Landon glanced at the head of the dinner table and met Joseph Walker’s gaze. The older man gave him a slight nod, which was in keeping with the aloof air that Landon had noticed in him since he’d first been introduced to Natalie’s father. Did the man not like him? Did her father want his daughter to date a man with Cherokee ancestry? Or was it something about Landon personally? Again, he felt that niggling sense of insecurity that had plagued him for the past hour.
Natalie’s mother, Amy, a fiftyish blond, blue-eyed beauty, spoke into the silence. “Landon, Natalie’s been raving about how beautiful your ranch is—and especially about Old Ben, the horse she rode.”
The tight band around his chest loosened a little. “She did a great job riding him that day.” He looked at Natalie and smiled. “You should be proud of yourself. Not all beginners are so comfortable on a horse their first time out.”
“Really?” She grinned and clapped her hands silently. “I can’t wait to go again.”
Amy smiled and shook her head. “I feel another addiction coming on. She’ll want to be out on Old Ben all the time now.”
Landon laughed. “That’s fine with me.”
Natalie gave him a rueful grin. “Mom knows me so well. I do tend to fixate on things that I love to do. That’s how I became so proficient at rock climbing.”
He had to do something to engage her father. It was important to him to have Joseph’s approval. It was unfortunate that he’d always been the quiet one of his family. Talking to someone like Joseph didn’t come easily for him.
Mentally grasping his courage, he turned to Natalie’s father. “Natalie tells me that you’re a high school math teacher. I think that’s great. I always struggled with math, although I managed to make Bs by working really hard.”
Joseph’s eyes seemed to pierce him for a long moment. Finally, he said, “I admire students who give it their all, even though they’re struggling. Were your teachers helpful?”
Landon gave a silent sigh of relief. “Yes, always. I don’t know what I would have done without their help. I didn’t ask many questions in class.” He looked down at his plate. “I was too afraid of looking stupid.”
“That’s common with young people who’re not understanding the material. Did you find a time to ask your questions?” Joseph now seemed warmer, interested in him.
“I usually wrote my teacher a note at the beginning of the year and asked him or her when I might be able to ask questions outside of class. Sometimes I’d get a few minutes during their lunch break, or I’d come to school early or stay late. My mom and dad were great about taking me or picking me up on those days if I couldn’t ride the bus.”
Joseph nodded. “I wish some of my struggling students would take a page from your book.” He took a forkful of corn and smiled at him before putting it into his mouth.
Natalie reached under the table and clasped Landon’s hand.
He glanced at her, and she gave him a happy smile.
“Natalie also tells me that your mom’s a great cook,” Amy said.
“Boy is she. And she has a huge garden, and we have some fruit trees, so during the late spring through the fall we have lots of fresh vegetables and fruit,” he said.
“Your family eats like kings. We’re all jealous,” she said with a smile.
“Indeed. There’s nothing like fresh vegetables from your own garden. My parents have a large garden every year and always have. I grew up eating from it,” Joseph said with a slightly reminiscent look on his face.
Now that the man had warmed up to him, the knot in Landon’s stomach had subsided, and he could eat his dinner. In honor of his visit, Amy had made fry bread from Joseph’s mother’s recipe and other traditional Cherokee foods. He tore a piece off the round, puffy fry bread and used it to scoop up some pinto beans from his plate, something he’d seen the others do. The corn was especially delicious, as was the yellow squash, although it was fixed differently from the way his mother made it. The main course was fried pork, another traditional Cherokee staple.
Natalie brushed his shoulder with hers and leaned over to whisper, “I’m so glad you’re here.”
Her touch sent goosebumps racing across his back. He whispered, “Me too.”
After dinner, his mother insisted that they leave the cleanup for her to do later, and they all moved to the living room. He and Natalie’s father had a beer, while Natalie and her mother enjoyed a glass of wine.
Landon asked Joseph about his students and learned that many of them over the years had earned math scholarships to different universities.
“That must be so rewarding for you,” Landon said.
“I also teach several of the advanced courses, so I do get to follow them through graduation. It’s fulfilling to see these students do so well.”
