Glancing to my side, I watch Hunter sleeping soundly against my shoulder, her arms intertwined with mine. Our plane took off about an hour ago, and her eyes fluttered closed soon after. Pulling out a book from my bag, I scan the cover. Her dad gave me a few books to read about auctioneering. He was supportive of trying to help me get the promotion, and I’m grateful for his help.
Every so often, I steal glances at Hunter, and I can’t get over the fact that she’s mine. I soak up all the uninterrupted time to take her in. She’s wearing jean shorts. I love seeing her in what she wears to work, but these tiny shorts aren’t leaving much to the imagination, making my thoughts run wild. They show off her sexy legs, and it’s hard for me to keep my hands to myself. Her baggy T-shirt hangs off her shoulder. Because of our morning fun, we didn’t have time to shower. She threw her hair into a large messy bun on top of her head. She didn’t have time to put on makeup either, and I love it. She looks beautiful with the few freckles peppering her skin. I could look at her all day and learn new things about her body, which I plan to get to know more as soon as possible. The thought causes my dick to jump in my joggers which is the last thing you want to wear while having a boner. I adjust myself casually and go back to reading to keep myself distracted.
About an hour later, we walk through the Orlando airport. People run in all different directions with their suitcases dragging behind them. There are many families wearing their Disney souvenirs, and kids holding their favorite movie stuffed animals. The airport has never been one of my favorite places, but I couldn’t be more happy to be home, especially while holding Hunter’s hand. Looking over my shoulder at her, I watch her beautiful face light up, a smile growing across her face. The moment is broken when someone shouts Hunter’s name. A giddy Jess runs as fast as she can toward us. Hunter’s laughter echoes around the airport as she drops her stuff before launching into a run. They wrap each other into a hug and laugh again uncontrollably. Behind their giggling forms, I notice a familiar face walking closer. It seems like Jess left JT in the dust to get to Hunter faster. Picking up all our luggage, I walk to my friend and clap him on the shoulder.
“What are you doing here?” I ask.
JT motions to Jess. “She told me that she wanted to be here when you arrived, so I offered to drive her.” He shrugs.
I watch as JT looks at Jess. He doesn’t just offer to bring a girl to the airport for no reason, but I’m not going to push him on it. “But neither of you had to come. I left my truck here,” I tell him while watching the girls squeal and talk over each other. I have no clue what either one is saying though.
“Yeah, I know. I tried to tell her.” He motions toward Jess. “But she wouldn’t hear it. Said she had to be here because she needed more details . Any clue what she’s referring to?” He turns to face me, lifting an eyebrow.
“Nope,” I say, popping the p. “Alright. Let’s grab the girls and get out of here. There’s no telling how long they will squeak.” We walk toward the loud women, hoping to be able to herd them toward the parking garage.
JT grabs one of the bags off my shoulder. “It doesn’t seem like either one has taken a breath since they started”— He pauses assessing them —“talking? Is that what they are doing?” He finally looks at me with his brows furrowed.
I shrug. “Your guess is as good as mine. We better get used to it though.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?” he asks, then whips his head back to me.
I ignore him and look at the girls. “Come on, you two. We gotta get outta here.” They both sigh seemingly forgetting that they live together. They lock arms as they waltz to the parking garage, while JT and I follow close behind. I watch as Hunter whispers something into Jess’ ear, and Jess gasps, bumping her hip into Hunter. Of course, that makes them break out into a fresh fit of giggles.
As we walk up to our vehicles, Jess says, “JT and I will meet you two at the house. I made dinner and there’s fudge brownies with vanilla ice cream for dessert.” She winks at Hunter.
Hunter squeals, hugging Jess for the hundredth time since we landed. This girl can be one of the most professional auctioneers one minute, and such a giggling schoolgirl the next. JT slings his arm around Jess’ shoulder, breaking the girls apart. Hunter and I look at each other with surprise and watch as they walk away.
“What is going on there?” I ask and look at Hunter, who’s already whipping out her phone.
“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”
She immediately starts texting Jess. My eyes go to Jess and watch her pull her phone out of her back pocket, peaking over her shoulder to look at Hunter. Jess turns toward us, walking backward, and JT looks at her like she lost her mind. He drops his arm and she raises her hands and shrugs her shoulders as if to say, she has no clue. Grabbing our luggage, I throw it into the back seat and open the door for Hunter to climb in. She’s standing there, texting Jess, her fingers flying over the screen.
“Hey, Hershey,” I say, but she doesn’t acknowledge me. “Uh, you ready?” I laugh. She whips her head toward me, a smile stretching across her face. God, she’s beautiful.
“Coming!” Pocketing her phone, Hunter launches herself right into my arms, barely giving me any warning to catch her.
I grunt.
“Oh, am I too heavy for you? I guess you did miss a gym day while we were gone. Already out of shape, old man?” she teases, patting my stomach.
“Ha. Ha.” I lean over, pressing my lips against hers. As I place her back on her feet, she spins around and lifts a leg to climb in the truck and those damn shorts tease me again. Without hesitating, I let my hand fly as it smacks her curvy, tight ass. She squeals, whipping around to face me. There’s fire in her eyes, and the corner of her lips lift. I see the challenge in her face as if to say she will get me back, but it only makes me more excited. I peck her on the lips and close the door.
