Highest Bidder 26. Hunter 93%
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26. Hunter



Tossing the last of the decorative pillows on my bed, I can’t wipe the smile off my face. Last night, Myles went home when JT did, reluctantly. Then Jess and I had a much-needed girls’ night, watching movies and eating loads of ice cream. Although, we didn’t actually watch much of the movies because we were too busy talking about all the events that took place while I was gone. She fanned herself at the steamy parts, and we laughed all night. She updated me on everything work-related. She also told me how much she and JT had hung out while I was gone.

When I walk out of my bedroom, Jess is already awake shuffling around in the kitchen, looking exhausted.

“Morning,” I say through a yawn.

“Morning.” Her voice sounds sleepy.

“I guess you’re only a morning person when you don't stay up most of the night?” I giggle, and she glares at me. I put my hands up in surrender. “Well, Myles texted. He and JT are picking us up in thirty minutes. We need to bring bathing suits, jeans, and closed-toed shoes." Her eyebrows furrow when she looks at me. “Don’t ask me. I don’t know what’s going on today. But we need to get going because we don’t have much time to get ready. ”

With that, I turn around and head back into my room to take a quick shower. I wrap myself in a towel and do my hair, leaving it to air dry. I skip makeup and put on my purple bikini and jean shorts with a cropped T-shirt over top. After stuffing a towel, a change of clothes, my boots, and some other things I could possibly need into a bag, I’m ready. I walk out of my room and Jess is finishing up too. She has on her red bikini with beige shorts and a loose T-shirt. She stuffs the last of her things into a bag when a knock at the door, bringing us out of mindless packing. I dart to the door in anticipation. She rolls her eyes at me when I nearly crash into it before throwing it open.

My sexy man stands in the doorframe, looking like an absolute vision. He's in black swim shorts and a gray T-shirt. The shirt hugs his arms and shoulder muscles perfectly. He's wearing his worn hat backward, and he smiles at me. I jump into his arms and kiss him. He wraps his hands around me and grabs hold of my thighs, making sure I don’t fall. I hear someone clearing their throat, and my eyes fly open. JT stands behind Myles. He looks a little embarrassed to be there, but we are blocking the doorway.

“Oh, hey JT,” I say through a giggle, my cheeks heating in embarrassment. I wiggle and Myles gently puts me down.

“That’s it, Fun-Size? Oh, hey JT.” He mocks me in a high-pitched girly voice. “You launch into his arms and kiss him, but I get an, oh hey?”

I laugh at his teasing, walk over to him, and kiss him briefly on the cheek. I don’t think he expected it because his face turns bright red. I turn back around to see Myles’ arms crossed over his chest with his eyebrows lowered.

“What?” I walk past him before he can say anything. “You ready Jess?” I yell out. Nickelback comes barreling over to greet the guests. Both men sit on the floor to give him all the love he so desperately thinks he’s lacking as if he’s not spoiled rotten.

“Yup. Do you think we will need condoms?” she yells back .

Both of the guys stop giving any attention to Nickelback, and their heads whip up. The dog whines at the loss of attention.

Jess pokes her head out of her room. “Gotcha!” She looks at them, and we both laugh hysterically.

The guys look at each other and give small laughs. But they still both looked stunned and unsure. They don’t know what they’ve gotten themselves into for the day.

“So where are we headed, boys?” I ask as we all pile into Myles’ truck. The two of them climb up front while Jess and I make our way to the back together. Myles wanted me up front with him, but she tugged on my hand to follow her to the back. She didn’t tell me much of what’s going on between her and JT, but I get the inkling that she wants more. She isn’t sure if he feels that way too, or if he’s playing her. His reputation doesn’t help. So I know she’s trying to guard herself around him.

“We’re going to my house,” Myles says.

My eyebrows furrow. “We could have met you there. You didn’t have to pick us up.” Myles looks at me in the rearview mirror, making me smile. I am excited to see his house for the first time. I’ve imagined what it looks like, but I can’t wait to see the real thing. He told me the view’s amazing out the back of his house. It’s nice we all live fairly close to one another, which is a miracle since we work all over the state. He reaches over the seat and hands me my favorite morning drink, a Mocha Frappuccino. JT also hands a drink to Jess. I don’t miss the way her cheeks turned a little pink at the gesture.

“We wanted to make sure you were properly caffeinated, and I wanted to pick you up.” Myles shrugs.

Jess leans over and nudges me with her elbow, and I can’t help but feel a flutter in my stomach with how sweet he is.