“Mom, tell Landon about your pottery business,” Natalie said.
Amy smiled and clasped her hands together. “I was a stay-at-home mom while Natalie was growing up, and I loved it. I wanted to be there for her. Making pottery was always my hobby, and I loved it. I have my own wheel and kiln.”
Natalie sat beside her on the couch, and Amy reached over and patted her knee. “But when Natalie went off to college, I joined three other artists, and we opened our own store. I make pots and dishes and even take custom orders. It makes me happy, and I make some money at it. It’s a win-win.”
“I’d love to see some of your work,” he said.
Natalie got up and left the room, returning a moment later holding a round pot made of earthy colors with a slender, slightly twisted neck. It was as elegant as it was warm and inviting.
“It’s beautiful,” he said in a soft voice.
“I made that a long time ago, but it’s still one of my favorites,” Amy said, smiling.
When they’d finished their drinks, he felt like it was time for him to leave. He and Natalie had come in separate cars because of where her parents lived. It would have been far out of his way to go pick her up first, so she’d insisted she meet him there.
As he said his goodbyes, Natalie said, “Mom, can I help you with the dishes?”
“No honey. I’ll do them in a little while.”
“Well, then, I’m going to leave too.” She gave her mom and dad each a kiss. “Thanks so much for having us.”
“You all come back soon,” Amy said.
Both parents walked them to the door, and Landon’s heart warmed at this show of approval.
As the door shut behind them, Natalie took his hand. “This was fun. I could tell that my dad liked you. Mom did, too, of course. She’s a sweetheart. But Dad’s not so easy to win over.”
He grinned ruefully. “Yeah, I noticed. I was really sweating it there for a while.”
She laughed. “Yeah, that’s Dad for you.”
He walked her to her car, but instead of opening her door, she drew him to her and looked into his eyes. “Stay with me tonight?”
A surge of adrenaline made his heart leap.
“I’d like that.” He bent and kissed her softly. “I’ll follow you.”
She smiled. “I was hoping you’d say yes.”
He caressed her cheek. “Of course I did. I care about you, Natalie.”
She covered his hand with hers. “I care about you too.” She pulled him down and kissed him tenderly. When she drew away, she smiled. “I promise not to speed—although I want to.”
He chuckled. “I’m following, woman, so don’t make me get a ticket.” Then he drew her hand to his lips. “But I want to get there quickly too. I can’t wait to be with you, honey.”
Natalie drew a beer from her fridge. She’d hoped that Landon would accept her invitation and had laid in a six-pack just in case.
He walked into the kitchen and put his arms around her waist from behind. “I like your apartment. It feels homey.”
“Thanks. That’s what I was going for when I decorated. Some people like chic, but not me. I want a place where I can relax, sprawl out, and feel at home.”
“Well, you accomplished your goal.” He nibbled her neck, sending goose bumps racing across her chest.
She raised her hand, caressing his cheek. “I’ll pour myself a glass of wine, and we can relax in the living room. My couch is made for snuggling.”
He trailed kisses up her neck, ending behind her ear, making her shiver with a flash of desire. He murmured, “It sounds perfect.”
He took his beer and, as the sound of his bootheels receded, she quickly poured her wine. God, he was sexy. Her whole body was revved up and ready to go.
As she sat down beside him, he slipped his arm around her shoulders and drew her close. The feel of his muscular body pressed against her sent her heart racing.
He kissed the top of her head. “This is more like it.”
She snuggled against his shoulder. “Oh yeah.” Sighing, she closed her eyes, mentally examining each place his body touched hers. He felt warm and solid and smelled like sandalwood and the forest. Her heart flipped as her excitement mounted.
He laced his fingers with hers and stroked her palm with his thumb. The feeling was incredibly erotic. She was so aroused, his every touch turned her on.
She could feel her pulse beating in her neck. She wanted him—now. She took a large swallow of wine to settle herself.
He kissed her temple, and she sucked in a breath. It was no use. Her control was slipping. Hand trembling, she turned and cupped his cheek. “I’m sorry, I’m not sure how to say this without you getting the wrong idea about me.”
