Hers to Claim (Scorching in Sin City #2) 11. Chapter 11 50%
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11. Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Mari woke from a dream of heat and skin, her magic humming a song of darkness and sin that was unfamiliar, though she knew the melody. For some reason she was alone in bed, which seemed strange. Her room was dark. Really dark. She glanced around, trying to figure out what had awakened her.

The shadows at the far end of the room slithered . She froze, hoping that whatever it was might not notice she was there if she was very, very quiet.

As if in direct opposition to her thoughts, the shadows crept toward her bed. Something about them was familiar. She wasn’t afraid of them, even though it felt like she probably should be. When the shadows reached her feet, they feathered over her skin, their touch so light she might have been imagining it. They wound around her legs slowly.


The touch raised goosebumps on her skin even though it was impossibly warm.

“Dohal,” she said after a moment, as if she’d always known it was him. The murmured response made a shiver tickle down her spine.

The shadows around her calves resolved into clawed hands and continued their relentless glide up, parting her knees.

She wore nothing but a filmy white gown that barely concealed her form. The shadow hands slipped under the hem and continued their exploration with an air of ownership she wasn’t sure she could deny considering how badly she craved his touch.

The hands shoved her gown higher, exposing her sex to him. As the shadows coalesced, his form began to take shape. His horns resolved first, curved upward and toward the front, looking sharp enough to impale her if he chose.

Next came his face, cruel and somehow sad, sloping to his thick neck and broad shoulders. His clawed hands gripped her thighs tighter as his arms solidified.

He loomed over her, huge and terrifying, but she wasn’t afraid.

“You’ve invited me into your dreams,” Dohal purred, long and low. “Don’t you know what wicked things I can do to you here?”

She found her voice, finally, “More than what you can do when I’m awake?”

“So much more.” He spread her thighs further, taking her in with a lustful gaze. “Would you like a taste? I know I would.”

“Tell me what bavi means first.”

His eyes raked up her body, pausing at her tits for a delicious moment before continuing up to meet hers. “Clever little morsel.” His grin bared his impossibly thick fangs. He dropped to lick her thigh slowly, moving up so that she could feel the heat of him approaching her cunt. She balled her hands in the comforter under her so she wouldn’t reach for his horns to pull him closer.

“Bavi means little rabbit. Small and sweet and precious.” He growled and then bit her thigh playfully. “Now will you relent?”

Goosebumps sprang up all over her body, and her nipples drew tight. “So I have to agree to whatever this is?”

“I would never take you—or taste you—without your permission.” He sighed. “I’m sorry about what happened at our first meeting. I overstepped.” He paused, as if he wasn’t sure he should continue, but then came to a decision. “I had been alone for so long, finally seeing you in the flesh after knowing the touch of your magic for so long overwhelmed me. I should not have allowed that to happen.”

He looked so regretful that she believed him. He seemed so different than she was used to seeing him, more quiet and less brash. She wondered which was the authentic version of him.

“Which part?”

“You’ll make me say it? You are a cruel mistress.” A smile ghosted over his generous lips. “When I forced myself on you and brought you to a climax, even though it was ephemeral and not physical. I shouldn’t have.” He kissed her thigh. “It is important to me not to violate you that way. I know what it is to be forced. What it is to be used. I would not want that between us and I am sorry.”

She understood his sadness now. His regret. She didn’t know the details of what her father and the other incubi had done to him, but her imagination provided endless devastating options. “I believe you.”

Surprise flickered over his expression, and then satisfaction. “Thank you.” He kissed again, a fraction of an inch higher. “May I taste you now, my beautiful goddess?”

“Why do you call me that?”

He chuckled and pressed his lips to her skin once more, the heat of his breath tempting. “When I say you are a goddess, it is not exaggeration or flirtation. It is simple truth. You are the incarnation of a goddess who was driven from this land more than five hundred years ago. She was erased to make room for the colonizers’ dying god. Remade in an image of virginal grace that she would have despised in order to enslave the spirits of the people who adored her.”

She startled in his grip, but he didn’t look concerned and simply smoothed his hands over her thighs. “How do you know that?”

