Highest Bidder 18. Hunter 64%
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18. Hunter



The clock on the dashboard slowly ticks by. Our hour-long drive is silent. Jess keeps reaching over to squeeze my hand. I know she’s here for me if I want to talk, but I have so many things bouncing around in my head. I’m afraid if I open up about one thing, they will all come flooding out. My dad is the only thing on my mind. My mom isn’t nurturing. He’s going to need someone to be there for him. Pulling out my phone, I book the first flight available to OKC. I don’t know how long he will be in the hospital, but I want to get there before he’s released. My flight leaves Orlando at five a.m. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I take a deep breath to calm myself. I know it’s not a great flight, but it will get me there first thing in the morning. Now that I have my flight booked, I text each of my bosses, letting them know I need the time off. They all reply, telling me to take as much time as I need. The advantage of having Conrad Smith as your dad is that all your auction bosses know him.

It sucks having to take so much time off back-to-back, but my dad comes first. I need to be there for him during his recovery.

Looking out the window, I focus on all the familiar mailboxes flying by. I can’t seem to get my knees to stop bouncing, and they only move faster the closer we get to home. I can’t stop thinking about everything I need to do. As soon as we pull into the driveway, I burst through the front door and whip out my luggage from my closet. I throw the first few outfits I see into my suitcase. It’s challenging not knowing how long I will be there for. I only bought a one-way flight. By the time I’m done packing for an infinite amount of time, my luggage is bursting at the seams, so I sit on it, struggling to get the zipper closed.

Collapsing onto my bed, I’m mentally exhausted. My brain calculates when I need to leave for the airport. Nickelback jumps up and lays next to me, putting his head on my chest. It warms my heart that he knows exactly what I need. He’d been sitting at my door waiting for me to stop moving around so he could lie with me. I wish he could take me to the airport.

I should ask Jess to drive because I don’t want to leave my Bronco in the parking garage. But I have to be out the door by two-thirty tomorrow morning in order to get there to check in and get through security in time for my flight. I hate to ask that of her. I know she has to work two auctions tomorrow.

My mind immediately goes to Myles. Butterflies fill my stomach, thinking about the possibility of him taking me and getting another hug. I felt like I was spiraling with all the thoughts running through my head after the call from my mom. Then he held me close, and it was like he was grounding me. The world quieted, and my mind cleared. I felt safe. His strong arms enveloping me made me feel like everything would be okay as long as I had him. I’ve never had that type of hug before. A hug has never affected me in the way that one hug from Myles did. I felt strength seep into my body as he tightened an arm around my waist and cupped the back of my head with the other. When he buried his face against the side of my head and whispered everything would be okay, comfort cloaked me like a warm bath, and I felt the stress melt away and my airways open. And with the deep breath I inhaled, I knew my feelings for Myles had grown exponentially.

I’m scared for my dad. He’s always been there for me, and I’m not ready for that to change. The “what-if” questions are terrifying.

I hear my phone ding with a text message. Giving my fluffy companion one last head scratch and belly rub, I grab my phone off the nightstand. Myles' name flashes on the screen. As soon as I touch the green button, a rush of calm surges through my body. How can one man bring me so much peace? Every time we talk, he’s been an open book even though I can see it isn’t the easiest thing for him. He’s was so guarded around me at first. It’s nice to see a side to him that few others see. There are a lot of people who know they can depend on him if they need help, but they don't know his true personality or what he’s like outside of work.


Hey. I’m here for you if you need me.

The first smile since being home stretches across my face. I don’t know what we are right now, but I want more. I love this version of Myles. But now I need time to sort out my feelings. I quickly type out a text before I can second-guess myself.


Will you take me to the airport in the morning?


What time is your flight?


5 a.m.

Bringing my thumbnail to my mouth, I chew the tip. It’s inconsiderate to ask this of him. Pushing myself from the bed, I pace the room and hold my breath, waiting for him to tell me he can’t, or worse, say yes out of pity.


I’ll pick you up at 2:30.

My breath whooshes out of me as my shoulders relax. I’m torn between guilt and relief. Guilt wins in the end.


I know you have to work tomorrow, so please don’t feel obligated. It’s okay if you can’t or would rather not. I don’t want to pressure you.

