I have no idea what time it is as I spent the night completely under the covers, slipping in and out of sleep. I don’t want to come out, or even lift the comforter off my face. I’m safe here. It’s dark, quiet, and perfect. It’s all I want right now. Unfortunately, my bladder is not having it, and no matter how much I try to mentally give it the middle finger, the need to pee only gets stronger.
Weakly pulling the covers off, I roll out of bed and pad to the bathroom, trying not to look at anything. The less stimuli the better.
After using the bathroom, I wander back to bed with no other intention than to crawl back into the blanket pile and shut the world out until the havoc in my mind and my heart die down. Despite my best efforts, I notice that it’s light outside, but I don’t care. In my own little world of nothingness I plan on spending the foreseeable future in, it doesn’t matter what time it is.
Getting comfortable, I’m about to bring the covers back over my head when I hear a faint snort. I’ve heard that sound before. But where’s it coming from? I hear another series of smaller, quieter snorts, and I know immediately what’s making them but…where?
I listen carefully, following the noise to my window. I carefully pull the curtain back just a crack and oh dear God…
Chris is flat on his back on my porch, a pillow under his head and a blanket up to his waist. His arms are sprawled out, his knee bent sideways, and his mouth hanging open as he saws his usual sleep logs. Empty BLAST cans litter the space around him and I think I see some kind of chocolate crumbs on his chest.
He stayed.
I can’t believe he stayed.
He said he wasn’t going anywhere, but I didn’t think he meant that so literally.
He’s here with me and that means so much but… I can’t. I just can’t…
Releasing the curtain, I shrink back towards my bed and let the darkness take me away again.
You’re so brave
And you make me behave…
I furiously scribble the dumb words out of the notebook.
I’m in slavery
To your bravery…
Hmm… not bad…
An older Toyota Corolla pulls up and I suspect it’s Door Dash, delivering my breakfast. I set the notepad down and get up to retrieve the bag of hot, processed goodness in the form of five breakfast burritos. Four for me, one for Rebecca that I push through the mail slot. She shouldn’t have to cook in her time of trouble.
After the breakfast hits my stomach like a brick, I pick the notebook back up and spend some time on the swing, trying to get back that peaceful feeling where the words seem to come so easily. Who knew all I needed was to rock back and forth a little bit to settle down?
I’ve got one whole page filled half with words and half scribbles when some dorky-looking guy comes marching up the walk. He takes a curious look at my discarded blankets, food wrappers and BLAST cans.
Don’t judge me, sir.
When he sees me, he puts a professional expression on his face and straightens his spine. I don’t like the looks of this guy.
Oh… you think you’re better than me?
I stand up to my full height and feel a twinge of satisfaction when he has to look up a little at me.
“Good morning, sir, is this your house?”
“Who wants to know?” I ask gruffly, crossing my arms.
“State your business or go!” I bark.
“Uh…I’m from the voting registry, and I need to speak with the resident of…” he nervously gestures at the door.
Oh no…
NO ONE comes to my anxiety-riddled, shy girlfriend’s house during her time of woe intent on forcing her to socialize!
“We have no interest in registering with your voting company! Now begone, before I have you arrested for trespassing!”
“But… I just-,”
“Good day, sir!”
“It’s just-,”
“Oy, I say g’day!”
I turn my back, sending the message that the conversation is over and thankfully hear his footsteps retreating down the steps.
Perfect. I feel a sense of satisfaction that I’m doing something to help while Rebecca stays holed up in her house. I’m jarred, however, from my moment of triumph by a mewing at my feet that makes me look down.
“Hey guy,” I say affectionately as I scoop him up and head back over to the porch swing. “What’s going on in there?” I ask. “Is Mommy feeding you?”
I sit down with my favorite naked alien in my lap and scoop up my phone to bring up the Amazon app. “Let’s order you some food and a sweater, buddy.”