Hey Girl (Turn it Up #9) Chapter 17 69%
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Chapter 17



“ A re you sure you want to do this?” I ask Chris as he shuts my car door and takes my hand.

“Of course,” he returns calmly, I can tell, with great effort. “This means a lot to you, and I was reading that it’s good for couples to get involved in each other’s interests. And I’ll be on my best behavior, promise.”

In addition to his short-sleeved button down that shows off his tatted guns in all their glory, he’s donned in a baseball cap and sporty sunglasses in an attempt to keep a low profile while he spends time with me today.

I volunteer at this animal shelter whenever my psyche feels up to it, cleaning the cages and showing love to the animals that are waiting for adoption. It’s the very place I picked up Iggy and Howie. It resonated so deeply with me to see them go week after week without someone wanting to give them a home. Not many people are keen to bring the ugly and prickly into their home, but to me, those are the ones that need love the most. And yes, you could say I feel a kinship with animals like that, but let’s try to keep things bright and positive here.

I pull open the door and lead Chris down a concrete hallway towards where we keep the kennels while he keeps remarkably quiet. Poor guy. I know he’s bursting to go nuts, running up and down the lines of kennels and explore, but he’s trying to conduct himself with decorum.

We turn the corner to the main kennel room, and I find Beatrice crouched over, cleaning out one of the bottom kennels. She’s a delightful plump woman in her late fifties with a huge heart for both animals and phenomenal patience with me. She knows I have trouble with her name and lets me call her ‘B’.

She looks up as we approach and does a subtle double take, narrowing her eyes until they pop open wide.

“Rebecca?” She asks, astonished, and I give a coy smile. I know I look different. I’ve been wearing my glasses again, as they make me feel comfortable and most like myself - the contacts shall henceforth be known as the big guns, that I will only break out on special occasions - but behind them, my eyes are made up moderately with eyeliner and mascara. And rather than my usual protective curtain of hair, I actually have my locks pulled back in a low, side ponytail. “Look at you!” She expresses with warm surprise. “You’ve got a new look, I love it!”

“Thank you,” I tell her as Chris holds his hand out to her like a respectful gentleman.

“Hi there, I’m Chris,” he smiles slightly, pulling his shades off his face with his other hand. She smiles up at him as they shake before looking back to me.

“And you have a handsome gentleman with you,” she marvels as I hear brisk footsteps coming around the corner.

“Beatrice, do we have any - oh!” Courtney, another volunteer, slightly younger than Beatrice and a bit more boisterous stops when she sees us. “Hi, are you here to adopt? We don’t open for another half hour, but we could take you up front and -,”

“Hi Courtney, it’s me.” Her eyes pan and scan up and down me before she gasps.

“Oh my god, Rebecca!” She exclaims. “You look beautiful! What did you do?” Her fingertips find the ends of my hair, and another hand tugs gently at the cropped black hoodie I fashioned out of an old, baggy one I’d found at the back of my closet. Her mind seems to be going a mile a minute, taking in all this new input. She looks up at Chris before her gaze snaps back to me. “And you’re with a guy!” She stage whispers the last word. “What’s going on, what brought on all this? I love it!” She fires off. She’s a sweetheart who absolutely means well but tends to get carried away, and while the ‘new me’ is trying to handle it gracefully, the ‘new Chris’ seems to pick up on the discomfort starting to manifest beneath my skin and gently steps in.

“Actually, she’s just here to do her volunteer time,” he interjects, placing a warm hand to the back of my neck and gently massaging, bringing my blood pressure down, but also waking up my ‘new libido’. “And I’d love to lend a hand too,” he adds, and I’m floored at his composure. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t change a thing about his crazy and ridiculous personality, but if I said this wasn’t hot, my new stylishly ripped jeans would go up in flames.

“Sorry,” she sighs, slowly blinking and reeling in her excitement, and I surprise myself by reaching out and giving her arm a squeeze, letting her know it’s all good.

Courtney skips off back to the front, hopefully to calm down, as Chris and I settle in. He looks around, taking in his surroundings as I pull out bags of different kinds of dog and cat food.

“This room doesn’t look as dark and depressing as I imagined these places to be,” he observes. “I like that the walls are painted yellow, it definitely makes it more cheerful.”

“I did that,” I say softly as I reach up on my tippy toes for some clean bowls up on the top shelf.

“Of course you did,” he says, reaching up to grab a stack of bowls for me.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean of course you’d find a way to make life better and brighter for someone else,” he explains, his voice thick as he stuffs his hands in his pockets.

I smile and look away shyly. I love the change in me, it’s amazing to function like something resembling normal. But I’m still getting used to any attention being on me, positive or not.

Chris continues to show himself around, and lo and behold, his tight hold on his behavior slips when he gets to the ferret cage.

