“So tell me about your dad.” I take a bite of my stuffed shells covered in melted mozzarella cheese and marinara sauce.
Her face relaxes as I watch her think of her dad. “He’s the best. Of course, there was a lot of pressure living in his shadow, but he’s always encouraging me. I remember a time where he handed me the microphone and said, “Take it home.” Then he walked off. Everyone stood there gaping. He never handed over his microphone to anyone to finish the sale. There were fifty head of cattle left. Everyone knew me, but had never heard me sell anything. He didn’t even give me a warning.”
I gape at her. “Woah. What did you do?”
A smile plays at the corner of her lips. “I took a long deep breath, squared my shoulders, and brought the microphone to my mouth. I kept my eyes scanning the men, only looking for their bids. I knew if I looked at their faces and saw the look of shock or frustration, I would fuck up. So I didn’t focus on anyone and just sold the cows.” She shakes her head and chuckles softly. “It was exhilarating.”
“That’s awesome your dad had that much faith in you.” I take a sip of my sweet tea .
Conrad Smith had been working his way up since he was eighteen years old, starting as a ringman. Over the years, he worked hard and became the best cattle auctioneer. He’ll make special appearances for TV auctions, but I heard he’s hard to convince even with all the money they throw at him.
“He’s always helped me pursue my dreams, despite it causing fights with my mom.”
My eyebrows furrow. “She doesn’t want you to?”
Her lips flatten into a straight line and there is a hard look in her eyes. “She wants me to live her dreams. Wants me to marry well and pop out kids. Even though I don’t think having kids was really part of her dream.”
I can’t help but be confused. I’m close to my mom, so it’s hard for me to imagine a woman choosing not to support her daughter. But I’m in a similar situation with my dad, so I feel for her. My hands roll into fists under the table. “I’m sorry.” I’m not sure what else to say.
She waves me off. “That’s enough about her.”
“Okay. Then tell me, is it true your dad nailed some guys for selling sick cows?” I lean my elbows onto the table.
Laughter erupts out of her. “Yes! Oh my god. That was the best. I was there.”
“Those guys were sleazy. My dad had suspected something for a while. He finally got the auction to do a few tests. They would do anything for him, but they were worried about pissing people off. They finally realized that pissing him off was worse. I watched as he walked out with the cops who arrested them. Apparently there was a lot more shit going on than just selling sick cows.”
I shake my head with disbelief. It’s hard to find an honest man in this industry. It’s typically not as bad as selling sick cows, but more often than not you can throw a rock and hit a seller who will lie about the mileage of the car or if it’s been damaged.
I can’t seem to keep my eyes off this girl. Her hair blows around with each breeze that comes through the window. It’s hard to keep my eyes off her today. Her hips perfectly sway as she walks, torturing me with each step. I can still feel how soft her lips felt beneath my finger. Just thinking about it makes my cock twitch. Her mouth is begging to be on mine. I want nothing more than to wrap my arms around her and press her firmly against my body, so I can feel every inch of her against me. Every time I learn something new about her, it makes me want more. Lunch with her went without a hiccup. The only thing I regret is not reaching across the table to hold her hand. I want to take it slow, no matter how much it’s driving me mad.
I watch her from across the lanes. Hunter flows from one increment to the next, never fumbling over her words. She points from bidder to bidder, with JT sending out the cars and motioning to the dealers that they were out bid and needed to raise their money. I can’t tear my eyes away, wanting to soak up every detail of her in her element. Aaron mumbles something each time my eyes are on the other lane. I’ve sent more than one car out before I was supposed to. My mind runs through different scenarios, figuring out how to spend more time with her. I could call her, but being with her is a million times better. I’d like to take her to JT’s. It’s peaceful to go to the creek after a long day. I look over toward her again as her last car rolls in. I pull out my phone to send her a text.
You’re so beautiful. Don’t leave. I want to talk to you again.
Tucking my phone away, I take a few more bids with Aaron. Glancing at Hunter, I see she has her phone in her hand and a smile on her face, as she turns to look right at me. She didn’t have to search. It was as if she knew exactly where I was without having to think about it. I give her a wink and watch as a sly look creeps across her face. She glances down, tucking some hair behind her ear. I don’t think this girl realizes how much I like her.