“A part of me recognized her in you immediately, though that part had slumbered for so long that I couldn’t put it into words when I first saw you. I have had time to ponder it since.” He bit her thigh again, a little less playfully. “Have I paid for a taste of you yet?”

His pleading gaze made her bold. She didn’t understand the inclination, but she also didn’t want to fight it. This was her dream after all. She could be whatever she wanted here. But she had one more thing to make sure of, before she gave him what he wanted, especially since he was being so unusually forthcoming.

“The city, Dohal,” she said, holding his gaze. “You aren’t really going to destroy Las Vegas if you get free, are you?”

He smothered a considering murmur into her thigh. “I know you care for the people here, though I don’t understand why. I would not cause you pain, bavi.” He nipped her skin softly in a way that made her very aware of the razor-sharp points of his teeth. “Except for the kind you crave.”

Relief flooded her. She raised one hand to stroke his horn. The hard surface was hot, almost uncomfortably so. He bent into her touch, a sound of ecstasy falling from his lips as he pressed them to her skin.

“Please,” he whispered, the word itself a caress that made her shiver.

She tightened her grip on his horn. “One taste,” she said sternly.

Dohal nodded quickly. His tongue darted out between his lips as his eyes dropped to take in her cunt again. He shifted his grip to make room between her thighs.

She hung on to his horn, watching him intently. Her magic flared, but somehow in the dream it felt more contained, not the torrent of power that rushed out in every direction completely out of her control, but rather a well-tended bonfire that burned exactly as it was meant to.

Parting her folds with his thumbs, he didn’t waste another moment and dove in with a slow, decadent lick from her entry all the way up to her clit that rocked her to her soul. He groaned as he sucked her clit into his mouth as if she was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted.

Her magic swelled as the pleasure coursed through her, making her skin flush. She raised her hips, offering him more than just the one taste she’d promised. He murmured against her in acknowledgement of her wishes, meeting her eyes over the curvy landscape of her body. He maintained eye contact as he began to absolutely dismantle her with his mouth.

Her thighs quaked as he kept her balanced on the delicious edge for so long that all the other questions she’d wanted to ask melted away. Nothing mattered but the wicked heat of his lips and tongue and the perfect pressure he applied to her clit for an instant less than it took for her to come.

Mari lost track of how many times he drove her relentlessly to the precipice and then waited, perfectly still, as the moment drifted out of her grip again like gossamer and mist.

She couldn’t even articulate her frustration anymore. Sense had long since failed and all that poured from her mouth were wordless cries equal parts pain and pleasure. All that mattered in the universe was his mouth and her vast, yawning desire that kept growing each time he denied her.

In the middle of whatever countless iteration it was, without warning, he bit down on her clit. Hard. The pain set off a cascading orgasm that wracked her whole body. Every drop of her magic rushed out of her at once and drove into him. He moaned helplessly, his eyes falling shut as he continued to work her clit with his sinful mouth.

Her body clenched around nothing, the profound emptiness bringing her to tears. She hiccupped and sobbed as she continued to come for what felt like hours. He gently suckled at her clit, drawing out every last shudder from her exhausted body as she lay boneless under him.

When she was utterly spent, he prowled over her body, his thighs spreading her legs carelessly as he loomed over her. His massive, hard cock nudged against her abused cunt. She whimpered, but her hips raised all the same. Oh, how she ached for him.

“Not tonight, bavi,” he chided. “When I take you that way it will be in the flesh.”

He lowered his head slowly to claim her mouth in a searing kiss that tasted of her passion, his horns pressing into and distorting the bed on either side of her, each one as thick as one of her arms. Even Cisco didn’t make her feel this small and dainty.

Dohal’s body was a masterpiece of muscle and scorching skin that she wanted to explore for a lifetime. Her hands moved to touch his chest, then traced his ribs. The simple contact made him groan into her mouth.

Under her fingers she felt the raised symbols that marked him everywhere, slightly hotter than even his skin. Though the heat prickled, she had no fear that he would burn her. He had marked her with fire on their first meeting, but that had been intentional, not incidental.

