“You look gorgeous.”
Brad’s words were true, but they’d slipped out unceremoniously before he’d even offered her the flowers in his hand. Bess must not have minded because her blue eyes widened, staring at him and not the flowers before her smile spread until her whole face beamed. She didn’t speak, and it dawned on Brad that it was the first time he’d seen her speechless. She had to know she was beautiful, but her expression wasn’t one of vain pleasure that he’d acknowledged what she already knew, but more of surprise with an element of excitement.
“Wow, thank you,” she said, her gaze finally dropping to the flowers he’d extended. “These are lovely.”
She stepped back and turned to her sink, where she laid the flowers. Then, she grabbed a vase off the top of the refrigerator. He followed her inside, watching as she carefully placed the bouquet into the vase, filled it with water, and then fluffed and arranged the flowers. She set them on the counter and then turned to face him again. “I just need to get my shoes and my bag.”
He watched as she walked into her bedroom, the blue dress swishing about her thighs, and he took her all in when she returned with a pair of heels in one hand and a small clutch in the other. Red hair flowed down her back in sleek waves. Her subtle makeup brought out the light blue of her eyes. She placed one hand on the counter for balance and bent to slip on one heel. The dress was not excessively low in the front, but her action gave him a hint of cleavage, reminding him of when he had her in bed, and her beautiful breasts had been on display just for him.
When she stood upright again, her feet were now encased in black heels. She walked straight to him, reaching just beyond his shoulder to an old-fashioned coatrack. He turned as her fingers landed on a red coat, and he took it from her hand. Holding it up for her, he caught another smile curving her lips as she gave him her back and allowed him to slide the coat up on her shoulders.
Brad had been raised to be a gentleman, and the simple act of helping her into her coat was one he’d seen his dad perform countless times when his parents were getting ready to go out. At that moment, he understood how important those simple acts were. When the coat was in place, his hands rested on her shoulders as she buttoned the front, then cinched the belt around her waist.
She lifted her head, her smile still in place. “I’m ready whenever you are.”
Before she could put her keys into her small purse, he held out his hand, and she dropped them into his palm. He opened her door, and she stepped out, waiting as he turned and used her keys to lock the door. Handing them back to her, he waited until she slid her purse strap over her shoulder before he took her hand and guided her down the stairs.
It struck him this was the first time he was treating her like a woman he was really interested in. Not a hookup. Not a person to protect in the middle of a case. Not just the sister of the woman his friend was dating. But this was the first time he made the conscious choice to want to go out with Bess, and everything she was doing indicated it was also what she wanted. And he was then struck with how much time he’d wasted getting to this moment.
The Sunset Restaurant in Baytown offered the perfect ambience. The tables were plentiful but not crammed so close together that he felt they were on top of another group. And the noise was subtle, not interruptive. Once there, he reversed the actions of earlier and helped remove her coat before they slid into the curved booth he’d specifically chosen when he made the reservation. They could both see the sunset over the Chesapeake Bay, but they could sit close together. Still slightly angled so they were facing each other, but not across a wide table. And from the continued smile on her face, it seemed she also appreciated all the attributes of their booth.
They ordered drinks and appetizers, and for a few moments, an awkward silence ensued. He couldn’t figure out why the easy had fled, and the uncomfortable silence began. Suddenly, a soft giggle sounded, and his gaze snapped over to her to see Bess's shoulders twitching as she gently laughed. He tilted his head to the side and waited.
“I’m sorry,” she began. “I shouldn’t laugh, but it’s just that I’ve been looking forward to this date so much, but I suddenly don’t know what to say.”
“Maybe we’re just nervous since a formal date has such pressure and expectations. “
“You’re right,” she said emphatically, nodding. “For a long time, you and I have fussed and cussed at each other. Until our chat about Carol, I wasn’t sure we remembered how to have a conversation.”
His lips twitched as he lifted a brow and countered, “I don’t fuss.”
Her giggles continued. “Perhaps fuss isn’t the appropriate word for you. I admit that I can bitch, but you growl and glower.”
He chuckled and nodded. “That sounds about right for me. I wouldn’t say you bitch. You’re just passionate.”
She sighed. “That’s true, I am. But I really need to work on my inner voice staying inner and not outer.” She looked down at her hands resting on the table for just a moment, then shifted her body in the booth to face him and thrust out her hand. “Hi, I’m Bess. Usually, I wear a shirt that lets you know my name and the name of my bakery. But since I’m dressed up tonight, I thought I’d let the most handsome guy in this place know who I am.”