My hand lays on her thigh the whole drive, drawing little circles with the pad of my thumb. She keeps her hands on my forearm, either scratching or tracing my tattoos the whole drive back to her house, asking rapid fire of questions when she finds a tattoo she hasn’t asked about yet. My hand periodically gives hers a light squeeze, and I can’t help but think how I could get used to this life. She rattles on about how Jess evaded her questions about JT, which makes my eyebrows furrow. Knowing JT, that’s not like him. He usually tells me about a girl he’s sleeping with. The only time he has ever been quiet about a girl is when he actually likes them which has only happened once since I’ve known him.
“It would be amazing if they got together,” Hunter says, her fingers squeezing my arm .
I continue to rub my fingers up and down and around her thigh. It’s relaxing. “Yeah? How so?”
“Well, we could double date. Oh, there will probably be days where we are all sleeping at the same house. We could also all go riding together. You said you have a boat. Oh, it would be so much fun to go boating together. Could we do that soon?” She looks over at me with a hopeful look in her eye.
I chuckle and shake my head. She definitely has the lungs of an auctioneer, being able to talk fast without taking a breath. “Yeah. So you think we’re always going to be sleeping together?” I ask, having a hard time keeping a straight face.
“What?” She whips her head to face me.
“I mean, you’re assuming an awful lot about me if you think I sleep with anyone in my bed.” My cheeks ache from holding back the smile. Glancing her way, her face is scrunched, lips pressing into a thin line. I burst out laughing, unable to hold it in anymore.
“Myles Johnson! You are such an asshole!” she shouts and slaps me on the chest. I continue to laugh uncontrollably. “What is your middle name?”
"I’m not telling you. You yelled at me.” I point my finger in her face, and she bats it away. “I know you will use it against me. If you think I'll tell you my middle name, you must be crazier than I thought.” I laugh when she glares at me. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as much as I have these past two days with her.
“Fine. I guess I’ll have to ask your mama.” She faces forward again with a huff.
“Oh, now you want to meet my mama?” I tease her. I pull into her driveway, and she immediately unbuckles. I think she’s going to bolt out of the truck, but she surprises me and climbs into my lap straddling me with her legs. The memories of this morning come flooding back, sending a jolt of pleasure right to my groin. Her pupils are blown, and I know she’s thinking about the same thing. I wrap my arms around her and my hands cup her ass .
“You drive me crazy, Myles Johnson.”
Her hand flicks my hat off, and her fingers snake into my hair. I waste no time and press my lips to hers. I love the feeling of her moving against me. Nipping her bottom lip between my teeth, I can’t help but get lost in our kiss. I haven’t made out with anyone in my truck since high school, and it’s the little things like this that I’m really enjoying with her.
“Alright, you two.”
JT taps on our window, making Hunter jump in my lap. I sigh, leaning my head back against the headrest.
“You’re making me lose my appetite. Let’s go eat, and for the love of god, keep your tongues inside your mouths.” JT’s entire body shivers and walks inside the house.
“I guess we better get in there,” I say, lightly rubbing my thumb against her cheek.
Her eyes flutter. “I guess so. Don’t want him to come back out and drag us inside.” Her teeth graze her lower lip.
“Well,” I say, a little more huskily. “Maybe he would send us to your room as punishment.” Her arms wind around my neck, crashing her lips into mine. God, I can’t get enough of this girl. I don’t want to break this kiss. I know JT and Jess are waiting, but I couldn’t give a flying fuck. She places her hands on my chest and pushes me away when my fingers slide up the bottom of her thighs and under her jean shorts and find her wearing a thong. My dick springs to full hardness. She opens my truck door and practically jumps out like she won’t be able to stop herself if she continues to touch me. I laugh, and she glares at me while walking inside her house. I breathe in deeply, attempting to calm myself before I get out of the truck. Grabbing my hat before closing my door, I feel JT staring at me from the entryway.
“The girls are doing a lot of squealing again. I can’t make heads or tails of what they’re talking about,” he admits, rubbing the back of his neck.
I laugh because he seems so out of his element. He’s used to flirting with girls but not hanging out with them. Actually, I’m not either, but I’m enjoying it. A lot.
“You seem happier. I’m guessing based on you practically mauling her in your truck that the trip was a success.” JT wiggles his eyebrows, and I shove his shoulder as he laughs.
“Yeah. It actually went better than I hoped.” I slide my hands into my pockets. “I mean, there were a few bumps, but it was great. Her dad’s awesome too. You would like him.”
“Dude! I’m jealous you got to meet Conrad Smith. Now that you’re dating his daughter, you’ll be an auctioneer in no time.” He smiles.
Of course I still want the job, but I’m realizing it isn’t the most important thing in my life anymore. I now have an amazing girl by my side, and I don’t think life could get much better.
“You like her a lot, don’t you?” he asks, but there isn’t much question in his voice.
“Yeah. There was some shit that went down at the gala. She was hurting, and I hated it. It only made me want to protect her,” I admit.
He smiles at me. “Okay, Moondoggie. Let’s get inside to the women. Maybe you can help me figure out what the hell they are squeaking about.” He claps me on the shoulder.