She looked up into his black eyes and marveled at the way they seemed like endless caverns of night that she could fall into forever. Within the yawning darkness glimmered the faintest impression of stars as if in memory. Her hands slid up his back, nails scoring lightly, setting off a purr that rumbled through her and took her breath away.

There was nothing she wanted more than his pleasure. The dark tendrils of it burrowed under her skin where they touched. She wrapped her leg around his thigh, angling her hips in the hopes of seducing him with the slick warmth of her body.

Dohal broke the kiss with an amused chuckle. “I have been waiting to feel you writhing on my cock for decades. You will not tempt me.” He pressed his fingers into her soaking cunt with a rough thrust that made her gasp. “No matter how shamelessly you tease me.”

He bit her lips as he made a few hard strokes of his thick fingers. When she lifted her hips and moaned, he stopped. With a grin, he withdrew his fingers slowly. “Now go back to your body and fuck your paramours with that needy cunt while you imagine that it’s me.”

Mari jolted from the dream with a start, back in the pool house. She was pressed up against Cisco with her hand around his erect cock as he watched her with an amused expression.

“That must have been an interesting dream,” he said with a wry twist to his voice.

“Did I…?”

“Wake me by manhandling me? No. Your magic woke me a while ago when you revved into the red. I wasn’t sure if I should wake you.” He grinned. “Then you got handsy.”

Every drop of her power was gone, just as it had been in the dream. “It was Dohal.”

Cisco searched her face. “You don’t seem upset or afraid.”

“No, I think it was okay.”

Rio’s arm hooked around her waist from behind her as he let out a yawn. “Are we talking or having sex? Because I’m only waking up for one of those right now.”

She pushed his hand between her legs and maneuvered his fingers until he was knuckle-deep in her drenched cunt. “What do you think?”

“Spirits, you’re soaked.” He stroked her gently. “Shadow Daddy must have treated you right.”

Cisco rolled his eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He reached to touch her face, concern softening his voice.

“Yeah, he was actually kind of sweet.” She rubbed her cheek against his palm and showed him a flirty smile. “And really fucking hot.”

“Oh yeah?” Cisco said, sliding closer. “Tell me what he did.”

Mari moved his hand between her legs to join Rio’s, enjoying the way a feral intensity moved over his expression when he felt her wetness. “He feasted on me for what felt like hours.” She pressed his fingers deep. “Bringing me to the edge over and over but never letting me come until he’d had his fill.”

Rio’s satisfied purr vibrated through her as he leaned to nuzzle her neck. “That sure sounds like my idea of a good time.”

Cisco threw a scorching look at Rio when the puma started stroking in and out of her slowly. “And after that?”

Mari bit her lip as desire curled inside her. It took a moment to regain her composure enough to speak. “He climbed on top of me and told me that even though he’d already waited decades for me, he wouldn’t fuck me until he could come to me in the flesh.” She rocked her hips, feeling their fingers working in tandem inside her.

Cisco bent to whisper in her other ear, “And how did that make you feel?”

She closed her eyes, remembering what it was like to feel all of that power looming over her, knowing somehow that it was hers for the asking. “Like I wanted to devour him. Like all of his pleasure was mine to savor.”

Cisco lowered his head so that his lips brushed over her neck as he murmured, “So greedy.” The low rumble of approval in his voice washed over her. “Tell us how you’d take him for your own.”

She slid one arm around Cisco, trailing her fingers over the delicate arch of his wing. “I’d lay him on his back with his wings stretched out under him.”

Cisco groaned softly into her neck. “Exposed and entirely at your mercy.” He withdrew his fingers, making her sigh with regret, then rolled onto his back gracefully, arranging his wings so they spread out over the bed. “And then what would you do with him?”

Mari eyed the feast laid out before her, lingering over the hard length of his cock where it jutted up from his pelvis. She could no more resist the offering than she could stop breathing. With a parting kiss and a whisper of promise for Rio, she prowled across the bed toward Cisco.

He watched her approach but didn’t move, his expression open and curious.

