Bess was full—from the excellent dinner, complete with cheesecake and wine, to the conversation that had flowed as well as she’d expected from the times she’d spent with Brad when they weren’t embroiled in stupid misunderstandings. She was also full of excitement as her lips and other parts of her body still tingled from the kiss they’d shared in the parking lot. And now, as they drove in silence toward her apartment, she was full of anxious anticipation.
They’d said no sex… or at least no expectation of sex when they’d set the date. Now, all she wanted was to drag him out of his vehicle, up the stairs, into her apartment, and straight to her bed. But she wanted to be smart. Look before she leaped.
They remained silent as he parked, and her gaze followed him as he walked around the hood of his SUV and stopped at her door. He assisted her down and held her hand, lifting his other hand for her keys as they approached the door. Once inside, he guided her upstairs, then used her key to open her apartment.
She stepped through the doorway and walked toward the kitchen counter. Not hearing him behind her, she looked over her shoulder to find him standing in the doorway. The air left her lungs, but she was unable to speak as she realized he wasn’t coming in.
“I don’t want to make any assumptions, Bess. This… you’re too important for me to fuck things up again.”
She turned and walked over to him. Reaching out slowly, she slid her hand into his. “I want you to come in. We'll figure out what we do or don’t do tonight as we go. But I’ve had a really good time and would hate to see the date end right now.”
Her gaze remained on his face, and she noticed the instant his jaw relaxed and his lips curved. Giving a little tug, she stepped backward, and he followed her. He shut the door and flipped her locks as she unbuttoned her coat. Giving him her back, she waited and wasn’t disappointed when she felt his hand guiding the coat from her shoulders. He hung it on her coat stand while she slipped off her shoes. A little groan escaped as she wiggled her toes. “God, that feels good.”
“You’re on your feet all day. You shouldn’t have worn heels tonight.”
“It was a date night at a nice restaurant. I couldn't go in with my sneakers or Crocs!”
He jerked his head toward the living room and said, “Come on. I’ll give you a foot rub.”
She’d never had a foot rub except for the few times she’d indulged in a pedicure. Since she never wore open-toed shoes at work and kept her fingernails very short, she didn’t bother with manicures and pedicures. But glad for any reason to have him stay longer, she nodded and followed him to the sofa. She sat with her back against one armrest, and he lifted her feet to place them in his lap. She glanced down quickly, glad her toenails were trimmed and her feet didn’t smell.
The instant his hands gently dug into the pads of her feet, her head fell back against the armrest, and she groaned in relief. “Oh my God!”
His fingers fumbled for a few seconds, but she didn’t bother to care, so lost in the sensation of relaxation. “I take it that feels good,” he said.
At the rumble of his voice, she opened her eyes to see him staring, his pupils dark. “It feels amazing. Like I said, being on my feet all day long, I probably should get a regular foot massage. But it seems like there’s never enough time.”
“Well, I don’t know about my skills, but my hands are at the ready whenever you need them.”
“Don’t say that. I might call you in the middle of the night, desperate for a foot massage. You shouldn’t promise things you might not be able to deliver on.”
His hands held her feet, and he leaned closer, pinning her to the spot. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep. And believe me, I learn from my mistakes.”
As much as her feet and calves protested, she pulled her legs away from his lap and shifted upward so that her upper body was leaning toward his. “I know you said tonight wasn’t about sex. So I’m going to be very direct. Is there any chance that we can still make out like teenagers on the couch?”
His lips curved slowly, and then she watched in fascination as they spread into a wide smile. He slid one arm around her shoulders and pulled her in, cupping her cheek with his other hand. She thought he’d dive right in, but he didn’t move. Instead, he just held her gaze for a long moment without saying a word. Warmth oozed over her as she watched his eyes wander over her face in a penetrating, intensive stare that wasn’t intrusive. Her breath held, hoping he liked what he perceived, but an inkling of fear crept in. Is this too good to be true?
“You’re so beautiful, Bess,” he said, his voice strong despite the soft tone—a tone that curled and then rested deep inside, near her heart. The hand on her shoulder glided through her hair, and he leaned forward, barely touching his lips to hers.
The kiss stayed light, and she allowed herself to memorize each nuance of their kiss. His lips were firm yet soft. The kiss guided and also yielded. His palm cupped her cheek, and she felt each finger pad at the back of her head, not holding her in place but resting against her skin. His thumb swept over her cheek like the caress of a feather.
In that instant, she realized he was turning all control over to her. She was struck by the fact that nothing was sexier than a man used to being in charge, offering her the honor of leading them where she felt comfortable going.