When we pull into his neighborhood, I see the lake in between each house as we pass. We park in front of a small, white house with black trim. It’s on the edge of a large lake with a wooden dock. We all walk inside, and Myles grips my hand tightly. I know he wants me to like it, and I already love it.

I spin around, and my eyes can’t focus on one thing. There are so many details that make this place a peaceful haven. It’s exactly what I imagined. In front of a huge flat-screen TV mounted on the wall is a large cream sectional couch. With an open floor plan, the kitchen is across the back of the house with a big island in the middle, and the kitchen windows look out over the gorgeous lake. The beauty of this place takes my breath away. All the details remind me of Myles. On the open shelves, his black dishes are on display. The picture above the couch is of a Texas Longhorn which adds a certain bachelor pad feel. I sense Myles’ eyes watch me as I take everything in.

“Alright! Enough looking around. Let’s get on the lake!” JT yells, and Jess claps her hands with excitement.

I smile and grab Myles so we can run after them. His boat is black with a large engine. There's a tube hanging off the back, along with a kneeboard and a wakeboard tucked inside. Jess and I jump onto the front and lounge on the padding while the guys untie the boat.

“Hm. Would be nice if I had another hand,” JT says sarcastically, looking at us shamelessly suntanning.

“Thankfully, you have two of them.” Jess peers over her shoulder and pulls down her glasses to look at him. “Unless one of them is too busy jerking yourself off.”

Myles and I burst out laughing. Jess winks at JT, and he’s giving her a little more heated look than before.

Myles starts the boat, and he takes us around the lake. I relax into the seat, wind whipping my hair. I feel free compared to the past two weeks I spent with my parents. After about fifteen minutes, Myles cuts the engine.

“Alright, ladies. You’re up,” he says to us.

Jess and I look over at him, confused. “What do you mean we are up? We’re busy.” I motion to our tanning bodies .

“Oh, believe me, I love the view.” He laughs. “But you’re going tubing.”

I look at the tube and then give him a questioning look. He comes over to me and pulls me into his lap. Jess walks over and talks to JT while he’s getting the tube in the water.

“What is it, Hershey?” he asks gently and tucks some of my wild hair behind my ear.

I bite my bottom lip nervously. “I dunno. I have never been on a tubey thing before.” I look down at my hands in my lap. He gently tilts my face up, so I look at him and gives me a small kiss.

“I promise, you will love it. Just hold on tight.” He pauses, seeing my uncertainty. “Do you trust me?”

My eyes flick right to his. “Yes,” I say with no hesitation in my voice.

“Just try it.” He kisses the tip of my nose.


I can’t stop my hands from shaking. Myles zips up my lifejacket and starts on the buckles. I look all around. I know there are gators in basically every body of water in Florida. Why are Floridians stupid enough to get in the water with them? Why am I stupid enough to do it? I look over and Jess is just casually talking to JT. I can’t seem to focus enough to know what she’s saying. I jump when a hand goes to hold the side of my face.

“Hey.” Myles gently strokes my cheek with the pad of his thumb. “You okay?”

I quickly nod my head a few times and continue looking around the body of water for any gators, but the water is too murky to tell. I would only be able to see one if it was swimming on the surface. One could easily take a bite of my leg off if I fall.

“Even I can see that you aren’t.” Myles gently tilts my face back to meet his. “Want to tell me why you’re nervous?”

I can’t see why this isn't something everyone is worried about. I look over at Jess again, and she’s still as cool as a cucumber and has no signs of being nervous or terrified. Both feelings, I am currently overwhelmed by.

“Gators,” I say flatly. When he doesn’t say anything, I look at him and see a smile forming that he is trying hard to hide. “Hey!” I give him a shove. “They could eat me.”

Myles belly laughs, bringing the attention of JT and Jess. “Sometimes I forget that other people aren’t used to gators.”

“I’m not crazy! You guys”—I point to each of them—“are the crazy ones. They could eat us out there!”

“Fun-Size.” JT grabs my shoulders, forcing my eyes on his. “I’ve been stuck floating in the water on this lake more times than I can count. This asshole”—he points to Myles—“decides frequently to fling me off the tube or leave me when I fall off the wakeboard. He just takes off and leaves me floating in the water like a damn buoy.”

“Well, that doesn’t make me feel any better.” I glare at Myles.

“Listen, I’ll be in the boat. I’ll take him out if he tries anything,” JT says, winking at me.

Myles wraps his arms around my waist, making me feel safe in his embrace. “I will not leave you. Besides, gators leave people alone in the middle of the lake.” He places a kiss on my favorite spot below my ear. He pulls back, meeting my gaze again. “Wait, can you swim?”