Leaning against the cement wall of the building outside, my eyes jump to the door, waiting to catch a glimpse of Hunter. Feeling nervous around someone feels foreign. The front door opens and her hair whips around in the wind. There’s my girl. Her eyes search around before she turns and lights up when she sees me.
“I figured you would be waiting for me out here.” She casually walks toward me.
“Where else would I be?” I wink. Her cheeks turn a little pink, and she looks down at her feet. I love seeing this new side of her. She is a feisty, sharp tongued little thing, but if you say something sweet, she turns to jello.
“Okay, Mr. Smooth. What did you want to talk to me about?”
Her cheeks are still a little pink, but she squares her shoulders, trying to regain her composure. It only makes my smile grow.
“Come riding with me.” Reaching out, I pinch the bottom of her shirt. I run my thumb back and forth over the soft material and grin down at her. The urge to hold her is strong. I’m losing my control the more I’m around her. Hunter’s eyes grow wide.
“Really?” she lets out softly.
“Yes, really. How’s…” I get cut off when the door opens and JT bursts out .
“Hello, beautiful people!” JT says. His face morphs into the face of a kid who found a full cookie jar. “Well, what do we have here?”
I sigh. He’s not going to leave us alone. Once he found me behind the bleachers with a girl in high school. He knew we went to make out because what else do you do behind the bleachers? But did he leave? No. He’s always been the worst wingman. The girl eventually left when he sat on the ground and picked up a stick to whittle which he was known to do it for hours. Of course, JT laughed his ass off the entire way home, and that was my first and last football game.
Crossing my arms across my chest, I say, “I was inviting Hunter to your house, actually.”
“For real?” JT focuses on Hunter, as if waiting for her to stay otherwise. I knew he would be happy to have her over.
“Yeah. Just waiting for her to say yes.”
Her eyes jump back and forth between us, her lips slightly apart. “Uh,” Hunter says. Her eyes zero in on someone behind us. She skirts around, careful not to bump into us in her haste. I turn just as she grabs Jess’ arm with a death grip. “Only if I can bring Jess.”
Jess turns to Hunter. I notice Hunter squeeze her arm harder, making Jess wince. Hunter stands tall, still observing us to see what our answer is. I’d love to have them both, but it is JT’s place, so I turn the question over to him. He looks right at Jess and clears his throat before turning to me.
“Oh, now you’re asking if you can have friends over to my house and ride my horses?” He studies me, and his eyebrow twitches.
“You’re right,” I say, facing Hunter and Jess again. “We’re free Friday afternoon. Does that work?”
JT chuckles. I knew he was just giving me a hard time.
“That sounds like a lot of fun. Right, Jess?” Hunter squeezes Jess’ arm again .
“Okay.” Jess locks her eyes on Hunter. “You’ve got to stop with the whole squeezing thing. I’m going to lose feeling in my arm. I’ll go, okay?” She turns to scrutinize us, pointing her finger at our faces. “But if either of you tries anything , I’ll spray you with my bear spray. I watch a lot of True Crime. I may enjoy working with you, but I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you. Got it?” Glaring at us, she squeezes Hunter’s arm to silence her, waiting for our reply.
“Yes, ma’am,” JT and I say in unison.
“Good!” Jess’ face lightens and smiles. “I can’t wait.”
Hunter shakes her head, but I can see a little smile peek through the corner of her mouth. They’ve grown close since Hunter moved here. I’m glad she has a friend to look out for her.
Sitting on my couch in sweatpants, I flip through the channels on the TV. I choose an episode of Game of Thrones , only to flip it to a movie. But I turn it off after five minutes. Picking up my phone, I press the contact for Hunter. My thumb hovers over her number. I turn it off and toss it to the other end of the couch. I get a glass of water in the kitchen, drain the whole cup, and walk back to the couch. Looking down at my phone, I feel like it’s taunting me. I could call her right now, but would she want me to? Grabbing my phone again, I tap her contact.