Her palms glided over his chest as she shifted her booty and swung one leg over his thighs. She was glad his hands had moved to her waist to help guide her so that she didn’t knee him in the crotch, which would undoubtedly ruin the moment, possibly the night, and quite possibly their burgeoning relationship. But she settled easily on his lap with his hands spanning her waist, her heat now so close to his. And somehow, they’d managed the maneuver so their lips had stayed sealed together.
The kiss grew hotter as she angled her head and licked his lips before thrusting her tongue inside. The sweet taste of the dessert mingled with a distinctive flavor that was all him. She remembered it from the night they’d spent together last summer. She also remembered a lot of things about him from that experience. The way he’d looked in the moonlight as he stalked toward her, confident and unashamedly naked.
She began to rock against him, need coursing through her blood as the nerves fired between her lips, her breasts, and her core. She was vaguely aware his hands were now cupping her cheeks until he forced her head back just enough to break the kiss. “No…” she moaned, her eyes flying open.
“Bess, I didn’t come here for sex, but?—”
“I want you.”
The words were out, and she didn’t care what that might say about her—needy, desperate, unrestrained. Or maybe she did care because she kept talking. “I’m impulsive and often fly by the seat of my pants. Belinda was always careful while I ran headlong and headstrong into things while still trying to be smart. I wasn’t lying last summer when I told you it had been a while since I’d been with anyone. And you’re right when you said that was then and this is now. It’s just that I know what I want now , and it’s still you. I’m not asking for forever, but I really like you, Brad. And if that scares you off, I’d like to know before I get into you deeper.”
“That doesn’t scare me in the least,” he said, smiling as his hand drifted through her hair and glided over her shoulders.
“And if you walk away tomorrow, and I don’t see you again, I’ll be sad, but at least we’ll both know where we stand, with no miscommunication.”
“Whether or not we have sex tonight, Bess, you will see me again.”
She held his gaze, now taking her turn to see if his words were also written deep inside. Emboldened, she shimmied backward off his lap and stood. Holding her hand out, she offered the control back to him. He didn’t hesitate, reaching up, placing his hand in hers, and taking to his feet. Their gazes held unwaveringly, and their smiles started slow, building with each second.
She backed up several steps and then turned, leading past the kitchen counter and into the small hallway. Turning to the left, she led him into the bedroom. Still holding his hand, she moved to the nightstand, where she flipped on the lamp, allowing its soft glow to penetrate the darkness. Her gaze swept over the room, a habit born from having discovered Belinda’s place trashed after the intruder. But her room was just as she had left it.
Turning, she watched as his gaze drifted over her bedroom. It was hard to imagine what anyone else might think of her space, especially a man. She’d carried her love of bold colors into the bedroom with blues, reds, and purples throughout in the bedspread, pillows, floor rug, and curtains. She felt more alive when energetic hues surrounded her. But, as she looked at Brad’s expression, she nibbled on the corner of her bottom lip. Not used to feeling uncertain, she couldn’t help but let out a sigh of release when he turned to her, and his smile was still wide.
“This place is so you, Bess.”
“Is that a good thing?” She peered up at him.
He stepped closer, taking both of her hands in his. Drawing her nearer, he leaned down and kissed her lightly, then mumbled against her lips, “Oh, yeah. As exciting, vibrant, and colorful as you.”
He took the kiss deeper, and she circled his neck with her arms, dragging her short fingernails through his scalp at the back of his head. He groaned and angled his mouth, thrusting his tongue deeply, sweeping it along hers. The velvet friction sent a tingle straight to her core, and she pressed her entire length tighter to his. She had no idea how long the kiss lasted… minutes, hours, days. All she knew was that while it lasted, the world disappeared. There was no bakery, detective badge, or families. No uncomfortable past and no uncertain future.
There was only his mouth on hers and the dance their hands and tongues were doing to each other.
The kiss had no finesse, and she didn’t give a damn. He walked her backward until her legs hit the mattress. As she started to fall, her leg kicked up, and her knee came perilously close to his balls. Self-preservation must have tickled his instincts because he shifted to the side. But with their bodies already tilting toward the mattress, they fell in a tangle of legs and arms, and their foreheads bumped, causing both to wince and grunt. She was glad the only thing that hurt was her head and not having knocked out their teeth in the process.
His mouth found hers again, and he swallowed her groan. In truth, it was from her head hitting him, but the sound quickly became all about the talented way his tongue danced with hers. Her head was dizzy with desire, although it could have been from a concussion, but she refused to give credence to that possibility.
He leaned up to peer down at her. His gaze moved to her forehead, where he placed a feather-soft kiss. “Is your head all right?”
“It is now.” She smiled, her words as warm as her insides. “Seriously, Brad, I’m fine.”
“We can slow this down, Bess. We can stop at any time. We can fall asleep if you want.”
