A s much as I love Chris for shutting down a high-end department store and treating me to some new clothes, I really like the idea of doing more things for myself on my own. Having control is a big part of what got me as far as I’ve come. Chris gave me giant shove forward and it’s worked out for the better - but it’s not likely to last if I can’t be the one holding the reins. If it feels too much like I’m watching things happen around me my anxiety is likely to get ramped up again.
So today, I spent a few dollars in a nearby thrift store and dug my old sewing machine out of the back of my closet.
Then I texted Enrique pics of the fabric and he blew a gasket when I told him my thoughts for repurposing them and demanded I send him some mockups. So now I’m cozy in front of the design app on my laptop and a Messenger notification pops up in the corner of my screen as I’m working, and I click on it with a smile.
Mayzie: Hey babe…
Rebecca: Yes, Sugarboobs?
Yes, I’ve gotten that comfortable with her.
Mayzie: I was wondering if I could ask a quick favor?
Rebecca: Are you kidding? Anything for you.
And I mean that, after all she’s done to help me.
Mayzie: Well…it’s not actually me, so much as my friend. She’s adding a special … service to her photography business, and I was wondering if you could whip up a graphic or two?
Ooh…she’s seeking me out for my design skills? I think I might cry.
Rebecca: You bet! What are you thinking? And what is the service?
Mayzie: She now does boudoir photoshoots. I have a couple photos you can work with.
Said photos pop up in my email and I open them up. An absolutely gorgeous woman’s body is on display in some very scanty lingerie as she poses on a bed that’s draped in a poofy white down comforter. The woman’s face is cropped out of the image, obviously to protect her privacy. But I have a feeling…
Rebecca: OMG Mayzie, these are beautiful! Your friend has a gift. And these photos are YOU aren’t they?
Mayzie: They are absolutely NOT ME. It’s of another one of her clients.
They are totally her. But clearly she doesn’t want to make it a thing and so neither will I.
Rebecca: Got it. Can you send me her website so that I can match her aesthetic?
Mayzie: Okay it’s ME!
Knew it.
Mayzie: I was her guinea pig for her new service, and I had an album put together for Jack.
Rebecca: Oooh…I bet his head exploded when he saw it.
Take that however you want.
Mayzie: He actually hasn’t seen it yet. I’m sneaking it into his luggage for the next US tour and I CANNOT WAIT FOR HIS REACTION.
Rebecca: Well now neither can I. Be sure to fill me in when that happens.
Mayzie sends me the link to her friend Annie’s photography website, and I take a quick perusal to get a feel for what kind of look her business identifies with. But before Mayzie signs off, I get an idea.
Rebecca: So hey, how did it go, by the way? I mean, the shots obviously came out marvelous but how about the experience?
Mayzie: I mean, it’s hard to say because she and I have been friends forever. I didn’t care so much about her seeing me naked than I did having her camera pointed at me. But all biases aside, it went well. Annie is the tough love type, but it comes from a place of encouragement.
That sounds kind of cool, not that I’m planning on doing anything like that or anything. That would be insane. For someone like me? There’s just no way.
Then again…I never thought I’d become a rockstars girlfriend either, or have sexual intercourse with a living breathing human but here I am. And since meeting Chris, I’ve hurtled over so many obstacles which makes me feel empowered to do even more, for me and for him.
But this? Hahahahahaha…NO. No that’s reaching just a little far. I’ll pursue my newfound empowerment in other ways.
“Okay, drop your pants, it’s gonna be fun,” Annie orders, standing casually by the bed, one hand on her hip, the other holding a rather big camera. And holy shit, a very large belly.
“Wh- what?” I ask, gripping the strap of my bag full of sexy underwear she told me to bring. Maybe this was a bad idea.
“I’m kidding,” the pregnant blonde bombshell waves her hand. “It was just a joke to help you relax. I’m sorry.”
“Oh… that’s…it’s okay,” I wave a hand and shake my head trying to be nonchalant.
“Rebecca,” her face softens as she sets her camera down and comes a few steps closer. “You don’t have to do this today. This is a big step and if you need more time that’s totally okay. You’re here, and you get points with me for showing up.”
Oh my god she’s too nice.
And she’s right. I did get here. I booked the appointment, packed a bag of freaky lingerie and drove to her studio. That’s nothing to sneeze at right? I could change my mind and still go home with my head held high.
But again… I’m here.
“No,” I speak up in a squeak before I can stop myself. Then I clear my throat and try again with a normal voice. “No, I’d like to do this.”
“That’s what I’m talking about,” Annie gives me a triumphant smile and dammit, it’s infectious. “The changing room is just over there,” she points. “And there’s a robe you can put on before you come out.”
“Okay,” I nod with a nervous smile.
“Move your cute ass!” she barks, but with a smile. It’s weird but I like it.
I go get changed into a black lacey bra and panty set that I felt okay starting with and slip into the white cotton robe that was hanging on the back of the door.
And Annie is fucking brilliant. She made sure the studio was nice and warm, put on some music of my choosing, and then googled an extensive list of dirty jokes that she read to me between snaps of her camera. With every outburst of laughter, I seem to relax a little more, and by golly, I think I’ve even made another friend! I even get brave enough to smile while pointing at the camera, mine and Chris’s thing. Annie laughs with me as she waddles around different sides of the bed to get certain angles.
But it’s when I’m sitting with Annie at her laptop afterwards that the real euphoria hits. Seeing myself in the various shots on her screen is the most natural high I think I’ve experienced. And after Kimberlee’s freaky tea, that’s saying something.