“Ugh.” I’m about to toss the phone for a second time when it starts ringing. It slips from my fingers, but my hands save it from crashing to the floor. Hunter’s name dances across the screen. I don’t even let a ring go by before I click the accept button.
“Hello?” My voice cracks, sounding like a teenage boy going through puberty. Clearing my throat, I say, “Hunter?”
“Hey, Myles. ”
“Hey, I was just thinking about you.” The tension in my shoulders melts away as I plop down on the couch and lay on my back with my arm tucked behind my head.
“You were? Well, I have a question for you.”
I love that she decided to call me. It makes it that much sweeter knowing she felt comfortable enough to initiate contact first. “What’s your question?”
“Did you name your truck?”
I laugh. That was the most random thing she could ask me, and I love it. Crossing my feet at the ankles, I answer her. “Yes. Her name is Gertrude, and she is the best. She gets a little temperamental, but if I give her enough love, she’ll take me anywhere I want to go. She’s a lot like me.”
Hunter’s alluring laugh sounds in my ear. There’s no place I’d rather be than talking with her.
“Alright, it’s my turn to ask a question first,” I say to Hunter. We talked for three hours last night. I had the best night of sleep after hanging up with her. Today, we didn’t get to talk much after the sales. We rushed to our second Wednesday auction because our morning sale lasted longer than the Daytona 500. We had no time to get anything but fast food. Hunter waved and told me she’d see me at the second sale, while she and Jess jumped into her Bronco and pulled away. Sadly, the second auction wasn’t any better, and we were on different lanes. Her lane wrapped up an hour before mine did. I texted to let her know I would call her tonight.
“Okay. Hit me,” Hunter says.
“Hugh Jackman, Matthew McConaughey, or Ryan Gosling. Kiss, marry, or kill. Go. ”
“What? That’s impossible.” Her voice sounds like she’s physically in pain. “I can’t. Next.”
“Nope,” I say, popping the ‘p’. “Answer.”
“Ugh. I can’t believe you’re making me do this.”
I chuckle, waiting for her.
“Fine. Kiss—Ryan Gosling. Marry—Hugh Jackman.” She pauses. Whispering, she says, “Kill—Matthew McConaughey.”
A laugh bursts from my mouth. “I can’t believe you’d do that.” I feign my shock.
“You’re an evil man, Myles Johnson.”
There’s nothing better than falling asleep with your phone against your ear, listening to an angelic voice. Neither of us wanted to hang up, so we both fell asleep while on the phone. I kept hearing Jess come into Hunter’s room and grumble something about trying to sleep. Waking up this morning wasn’t easy after staying up so late. Plus on Thursdays, I have to get up early enough to make the almost two-hour drive to Tampa. After two large cups of black coffee, I made it to work and through the sale. I practically ran into the office to look at the run list, hoping we didn’t have a shit ton of cars. Hunter and I made plans to go to lunch between sales if we had time.
I check the time on my phone as soon as she sells the last car. My lane ended about five minutes ago, so I’ve been waiting around until she finishes. We only have about an hour and a half to get to the next sale. So it’s not a lot of time.
Hunter and I walk through the blazing heat to my truck. When I open the passenger door, Hunter stops right in front of me, peeking up at me through her eyelashes.
“Thank you. ”
The words almost bring me to my knees. I’m wrapped around her finger, and she has no clue. I lean my face in toward hers after she gets settled into her seat.
“Anything for you.”
Hunter’s eyes lower and focus on my lips. She leans in ever so slowly. I hold my breath and don’t move a single muscle. It feels like someone couldn’t move as slowly as she is, but I remain still, wanting her to choose this for herself.
A horn blares, causing her to jump back and clear her throat. I peek over my shoulder, finding JT driving by, waving his hand with mock enthusiasm. I flip him the bird over my shoulder before closing Hunter’s door.
I sigh and walk around the truck to my door. Gertrude roars to life once I turn the key. “How does Chipotle sound?”
“God, you never have to ask. Chipotle always sounds good.”
