Of course, they would stick me with him. Why give me the chance to actually become friends with my ringman? Sure, give me the one who hates me for simply existing. When Marcella said they would let me have lane five, I could hardly believe my ears. I know it’s not common to have an opening at an auction. But the guy who was on these lanes before me retired and got the hell out of central Florida. Good for him, better for me. But then Marcella said Myles was my ringman, and I felt like I was getting punked. Of fucking course.
The auctioneers and ringmen have gathered around for the meeting. Marcella introduces me similarly to how Griffin did, although I’d rather they let me do my lane and leave. No need to bring attention to me, but of course, people will cling to any reason to bring up my dad. While walking to my lane, Jess comes running over. Even though I don’t know many people here, she’s the closest thing I have to an ally. I can picture us having one of those close friendships you see in movies.
“Hey! So Marcella gave you the job. Congrats, rockstar! Not like I’m surprised, though,” she says with a wink.
I return her smile. She is the sweetest and dang good at her job. This morning, we were rolling. We didn’t have to stop for any problems. When I said the money, she’d get it on the screen so fast it was like she was reading my mind. It was easy to work with her.
“You’re stuck with me again,” she says, raising her arms in the air. “I hope I didn’t bother you when I was eating candy or pointing to the online bidders. I wanted to make sure you saw them, and I eat while I’m working. My brain runs on high octane. Eating helps me focus on the auctioneer, so I don’t miss anything. I know it seems weird, but it helps. If it bothers you, I’ll stop,” she says, rambling as her hands dance wildly around in front of her.
I stop walking and turn to her, placing my hands on her shoulders. “Jess! You were amazing this morning. I didn’t care what you were eating. It smelled good. It made me want some.” I smile, wanting her to feel comfortable around me. “I’m glad we’re working together again. It means I have one less thing to worry about.” With a laugh, I loop my arm through hers and continue walking toward the lane.
“So I need to find a place to rent. Do you happen to know of any places centrally located to all the auctions?” I ask. If anyone knows where to buy or rent, it would be someone who’s friends with everyone. I’ve noticed that Jess will talk to just about anyone, and people are genuinely happy to talk to her.
“I’m actually looking for a roommate!” She looks over at me with hope in her eyes. “I know you’re probably looking for your own space, but my place is a two-bedroom house, and you’d get your own bathroom. We’d share the common areas. Oh”—She turns to me and grabs my shoulders—“and there’s a pool!” Jess’ shoulders relax as she closes her eyes and sighs. It’s easy to see she loves living there. Being around her today, I know there’d never be a dull moment if I said yes. She’d definitely be a fun roommate .
“Well, where do you live, and how much would the rent cost?” I ask.
Jess’ eyes double in size. “Are you serious? You want to be my roommate?” she asks, bouncing on her toes. “Okay, so it’s seven hundred a month, but we can talk about those details later.”
“I’d love to be your roommate, Jess!” I give her a warm smile and put my arm around her. “I’m excited to have a girl to talk to! Come on! Let’s get to our lane before Mr. Grouch steals it and holds it hostage.” On our way to the lane, Jess tells me more about the house and the office gossip. When we arrive and find Myles standing there, arms crossed and eyebrows drawn together, we break out into a fit of giggles.
“You know,” she says, peeking over at Myles. “You were right about Mr. Grouch,” Jess whispers to me. We laugh again. I can picture making a life here. It feels good to finally feel like I’ve found where I belong, if only I can figure out how to get my ringman to be friendlier. One minute, he’s rude and doing everything he can to get a reaction out of me. The next, he’s invading my space and bringing some serious sexual tension.
“Hello, Myles.” I nod toward him.
“Hey, Hunter. Not going to trip again, I hope?” His eyes flare.
Jess’ eyes ping-pong between us.
“Nope. I never stumble on the block.” I smirk right back.
He turns his eyes on Jess. I can almost see her swooning. Give me a break. Sure, Myles is ruggedly handsome, with his five o'clock shadow and hair the perfect length to tangle my hands into during a passionate kiss. Oh, my god. Where did that come from? I shake my head, trying to get the thought out of my head.