Chuckling at her playacting, he took her hand in his and held it firmly but gently. “I’m glad you did, Bess. I noticed you sitting here and couldn’t help but come over. My name is Brad. Brad Stowe. I’m a detective for the county.”
She didn’t try to pull her hand away but instead shifted closer. “A detective? I assume I’m not only with the most handsome guy in the place, but I’m also perfectly safe.”
He leaned in. “You’re safe from everyone except maybe me. I’m infatuated with you, but I’ll try to rein in my stalkerish tendencies regarding beautiful bakers.”
Her eyes widened. “Stalkerish? Oh, that sounds intriguing. Tell me more.”
“I once slept outside a woman’s apartment all night in my SUV.”
Her lips twitched. “And why was that?”
“I can pretend it was because I wanted her to be safe. In reality, I think I just wanted her.”
She sucked in a quick breath, then let it out slowly as her lips curved even more. She leaned closer, and he was already anticipating her lips on his when the server stopped by with their drinks and appetizers.
They both jerked slightly, then laughed. As he drank from his beer and she sipped her wine, they dipped their toasted naan into the cheesy crab dip. And just like before, they slid into an easy zone.
“You know, I like that you care so much about your sister.” She twisted to look at him as her tongue darted out to catch a dollop of crab dip. “I get it. That’s how Belinda and I are.” She laughed. “Only you’re the older protective brother, and I’m the irritating younger sister.”
His gaze zeroed in on her lips before he shook his head to return to the subject. “I’d say you’re just as protective, even being the youngest.”
She nodded, her face soft. “I’m glad you see that. Belinda and I are only two years apart. From what Mom said, Belinda never seemed to feel usurped when I was a baby, and she was only a toddler. True, she thought I was her real live baby doll at first, but she took to me immediately. In some ways, we were raised almost like twins. We shared toys and later shared clothes.”
“Ever go after the same boy?”
She gasped, her eyes flying open wide. “No way!” Her words came out loudly, and she rapidly jerked her head around to ascertain if anyone was looking. Letting out a deep breath, she blushed. “Sorry.”
“No worries. You’re passionate when you defend your sibling relationship.”
Her gaze held his, and she nodded slowly. “That’s a great way of putting it. We never went after the same boy. She was always a bit more serious than I, preferring the steady guys. She’d weigh the pros and cons before considering someone. I was always more headstrong, rushing into things, then usually getting burned?—”
She stopped suddenly and pretended great interest in selecting her next piece of bread. He reached over and took her hand. Giving it a little squeeze to draw her gaze up to his, he said, “I never meant to burn you.”
“Oh, jeez, I know, Brad. It was my headstrong idiocy that led me to the wrong conclusion.”
“We both made mistakes, but we’re past that now. You know I’m interested, and I hope to God that you are, too.”
Her lips curved deliciously. “I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”
By the time they’d shared the surf ’n’ turf for two, had more wine and beer, and were staring at the largest piece of cheesecake he’d ever seen, they both picked up their forks and dove in. He mentally added a few more miles on his run the next day. He didn’t worry about what he ate because he figured life was too short not to enjoy, but as someone in law enforcement, he took his training seriously. He particularly loved how Bess enjoyed every bite, not moaning about the calories or how she’d have to diet for the rest of the week.
“Love how you eat, Bess,” he said.
That statement got him a brow-lifted, wide-eyed look of surprise as her fork halted on its way to her mouth. “Uh… thanks.” She dabbed at her mouth with her napkin. “I do try to use my utensils and the manners my mother taught me.”
Barking out a laugh, he shook his head. “Not how you eat. But how you don’t care about the calories.”
That statement continued to get him an even higher lifted brow and wider eyes. “I do care about how I look and if I’m healthy.”
His mirth ended, and he groaned. “Oh God, I’m fucking this up, aren’t I?”
Suddenly, she burst into laughter. “Sorry, Brad. I know what you mean, but I just had to tease you a little.” Shaking her head, she said, “Honestly, I do care how I look, although on most days, I slap on a touch of moisturizer and mascara, and that’s all. I don’t need any blush on my cheeks when my face will redden naturally with the hot ovens. I do taste a lot of goodies because I never want to send something out into my shop that I haven’t tasted, but I don’t eat a ton. I’m on my feet almost all day, moving around, lifting heavy pots full of caramel sauce, stirring continuously to get a mixture, sauce, or icing just right, rolling out dough, and carrying heavy trays to and from the ovens. Believe me, I don’t care if I have a little weight on my hips—I need all the strength I can get just to do my job.”