She could feel a blush rising up her neck as he looked at her quizzically. “What is it?”
She swallowed hard and set down her wine on the coffee table. “Landon...”
She took a deep breath and just said it. “I want you so badly I can’t even finish my wine!”
He laughed softly and set his beer down. “Natalie, I think that’s the nicest thing a woman’s ever said to me.” Then he kissed her, tracing her lips with his tongue and setting her on fire. Then he slipped it inside her mouth, his strokes driving her wild.
They opened their eyes together and, breathless, she rose to her feet, bringing him with her. “Follow me.” Clasping his hand, she led him toward her bedroom, gesturing to the bathroom on the way.
At her bedside, he took her face in his hands and whispered, “You’re so beautiful, but your sweetness makes you breathtaking. I’m so glad I met you, Natalie.” He brushed a soft kiss across her lips and pulled her into a hug.
His broad chest was hard with muscle, but his arms were so gentle he made her feel cherished. He held her against him for a long moment before he released her.
She said, “You’re different than any man I’ve ever known. Handsome and kind, but strong when you need to be. You know when to take charge and when to step back. I love that about you. Tonight, you knew just how to gain rapport with my father. You’re special, Landon, and I know how lucky I am to have you in my life.”
She started at the top button on his shirt, baring his chest.
He unbuttoned his cuffs and let it drop to the floor.
She ran her hands across the muscles of his chest, lust rising in her belly. She quickly unhooked his silver trophy buckle and slipped his belt through its loops, letting it fall from her hands. His breath came quickly as she unbuttoned his Wranglers and slid them down to his boot tops. “Sit down on the bed,” she whispered, her voice shaking with her arousal.
He did as she asked, and she tugged on a boot, sliding it off with effort, then removed the other. He stared down at her, mesmerized, as she worked.
She slid his jeans off and then took off his socks. Rising, she stared down at him, now clad only in a pair of tight-fitting black boxers that left nothing to her imagination. God, he was gorgeous.
Then he moved, unbuttoning her jeans, his hands moving with surprising deftness. They were down to her ankles in seconds, and he drew her to him, placed tiny kisses around her navel. She clasped his head as pleasure shot through her.
Then he rose and gently drew her shirt over her head. With a deft movement of his fingers, he released her bra and slipped it off her shoulders.
Her heart pounded as she looked into his eyes and saw a reflection of her own excitement there.
He urged her onto the bed and took her heels off. Her jeans slid off seconds later. Drawing her to her feet again, he pulled her against him.
Her nipples hardened as her breasts pressed against his chest.
He smiled down at her. “I’ve imagined you like this while I lie awake at night. But reality is so much better.”
She chuckled. “Same here, cowboy.”
“Oh yeah.”
He pulled back the covers, then laid her gently in the center of the bed.
Touched beyond words, she smiled up at him as tears pooled in her eyes. He was so sweet, so tender. She felt a deep need to be close to him, to show him how she felt.
He climbed into bed beside her. “Lights on or off?”
She turned toward him. “You choose.”
He grinned. “On, then.” He turned to his side and met her gaze. “Hey, beautiful.”
She traced the line of his strong jaw. “Hey, handsome.” She slipped her hand behind his neck and drew him close. “Kiss me like you mean it, buster.”
He clasped her hip and pulled her against him.
Her heart pounded like rain on a tin roof. She opened her mouth as he covered it with his, stroking his tongue as he slipped it inside. Then his lips caressed hers so gently she tingled all over. He trailed a line of kisses up her jaw and behind her ear, and she sucked in a quick breath as a shock of pleasure ran through her.
He drew away and looked into her eyes as he tenderly brushed her hair back from her face.
She twined her fingers with his, needing the closeness. “That was wonderful,” she whispered.
He nodded. “It was.” Then he urged her to her back and hooked his thumbs in her panties as he slowly slid them down her thighs. As he slipped them off her ankles, he dropped them on the floor. His eyes inched their way up her body. When he reached her face, he kissed her softly. “You’re perfect, honey. Just perfect.”
