Chapter 10
Mari was on her way to the office for her training appointment with Pricilla the next morning when Cisco intercepted her outside the kitchen. He took her hand without a word and led her down the hallway, passing several doors and heading around a corner before pulling her inside one, seemingly at random.
The door had just clicked shut behind them when he gathered her up in his arms and pulled her back against him. His hard body pressed close through the thin fabric of the dress she wore, one that Rio had picked out from her closet of dizzying colors and hand chosen by Cisco with her in mind. It was scandalously short and fluttery and all she wore underneath was a pair of frilly panties that would drive Cisco wild the moment he saw them.
He lowered his head to whisper in her ear as his hand dropped between her legs. “You’re teasing me again and this time you’re going to be late because of it.”
“I’m not—” She gasped when he whirled around with her in his arms and pushed her up against the door facing forward. He fondled her until her hips rocked into his grip.
“How many times did you come around his cock before he emptied himself in your delicious pussy?"
She groaned as her body heated with equal parts embarrassment and arousal. Now she understood what he meant by teasing. He could smell Rio on her. She drew a panting breath before she could respond, “Three.”
“I wish I had the time to eat you out for an hour to savor the taste of him on you, but you have a busy schedule this morning.” The smirk that twisted his lips was obvious in his tone even though she couldn’t see it.
She didn’t know how much more of his dirty talk she could take before she self-combusted. “Please, just fuck me already.”
“So impatient,” he said with fondness in his voice. “You want it hard and dirty right here against the door where anyone who happens by will hear you coming undone around my dick?”
Her hands pressed against the cool wood, her hips angling back toward him as he continued to play with her through her panties. She shook with desire as her magic flared. “Saints, yes,” Mari whispered. “Hurry, Cisco. I need you.”
He eased one thick thigh between her legs to hold her in place, and then stepped back for a moment that felt like an eternity. The distinctive sound of his belt unbuckling had her shuddering as she tried not to move. He lifted her slightly, pushing her against the door and coiling his tail around one knee to spread her legs as he positioned himself between them. One clawed hand tugged her panties aside roughly before pushing his cock into her on a slow thrust that seemed to go on forever.
She moaned long and low and pressed her face to the door as the sensation overwhelmed her entirely. He let gravity force her wide over his ridges as she came to rest in the cradle of his thighs. The magic inside her roared, making her ears and nerves ring.
“Fuck,” he groaned into the back of her neck. “I love feeling you stretch around me like that.” He lifted her up a bit and then let her slide back down. She couldn’t do anything but writhe in the small space she had between the door and him. Her breath caught when he repeated the same motion. “That’s right,” he rasped. “Ride my dick hot and horny just like that.”
He started rolling his hips in counterpoint to lifting her so that he penetrated her with more force and she jolted hard against him at the bottom of each stroke. She cried out, knowing half the house could probably hear her through the door, but also knowing that was exactly what he wanted.
He forced himself so deep she thought she would shatter each time he plunged home but somehow she held on with her fingers spread against the door, desperate for more even though she felt close to her limit. One hand gripped her hair and pulled her head back, arching her spine to make the angle even more harsh as he continued to work her exactly as hard as she needed.
Her magic coiled tighter, increasing the pressure inside her with every blissful, agonizing second that passed. She didn’t want the moment to end because it felt so good, but she also knew she couldn’t hold on much longer with him using her so brutally. “Please, Cisco. I can’t.”
He leaned closer, reaching to hold the back of her neck as he pressed her harder into the door. Her cheek scraping the wood grounded her in the moment so she didn’t float away. “Tell me whose dripping pussy this is that I’m absolutely ruining.”
She whimpered when he speared her again, even harder, squeezing around him so she wouldn’t come despite how badly her body wanted to betray her. “Yours. Fuck. Cisco. All of me is yours. Whatever you want.”
“What I want is you making those scandalous noises while you squeeze around me. You, rocking back against me to get even more when I’m already giving you the fucking of your life. You, taking my dick with this much slutty enthusiasm at every opportunity.”
The torrent of his words was so delectably filthy that hearing them made her more desperate with every moment that passed. Her magic sparked over her skin like arcing electricity.
“I. Want. Every. Perfect. Glorious.” Cisco punctuated each word of praise with another thrust, each one harder than the last. “Bit. Of. You.”
She dug her fingers in to hold on because she still wasn’t ready for it to end, but it was no use. She screamed into the door as she clenched around his cock, her body tensing as her magic burst free in a rush.