“FERRETS!!!” Chris shouts, running towards the pens and jumping up and down. “Ohmygod they’re so cute!!! Can we get them out? Can we?” My word, he really is like a sugar hyped kindergartner, but it’s beyond terrific to see him give such a shit and take so much interest in these animals, and in the shelter that means so much to me.

“Hang on, hang on,” I say, walking over and undoing the latch. There’s a knack to this particular pen, and doing it wrong tends to jam it.

“Give me one! Now! Give me them both!” He demands.

“Kumquat,” I chirp over my shoulder, and he bows his head, holding his hands up.

Scooping up the two startled ferrets, I give them both a little kiss on the nose for reassurance. “This is Bubba Ray, and this is D Von,” I say, gently handing them both over to Chris.

He stares at them, wide eyed and delighted. “Oh my god, like the Dudley Boyz!”He cuddles them close, and they start crawling all over him.“Ha!Hey, that tickles!”

“Be gentle.They do bite if startled.”

“Oh.OK,” he whispers, watching and petting them as softly as he can manage.Which, I happen to know, is pretty soft.

“You can love on them while I clean out their cage,” I tell him, and he looks all too happy to oblige. After I change out their bedding and give them fresh food and water, Chris reluctantly sets them back in their abode and I hear a forlorn and familiar meow from the last kennel on the right.

I smile warmly and go over to unlatch the cage of the long-haired silver tabby.

“Who’s this?” Chris asks attentively, as I reach for the senior, female cat.

“This is Agatha, our oldest cat.” I’ve always felt so bad for her. She’s such a love, but she always gets passed over for the younger cats.

Without a word, he reaches for her, and I hand her over. He cuddles her like a baby and she starts purring in his arms as I turn to pull the bedding out of her cage, dropping it in the laundry basket.

“You know who would love you?” Chris coos at her as he sits down at one of the tables with the old cat. “My mother.” He reaches in his back pocket and pulls out his phone. With his free hand, he starts tapping at his screen. “I’m going to text that crazy hippie witch right now and tell her to get her ass down here to fill out an adoption form. Yes, I am,” he says affectionately to Agatha as she looks up and gives him the slow blink that tells you a cat is content.

“Oh my God, really?” I turn around from my task. “You think she’ll take her?”

“I’m ninety-seven point nine five percent sure of it,” he assures me. “I should get my stupid brother down here too,” he thinks out loud as he looks back down at Agatha, scratching his ears. “Having a pet would teach his little idiotic ass some responsibility and humility, wouldn’t it?” He asks her in his goo-goo voice.

Warmed and delighted all over, I let Chris carry on with Agatha, sitting her in his lap like a kid and taking her little fluffy paws and having her drum them on the table, making little mock-percussion noises as he goes. I lift an eyebrow at him, not sure that’s a good way to handle the cat, but oddly, she looks perfectly happy and content to be used as a ventriloquist dummy, playing the part of a rock drummer.

Courtney strolls back in, carrying a basket of clean bedding for the cages and takes in the scene. As I relieve her of the basket, I see the cogs turning in her brain before she gasps.

“That’s where I know you from!” she proclaims and

Chris looks up at her blankly.

“You're the drummer from Turn it Up!”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Chris dismisses her, going back to Agatha's drum solo on the table.

“Oh my God, if people only knew you were here, this place would be cleaned out in an hour!” She holds a finger out at him, and rather than rebuffing her, Chris purses his lips and looks up at the ceiling before over to me.

He cocks an eyebrow, looking like a mischievous cartoon villain.

“Babe?” I ask, lowering the basket. “What’s that look for?” My brat boyfriend ignores me and starts tapping on his phone again that lays on the table beside him. “Chris?” I demand to know what he’s up to. “Chris?”

“Jack, look at this puppy! LOOK at him!”

“Yep,” Jack awkwardly leans away. “I see him.”

“You know you want to take him home with you,” Chris prods, wiggling the little puppy in Jack’s face.

“I already have two big beasts at home, if you’ll recall,” Jack points out but lifts his hands to relieve Chris of the little dog. “But I’ll show him around.”

Jack walks off, cradling the puppy against his chest and walks out towards the taped off line where several fans are losing their minds. A sexy rockstar with a puppy… I have to say, I get it. Speaking of, my sexy drummer is now opening the bunny cage.

“Matt, you strike me as the kind of guy who likes bunnies. Here, take one of these two before they multiply!”

Jack comes back without the puppy and with several lipstick marks on his face. “Found an owner for the puppy,” he sighs, I’m pretty sure with relief. “A lady named Marlene has him and is filling out paperwork now. I think she’s naming him Jack.”

“Jack looks like he could use a shot of himself!” I quip and immediately crack up at myself with a few ladylike snorts coming out.

“Baby!” Chris whips around to face me. “I say that to him all the time, and he never laughs!”

“Awww!” I giggle over at Jack who shakes his head with a smirk. “Come on Jack, you’re named after alcohol!”