I nod and without thinking twice, I reach over and hold Hunter’s hand while pulling out of the parking lot, half expecting her to pull her hand away, and half hoping she’d never let go. My stomach flips when she doesn’t let go and only gives me a light squeeze. I want to pump my arm in the air, but I just sit and enjoy the feel of her hand in mine. I casually trace little circles on the inside of her wrist with my thumb, feeling like I’m flying high.
Friday morning, I wake to my phone pinging. Rubbing the sleep from my eye, I blink to help focus my vision.
Good morning. I wanted to let you know that Jess and I are sick. We went to urgent care and tested positive for strep .
My heart sinks. I was hoping to take her horseback riding. Strep is one of the worst sicknesses for an auctioneer. I prop myself up in bed with my pillow and text her back.
Fuck. That sucks. Do you need anything?
No, we got the medications we need from the doctor, and we had food delivered to the house. Thank you. It’s been hurting so much to talk. The doctor said I need to limit talking for a few days if I want to heal faster. I hope to be back to work by Wednesday.
I rub my face with my hands and groan. This is going to suck.
I won’t lie. I hate this, but I want you to get better.
Believe me, I hate it too. You need to keep your distance. I don’t want you getting it too. I’m going to take a nap. I’ll text you later.
Okay. Sleep well.
Wednesday finally rolls around. I swear, the past five days have been the longest of my life. Since Hunter had been so sick, her doctor was nervous about her going back to work. He had her go in this morning for a last check, to make sure her throat was okay. Her throat had closed so much that she had to get steroids, and even then, the raspiness remained. The doctor was afraid she would relapse and get a worse case of it. My days were filled with waiting for her next text and going to JT’s farm. Thankfully, she texted me saying she got the all-clear from the doctor and would see me at the second sale in Orlando.
I walk in with her favorite coffee in hand and some Reese’s peanut butter cups. I know she’s standing on the lanes, waiting for the meeting to start. I tune out the side conversations around me as I pass through the office. My eyes only see the doors that lead to the lanes.
Swinging the door open, I see my girl. She’s standing with her back to me, her weight on one foot, making that hip amplified in her dark denim blue jeans and black polo shirt. Jess is standing in front of her. I want nothing more than to wrap my arms around her and never let go, but I’m not sure that’s appropriate while we’re at work. How I’m going to make it through a whole day without enveloping her in a hug, I’m not sure. I pick up my pace until I’m standing behind her. There’s only an inch or two of space between us.
Leaning toward her ear, I whisper, “Hey, Hershey.”
Hunter spins around, and her eyes light up. She reaches to hug me but pauses to look around. My heart races as hope flares in my body, thinking I won’t have to wait all day to get my first hug from her. Disappointment flashes across her face as she looks over my shoulder. I turn and see the GM walking forward to start our meeting. I have to physically hold up my shoulders at the sight.
I turn back and hand over her goodies. Her eyes meet mine as she mouths, “Thank you.”
I give her a small nod and bring my attention back to Marcella, the GM.
The sale is uneventful, and I can’t take my eyes off Hunter. JT snickers every time he catches me looking over at her. He enjoys working with her too. She’s flawless at her job. There’s no way to deny that she’s an astonishing auctioneer.
Afterwards, I stand outside the auction, like I did last week, waiting for her to come out. So much has happened between us this past week. I am more smitten than ever, and she seems to like me back.
Hunter strolls outside. She spins around, finding me in the same spot, and her face lights up. Pushing myself off the wall, I walk toward her.
“Okay, before you say anything”—I put my finger up. She closes her mouth and folds her hands in front of her. “How’s”—I trail off when her phone goes off, making the most annoying sound known to man. She reaches into her back pocket to pull it out and sighs before silencing it.
Her eyes focus back on me. “How’s—?” Before I can answer, her phone blares again. She huffs, and her face morphs into agitation. “Hold on a second.”
The cheery tone in her voice is gone. Who is causing this much grief? She walks away, and I can’t quite hear her, but I can see that her body is as tight as a bowstring.
“Hey.” Jess walks out of the office, toward me. “What’s going on with Hunter? She looks tense.”
