His Temporary Wife (The Brides of Sunflower Falls #2) Chapter 13 57%
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Chapter 13


The second Tony had spotted Melody stripping out of her clothes, he knew he couldn’t let her go. He needed to tie her to him. Convince her they belonged together like he’d known deep in his gut from the beginning. Yeah, they were having a baby, but a woman didn’t need a man, especially one with the baggage he was carrying around, to raise a kid.

No. Melody needed to make the choice of being with him on her own, and for herself. The pregnancy had given him some space to persuade her he was worthy of being her partner. But the ultimate decision was one she needed to make for herself.

He laid her back on the bed carefully as he made sure her hands were still tied up in her shirt. A smirk tugged at her lips as she watched him with a cautious gaze. She moved her still-bound hands. “Going to let me go?”

“Not if I can help it.”

Her gaze darkened. They hadn’t played too much with this side of sex. Maybe they should have. Something for him to look forward to while cooling his heels in California .

Melody didn’t untangle her hands, but she didn’t lie there quiescent. She was incapable of not trying to control the situation, and that was something he loved about her. In and out of bed.

Her hips shifted, and then her legs were wrapped around his waist. They both still had their pants on, and he had to concentrate hard on not letting her movements drive him past the edge of control.

Reaching under her back, he undid the clasp for her bra and moved the cups off her breasts. He rubbed her nipples with his thumbs and then pinched them. Her back bowed up off the bed.

“Tony.” The breathlessness with which she said his name soothed the animal clawing inside of him.

“You’re such a brat.”

“You never complained…” He pinched again, and she shuddered. “…about that before.”

“We don’t have much time.”

She opened her eyes and glared at him. “So fuck me.”

“Always trying to control things.”

“Now you’re the one wasting time.”

Fully aware of the second hand ticking away, a locust chomping away at their time together, he stripped off her pants and then undid his jeans.

He pulled a condom out of his back pocket and was about to rip it open when Melody sat up, her legs wrapping once again around his hips and her bound hands resting on his chest.

“I don’t think we need that.”

He blinked. He’d never had sex without a condom. The only time he’d even come close to getting inside a woman without one on had been when he’d likely gotten Melody pregnant, and he still wouldn’t have tried to go in bare. “What do you mean we don’t need one?”

She laid back down, arms over her head and her legs splayed open. “I mean, I’m already pregnant.” She cocked an eyebrow at him. “You haven’t been sleeping with anyone else, have you? Do I need to worry about the other reasons for you using a condom?”

“No.” He stroked his hands along her thighs, enjoying the firm muscles under the skin. Melody was someone who worked hard and didn’t shy away from doing the work needed. Even if that meant hauling boxes of ceramic tile or assisting with fine finishing work. “It had been nearly a year for me.”

“Then I think we’re good.”

“What about you?”

“My last partner?”

“Yep.” He traced the fine skin along the joint of her inner hips. Her eyes darkened, never leaving his gaze.

“Two years.”

“Why so long?” He moved one thumb to trace her open pussy.

She drew in a deep breath. “Do we have to talk about this now? Remember, you turn into a pumpkin at ten.”

He laughed. “I guess not.” After swiping his fingers down her pussy to get them wet, he wrapped his hand around his cock. “We’re doing this?”

“How many times do I have to tell you to fuck me?”

Even while they were taking a step that felt like jumping off a cliff, she could still make him laugh. Guiding the head of his cock to her pussy, he reveled in the first touch of skin to skin.

“I want to touch my breasts. Make you fuck me faster.”

He jerked against her, his whole cock rubbing up and down her wet pussy. “Jesus, Melody. Next time I’m gagging you along with restraining your hands.”

“I’d prefer to gag on your cock.”

This woman. When she went all in, she went ALL in. He notched his head in her entrance and pushed. Not slowly. Melody had made it clear she didn’t want slow. But he also didn’t want her thinking this was a fast fuck and done.

Fast, yes. Done, never.

Even as he powered in and out of her, his one thumb rubbing against her clit to get her to climax as fast and often as he could in the next ten minutes, he bent down to kiss her. She nipped his lips with her teeth, and then settled back, inviting him in.

She moved her arms so that her bound hands were behind his neck, holding him to her. He groaned, and as he did so, her hips jerked up.

Melody’s eyes rolled back, and he realized she was coming. “That’s it, baby. Be a good girl and give me your orgasm.”

