me, do you think Natalie feels the same way about you?”

He remembered the way she’d looked at him when he’d walked her to her door. The way she’d kissed him. “I think she does. It feels like it when we’re together.”

“That’s wonderful, Landon. I’m happy for you,” Haley said, as she took a bite of her dinner.

He went on to tell them about Natalie’s Cherokee ancestry, her job at H-E-B, and that she was an only child because her older sister had died as an infant. “She’s asked me to dinner to meet her parents on Friday too.”

“Whoa, this is serious,” Carson said with a grin. “Nervous, brother?”

“Kinda. Her dad’s full-blood Cherokee and active politically in the Cherokee Nation, and I’m not sure what his feelings are about his daughter dating a white guy. Maybe he wants her to get serious with someone who’s Cherokee.”

“Did Natalie say anything about that?” Haley asked.

“No, but then I’m not sure she would. She wants this meeting with her parents to go well.”

“Well, you just be you. You’re a wonderful man just the way you are,” Haley said staunchly.

He smiled. “Thanks. That’s the only way I know how to be.”

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