Cisco grunted as the force of her power swept through him, his hips jerking against her as his climax was forced from him in the same moment. He sank his teeth into her shoulder, the pain making her jolt and setting off an even harder cascade of shudders inside her. She moaned helplessly as the pleasure shivered through her.
When her body finally stopped shaking a while later, he was still inside her, one arm wrapped around her waist to hold her in place possessively against him and his lips brushing the place where he’d bitten her with feather-light kisses. The wound had healed over immediately thanks to the release of her magic and was only the slightest bit sore in the aftermath.
He eased out of her slowly, set her gently on her feet, produced a handkerchief from somewhere to wipe her off, and then straightened her clothes daintily, as if he hadn’t just been aggressively rutting her.
Her body throbbed with the delicious ache only a thorough fucking can produce. “I don’t know how I’m going to sit still while Pricilla tries to teach me this morning. I can barely stand.”
“Mmm. I should leave the door open.” He squeezed her hips and backed her against him before he continued, “So I can watch you squirm when you remember why you’re so sore.”
“You’re impossible.” Mari laughed. “I’m supposed to be learning about my magic and you just fucked it all out of me.”
“She’s going to know exactly what we just did when she sees that bite,” Cisco said with a smile in his tone as he kissed the mark. “And that’s assuming she didn’t just feel that pulse of magic, which I wouldn’t want to place bets on.”
Her cheeks heated with her blush. “Are you trying to tease her with me or me with her?”
Cisco laughed and whirled her around to face him, leaning down so his face was close to hers. “Whichever works.” He drank in her mouth with a long, filthy kiss that had her clinging to him in moments. When magic tickled lightly through her once more, he pulled back with a rumbling purr. “There we are, magic right back where you started so you can still work.”
He led her to the office, which was embarrassingly close. Inside, Pricilla was sitting in her usual seat, avoiding eye contact and blushing just a bit, and Dante sat on the other side of the desk with a knowing grin aimed directly at Mari, confirming they were definitely aware of what had happened.
Cisco leaned down to kiss her cheek and slipped his hand up her dress to give her ass a fond squeeze at the same time. “Lunch. My office. Bring as many friends as you like.” He walked to his desk without looking back. Despite what he’d said earlier, he pulled the French doors shut behind him so the magical shielding between the two offices slid into place.
Pricilla stared after him for a moment and then cleared her throat before she looked up at Mari. “I hope you don’t mind that I invited Dante this morning. I wanted to see if we can figure out what’s happening between you two.”
“No, that’s fine.” She tried to clear her head and found it extremely difficult with the way Dante was watching her. “Though I don’t know how much help I’m going to be with that. I wasn’t in control at the time.”
“Oh, I can assure you that you definitely were,” Dante flashed her a dirty smile. After a significant pause, he turned to Pricilla and continued, “I can tell you that she doesn’t use ties or weaves the way most sex witches do.”
“Really?” One dark eyebrow lifted. “What does she do?”
“I don’t know. It’s like she just reaches inside of me and takes it.”
It made Mari uneasy when he described what she did that way, though he truly didn’t seem to mind. He gestured Mari closer and she walked toward him though she didn’t know what he intended.
When she arrived, he took her hand and set it on his chest over his sternum. With a grin, he lowered their joined hands until they were low on his abdomen, a few inches above his crotch. “Right here. Her magic just coils around mine and tugs. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt.”
The swirling sweetness of his magic curled under her hand. A distant part of her awareness she had no name for took notice. The intensity of its appraisal made everything around her come into sharp focus. “You’re like cotton candy,” she said with wonder filling her voice.
Dante squeezed her hand and let out a delighted laugh. “Only if you put me in your mouth I won’t melt away.” He winked before becoming slightly more serious. “Even just with your hand on me like this I can feel my magic straining for you.”
Mari closed her eyes. She reached out with her magic and stroked along his. When he groaned in response, she couldn’t keep the satisfied smile from breaking across her face. She repeated the light touch and even though she didn’t move her hand, she felt his hips rise in response.
“Holy shit,” Pricilla said. She didn’t sound concerned, just surprised, but Mari pulled back all the same.
Mari had already decided she was going to be very careful on her journey down this path. She needed to maintain control over whatever this was at all times. More than anything, she was frightened of using her magic to force someone else or overpower them. Sometimes the things she did felt a lot like coercion.