I nod before taking a deep breath.

“Come on. Let’s have some fun.” Jess grabs my arm, pulling me toward the tube.

Jess and I get on the tube, and I’m relieved we can go together. It makes me feel better knowing someone will be floating out there with me if we get flung from the tube. She shows me where to put my hands, and I grip tighter than a bow string on the handles. Myles explains the hand signals to give if we want him to go faster, slower, or stop. I listen as if my life depends on it. I’m nervous, but I tell myself, I can do this. JT helps untangle the rope as the boat gently trolls forward .

Once we are all the way out, JT yells for us to hold on tight. The boat roars to life and my stomach feels like it has left my body. I’m holding on for dear life. Thankfully, Myles goes straight for a while. I can feel the water pegging us lightly in the face, and I can’t help but start to enjoy myself. Myles keeps peeking over his shoulder, and his face lights up when he sees me smiling.

He starts to maneuver the boat in small curves, which makes it a little harder to hold on. Then, after ensuring we can hold on after a few of those, he tries some sharper turns which makes us fly out to the sides. Somehow, Jess and I are able to hold on. Her laugh vibrates through my ears, as we focus on holding on for dear life. After a few minutes, we go over a wave that launches us high into the air. We both lose our grip and fly. The smack of my body against the water takes the breath out of me, and I choke a little on the cold water as I swim to the surface with the help of the life jacket. I hear JT cheering something while I see them whipping the boat back around to pick us up. Jess isn’t too far away, and we start swimming toward each other. I focus on my breathing as I swim closer to her, and my eyes scan the lake just in case there is something swimming closeby.

“Well? Did you have fun?” she asks once we are close enough.

“Yes.” I laugh. “The fall hurt like a bitch, though.”

That was one of the most exhilarating things I have ever done.

The rest of the day, the boys take turns on the wakeboard, and Jess even attempts a few turns on the kneeboard. I enjoy lounging while I watch all of them. Myles pulls me onto his lap now and then while he’s driving. It’s thrilling being out on the water like this with my friends. I feel so relaxed in his arms, and I can’t help thinking how special this whole day is that he planned for all of us. As the day goes on, we start to see even more chemistry between Jess and JT, which only makes me happier. With a few playful shoves from Jess, JT finally says, “fuck it,” grabs Jess, and jumps in the water with her over his shoulder, her screams almost shattering our eardrums.

Later, we float while we enjoy the sandwiches, chips, and sodas the guys packed for all of us. I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun.

“Okay, Myles you have to tell me how the trip really was,” Jess says after a little while. “I’ve heard all about Hunter’s mom. How did things go from your perspective?” I groan, but Jess doesn’t take her eyes off Myles.

“Honestly, Hunter’s mom is pretty terrifying.” He laughs, and my head snaps to him.

“Hey!” I yell.

“She is, and you know it.” His shoulders shake with laughter. “I’m not used to moms like that,” he admits and looks down like he said too much. I nod knowing what he means.

“Man, you girls will love Mama!” JT says, smacking his hand on his thigh. “She’s the best, and her cooking. . .” He hums and rubs his stomach.

“In that case, I can’t wait to meet her.” I meet Myles’ gaze, and I can’t help but smile. I want to meet his mom. I don’t know when that will be, but she sounds like someone I would love.

“Um. Actually.” Myles rubs the back of his head, his gaze now fixed on the floor of the boat. “She asked if I would come by today. I haven’t been over to check on her since before my trip.” He takes a peek up at me. “I was hoping you would come with me?”

I have to stifle a nervous laugh. It took over twenty years for my mom to show me a glimpse of affection. I want his mom to like me, but what if she doesn’t? She’s extremely important to him and meeting her would be a big deal.

“Um,” I stutter .

“We have more things planned for today, so it would just be a quick visit.”

I nod and smile. I know he really wants this, and I can deal with my nerves, just like I did on the tube. After all, if he was willing to meet my mother under less than ideal circumstances, the least I can do is meet his.

“Okay. What are we doing later?” I ask, sipping my soda.

“You’ll see. JT and Jess will meet us there.” Myles winks, making butterflies swarm in my belly.

“Well, I can’t wait to meet your mom!” I say cheerfully. JT cheers and Jess gives me a wink. She knows I’m not comfortable, but I can see she’s glad I’m stepping out of my comfort zone. I’ve heard many amazing things about his mom, but I can’t help but worry that she won’t accept me like my mother doesn’t. I lean over and kiss him on the lips.

“Ewww! Come on guys! I’m eating over here.” JT groans, and we all laugh at his childish behavior.

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