Frat Rules #1: All pledges must do as they’re told, or else they’re out.
I walk in right as Hunter steps to the front of the room to hold council. Matt looks over as I come to his side and he hands me a shot glass.
“Sorry, dude.” He smirks. “Next time, put a sock on the door and I’ll know not to come in.”
That’s a good plan. Although, how fucking embarrassing. There’s going to be a sock hanging from the knob daily, and everyone knows my girlfriend is a thousand miles away at Michigan.
“Yeah, sorry, man. My girl gets me carried away sometimes.”
“No worries.” He shakes his head, chuckling. “Seen enough balls in the football locker room. Yours didn’t scare me.”
“True that.” I nod, laughing at how right he is. No one even tries to hide their junk when changing out for gym. I think the only one who ever did was Ryeson. He’d always take his clothes to the bathroom to change after practice too. But I think that’s because he didn’t want people to tease him about the elephant trunk he’s got swinging between his legs. According to rumors, the guy is packing a mega dick. And as ruthless as the guys were, they’d never let him live that shit down. His best friend already gave him a hard enough time about it, taunting him to prove the myth about his giant cock, but Ryeson refused to take the bait. Finally, Baylor gave up and quit messing with him.
“Listen up, boys!” Hunter shouts and the guys all quiet down. I go ahead and toss my shot back so I can get on the same page as all my frat brothers. Everyone’s stoked for tonight’s party, but I’m not really feeling it. I’d rather be locked in my room, talking to my girl on the phone. Watching her give me another show. But tonight’s event is mandatory, so my ass is staying put for a few hours. Then I’m sneaking back to my room and having another session with my Ruby.
“Tonight is our social with the Gamma Zs!” Hunter states and everyone breaks out into whistles and shouts, excited to have the girls coming over. I turn and give Matt a fist bump. He’s single and could use some fun, so tonight, I’ll be playing wingman for him.
“As I’m sure most of you have heard,” Hunter continues, trying to gain the crowd’s attention again, “these girls are our sister sorority. They’re also known as the beauties of campus. The cream of the crop. Which makes us some lucky motherfuckers!”
Another round of shouts and applause erupt around the room. I join in for the fun, but I know I’ve already got the cream of the crop and her name is Ruby Meyerson.
“And tonight, we’re going to show these girls a good time, aren’t we?” More applause and “hell yeahs” ring out. “To all you new pledges, tonight will be your final initiation.” Our what? I thought we were done with all that shit. “We want you to show us what you’re made of. There are going to be a lot of pretty ladies here tonight, and we want to see that you have a set of balls. It’s time to prove that you’re Omega Chi material.”
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Whatever the fuck he’s daring us to do, I’m out. I already have a girlfriend and don’t need to prove shit to anyone.
“So tonight, your job is to secure yourself a date. And don’t give me some bullshit about having a girlfriend back home.” He rolls his eyes. “It’s time to cut the umbilical cords, gentlemen, and experience what college is all about: sex and parties!”
The crowd goes wild again, but this time my jaw is clenched tight. This is bullshit. I’m not asking some girl out. But when Hunter’s eyes hit mine, I can see the dare shining in his stare. He knows I won’t do it. And that’s his hope. Since the day I moved in, he’s been giving me shit. And I’m one hundred percent positive that’s because he got kicked off the football team, and low and behold, I’m the one who took over his position. Me, Chase Warren, the freshman. I’m sure being a senior, that was a massive blow to Hunter’s ego.
“Your big brother is going to be keeping an eye on you tonight,” he states, looking over at Kyler, who’s his little brother. “He’ll be making sure you don’t wimp out on your task. If he sees you slacking on the job, he’ll pick a girl out for you. And if you fail to lock it down, you’ll be reporting to me, then I’ll be deciding if you truly have what it takes to be an Omega Chi.”
And I’m sure that if I don’t follow through, he’ll be putting me right on the chopping block. If it weren’t for wanting to make my dad proud, I’d have bailed already. But the frat actually helps me keep my mind occupied. And Matt’s the best roommate I could ask for, so tonight, I’ll do what I need to do. I’ll ask some girl out to prove I’m capable, and then I’ll cancel on her. Come up with some excuse, like I was sick.
Only…once the party gets going, Hunter makes his expectation real clear.
“Just so you know, Warren, I expect pictures of you and your date. Proof that your pussy-whipped ass isn’t lying about it.”
Fuck me.
Fine. If he wants proof, I’ll give it to him. I’ll ask out some random chick and take her to dinner as friends. I’m positive once I tell Ruby about this shit, she’ll be cool with it. She would never want me to back down from a dare, especially not when it’s coming from a bully.