“You okay?” she asked as she looked Dante over.
“I’m good.” He smiled up at her. “I promised I’d tell you if you scared me and you haven’t yet.”
She glanced toward Pricilla. “Did I do something wrong?”
Pricilla shook her head. “No, I’ve just never seen anyone do that without weaves.”
Mari frowned. “Like the weaves we use for shielding? I don’t use anything like that with my partners. Until you showed me how, I’d never used them at all.”
Pricilla chewed on her lower lip for a moment. “I had assumed you used something like them. All the sex witches I know do.” She took a breath. “What you just did in a couple of seconds usually takes around five to ten minutes to set up, depending on the witch.”
“The part where I touched his magic?” She waited for Pricilla to confirm before she continued, “I don’t know how to explain how I do it. The first time it happened it was with Cisco. I just…felt his desire and reached for it, I think.” She didn’t know how to articulate it any better than that. It was as natural to her as breathing.
Dante reached for her hand again and pulled her closer. The wild and sensual presence of his arousal rose up and demanded her attention. Without thinking, she stroked his power with the spreading tendrils of her magic. He nickered low, lifting his chin and offering her his complete surrender. He was there for the taking, wanton and pliant, and there was nothing she wanted more in the entire universe right now.
Mari stepped over him to straddle his lap, smiling when he quivered under her. How was she still so horny after all she’d gotten up to this morning?
Distantly, she felt Pricilla put up her magical shields. There was a reason that should have concerned her, but she couldn’t remember what it was because the molten heat of Dante’s desire pulsed under her, the scintillating touch of his magic danced along her skin.
She lowered herself into his lap and claimed his upturned mouth, pressing her tongue between his parted lips. His hands slid to grip her thighs, fingers digging into the muscles there.
As the arousal rose inside her, she felt the scathing heat of Dohal’s regard. Shadows crowded her vision, sweeping in from the corners of the room to surround her.
Dante’s eyes tilted up and behind her, widening with surprise just as time slowed around them. She rocked her hips to grind against his hard cock.
Hot fingers tightened around the back of her neck. “You’ve been busy this morning, bavi,” Dohal murmured as he leaned over her. “Yet you’re still so hungry.”
The seething hunger clawed at her. “Why?” Her question came out as a whine.
“Because you’ve been neglecting the darker part of you.” He pushed her down against Dante. “You need to let the monster out to feed before the hunger consumes you.”
Dante’s back arched in slow motion as she rubbed against him, desperate for more friction.
Something inside her wanted to be let out to play with the man writhing under her. Something she didn’t understand and didn’t think she could control. “I’m scared,” she whispered.
Dohal stroked his thumb along her neck and his voice softened. “The longer you starve her the worse it will be when she breaks free.”
For some reason, Mari believed that he was trying to soothe her, no matter what he had threatened in the past. Her hips rocked in a slow rhythm as she leaned back into his touch, letting her magic rise up and find its way to him. The connection between them had never been stronger. “You really don’t want to hurt me.”
He moved his grip so that he could lift her chin to look up at him. His eyes were the color of the sky on a moonless night. His horns towered over her, making him seem menacing even as the severity of his expression eased. “Never, bavi.” He smiled slyly and lowered his hand to grab her throat. Her necklace hummed at his touch, sending sparks of sensation along her nerves. “Unless you want me to.”
Her cunt clenched. Did she want him to? Saints, she had no idea anymore. Desire moved through her in a shivering wave. She let him guide her body to an unhurried climax as she stared up into his eyes. Her magic bubbled over and he drank it up greedily as he started to fade away.
When her body returned to normal time, Dante reached up to caress her face and pull her down into a lingering kiss. She sighed into his mouth as the last of the aftershocks tensed her body.
He pulled back an inch and brushed his fingers over her cheek. “You okay?”
Mari nodded, but still couldn’t speak. Had that been affection, possibly even tenderness that she had sensed? She wasn’t sure she believed Dohal capable of that.
“What happened?” Pricilla asked, her voice shaking. “There was a huge spike and now it’s just gone.” She had backed away from them and was pressed against the wall near the door.
“That was Dohal,” Dante said to her before returning his attention to Mari. He pushed her hair behind her ear and held her gaze. “Whatever it is inside of you, I’m not scared of it.”
Mari finally found her voice. “You heard him that time?”
He nodded. “It was much clearer. I think he wanted me to hear it.”
She rested her forehead against his. “I just don’t want to hurt you.”