“Hands over your head,” she said in a voice that was silk and steel, not just expecting compliance, but demanding it. A throaty noise from Rio behind her let her know she hit the tone exactly right.

Cisco’s hands rose and came to rest easily above him.

Mari wrapped her fingers around his cock, squeezing until he hissed. “Next I would devour him.” She stroked upwards along his length until she reached the broad head, circling it with her thumb to spread the fluid that was already gathering. “Slowly. Drawing out his desire drop by drop until he understood who he belonged to.”

His fangs sank into his lower lip as she began to move her hand up and down. When she knew by the flexing of his thighs that he couldn’t keep still any longer, she bent forward and took him into her mouth.

The first taste of him breaking across her tongue was like heaven distilled down to its most concentrated form, sparking with magic and arousal. He moaned, long and low, the muscles of his stomach shuddering. She placed her free hand on his hip to hold him down. He whispered in supplication as she drank him deep. No sound had ever been so sweet.

She drew on Cisco’s pleasure with the same lazy rhythm as her mouth worked over his cock until every cell of her body vibrated with his power. She lost herself in the sensation and the motion, riding the peaks and valleys of his desire with an expert hand.

When she showed no signs of stopping, he asked very politely if he could come. A while later he begged. And then he whimpered. And only then did she relent, because she had been wrong before—his absolute surrender to her will was the sweetest sound in the entire universe.

Mari released him with a juicy slurp, gazing over the long planes of his muscular body that she knew without question belonged to her entirely. He looked wrecked, his skin flushed and his hair disheveled. She had never seen him so undone. She squeezed the base of his cock, admiring the way it glistened with her saliva, feeling pride when he quivered at her rough touch.

She met his eyes with a slow smile. “Tell me what you want, more than anything right now.”

“To be inside you.” His voice was low rasp.

Mari sat up, giving him a brisk tug that made his hips jerk as she rose. “Not yet.”

His groan of protest cut off when she turned toward Rio. “Come here, beautiful.” She moved and leaned down until her chest rested on Cisco’s and his hard cock was sandwiched between them. “I need you to get me ready.”

Rio took up position behind her and slid into her searing heat effortlessly. She lifted her hips to take him deeper, moving her hands to grip Cisco’s forearms and letting out a long, satisfied moan that reverberated through the room.

Her magic blossomed as Rio set up a steady rhythm, holding her hips for purchase when she demanded more in a breathy command. Cisco writhed under her.

“If you come now you won’t get to feel what it’s like to be inside me at the same time he is,” she teased. Cisco’s hips bucked under her at the salacious suggestion and behind her Rio groaned.

Their soaring desire was a heady combination that she drank eagerly, her magic swelling to fill the room around them. She let Rio ply her with hard strokes as long as she dared, until her thighs started to tremble with the tension of holding off her impending orgasm.

She moved forward until she slid free of Rio’s cock, her mouth crashing into Cisco’s for a possessive kiss. She drank in his moan when she reached between them to adjust his cock so that it socketed into her when she rocked back. Grinning down at him, she rose up until she engulfed him completely, stretching easily around his ridges because of Rio’s diligent work.

Mari ground her hips in a slow circle until he arched his head back with a silent offering of his throat. Fierce strength rang through her, and not just because of her magic. This powerful creature under her could level a building. Or an empire. And he was hers to command. He would do whatever she asked of him. She knew that without question.

She leaned forward again, bracing her hands on his biceps and sliding up so that his cock was only seated halfway. She favored him with her dirtiest smile. “Go ahead, Rio.”

Cisco stared up at her, his eyes filled with adoration and his jaw clenched. Rio’s hand came to rest on her hip a moment before he pressed the head of his cock to her already stretched opening. She took a slow breath, not having any idea what to expect.

There was a moment of uncomfortable pressure. Rio lifted her hip slightly to change the angle of her pelvis. A collective groan shook them as Rio overcame the tension and slid inside.

“Holy fuck,” Cisco gasped.

Mari could only drop her head and try to breathe, her nails digging into Cisco’s arms. She’d never felt anything like the pressure stretching her. Neither of them was small, but both of them together was almost too much. She clenched reflexively and then had to smother a whimper in Cisco’s shoulder as the sensation overwhelmed her.

