College Lesson #2: Don’t listen to your roommate.
“ A re you drunk, Chase?”
He sounds a little off, but that might just be my nerves talking. All night I’ve been pacing my room, thinking about what Charity said earlier. I’ve been worried that he was getting drunk and that some hot, thin girl was coming onto him.
“A little buzzed, but it’s wearing off. You’re never going to believe what happened tonight.”
“What?” I ask, scooting back on my bed.
“Matt ran into someone from his hometown. She showed up at the party and he had no clue she was even here at this school.”
“That’s exciting.” Running into an old friend is fun.
“No, it’s not. Apparently, the girl is like Cassie. He hated her and is pissed that she’s now part of the sorority we’re forced to hang out with.”
Okay, now he has my attention. If Cassie had showed up at his party tonight, Chase would’ve flipped his shit. “That totally sucks.”
“Yeah, and get this. He’s being forced to go on a double date with Hunter and that girl tomorrow night. And he can’t get out of it because it’s his final pledge dare.”
“Wow. That’s crazy.” If it were Chase, and someone was forcing him to spend time with Cassie, he’d back down. “I’m just glad you’re not being forced to go on a date. I would freak out if that were the case. I’d be worried sick that you’d end up liking the girl and want to break up with me.”
When a frown forms on his face, I regret saying anything. I shouldn’t have shared my insecurities, but I can’t help it. What Charity said really got to me.
“Baby, that would never happen. Even if I did have to go on some stupid date, I’d never fall for anyone else.”
“But you won’t, right?” My insecurities are totally in the driver’s seat. I hate him even thinking that I don’t trust him, which is probably why he sounds uneasy, but I need peace of mind. “You won’t go on dates?”
He breathes out on a sigh, and now I’m worried I’ve upset him. “No, baby. I’m not going to go on any dates. I may want to hang out with friends—girls and guys—from time to time, but you will never have to worry about me falling for someone else. It would be impossible.”
Finally, the knot that was all balled up in my stomach, rolling tighter by the second, unravels.
“I love you, Chase.”
“Love you, too, babe. Now, I better let you get to bed. It’s almost two in the morning.” Goodness, I hadn’t realized it was so late. Charity isn’t even back yet. That’s how distracted I was by my ridiculous worries. I should know by now that when it comes to Chase, I can trust him completely.
“Good night, babe.”
“Good night.”