“Don’t worry about me, sweetheart.” He smiled and kissed her lightly, snuggling her tighter against him. “I’m tough.”
Mari turned to look at Pricilla. “I’m sorry about that. I got caught up again.” She let out a sigh. “Seems like I do that a lot all of a sudden.”
Pricilla shrugged. “I think that’s to be expected. Most people go through this awakening when they hit puberty and their magic is still forming. Yours is already fully grown and has been stifled for most of your life.” Her lips curled in a small smile. “We’ll get a handle on it.”
“I hope I didn’t scare you.”
“It was shocking in its ferocity, but you were very focused on him. I backed away because I thought I was in danger of getting caught up too.” She moved back to her seat. “I have to be vigilant because my magic is very eager to play with you and I want to be respectful of my role as your teacher.”
“I appreciate that,” Mari said as she relaxed against Dante. Being close to him felt good, like it was righting something that had been going wrong inside her. She felt sated, finally, as strange as that was to admit after she’d been with Rio and then Cisco already this morning. “I feel strangely satisfied right now.”
Pricilla closed her eyes in thought for a moment. “There is a thing that happens with some sex witches, especially young ones who are just coming into their power, where they form bonds without intending to. That may be what’s happened here.”
The idea that she’d done that without asking bothered Mari, even though she’d had no choice in the matter either. “What does that mean for them?” Mari asked, concern tightening her voice.
“It’s not like a gargoyle’s bonding,” Pricilla said carefully, perhaps picking up on Mari’s worries. “Mostly that they all need to provide you with an influx of magic pretty regularly or else you’ll start to get…possessive.”
Dante put a hand on the back of her neck and nuzzled into her with a soft nicker. “For the record, I’m available whenever you need a top up.”
If he was bothered by the fact that she was forming some kind of attachment to him without asking, she couldn’t detect it. Cisco and Rio were both already hers; she knew that in her bones. Neither of them would bat an eye at the admission that she’d formed a link to them that required feeding her magic.
Still, she couldn’t get past the concern that her magic was doing things without her knowledge to others without their consent. It bothered her to have so little control over something so important.
Pricilla spent the next few hours trying to teach Mari the ties that sex witches normally used with their partners, but Mari just couldn’t wrap her head around them. While she understood intellectually that they were the same shapes she used for the shielding magic she’d learned, Mari just couldn’t apply them to Dante. He waited patiently, unbothered while she fumbled awkwardly with her magic.
Mari stared at the delicate weaves Pricilla tried to show her until a headache formed behind her eyes. “The point of connection makes no sense to me.”
Pricilla watched her carefully. “Why do you think that is?”
The question had the feeling of a test, and that irritated Mari more than her uncooperative power. “Because I don’t need it.”
“What if he wasn’t your lover?” Pricilla sounded bored, but a hint of shrewdness settled in her expression. “What if he wasn’t offering what you want so freely?”
Mari blinked a few times, not quite sure what she was asking. “I wouldn’t want to touch his magic if he wasn’t.”
“Wouldn’t you?” Pricilla leaned forward. The other sex witch’s magic stretched toward Mari, inquisitive and tempting. “Why not?”
A dozen answers were poised on her lips from the vague to the achingly specific. But she chose the one that felt the most true. “Because I want him to surrender it to me.”
Pricilla sat back with a smile. “I don’t think we have to worry that you’re like your father, Mari. And that’s why.” She stood and stretched her back. “And now I think it’s time for a break. I’m starving.”
Mari watched her leave the office, still confused about what had happened. Dante took her hand, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. “It’s yours.” He raised her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm. “Whenever you want it.”
Her fingers stroked his cheek. “I thought you liked your independence?”
He shrugged carelessly, a hint of a smile curling his lips. “I’m starting to see the appeal of giving it up.” Dante interwove his fingers with hers and led her toward the door.
As they walked to the dining room Mari dared to hope that what Pricilla had said was true, that maybe she didn’t have to be afraid of the thing lurking under her skin. Maybe they could coexist. She tightened her fingers around Dante’s and drew him to a halt, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him when he turned toward her. He leaned down to meet her.
“I’m hungry for something other than food,” she said against his mouth.
“Oh yeah?” He glanced both ways down the hallway, then lifted her into his arms. “Where can we get a little privacy for a candy tasting?”
She laughed, and pointed a few doors down. They were very late for lunch, but that was okay because Mari had dessert first.