His Temporary Wife (The Brides of Sunflower Falls #2) Chapter 12 55%
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Chapter 12


Melody climbed into her truck. A minute later, Tony was sitting next to her. She waited until he closed the door to ask the question she didn’t want the answer to because if it was what she thought it was, she needed to make a decision sooner than she wanted to.

That bloom of hope quivered under the weight of reality striking.

When he’d stroked her back in Geraghty’s, it had taken everything in her not to crawl into his lap. He not only actively tried to make her life easier, just his touch made her feel more settled. The bloom had filled out a bit at the withered edges. Despite everything, that was a sensation she didn’t want to lose. “What things?”

He looked over at her. There was something mournful in his expression. It wasn’t something she’d ever really seen on his face. Other than when he’d been on the show. “Let’s get Button, and we can talk at your house.”

“Afraid I’ll kick you out of the truck?”

“Frankly? Yes.”

Appreciating that bit of honesty, she nodded and started the truck. Twenty minutes later, they were back at her house. Tony had been the one to get Button from her mom which had given her a chance to respond to the texts Ana had sent her right after they left.

Tony got Button from her travel harness in the back seat and met Melody at the front door. “You said she needed to be walked. I can do that.”

And he would. He was making the effort. Which meant she needed to as well. “Give me a moment and I’ll go with you.”

His shoulders lowered, and he smiled. “Great. I’ll keep her entertained out here.”

She ran inside and took care of what she needed to. It was amazing how small her bladder felt now. Peanut was just about the size of a raspberry, but her bladder sometimes acted like they were much bigger.

After grabbing the reserve container of dog bags and a flashlight from Button’s basket by the front door, she went back out to meet Tony. She stood in the doorway and watched as he played with her dog. Both of them were doing the play pose, and then Button jumped onto him. He laughed and wrestled with her.

Would he be like this with Peanut? She couldn’t ever remember her dad playing with her, unless he’d convinced her that the con he was running was only a game. That had happened more times than she liked to remember. And he’d been smooth enough that none of them had realized what he’d been doing until she had stopped finding it “fun.”

Tony looked up and caught her eye. “Ready?”

She held up the little bone-shaped container. “Yep.”

He got hold of the loop end of Button’s leash. “Come on, Button. Mommy needs a walk.”

She snorted. “You’re in a mood. ”

His expression turned serious, and when she stopped before him, he reached up and brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. “I don’t want to forget this.”

She cocked her head. “What?”

Button whined next to them, and he looked down. “Let’s get her walked. If no one’s around, I’ll tell you as we go.”

Melody blew out a breath. The continued secrecy rubbed at her even though she’d been the one to originally ask they keep their…situationship and then supposed marriage a secret from everyone, but she at least understood the reason behind it. They headed down her street, in the general direction that would lead them downtown and to the beach.

A few of her neighbors were out despite the encroaching night. Some with their older kids who were running around their yards. Probably trying to wear them out for bed. She’d be one of them at some point. When she tried to picture it, though, she couldn’t tell if Tony would be standing there with her watching as Peanut played with Button.

The bloom quivered again and grew some more. She wanted him to be. Tony’s joy in life and way of finding the fun in experiences balanced her. She wanted him in her life. Not just for Peanut, but for herself.

She reached out and took his hand. He didn’t say anything or try to put his arm around her shoulders, but squeezed her hand.

As Button sniffed and periodically marked her territory, they stayed silent. But it was an easy silence, all things considered.

At this time of year, it was nearly full dark but there was enough ambient light from the houses that they could see where they were going. At one point, Button squatted and did her business. Melody shined the flashlight on it so she could pick it up as soon as Button finished. But when she got the bag out from the container, Tony plucked it from her hand. “Keep the light on it.”

She did, and he had it picked up and the bag knotted in no time. Button yipped and pulled at the leash, but Melody called out a command. “Sit.”

Button plopped her behind on the grass. “Stay.” She looked over at Tony. “We’re not far from the beach entrance. You good with carrying that?”


“I can take her.”

He reached down and rubbed behind Button’s ear. Her dog canted her head and had a look of absolute bliss on her face. “We’re good. Aren’t you a good girl, Button?”

Despite the darkness, Melody felt a blush bloom on her face. Tony had called her that in bed sometimes. With a much different tone, but the words had her remembering his fingers tangled in her hair as she sucked him off.

He looked over at her right then, and she began walking away.

“Something I said?”

She heard the suppressed laughter and flipped him the bird over her shoulder. He stopped holding back, and his rich laugh filled the air around them. His hand brushed over her shoulder when he and Button caught up to her.

“Thanks. I needed that.”

She slid him a look. “Can you tell me now?” They were on the outer edges of the downtown area, but at this time of night, it was quiet. She spotted lights on in Secrets and Whimsies, but that was usual as it was Mrs. Smith’s monthly inventory period .

He touched her back as they crossed the street. “If you’re good with it, I’d like to sit on the beach one last time.”

She jerked her face up so she could see his. “Last?”

His jaw tightened. “For now. I hope.”

Melody cupped her stomach. This was the answer she’d been expecting. Fearing. She’d promised to give him a chance to prove his case, but his time wasn’t up yet. But the look on his face earlier, and his choice of words made her realize maybe it was.

Soon they settled on an empty stretch of the public beach. The waves from the lake provided a steady drone so that even if anyone else was on the beach, they shouldn’t be overheard. Button was tired from the walk, so she settled down between the two of them and rested her head on her paws.

Tony clasped his hands together on his knees. “Zach and I are flying back to California tomorrow.”

Even though she’d suspected that’s what he had to say, it still felt like a punch to the gut. “When did you find out?”