Myles slides his gaze to Jess. “Hey, Jess. How’s Nickelback? Have any new photos?”
Who? I look over at Jess.
Jess looks at me, placing a hand on my arm. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, I have a dog. Are you allergic?” Without waiting for an answer, she turns back to Myles with stars in her eyes. “He's great! Always up for a game of fetch. No, I showed you all the recent pictures. I wish I could bring him with me everywhere.”
I smile at her, “Aw, I love dogs! Can’t wait to meet him.” Turning my body fully to Jess, I add, “I’d love to join you for walks and playing fetch when I move in.”
Out of my peripherals, I see Myles looking back and forth at each of us. Ha, not getting rid of me that easily, big boy!
“Oh, yeah!” Jess gasps. “We go in the morning and when I get home from work. I’m sure he’d love having you come along. Where are you staying right now, anyway?” she asks.
Feeling Myles’ eyes on me, I keep my focus on Jess. “I’ve been staying at a hotel. So I’d love to get out of there as soon as possible.” I smile at her. My dad will be relieved I’ve found a place. I can’t wait to call him and tell him all about today. He’s going to be thrilled to hear that auction life here is just as amazing as it was growing up. Auctions have always been our main connection. When I was younger, he allowed me to go with him to work. Everyone at the auction was like a second family to me.
A deep and sultry voice brings me out of my memories. “So you’re moving in with Jess?” Just his voice makes my knees weak. But it’s his eyes that hold me there.
“Yeah, she is!” Jess answers for me. “Isn’t that great? We’re going to have so much fun.” She loops her arm with mine. “I can’t believe I met you this morning and now you’re going to be my roommate. We should go swimming tomorrow after the sale. I’m assuming you’re working here tomorrow?”
“Yes, I’ll be here bright and early.” I wink at Myles, knowing he doesn’t want me here. He’s not going to get rid of me that easily. Turning back to Jess, I add, “Also, swimming tomorrow sounds great! I got a few new bikinis before moving here.” Swimming in a pool after a long day sounds like the best way to spend an evening. When deciding to move here, I hoped that I would get the chance to go swimming more often than I did in Oklahoma .
“Yay!” Jess squeals and looks at her phone. “Ah, the lanes will be starting soon, I better go turn on the computer.”
I watch Jess as she skips away and turn to see Myles watching me intently. My face falls, and I school it into a blank expression. Feeling the heat under his gaze, I force myself to walk away. “Bring in the cars, Myles.” I peek over my shoulder at him. “Or do you want to sit this sale out?”
He glares, then storms away toward the cars. My eyes immediately rake over his butt and broad shoulders. I notice how well his jeans fit, hugging his ass in all the right ways. I can imagine wrapping my arms around his back and allowing my hands to drop down and grab a handful of his nice backside. Sucking in a deep breath, I quickly turn my head, averting my eyes.
My word, I need to stop . He doesn’t like me, and he’s such a grouch.
The sale goes smoothly. I don’t get to go as fast when the dealers are the sellers, but we can still cruise. I noticed Myles watching me off and on. Each time, I would raise an eyebrow at him, and he’d quickly turn around to find me more bidders. He’s good at his job. Too bad he’s got a stick so far up his ass. I’m amazed he can bend over.
I walk to the parking lot to rev up Westley. Blaring “One Thing” by One Direction, I drive back to the hotel for the last time. I’m looking forward to settling down in a house. The hotel has been nice, but I miss that homey feeling. Living out of suitcases is exhausting, and I’ve been doing it for a week now. While driving, I make a mental list of all the things I will need to order once I’m moved in. I don’t doubt that Jess will let me crash on the couch until I can order a bed frame and mattress. I know it’s going to take some adjusting to living with someone. I’ve lived by myself since moving out of my parent’s house. My ex-boyfriend wanted to live together, but I kept making excuses. I feel safer with Jess than I ever did with him. I think my subconscious knew something wasn’t right with him, and I never made the leap. It feels like life is finally coming together, and I can’t wait.
My phone rings as I pull up to a red light. Taking a peek at who it is, my mother’s name flashes across the screen. I cringe, silence it, and make my turn as soon as the light turns green.