Resuming to pace around the room, I tap my phone against my open palm, waiting for him to reply. The alert for an incoming text sounds immediately.


Hunter, I’ll be there. I would have told you if I didn’t want to or couldn’t.

I sigh with relief. My anxiety about the morning is already beginning to quiet down, knowing he’ll be there with me.


Thank you!

I quickly send him my address so he knows exactly where to get me, and I won’t have to tell him in the morning. I can’t help but smile, knowing I have one good thing to look forward to before this trip. I need to keep my mind busy to avoid picturing my dad lying in a small hospital bed, while my mom is likely snapping at the poor nurses close by. Is it too much to hope that she will be on her best behavior? Heaven forbid this causes her to miss one of her many frilly social events. I can’t remember her putting anything ahead of herself.

Jess knocks on my doorframe, a small smile on her face. I do my best to push all the unwanted memories that flood my brain out and focus on her.

“Hey. Would you want to lounge on the couch, watch a Hallmark movie, and eat a lot of ice cream?” When I don’t jump at her invitation, she says, “I have chocolate.” Holding up a pint of chocolate ice cream, she presents two spoons from behind her back.

Jess knows me so well.

“I would love that. Thanks, Jess.” A small smile stretches across my face, and I get off my bed and head into the living room. We’ve had many a movie night, snuggling on the comfy sectional with our blankets and snacks, letting the stresses of the day fade away. Nickelback jumps up onto the couch with me with the sweetest puppy dog eyes, laying his chin on my stomach and gazing up at me. I pet him and let out a slow breath. Something about him always brings me comfort, especially right now.

My phone dings and seeing Myles’ name flash across the screen brings a smile to my face before I even know what the message says.


What’s your favorite color?

“Is that Myles again?” Jess looks over at me, arching her brow as a smirk perks the corners of her lips.

“Yes.” Unable to contain my smile, I look down at my phone as my cheeks warm.

“He seems to have done a complete one-eighty on you. First, he didn’t like you, and now, he can’t seem to get enough. Are you feeling better about him flipping the switch on you?” She knows how to lay it all out there.

“Honestly, yes. But we have talked a lot, so I get why he wasn’t nice in the beginning. He shared with me his reasoning, and he has a lot going on that none of us realize. Like, he’s trying to provide for his mom. He was mad at the situation, and he took it out on me. I’m not trying to excuse his behavior. I just—I understand it better. He’s trying to make it up to me. He doesn’t have to, but I’ve enjoyed getting to know him better this past week and so far I like what I see.” I can’t help but spill my guts to Jess. She’s heard me rant many times about Myles. It only seems natural I tell her where my head is at right now.

“I want you to be careful, but I will say I like him a lot more than James.” She snickers, and I roll my eyes. “You glow when Myles is around or even when he’s just the topic of conversation.”

“I don’t know what it is about him.” I tuck a stray hair behind my ear. “I want to be in his arms, Jess. Like earlier, I could have stood there with him hugging me for hours. I’ve never wanted anyone to hug me like that, but I felt safe. It felt right. But what does that mean? And now I’m going back home. I don’t know how long I’ll be there.” My eyes fall. Having to leave tears my heart into pieces. I’m scared he’s going to lose interest if I’m gone too long. My dad would tell me I don’t want the type of guy who lets a little distance change the way he feels. Even so, it’s a hard situation. It’s new and something I want to pursue. Having to leave makes the future a little more uncertain.

Jess smiles. “This is what I was talking about. This spark is what was missing with James! I have no doubt you’re going to figure this out.”

“He’s picking me up to take me to the airport in the morning,” I tell her and start smiling again.

“Yessss! That makes me so happy. I’m glad he’ll be able to give you a hug and a little extra comfort before you go.” Jess saying that only makes me love her more. “Now, let’s watch this movie.” She takes one of the bowls of ice cream off the coffee table. Before grabbing mine, I text Myles back.


Green. Yours?


Last week, I would have said black. But now it’s green.


Why the change?


Because it makes me think of you. Your eyes are the most beautiful shade of green I’ve ever seen.

Talk about swoon.

“Hey. What’s going on over there?” Jess asks. “I can see by the smile on your face he texted something sweet,” she sings out.

“He asked me my favorite color. Then he told me his is green because it reminds him of my eyes. Where did he come from?” I laugh.