Her hips jerked again as he powered into her. She groaned low and long. He tried to hold off, but the tight clenching of her pussy on his bare cock was too much. As he spilled into her, the thought of claiming her, marking her with his seed had the power of his own orgasm ratcheting up.

He barely managed to not fall on top of her, instead, landing to her side. Once he’d pulled out, he moved the hand he’d been using to massage her clit down to cover her pussy. He pressed kisses to her shoulder, timing them to the continued aftershocks he felt fluttering through her groin.

Melody untangled her hands from her shirt and brought them down, running her hands through his hair. “I need a moment before the next round.”

Again she made him laugh. “Unfortunately, I have a feeling Zach would be over here to haul my ass out of the house before I was ready.”

“Please. You don’t have to have an erection to take care of me.”

He licked her shoulder, enjoying the taste of sweat and satisfied woman. “I want to take care of you even if I’m never capable of erections again.”

“Bite your tongue, that’s what Viagra’s for.”

Burying his face into her arm, he couldn’t help the chuckles bubbling out of him. He’d always considered himself a good-natured guy, but even as he was preparing to leave her for an indefinite amount of time when he really didn’t want to, she gave him joy in the moment.

He looked over at the clock she had sitting on her side table. He had fifteen minutes to get dressed and back to the house he and Zach had been sharing.

“I need to go.”

Her hand paused in the stroking of his hair. “I know.” She blew out a long breath. “What do we do next?”

“I don’t know. Once I talk with Damien and find out what the next steps are, I’ll let you know. I’ll do my best to text you, call you when I can.” He pushed up on his elbow so he could look her in the eye. “I want to know about the baby. Make sure you’re both okay. Send me photos of the ultrasound?”

She swallowed, opened her mouth to say something, but then just nodded.

He pressed his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry I can’t be there with you. I want to be. So badly. ”

She stared at him. “Why? I mean I know I’m a great lay and all.”

He could hear the pain underlying her attempt at humor. “Oh, Mel. I’ve done a shit job if you don’t know you’re the one for me. Even if the baby wasn’t in the picture. You just made me laugh after some of the hottest sex of my life, when I’m being forced to leave you. How can you not be my person?”

Melody closed her eyes, and he wasn’t sure if it was to close him out or something else. But she threaded her fingers into his hair and pulled him down for a kiss. Instinctively, he knew that if he said he loved her, she wouldn’t welcome it. Not when he was also getting ready to leave her. Declaring love meant commitment. An acknowledgment of a future. Together.

He couldn’t commit to her, but he could love her. Even without saying the words.

She broke the kiss and pushed at his shoulder. “You should go.”

Tears leaked from the corners of her still closed eyes. “Want me to call Ana? Have her come over and stay with you?”

Melody opened her eyes, stared at him, and then rolled her eyes. “No. If I need company, I can call whoever I want myself. Seriously. Zach probably is on his way over.”

Tony bit back the growl of frustration building in his chest. He needed more time. But he didn’t have it. “As soon as I know what’s happening, I’ll let you know.”

“Fine. Get going. I don’t need Zach coming over.”

Tony got dressed, and headed back downstairs. He had his phone out and was shooting a text to Zach when he felt a rush of air against his skin a moment before Melody gripped his biceps and turned him around. She pulled his face down for one more kiss. He tried to sink into it, but before he could, she stepped back. She pulled the short silk robe she’d thrown on tighter to her body. “Be careful. Please.”

He reached out and pushed her hair behind one ear, savoring the feel of it one more time. “I won’t take any stupid chances. That I can promise you.”

She blew out a breath and nodded. “Get going.”

He saluted her. “Yes, boss.”

She rolled her eyes again. “If only.”

He waited to leave her doorstep until he heard the click of her locks. Then he hit send on the text she’d distracted him from. As soon as his text app showed it had been delivered, a bubble popped up indicating Zach was composing a reply.


Am I supposed to come pick you up?


It’ll be faster than me walking. Melody’s not exactly in a state to be driving me over.


TMI, asshole.


I’m going to start walking. Where should I meet you?


Just walk straight down toward town and I’ll stop when I see you.


Five minutes later, headlights swooped across the yards and road Tony was walking along. Zach pulled up next to him. “Get in. Flight’s changed.”

Tony climbed into the SUV. “When did that happen? And to when?”

“About a half hour ago. I’ve already got my stuff packed. As soon as you’re packed, we’re out of here.”

Tony twisted in his seat. “What time is the flight? We were already leaving ass early.”

“They moved it up by an hour. As it is, we’ll just make it.”