Maybe I'm not just boring old Rebecca Randall, she of the stuttering and shyness. Maybe I'm womanly and sexy and everything I never thought I could be. Maybe I'm more. I know Annie is able to do certain effects and edits but that doesn’t matter. In these images I look how I’ve always dreamed. I’m sexual and fucking HOT.
“Thank you, Annie,” I say on a long, solemn breath.
“You’re the one who got naked, not me. I just took the pictures. But hey, tell your friends.”
I sit at my desk, something I never use - in my office - a room I never use. Which is probably why it takes a few minutes for Rebecca to find me.
“Chris?” She startles when she sees me. Did I mention I’m sitting here naked? “Um, wow…” she gives me an approving smile after she recovers. “What are you doing in your office naked?”
“I’m not naked,” I correct her. “Did you not notice the spectacles?” I take the thin framed glasses off my face and place the end between my lips.
“Okay, what are you doing?” Her face deadpans.
“I was going for sophisticated and seductive,” I explain. “I sit here and look smart and play it cool while you try to carry on a conversation with me in my birthday suit, getting all hot and bothered until you can’t take it anymore and throw yourself at me.”
“Ooh, sounds fun,” she sits down on the loveseat opposite me and crosses one leg over the other.
“So how was your day, darling?” I converse. I’m like a pornographic old school aristocrat and I am loving this.
“Well,” she digs in her handbag. “I actually did have kind of an in - interesting day.”
“Do tell,” I muse, lifting an eyebrow.
She pulls out her cell phone and starts swiping. “I did another challenge. This one all on my own,” she reports proudly, still looking at her phone.
“Tell me more,” I say as I hear a ping on my phone. “Oops, one sec,” I tell her reaching for the device.
I open the message without looking at who it’s from and abruptly fall ass over penis out of my chair.
“BAHH! Mouse!” I exclaim, trying to catch my breath while still clutching my phone as she hurries over me to untangle me from the legs of my computer chair.
“Are you okay?” She asks in her sweet, nurturing voice. How did I ever exist without her?
“Yeah I’m okay, I just got startled. Some slut sent me a dirty photo!” I stand and immediately straighten my glasses that had gone askew with my epic fall. “But I swear, I didn’t do anything to solicit it!”
“Babe, that’s me,” she says gently.
“What?” I sputter out and hold my phone up again and take a closer look at the slut’s face. “Oh my GAWD!” I bellow out when I see my beautiful Rebecca, splayed out on a bedspread in frilly black lingerie, gazing into my soul (the camera lens) with desire in her green eyes. It’s breathtaking. She’s sensual and alluring, and my dick is super hard but more importantly, my heart is beating out of my chest. “The slut is you,” I rasp, clearly not good with words right now.
“The slut is me,” Rebecca confirms, hunching her shoulders up around her ears and looking adorably giddy. “I was totally slutty today.”
“You certainly were, my sexy baby - OH!” A thought hits me and phone in hand, I place both fists on my hips and turn towards her, careful not to smack her with my schlong. Now isn’t the time. “And who, may I ask took these risqué photos of you Rebecca Anne Randall?” I demand.
“Annie Phillips.”
“Oh nice, she’s cool,” I relax and raise my phone to look at her stunning model-worthy photo again. “So…” I draw out, pulling the dumb glasses off my face because I can’t see through them very well at all. “This is one sexy beauty in this picture,” I gaze at it a long while before reluctantly putting my phone down.
“There’s more,” Rebecca says quietly before discreetly licking her lips.
“Is that so,” I grumble quietly reaching for the bottom of her t-shirt and she raises her arms. “Wish I could have a woman like that,” I pull her shirt up and over her, leaving her in what I think is the same bra from the photo.
“You can,” she whispers. “You do, in fact,” she continues as I hook my thumbs in her yoga pants and slowly lower them down her legs until I’m in a worshiping like position in front of her. “You kind of helped her become who she is.”
“And who’s that?” I ask, backing her towards the door, drinking her in with my eyes and caressing every part of her skin I can reach.
“Someone adventurous,” she responds, her voice getting raspy. “Sexual…comfortable in her skin… and completely unafraid.”
“Come here,” I whisper, lifting her up and her legs go around me. I carry her the last few steps to my bedroom. I want her laid out on my bed as if I’m about to join her in that picture.
In this moment, I think she’s changed me too. I’m not the hyper, crazed drummer right now. Right now I’m a loving boyfriend who wants to spend the night showing his girl what a goddess she is.
Lining up with her entrance, I sink into her, driving in slow. I pull back at the same pace before plunging back in, my tongue diving into her mouth.
For the first time in my life, I don’t want to move fast; to get to the next minute in the day. I want to move slow and make this last forever.
“Chris, you make me feel so good,” she keens, arching her back into me as I start to move. She’s so naturally responsive to me now, giving back as good as I give her.
I feel the blood in my veins heat at her words and can’t find any of my own to respond with. How do I tell her that she makes me feel better than good?
I feel every muscle in my body tighten as I try not to come. With Rebecca’s tight heat sliding over my cock again and again, I’ve reached the point where the need to chase the orgasm becomes an urgent hunger.
“Look at me,” I tell her, without breaking my slow rhythm and she obeys, her green eyes glazed and glistening up at me. “I love you,” I tell her.
“I love you too,” she breathes as her legs go around me and I take hold of her hand. And my self-control reaches its limit. Fortunately, I feel the first flutters of her walls around me and a feral moan escapes her throat as we both tense and let go all at once.