“I don’t know.” My eyes don’t leave Hunter. Rubbing the scruff on my chin, I say, “Someone called her, and she seemed like she didn’t want to answer it.”
Hunter’s voice carries across the parking lot as she yells. “What are you talking about? How bad is it?—Okay. I said, okay!—Yes. I’ll let you know when I can get a flight.” She stops talking, but her pacing has increased. “Would you stop! I said, I’m coming.—Okay.—Yeah. See you soon.” Hunter turns around.
Gone is the face that was filled with so much happiness and excitement.
Gone is the sparkle in her eye .
Gone is the determination that shows through her body language every day.
She looks like someone ran over her dog. As she makes her way back to us, I have the strongest desire to pull her into a hug, but Jess beats me to it.
“Hey, what happened?” Jess asks.
Hunter, still enveloped in her hug, reaches her hand out, grabbing mine as her eyes peer at me over Jess’ shoulder. I methodically draw little circles on her wrist. Tears pool in her beautiful green eyes, and I see nothing but desperation on her face.
“What’s wrong?” I ask softly.
She sniffles. “My mom told me my dad—.” She wipes a few tears away and sniffs again.
It’s killing me to see her like this. I want to hold her and take away all the hurt in her eyes right now. I have never wanted to physically take pain away from someone so much in my life. My chest physically aches looking into her eyes.
“He, um, he had a heart attack.” A sob breaks free from her lips, tucking her face into Jess’ neck.
“Oh, Hunter! I’m so sorry!” Jess squeezes her a little tighter.
Inhaling deep breaths to calm herself down, she looks at Jess. “Can you take me home? I have to pack.”
Did she just say pack? Shit. Of course, she’s going to go be with her dad, but shit.
“Pack?” I confirm.
“Yeah.” Hunter tucks some hair behind her ear and peers up at me. “I need to get on the next flight back to OKC. I have to be there for him.” The tears stream down her face.
Of course, she has to go, but how long will she be gone? When will I see her again? Will she be okay with her mom? Questions race through my mind as Jess nods.
“Yeah. Let’s go.” Jess pulls Hunter toward the car but pauses and lets her go. “I’ll wait for you in the car. Okay?” She squeezes Hunter’s hand and looks at me .
I like Jess even more than before, which was already a good bit. It’s like she knows exactly what her friend needs. Without either of us saying a word, she knows Hunter wants a moment with me.
“Hey,” I whisper. Putting my hand against her cheek. She looks up at me and jumps into my arms. I release a long breath, loving the feeling of her against me. Without hesitation, she curls herself into my body. It’s the most amazing feeling in the world. She’s so tiny, but she molds into me perfectly. I don’t ever want to let her go.
“I’m so sorry.” She cries softly against my chest, wetting my shirt with her tears. We stay like this for several more minutes before I place a few small kisses on top of her head, the sweetness of her lavender and vanilla contradicting the sadness of the moment.
I want to breathe her in all night.
I want to stay wrapped up in her arms.
I want to protect her from hurt. But I can’t, and I feel her slightly pull away.
“I have to go,” she whispers.
I know she does. She needs to be with her dad. They are close, but I know she’s going to be with her mom too. After hearing how they talked on the phone, there’s never been a stronger urge to protect her.
“Yeah. Will you tell me if there is anything I can do?” I press my lips into her hair, basking in the feel of my lips on her.
“You’re doing it,” she whispers again.
I squeeze her a little tighter before she lets go. She looks up at me with her arms still wrapped tightly around my waist. A tear slides down her cheek. I catch it and wipe it away with the pad of my thumb. Leaning down, I place a soft kiss on her forehead. She leans into me, making my heart soar.
“Call me. Okay?” I’m falling hard for this girl, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I can see what an amazing woman she is. She’s hard-working, caring, loving, and thoughtful. Anyone would be lucky to have her in their life. I'm lucky she’s giving me a chance after how much of a jerk I was to her.
She nods, pulls out of my arms, and reluctantly trudges to Jess’ car. Part of me screams to chase after her, demand to join her on that plane, and protect her from whatever unknown awaits. Instead, I wave one last time before they disappear down the road.