As her mirth slowed, she slid another piece of cheesecake between her lips and dragged it off the fork.
He tried to ignore how his cock twitched at the sight.
Then she moaned as her tongue slipped out to lick a dollop of cake off her bottom lip.
Now, it was impossible to ignore his cock’s desire to get closer to her. He’d never forgotten the night he and Bess spent together… and what she could do with her mouth. She looked at him, and he wondered if she was thinking the same thing when she blew out a slightly shaky breath.
Again, they were interrupted when the server stopped by to see if they needed anything else. Their eyes never left each other, but she shook her head slowly. Barely glancing upward, he also shook his head. “No, thank you. You can bring the check.”
The server must’ve felt the sexual tension between them because she brought the bill and returned with the final receipt and his card quickly. He slid out of his side of the booth and then bent to pick up Bess’s coat before wrapping his fingers around her hand and guiding her to her feet. Once again, he held her coat as she slipped her arms into the sleeves and settled it on her shoulders.
She offered him a smile as she grabbed her small purse. He took her hand and linked fingers, guiding her out of the restaurant. The long bar near the front had filled as the evening had progressed, and with his free hand out, he kept anyone from bumping into her, even throwing a few glares in the direction of those who didn’t easily yield.
As they walked to the car, she looked up and said, “I don’t know if you’ve ever had a girl tell you this or not, but that’s really hot.”
He looked down as he stopped just on the passenger side of his SUV. “What was hot?”
“How you managed us through the crowd without me getting knocked over. I know I’m not petite, but I still feel like I’m the ball in a pinball machine when I try to make it through a crowd, especially when it’s crowded and people have been drinking. You taking care of that for me was hot.” She turned and leaned against the door, looking up as he pressed one hand against the glass by her head.
“In case you’re wondering,” she continued, “that will always earn you brownie points.”
He leaned in closer, still holding her gaze, then asked, “And what does the collection of brownie points earn for me?”
She lifted her hands and placed her palms on his upper chest, then slid them to his neck and applied a little pressure to bring him down. She lifted on her toes, and he came willingly as she whispered, “Brownie points earn you this.”
They moved together, erasing the scant distance between them. Their lips touched ever so lightly, then sealed. The kiss flamed hot and fast. As soon as their tongues touched, he angled his head as her fingers clutched his shoulders tightly as though terrified he was going to move.
Pressing his body against the length of hers, he felt her lift one leg, angling so that her heat was closer to him. That maneuver was hot as fuck, but he slid one hand down, having enough presence of mind to make sure she wasn’t flashing anyone else in the parking lot. Finding her dress still in place, he squeezed her thigh through the material.
Tongues tangled and noses bumped together as their heads moved back and forth, each wild to take the other. His cock ached behind his zipper, and the way she rubbed against his thigh, which was now between her legs, he felt her heat.
Using all the discipline he had, he lifted his head, swallowing the last moan as she clung tighter to hang on to their connection.
Leaning his forehead against hers, he panted, struggling to breathe while feeling her sweet breath puff against his face as she did the same. “I don’t want to stop, but it would be embarrassing if I got arrested for indecent exposure by bending you over the seat with your dress up to your waist. Although, that’s everything I’ve been dreaming about doing.”
As her breathing slowed, her eyes twinkled under the parking lot lights. “You dream about me? Or is this just a common dream that would include any available female in a parking lot?”
He felt the chuckle rumble from his chest before it met his ears, and he shook his head. “You’re the only female I’ve been dreaming about. Maybe that sounds like a weak thing to admit.”
“Hardly!” Her fingers dug into his shoulders tightly. “There’s nothing sexier than a man confident enough to admit what he’s thinking and feeling without giving a fuck what anyone else might think.”
“Did I just earn some more brownie points?”
She began to laugh, and her whole face brightened with the sound. “Brad, honey, you’ve earned so many brownie points, I’m not sure I’ll ever get them paid back.”
“I don’t expect payback for being the kind of man my parents raised or admitting that I want to spend a lot more time with you.”
“Damn, I think that statement also earned more brownie points. Are you ready to take this back to my place where we don’t have the threat of getting arrested?”
“Thought you’d never ask.” He touched his lips to hers, the tip of his tongue, barely tasting her lips before he leaned up, sliding one hand behind her back and bringing her with him. Throwing open the door, he assisted her up, made sure she was buckled, then closed the door and jogged to his side.
He hadn’t planned on sex for this date and didn’t want her to feel pressure about anything. But getting away from everybody and spending more time alone with her in her apartment, fuck … that sounded perfect.