“Aww. He’s so sweet. You’re lucky you get to know the guy behind the quiet exterior.” We laugh together and finish our ice cream as the characters in the movie start to fall in love.

My alarm goes off at 2 a.m., but I struggle to muster the energy to get out of bed. My thoughts go to Myles. He’ll be here soon to pick me up, and I want to look somewhat presentable. He hasn’t earned the privilege of seeing the disaster I am in the mornings, yet. I get out of bed and throw my hair up into a large, messy bun on top of my head, which my mom is going to love when I get there. I’m sure it will be the first thing she comments on when she sees me. I’m there for one reason, and it’s being by my dad’s side as he recovers. Plus, my flight is in the middle of the night. I’m not trying to impress anyone, except Myles, of course. And I have a feeling he might appreciate the fresh face look.

There’s a soft knock at the door, just as I'm finished getting ready. I have on jean shorts, a comfy baggy gray shirt that drapes off my shoulder, and white tennis shoes. My bags are already at the front door, so I’m ready to hit the road. I open the door to a smiling Myles holding a plant and a green sweatshirt in his hands. He’s wearing shorts and a black T-shirt with his hat on backward. This has quickly become my favorite look on him. He looks relaxed and comfortable.

“Hi.” I crinkle my nose at the plant and chuckle.

“Well, you said your favorite color was green. I was going to get you flowers, but they didn’t have green. So I got you a plant instead. I also brought one of my old college sweatshirts from USF. I know it’ll be big on you, but I wanted you to have some part of me with you for comfort.” The thought he put into these gifts melts me. I tuck my bottom lip beneath my teeth in an attempt to stop the grin spreading across my face. Nobody has ever put forth so much effort to try to make me feel better.

“This has to be one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me. Thank you!” I grab the plant and put it on the kitchen counter. I scribble a note to Jess threatening her life if she lets it die while I’m gone. He walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me. My heart works in overdrive as I attempt to control my breathing. This gesture is sweet and one I really need. His cheek rests on top of my head as my hands hold his arms wrapped around my middle.

“How are you holding up?” he asks, softly.

I squeeze his arms and turn to face him, lacing my arms around his neck. “Feeling like I’m living in fight or flight mode.” My eyes sting with the growing tears in them .

“I know.” He hugs me closer.

I close my eyes as I rest against his chest. It’s crazy how fast this is moving. I never expected this, and now I can’t imagine not having his arms for comfort. I’m already dreading being away from him and having my new found safe place miles away.

“These yours?” Myles points to the bags crowding the side of the doorway. “I’ll go put them in my truck.”

“Yes, thank you!” I finish my note and grab the rest of my things.

Once outside, Myles already has my bags in the back of the truck and is waiting for me by the open passenger door. He helps me into the cab, then leans in and gives my cheek a quick kiss. Grabbing the seatbelt, he leans across me to lock it in. My heart is pounding out of my chest as I’m surrounded by his woodsy scent.

Myles leans back, his eyes dropping to meet mine, a wicked grin curling his lips as he dips his head closer and whispers, “I love your hair down, but seeing it up”—he loops a finger around a loose tendril and gives it a tug—“makes me want to kiss a path all the way up your neck until I get to your lips. It’s a bit distracting.”

The feel of his lips grazing my ear sends goosebumps rolling down my body, lighting every nerve on their way down. I have to bite my lip to keep the moan threatening to burst through from escaping.

Myles’ gaze drops to the lip pinned between my teeth, before slowly bringing it back up to my eyes. “Something to look forward to when you get home.” The playfulness of his deep voice reverberates to my core. Before I can respond, he winks and shuts my door.

On the drive to the airport, the conversations flows easily. He casually reaches over to hold my hand, and it’s the first time I am relieved to have the contact. Myles rubs a soothing circle across the back of my hand, relaxing every jittery nerve spasming through my body. He asks about my family and loves hearing more about my dad and his love for auctioneering, but also his love of riding and roping cattle. I tell him about the farm and the horse I miss. He tells me about his mom and stories about him and JT growing up together. I can’t believe how much trouble they got into. His poor mom. I can only imagine what they put her through.

As the airport gets closer, I dread leaving. I’m torn between not wanting to go, and wanting to be there for my dad. I haven’t talked to him. I know he’s still in the hospital, and my plan is to go straight there. My mom and I don’t communicate well, so it would be better to get the information myself from the doctors. Knowing her, she might downplay it.