He scrubbed his face with his hands. Neither he nor Zach had gotten any sleep today. Zach might have while he’d been gone, but that wasn’t enough for a nearly six-hour trip down to JFK. “Wait, it’s still out of JFK, right?”

“Yeah. And what’s working in our favor is that we’re driving in the dead of night, so little to no traffic to block our way.”

“Bite your tongue. I don’t want to get locked up because some asshole crashed his car and block the Tunnel.”

Zach pulled into the driveway of the house they’d been staying at. A light in the living room was still on, giving the house a sense of welcome. Tony went in and packed while Zach did what he needed to close up the house. On their way out, he locked the door and then dropped the keys in the mailbox. His mom would be by later this morning to gather what they’d left behind and for the final closeout.

They climbed back into the SUV, and Zach drove through the downtown area of Sunflower Falls to hook onto the county road. Tony looked over as they passed the block where Keller Construction had a storefront that acted as their office. He thought about the pen they had set up for Mayzie’s puppies when Libby had been caring for them over the summer .

Would Melody bring the baby into the office with her? Or would she just work from home when she needed to be in an office environment? A vision of Melody wearing a little baby in a carrier with the baby wearing a bright purple mini hardhat had him laughing.

As they passed the Sunflower Diner, Zach looked over. “What’s so funny?”

Tony shook his head. “Nothing.” He’d have to remember to tell Melody about it, though. She wouldn’t ever bring a small baby onto an active construction site, but maybe he could find a mini hardhat somewhere to get as a gag gift.

They passed the sign inviting visitors to come back to Sunflower Falls, and Tony hoped it would be true.

Eight hours later, he and Zach were in the air headed to Los Angeles. They had barely made the flight before the doors closed as there had indeed been an idiot on the road, but thankfully their first-class seats hadn’t been given away so they could both sack out for at least part of the flight.

Before he settled down for a nap, he shot a text to Melody.


In the air. Miss you already.


Are you going to be sappy about this?

He pulled out the chain he’d been wearing around his throat since the day they arrived back in Sunflower Falls from Niagara and took a picture of the ring hanging from it. He knew she’d noticed it, but she’d never commented on it.


Always have been, always will be.






Glad you’re safe. Keep it that way.


Planning on it. Will text when we arrive.

The flight attendant came around to see if he wanted anything to eat or drink. He requested a bottle of water and then took advantage of the lie-flat bed.

Nearly six hours later, they were landing at LAX. Still groggy despite sleeping almost all the way, he got his carry-on bags sorted so they could quickly deplane. They were among the first off, and as soon as they exited into the baggage claim area, he spotted Damien, dressed in a full dark blue suit and lime green tie, waiting for them.

He went over and shook his hand. “What are you doing here?”

Damien briefly looked over at Zach and then turned his gaze back to Tony’s. “The DA’s requested you remain in your house. It’s not an official court order, but they said they would submit one if necessary.”

Tony looked between Zach and Damien. “They can’t do that, can they? ”

Zach shrugged. “I’m not the attorney.”

“They can. And not only can they have you confined to your house, they can request GPS monitoring to ensure you don’t leave. Come on, I’m driving.”

Shifting his bags over his shoulder, Tony followed Damien out to the parking garage. “Can we at least stop for a burger? I slept the entire flight and have only had a little snack bag since dinner last night.”

“You can have it delivered when you get home.”

Damien’s tone was all lawyer, not even a teasing hint of friend seeping in. “So my house? I’ll order now.”

Damien looked over his shoulder as he turned down one of the garage’s ramps. “We’re headed to the courthouse first. Both the judge and the DA want to see you in person.”

“I need food, man.”

Zach snorted. “You might as well. I can tell he’s going to be a whiny baby about this.”

Damien held out his key fob, and the lights of an SUV a few cars down from the start of the row flashed. “Fine. Drive-through only and you will like what I select.”

“Why do I feel like one of your kids right now?”

Damien shook his head, but climbed into the driver’s seat. Tony tossed his bags into the cargo area and waited while Zach did the same. “Is this bad?”

Damien shouted from the front seat. “Yes. Get in.”

Zach pressed the button for the gate to lower and lock. “We’ll talk later.”

As they exited LAX, Tony took a picture of the palm trees lining the road. Pulling up his text app, he sent it to Melody.


Can’t wait to show you these myself in person.


Glad you arrived. Dealing with a situation. Text later?



He touched the screen and let the words out he wanted to say to her in person but was too afraid she’d run from. “Love you.”

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