This, more than anything, tells me he cares about me. It’s not just about lust for him. It’s not novelty. It’s…


If I was just another piece of ass, he’d be bored by now. Way too bored to spend his time rehoming a bunch of dogs and cats and fluffballs.

I’m gonna marry this guy someday.

I blink, startled by the direction my mind went, but oddly cool with it as well. The truth of the wayward thought settles into my bones. If I marry anyone, it’ll be this guy. And nothing will ever be boring again.

He waves at Jack. “Bourbon Boy,” he whisper-shouts, “check out these little motherfuckers. Can we have them in our next video? Huh? It would be so freakin’ cool!”

At that moment, Bubba Ray decides to try crawling up Chris’s pants leg. On the inside. Jack barks with laughter, and this startles D Von, who decides hiding under Chris’s shirt is a safe bet. Chris’s eyes go all goggly, and I swear, I have never seen anything so funny in my life.

“Heyyyyy, there, Dudley Boys, that’s Aunt Rebecca’s. And that. WHOAH, and definitely that!” He jerks and dances like he’s been possessed, and I feel like I could barf, the laughter is so intense. Tears pour down my face and I am doubled over, even more so when I see Josh filming out of the corner of my eye.


“I can’t believe all those animals got homes,” Rebecca marvels, closing the last clean and empty kennel. “And all that money you were able to raise? That’s going to do so much for this place.”

She looks drained, but in the best way. Drained of all the tension and worry about how today would go and whether the animals would go to genuine homes or just crazed Turn it Up fans looking for the chance to get close. But it worked out well, because she was in charge of vetting all the prospective owners and didn’t let anything cloud her diligence.

“The money you brought in,” I correct her, drying a doggy dish before setting it back in the cupboard. “You’re the one who ran this thing, you little dynamo you.”

She blushes but smiles brightly. “Still, it was your idea.”

“And when are you going to realize all my ideas are good ones?”

I told Rebecca this was a good idea that day I came here with her. I mean, hello, you’re in a city where one of the country’s biggest rock bands originated and you’re dating the drummer! Use it to your advantage!

And then she took me home and took advantage of me.

She snickers at me and I change the subject by turning on the nearby radio. “Hey girl, let’s celebrate,” I flirt, as the lite rock station comes in tune. She insists the animals like it and it keeps them calm. “Come here,” I reach out for her hand and pull her into a slow dance. Normally, I prefer high-energy dance offs but not with my girl.

“Come on tour with me,” I more than suggest, leaning in and giving her a small kiss before she can say no.

When I pull away, she gives me a faint smile. “No.”


“Why not?” I ask, trying to remain cool when inside I’m dying in the corner.

“I just…” she shakes her head slowly as she looks around the room. “I don’t think I’m ready to do that. Travel? The screaming fans and intrusive paparazzi…”

“You dealt with it at the St. Michelle event like a champ,” I remind her.

“That was one time, for a few hours. This would be constant, all day back to back. It would wear me down.”

Fuck, I can’t argue with that. But there’s got to be some kind of compromise, right?

“Okay, what about …” I purse my lips thinking of ways to get her to meet me halfway. “Just flying out to meet us for a show here and there? Or you could just come on the UK leg. It’s only a week and a half long.”

“You’re doing a stint in the UK?”

“Of course, you knucklehead,” I grin at her before giving her a twirl and pulling her back into me. “We’re not domesticated, we travel the world. I know it’s overwhelming, but don’t you want to see something other than this city?”

She nods, her eyes brightening. “I would.”

“Well, you’ll love England,” I tell her, releasing her hand and putting both arms around her as we sway. “It’s got a slower pace to it, in my opinion. And then you can meet Leo, and you’ll love Dean and Sadie. And the press is less aggressive there; they're too busy ruining the Royals' lives.”

She frowns at my quip but goes back to her thoughtful smile as her fingers softly stroke the back of my neck. Ahhh… so relaxing.

“Okay,” she finally whispers and I barely hear her.

“Really?” I dip my head, widening my eyes at what I just heard. I thought it would take a lot more convincing than that. Like two weeks at least.

“Really,” she nods, pressing her lips together. “But only the UK,” she adds sternly.

“You sure? Because I have faith you can handle a little bit longer than that.”

“With you, I probably could,” she agrees. “But…” she releases me and walks off to the other room.

“Um… what’s going on?” I ask, feeling abandoned in the middle of my makeshift dance floor but my ass tightens up and a gasp of joy gets lodged in my throat when I see her walk back in with a Dudley Boy in each hand.

“What?” I hold my arms out for the adorable little ferret boys. “I thought they got adopted.”

“They did,” she assures me, looking a mite shy. “By us.” she finishes and I feel my jaw drop through the linoleum.

“What? Are you serious?”

She nods excitedly. “But I can only get a pet sitter for so long, so the UK tour it is. Then I’ll come back and keep these little guys warm for you.”

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