“Hey, you got a little quiet. You okay?” Myles says, squeezing my hand as we pull into the parking garage.

I look over at him and give him a small smile. “Yes, just thinking about what I’m headed into. Thank you for driving me. You’ve made this so much easier.” I squeeze his hand. He pulls into a parking space and turns toward me.

“No place I’d rather be.” His eyes sparkle.

His actions have shown how much he means those words.

“Come on, let’s get you inside and check your bags.”

I can’t believe he’s not just dropping me off at departures. Where did this man come from?

We get all my bags out, and he grabs my hand before walking me inside. There’s not many people here so it doesn’t take long to check my bags. He ventures off to buy me a mocha frappuccino. A few minutes later, as we stand off to the side near security, he looks at me.

“Come here.” He wraps me up completely in his arms. I immediately relax into his warm, large body.

“Thank you for being here,” I mumble into his chest. Breathing in his smell, reminds me of being in the woods. I close my eyes, doing my best to commit it to memory as he kisses the top of my head.

“Always.” Pulling away, Myles hooks his finger beneath my chin, tipping my head up. “I’ll be right here when you get back, Hershey. Go, take care of your dad, then come back to me.”

He slowly leans down and his soft lips press against mine. It’s the sweetest kiss I’ve ever gotten. Quick yet tender. He pulls back to look into my eyes and gives me a smirk, but I’m not ready for this moment to end. I press up on my toes and put my hands around his neck, bringing him down to me. His eyes show a glimmer of shock and then they darken. It’s like he didn’t expect me to want more. Our lips meet again, but it’s not gentle this time. One of his hands holds the back of my neck as the other snakes around my body to pull me closer. His tongue slides against my lips, and I open, allowing him to deepen the kiss. It’s everything I could have ever imagined. I completely forget where we are or that there are people around. All I can think about is Myles’ lips and hands. I weave my hand up, pushing his hat a little to the side to tug the hair on the back of his head. He groans into my mouth, squeezing me harder. My legs are weak. I would drop into a puddle on the floor if it weren’t for Myles holding me against him. I feel his desire pressing into my stomach. He slows our kiss, and I whimper, not wanting it to end.

“We can do this as much as you want when you get back. You can’t miss your flight.” His eyes search my face before landing on my lips. “If you don’t go now, you’ll miss it.” Cupping my face, he kisses me.

I’ve never wanted a man as much as I want Myles. “Maybe that’s what I want right now.” I kiss him again, and he moans, kissing me back harder before breaking for air.

“You’re killing me, Hershey,” he complains, pressing his forehead to mine. “Please, I’m trying to be good here. It’s not something that comes easy for me.” I smile up at him. Missing my flight doesn’t sound so bad, but I know I’ll regret not being there for my dad, and I don’t want to rush into anything with Myles. I nod and run my hand down the rest of his chest.

“I’m not sure when I’ll be back,” I whisper, looking down. Having to leave without a definite return date sucks. I look back into his eyes. “I bought a one-way flight.” My heart sinks a little at my honesty. He nods and lightly kisses me on the forehead. Then he wraps his arms around me for another hug.

“He needs you right now, and I’ll be here, waiting.” He leans back and lifts my chin so he can look right into my eyes. “When you get back, I’m taking you on a ride, and I want this”—he points to me and then to himself. —“to be more. Okay?”

“It already feels like it is,” I admit. This all feels like it is so much more.

“It is, but I want you to take your time, to be sure. I don’t want you to have any regrets,” he explains while his eyes never leave mine. He cradles the side of my face with his hand and gently rubs his thumb against my cheek. “I want you to be as sure as I am.” He kisses me softly, but it’s over before I can make it more. “Now, get out of here before I change my mind.” He winks.

“Okay,” I whisper and grab my purse and carry-on bag. I walk away but pause before joining the line to look at him once more. He smiles at me, and I return it. Then I turn back around and walk through security. That felt a lot like a last goodbye. I don’t want it to be, but I’ve also never actually said goodbye to someone at an airport. I guess we gave the few people around us a good show, but I have no regrets. I know I want more with him. I guess I’ll have to show him I don’t need time.

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