Heading over to my mama’s house to fix her faucet, JT follows in his car behind me. He can never say no to a home-cooked meal, not that I blame him. Being two bachelors who drive a ton for work, it’s hard to get one. We usually eat out, so I’m grateful for my mama. She always knows what I need. But I can’t say I’m looking forward to her and JT doing their harmless flirting. Hopefully, it will keep my mind off of Hunter. The whole damn sale, visions of her in a bikini kept flashing through my mind. Once she put it in my head, I imagined her diving into the pool, her body traveling beneath the clear water before slowly ascending. My imagination only got worse as I pictured her breaking through the surface, running her hands through her thick hair as water dripped down her gorgeous body. I could envision her as she climbed out of the pool and seeing her barely covered tight ass in her bikini bottoms before laying out in the sun as droplets glinted off her body.
Oh god . I need to get my act together. I have never fixated on a woman like this. I’m no prude. I like to have a good time. I hook up. Most of the time, that’s all it is, though. An enjoyable night getting tangled up in the sheets. I never picture them or what they’re doing when I’m not with them. I need to go home and take a cold shower. It’s been such a long day, and I’m seeing her again in the morning.
Pulling into my mama’s driveway, I notice there’s an unfamiliar car parked out front. JT gives me a look as we’re walking toward the front door. He’s also curious who could be here. My mama lives about an hour away from me in Clermont. JT and I both live in Ocala, and apparently now, so does Hunter.
Mama flings the front door open before I get a chance to knock. “Now Miney, don’t freak out.” My eyebrows lower. “I want you on your best behavior while you are in my home.” My mama has her hair pulled back into a low bun. Her face is more lined now than it was five years ago, and her thick, coffee-colored hair has turned gray around her temples, but she's still as elegantly beautiful as she was when I was younger. The way her apron hits right above her knees, accentuating her short stature, makes me smile. I definitely didn't get my height from her. She could easily hem it mid-thigh, but she's always said she has better things to do with her time. Taking a step forward, I wrap my whole world in my arms and give her a good squeeze. I would do anything for this woman.
I peer over the top of her head to see if I can sneak a peek at who might be inside. “Who’s here? I told you I was coming. I hope you didn’t waste your money and hire someone.” I’m already annoyed. I want to be able to take care of her. I don’t want her spending money when I can help.
She ignores me as she looks at JT. “I’m so happy you’re here JT.” She smiles at him before she faces me again, her face turning stern. “You told me not to touch the sink, and I didn’t.” The glint in her eye makes me nervous, but she turns too fast for me to get a good read on what she’s up to. When we don’t follow her, she pauses and looks over her shoulder at us. “Come inside. I want you to meet someone.”
Oh, god. Is she setting me up? Forcing my suddenly heavy feet to move, I follow her into the dining room where she goes to stand next to an elderly man with gray hair and glasses.
“Miney, I want you to meet Gus.” She slides her hand into his age-spotted one and beams.
My eyes dart to their entwined hands. Who is this guy, and why in the hell is he holding my mama’s hand? My head hurts.
“Gus, this is my son, Myles, and his friend JT.” Gus puts his hand out toward mine. I can’t even bring my eyes down to look at it. I just glare at the hand that was holding my mama’s.
When JT sees I’m not moving, he takes a step forward, reaching out his hand to shake it instead. “Nice to meet you, Gus. I'm JT, and this beautiful woman,” he says, picking her up in his arms as he hugs her tight, “has a lot of explaining to do.” He sets her back on her feet with a goofy grin plastered across his face. “Mama, I sure have missed you and your home cooking.”
She swats at his chest, giggling like a little schoolgirl until her eyes fall back on me and she levels me with a stare. I don’t take my eyes off the man with gray hair who looks to be a few inches shorter than me. He appears to be around my mama’s age. He seems simple enough, wearing plain clothing, obviously not caring much about how fashionable he is.
“Now, Miney.” She reaches up and pinches my chin to bring my eyes down to her. “No son of mine is going to be rude to my guests, especially in my home.” Her eyes flare at me. “Now, are you going to say hello, or are we going to have a problem?”