Cisco’s hand was on her face an instant later, his thumb tipping her chin up so he could look into her eyes. “She’s okay,” he said softly, then glanced over her shoulder.

“I’m good Rio. Just had to catch my breath.”

“Do you need me to back out? We can do something else.”

“Saints, you’d better not.” Her voice had a growling edge.

Cisco chuckled as he moved his hand to hold the back of her neck. “There she is.” He leaned up to kiss her briefly before relaxing back again with his lips turned up in a sultry smile. “Tell him what his queen wants.”

She angled her hips and rocked back a tiny bit, more than enough to draw their desire taut again. It was the most glorious feeling, knowing their attention was all on her, waiting for her command. She moved with a little more purpose, pushing back with more force onto Rio’s cock and grinning when both of them inhaled a sharp breath.

“What I want is the good hard fucking that I deserve.”

Mari spread her thighs slightly, relieving some of the pressure before lowering herself to engulf more of Cisco.

“Now be a good boy, Rio, and do as your queen commands.” She tossed him a wink over her shoulder. “Fill me up.”

His fingers flexed around her hip, his claws digging in slightly. And then he began to move.

At first she tried to roll her hips to encourage him, but she quickly abandoned that plan when any movement at all on her part tensed her muscles and made everything sharper to the point where the pain overwhelmed the pleasure. Moaning, she gave up and tried to relax between them.

Cisco wrapped her hair around his fist and pulled her down to him, both anchoring her and angling her so that her hips opened more. “You love getting fucked like this, don’t you? Hard and filthy and right on the edge,” he growled in her ear. “You don’t need to answer because you’re dripping all over my dick as he fucks you.”

Rio delved deeper in that moment, cutting off any response she might have made into a groan that shook her whole body.

Her entire world became the pressure and release of the both of them working in tandem inside her. Stretching her. Branding her inside and out with the intensity of their desire for her. She had no idea how anything could feel this good and this dangerous all at once. How her magic could soar this high and not burn her to cinders.

Keening cries tore from her throat and filled the room, weaving together with the grunts of the men on either side of her to make the sexiest soundtrack she’d ever heard.

Eventually Mari couldn’t do anything but rest against Cisco’s shoulder, panting for breath. She trembled between them as they found a rhythm to their strokes that threatened to shatter her into splinters. The relentless pressure rose and fell in time with the surging bodies around her. She was simply the vessel that they strained to fill as her power spread and engulfed them both.

She hung on as long as she could, nails dug into Cisco’s arms until she would have drawn blood if his skin hadn’t been so supernaturally tough. She could only concentrate on taking her next breath and the rising ache that burned within her.

And then she detonated.

That was the only word for the force of the pleasure and magic that tore through her body like a wildfire and out into the men around her and the room beyond them and who knew how far. Mari was aware of every frantic contraction of her tortured muscles as time slowed to a crawl.

Dohal’s murmur of approval rose up around her. “A delicious offering. Your acolytes please me by servicing you so well.”

She couldn’t respond and perhaps there was no need as orgasm after orgasm rolled through her, set off by first Rio, and then Cisco when they succumbed and finally came inside her.

The moment stretched out to an eternity as she clenched around them both, dripping with their mingled fluids. She shivered with a thrill at the filthy image she must have made for Dohal if he was watching. His knowing chuckle echoed around in her skull and faded into the distance.

Time jerked back into motion with no warning. She couldn’t have moved even if she had the energy to. Rio was collapsed over her, nuzzling the back of her neck. She rocked with each of Cisco’s hard breaths. Her cunt throbbed distractingly as both of them slowly softened inside her. At this point, she wasn’t sure if it would ever stop.

Rio shifted slightly, seeming like he was planning on moving soon, and Mari groaned in protest.

Cisco wrapped an arm around both of them and held Rio where he was. “Nope. I need a cuddle pile after that one.”

“Me too.” Mari snuggled into his chest.

Rio settled over them with a put-upon sigh, but started purring at once.

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