“I’ve heard you shouldn’t sleep right after getting a possible concussion.”
He stared and then barked out in laughter. “I swear, I never know what will come out of your mouth.”
Her gaze trailed along the path of her fingers tracing his jaw. “Then how about this. I really want you. Not just because you're hot and gorgeous, a great kisser, and a really good guy, but because I like you.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she tensed for a second, wondering why the hell she’d said what she did. Then she let it go. It was out there, so all she could do was hope he understood.
His gaze began to burn, and his eyes swept over her face as though discerning the truth behind the words. She felt the intensity and wondered how she didn’t burst into flames but refused to look away.
He dragged in a ragged breath, then spoke in a voice that was so rough it seemed pulled from deep inside his lungs. “I want this, too. The last time… well, our first time, we went in thinking one thing, came out with me thinking something else, and then everything went to shit. So, you were brave enough to lay it out, Bess, and I will, too. Right now, right here… I want this. I want you. And I’m interested in getting to know you more. I don’t want this to be one night. I want this to be a start. I have no idea how far we’ll go… it’s too early to tell. But I haven’t felt like this about anyone in a fucking long time.”
Without losing his eyes, she nodded. “Agreed.”
His brow lifted as he tilted his head slightly to the side. “Agreed?”
She nodded, holding his gaze in the soft light from her lamp in her kick-ass apartment that she’d never had another man in. “Yes. I want this. I want you. And I’m interested in getting to know you more. I have no idea how far we’ll go… it’s too early to tell. But I haven’t felt like this about anyone in a fucking long time.” She dug her fingernails into his shoulders, then added, “I know I just repeated your words back to you, but that wasn’t me being lazy or silly. That was me confirming that your sentiments are completely, wholly, and unequivocally felt by me, too.”
They didn’t move for a few seconds, and then his lips landed on hers as he groaned, “Fuck, Bess.”
“That’s the plan.” With hands flying between them as he shifted away enough for her to fumble with his shirt buttons, she grinned. She was suddenly alone on the bed when he angled his body and stood. He took over, and before she knew it, his shirt was whipped off his body. The metallic click sounded out as he unbuckled his belt, and the hiss of his zipper followed. His pants disappeared after he toed off his shoes. She lost his face when he bent and grabbed his pants, digging into the pocket for his wallet where he extracted a condom. Before she knew it, he was naked, and she was still on the bed with her dress up around her hips. Sitting up quickly, she didn’t want to be left behind in the get-naked activities, so she scrambled to kneel on the mattress. Her fingers didn’t fumble as she undid her dress and pulled it over her head, tossing it somewhere in the room. He stepped forward and unsnapped her bra, so she let that fly across the room, allowing her breasts to bounce with the movement.
He gently pushed her back and then nuzzled the wet silk of her panties. She praised gods of lingerie that she had given in to the urge and ordered something besides comfortable, white cotton underwear. He dragged the blue shimmery material slowly down her legs. Then he stood again and stared at her naked body displayed out for him like her treats in the bakery cabinet. Afraid she might combust, she grabbed her bedspread and clenched the material in her fists.
“God, you’re beautiful.”
She loved the sound of that. She was confident but didn’t often hear that someone special thought she was beautiful. He moved up to lick around her belly button before kissing his way over her mound again. Her thighs fell open as she welcomed him, trusting him completely, offering herself to whatever he wanted to do. She was certain he’d take her to heights she wasn’t sure she’d attained before… certainly not since last summer when she’d been with him.
Her need grew until she was desperate, and she shifted her hips to gain the friction she desired.
He shifted farther, nipping at the inside of her thighs before kissing the sting away. Finally, when she was about to start making demands, he dove in. He licked, nipped, and suckled until she was writhing underneath him. He inserted one thick finger inside her channel and nuzzled her clit before sucking it into his mouth.
She was quickly on the precipice of her orgasm, learning once again that Brad put all others she’d had, including her battery-operated boyfriend, to shame. Her inner muscles tightened, and her fingers moved from grasping the bedspread to dragging her short nails through his hair. Crying out her release had her quivering from the inside out. Her breath came out in raspy pants, and her hand flopped onto the bed as her legs fell open even wider. She tried to keep her head up so she could see his face, but boneless, her head also dropped to the mattress.
“Damn, babe, you’re so responsive, and you taste so fuckin’ good,” he mumbled as he continued to lick her essence before kissing her thighs again.
He lifted his head and grinned. “Worn out already?”
“Umm,” she managed to grunt. As he crawled up over her body, her breath hitched, and this time, the sound had nothing to do with her orgasm. She wanted to remember the sight of his handsome face with eyes twinkling and mouth curving upward. If she never had another moment of Brad after tonight, she would carry the memory with her, knowing every man after him would pale in comparison. And if she did have more of him, she had a lot to look forward to.