I am too tired for this. I want to go home and sleep. I still have a good drive home, and I’m hungry. I was craving some lasagna, but I know she won’t feed me unless I shake this guy’s hand. I’m tired of meeting another guy that’s going to take advantage of her. She’s had enough heartbreak to last a lifetime. I don’t want her to go through it again. Sighing, I reach out my hand, but only because I’m hungry.
“Hi.” I see Mama’s eyes narrow through my peripheral vision. She didn’t say how much talking I had to do. Childish, I know. Redirecting my gaze back to her, I say, “Can I go fix your sink now so we can eat? I’ve got a long drive home.”
Her cheeks flush. “Um.” She stutters.
“Is your sink even broken?” I slightly whine.
“Well…not exactly.” She looks down at her dress and shuffles her feet.
“How is the sink not exactly broken? It either is, or it’s not. Which is it?”
She squares her shoulders, looking right up at me. “Okay, well then, it’s not. So let's eat.” She looks over at Gus, and I see a sparkle in her eye.
It makes me want to vomit.
Why couldn’t she have given me a heads-up? Of course, I want her to be happy, but she doesn’t exactly have the best track record. Every guy she’s been with has either stolen from her or left her for someone else.
We follow her and sit around the table before digging into the casserole dish, layers of melted cheese stringing from the dish to our plate. As I breathe in the aroma of her homemade pasta sauce, my eyes jump to Gus across the table. He better not just be in it for her great cooking. Sure, she’s a great cook, but she’s also kind and selfless. She has a lot to offer.
“So, Myles,” Gus begins, “your mama told me you’re a ringman, but you’re trying to be an auctioneer.”
Mama looks at me like she is expecting me to say something she’ll have to lecture me about.
“Mhm.” I give back to him the least I can, and she glares at me.
“So, Mama!” JT says, probably trying to neutralize the situation. “This lasagna is amazing. I was telling my mom the other day you must have a secret ingredient when you cook.” He wipes his mouth with his napkin. “I’d never believe a woman could be both beautiful and a master in the kitchen, but here you are, proving me wrong. ”
That’s one good thing about JT. He’s good at reading the room and knowing exactly what to say to change the temperature. He grew up having many meals in our home, so he’s used to these types of dinners. I owe him one for bailing me out. I don’t enjoy disappointing my mama. I want to support her in all her choices, and I do want her to be happy. I’m here as much as I can be, but it’s not the same as having a partner in life.
“Oh, JT! I need to talk to your mother.” Her eyes flash to me. “She raised such a sweet, respectful boy. I need to know how she did it. Maybe she can give me her secret ingredient.” Mama levels her glare at me again.
Our forks clinking against our plates is the only sound as we eat. JT glances at me, but I shovel more food into my mouth. In my peripheral vision, I see Gus rub my mama’s back, and she gives him a sad smile. Minutes tick by in silence until I can’t take it anymore.
“Alright, Mama. It’s been a long day.” I wipe my mouth with my napkin and stand. “We gotta head out. Love you. Thank you for dinner,” I say, making my way around the table to kiss her on the top of her head. “Even if you conned me to get me here.” I give a slight nod to Gus and hurry out the door toward my truck before Mama can stop me.
JT jogs up to my door and waits for me to roll down my window. “Want to talk?”
“Nope,” I say, readjusting my hat on my head.
“Okay, so you can listen.” He crosses his arms across his chest. “Your mom is just trying to live her life and be happy. So quit being a dick.”
I sigh, knowing he’s right. I do need to support her. “Yeah.” I nod.
“Alright then.” He taps his hand on my truck before backing away. “See ya in the morning. Oh, and don’t forget to wear your best clothes. ”
Turning to face him, I arch my brow and glower at him, not getting why he’d bring up my attire.
“You’re working with Hunter again.” Before hopping into his truck, he snaps his fingers and points at me, as he backs away with a shit-eating grin. I flip him the bird as I crank the engine and floor it past him. I don’t need to be reminded of that green-eyed devil. She’s been living in my head rent-free all day.