“This afternoon. I was told that if I wasn’t in California by five their time tomorrow, I’d be held in contempt of court and a bench warrant issued for my arrest.”

She blinked, then turned to look out at the lake. “They can do that?”

“Easily. The man I’m supposed to testify against is still missing, however no one thinks he’s dead at this point. Don’t know where he is, but my attorney told me that the police aren’t the only ones looking for him.”

Melody drew in a deep breath. “Do they think he’s coming after you?”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him shake his head. “No. Robert’s primary resources were the other people who are now searching for him. Damien thinks he may have stolen from them, and they finally discovered it. Wouldn’t surprise me. If that is the case, Robert had better hope the police are the ones who find him first.”

She opened her mouth to ask the question hanging in her mind, but she couldn’t get the words out. Swallowing the lump in her throat down, she forced them to leave her lips. “Are you coming back?”

Tony’s sigh was long and deep. Partway through, Button lifted her head from the sand and laid it on his knee. He chuckled and rubbed her head. “Thanks, Button.” He was silent for a moment more. “I don’t know. I don’t want to make you another promise I can’t keep.”

Tears pricked her eyes. Mentally she poked at the bloom, but it stood firm. If this was going to be her last night with him, she didn’t want to waste it. Her capacity for hope wasn’t large, but it wasn’t nonexistent. If they were going to make it, she had to nurture that bloom.

Fuck the ticking clock and his having to go back to LA.

She was going to make sure they both had orgasms to remember.

Turning back to him, she lifted her hand to his chin, and brought his face down to hers.


She answered by pressing her lips against his. He groaned and gripped her wrist. Sweeping out with her tongue, she tasted him. It had been so long, and she didn’t know when she might have the chance again.

If ever.

“Baby. Please. Don’t give up on me.”

The taste of him became salt kissed, and she realized she’d started crying. “I don’t know what I’m doing.” Relationships were not her strong suit, and she still wasn’t sure how to fix the foundation of the one she wanted to build with him.

He kissed her and brushed her hair behind her ear. “You’re going to continue baking our baby, conquer the world of home improvement, and keep faith in me. Please. I’m sorry I’m asking you to be strong for us. I should be here pampering the hell out of you for as long as you’ll let me.”

She rested her forehead against his even as Button wriggled out from between them. “You know I wouldn’t let you do it for long.”

He laughed. “Every minute you’d let me would be a win. You don’t have to be the strong one all the time.”

“Told you I have a reputation as a badass to maintain.”

His fingers traced her jaw and lifted her face so their eyes met. In the moonlight, shadows and the beard he still wore made his face dark and menacing, but the look in his eyes was beyond soft. “Your armor’s strong, but I know your heart is pudding for the right people and I want to be one of those people. And I know I still haven’t earned it.”


He kissed her. “Let me finish.”

She squeezed her eyes closed and nodded. A few more tears leaked out.

He brushed his thumbs against her cheeks, pushing the tears away. “I don’t know how long this is going to take. Getting to trial can take years. They can’t keep me holed up the entire time. I don’t think. But I can’t make any forever promises to you until this is cleared up.”

“Will it ever be?”

He wrapped his arms around her, and she curled into his shoulder as Button sniffed the surrounding sand. “It’s got to be. One way or another. Robert’s not the big fish they want. He’s just an avenue to their primary goal. But having me available puts pressure on Robert to get him to flip or whatever they’re looking to get out of him.”

She hated the idea of him never coming back into their lives because he wasn’t allowed to. That was the difference with her dad. He chose to leave them and only came back when it benefited him.

Checking her watch, she saw it was nearly nine. Time was racing away. She pushed away from him and stood up.

“Kicking me out already?”

“Just get moving. Button.” Button came over immediately, and Melody grabbed the leash.

Tony stood up and brushed the sand from his jeans. “I’ll walk you home and then head over to the house.”

She grabbed his hand. “Stop dawdling.” She tugged on his hand and set a fast pace toward her home.


“You’re wasting time.” Refusing to let go of his hand and not caring who saw them, she hurried across streets and intersections as soon as any cars were clear. Button saw it as a game and ran and jumped, playing with her leash.

Tony said nothing for the rest of the walk, keeping pace with her. As soon as they were back in her house, she pushed him toward the stairs. “I’ll put Button to bed.”

He looked over his shoulder, his gaze dark. “Are you sure about this?”

Taking a deep breath, she nodded. “Yes.”

He bent and picked up Button. “I can put her to bed.”

“I don’t want to think.”

He turned and crowded her up against the wall. “I promise to turn off that gorgeous brain as soon as this one is in her crate.”

Button yipped and licked Melody’s face. They both laughed, but Tony moved to the stairs .

Melody followed up, doing her best to turn her brain off herself. The decision felt impulsive. But right. They had little time left. She wasn’t sure if she would have ever given him another chance were it not for Peanut, but she wasn’t making this decision for Peanut. It was for herself.

They might still crash and burn, and he might not come back which meant she’d have to make a life on her own. But she knew deep in her gut that if she chose against the possibility of them being a Them, she’d regret it.

She went into her room and began stripping out of her clothes. Her arms were over her head, tangled in her t-shirt, when warm hands skated across her skin before they settled over her belly.

Warm lips pressed a kiss to her shoulder, next to her bra strap. “Maybe I should keep you like this.”

She worked to free her hands, but before she could, he had her shirt fully wrapped around her hands, binding them together, and spun her around so that she faced him. “What’s gotten into you?”

“You.” He kissed her, stealing her breath. With his body, he guided her back toward her bed.

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