He shifted up onto his knees, stretched forward to snag the condom where he’d tossed it, and rolled it on his impressive erection.
Opening her arms wide, she welcomed his weight as he settled his hips between her thighs, the tip of his cock nudging her entrance. His movements stilled, and she held his gaze, loving that he continually gave her control. She nodded. “This is hot, even if I’m not bent over the seat of your SUV.”
His smile speared straight through her heart, filling her with more warm gooeyness.
“I'd have done it if I wasn’t afraid of giving everyone a show. But then, this gorgeous body is only for my eyes.”
His growly, possessive words also penetrated deep inside. She wiggled her fingers. “Come on. I want all of you.”
Moving with such gentleness, he eased his cock into her sex, not plunging, not rushing, but with a slow progression that allowed both of them to feel each sensation. It was so intense that she remained quiet, battling the desire to urge him to move harder and faster. Instead, she forced her eyes to stay open, not wanting to miss a moment of their togetherness. Then he did something no other lover ever had—he linked fingers with her, and with his forearms planted next to her head, he held on, never letting go of her hands. It was so simple, yet such an intimate gesture that multiplied the connection in the middle of an intimate encounter.
He shifted his hips back, dragging his cock along her folds before he plunged it back in again. He increased his speed slowly and then rolled his hips in a way that made each thrust seem to touch every inner channel nerve she possessed.
She lifted her hips, feeling the coil tighten once more. With her hands entrapped by his, she wrapped her legs around his waist, her heels pressed against his rock-hard ass, and she urged him on. “Faster,” she moaned on a whispered breath.
“Slow down, babe,” he entreated, kissing his way from her neck to her breasts and back again.
“You’re teasing,” she accused, her fingers clenching his.
He thrust hard and fast, then slowly dragged his cock in and out until she cried out with frustration, and he began thrusting hard once more. When she thought she would go mad with longing, he bent his head, sucked one of her nipples deep into his mouth, and she felt herself run headlong over the cliff, flying into the air, weightless as she slowly drifted back to earth.
He continued moving, the sensations of his cock against her sensitive sex having the effect of extending her orgasm until she wasn’t sure her sated body could move. But she opened her eyes to see the beauty of Brad, his gaze still on her as the muscles in his neck corded and he groaned out his release. He’d touched something so deep inside that she knew she’d always feel it, even when he was gone. He pumped slowly now, and she couldn’t imagine another drop left in him.
His head fell to her shoulder as he kept his weight off her by his forearms still planted and their fingers still clasped. Finally, he shifted to the side and let go of her hands to wrap his arms around her as they rolled to face each other. The moonlight peeked through the blinds and in the mix of light and shadows, she admired his face so close to hers.
Tracing his jaw, she said, “Thank you.”
He blinked, his chin jerking slightly. “For what?”
“For giving me a second chance.”
His smile warmed every cell in her body as he said, “It may have been the smartest thing I’ve ever done, babe.” After a moment, his arms loosened. “I hate to have any space between us, but I need to deal with the condom.”
She nodded reluctantly but enjoyed the view as he walked away. She also admired the view as he returned. He stood by the side of the bed, not crawling in with her but not getting dressed. She peered up, wondering what was next—more sex, or was he looking to escape? Thoughts flew so fast through her mind that she felt muddled, but she knew one thing—she wouldn’t have the night end with any of their previous misses, even knowing it made her vulnerable. “I’d like you to stay… if you want to, which I really hope you do. But I promised myself no more holding back. So, if you don’t want to, I respect that, but I won’t lay here wondering what would have happened if I had made the invitation. So… um… there it is.”
His gaze never wavered, and the seconds seemed to pass like hours. Then his lips curved, and her heart began beating again. “Bessie girl, I have no plans on leaving unless you kick me out. And even then, I’d try to convince you that we need more time to discover what we can become together. Okay?”
Air rushed from her lungs. “Oh God, Brad. That was a really great answer. And while Bessie sounds like a cow’s name, I have to admit that from your lips with the word girl after it… it’s kind of hot, too.”
He laughed and shook his head. Crawling underneath the covers, he wrapped his arms around her. “There is nothing cow-like about you. But I’ll keep Bessie just between us.”
She rested her head on his chest, filled with peace at how they seemed to fit together perfectly.
“Yeah,” she replied.
“I’ll be here in the morning. I’m not on call tomorrow, but if something happens and I get called in, I’ll wake you up and tell you.”
She smiled in the dark. “Thanks,” she said, glad his arms were around her so she could snuggle deeper. And now, she felt unmistakable peace.