She smiled. “Thank you. I’m glad you think so.” Then she reached for the waistband of his boxers. He grinned and helped her slide them off.
She felt her eyes widen. She’d been right about his size.
He eased her onto her back again and slid his leg over hers as he looked down at her. “Tell me what you like, honey. How can I please you?” He slipped his fingers through hers and smiled.
He surprised her. She’d never been asked this before. “I love the way you kiss me, so more of that.”
“Of course.” He drew her fingers to his lips and kissed them. Then he traced his finger around her nipple, and it hardened. He bent and took it into his mouth.
“Mm, yes, lots of that.”
He flicked it with his tongue and rose, smiling. “I’d hoped you’d say that.”
Then he trailed kisses down her belly, traced around her navel, and kissed her softly until he reached her soft curls. “Any objections if I go lower?”
“My God, no,” she said in a breathy voice, barely able to stand the suspense.
He rose and lay beside her again, resting on his elbow.
She smiled at him. “I think you might have done this once or twice before.”
He grinned. “Once or twice.”
She drew him down to her, her pulse racing, and kissed him hard, then thrust her tongue into his mouth, stroking him, pressing her body against him.
He moaned, his eyes on fire. “God, you drive me crazy .” He moved over her and took her breast into his mouth, sucking hard, stroking her nipple with his tongue.
Her body burned with desire, and she raked his scalp with her fingers, wanting more. He moved to her other breast, and she gasped as he stroked her nipple until she bit back a cry.
Her breasts ached, needing his touch desperately, but he moved to her belly. He made tiny swirls with the tip of his tongue as shivers of pleasure swept through her core. She ached between her legs as want overwhelmed her.
He kneed her thighs apart and knelt between them. She trembled with anticipation, her hunger for him more than she could bear. Gently pressing her legs farther apart, he bent to her.
As his hands spread her open, she felt the tip of his tongue enter her, delving deep. She gasped at the sensation, so erotic, so fabulously sensual. Then he slid his tongue up, finding her sensitive spot. She sucked in a breath, the feeling so amazing she cried out.
He stroked it again and again, driving all thoughts from her brain. Eyes squeezed shut, she lost herself in the pleasure he created. Then he slipped two fingers inside her. Her body clenched him hard, then released him as her excitement rose. As he worked his fingers deep and drew them out, she began to ache. She wanted more, needed more. She rocked her hips to the rhythm of his tongue strokes as a wave of pleasure built inside her. She clenched his head, seeing nothing, until the wild wave suddenly broke.
“Landon, now!”
He rose and quickly slipped on a condom, then lifted her legs up, resting her calves on his shoulders.
She groaned. “I want you, Landon. Oh God, now.”
He slid inside her and she said, “Yes! More, hurry.”
He pulled out and thrust inside her again. A shock of ecstasy hit her. This was what she wanted. She clenched her fists as he thrust into her again and again. Her legs clung to his shoulders, her muscles hard as rocks, as ecstasy fogged her thoughts. She knew only that she wanted him, wanted all of him. She lost herself in his rhythm for long moments.
Suddenly he stopped, cried out, “Natalie!” and held still, silent, as he pulsed inside her. Her body still clasped him rhythmically as her intense pleasure slowly subsided.
Moments later, he released her legs and rolled to his side beside her. He leaned down and kissed her gently. “You’re amazing.”
She smiled and caressed his cheek. “So are you.” She sighed and turned toward him. “If you wake up in the night, wake me. Round two is on me.”
He threw back his head and laughed. “I’ll make sure I wake up then.”
She gave him a quick kiss. “Promise?”
“Bet on it.”
She rose and said over her shoulder. “Be back in a minute.”
In the bathroom, she couldn’t keep from smiling. Landon was a wonderful lover, but even more than that, there was a sweetness about him that melted her heart. Before she left the room, she looked at her face in the mirror and saw only happiness. She kissed her fingers and placed them on her reflection. “You deserve this.” She’d sleep well tonight, wrapped in her cowboy’s arms. She couldn’t wait to see where this relationship went.