Chapter 55
I ’m looking out the window when I see her slip from the cabin, Jethro at her side. Good. He’ll protect her if she runs into anything out there. She doesn’t have much in her arms, just her sewing machine, and I’m impressed. She made a decision about what’s most important and she took action. That’s better than any of us have done.
I don’t say anything as I watch her slip across the yard and into the pasture, her head on a swivel as she looks out for trouble. I watch until she disappears in the dark, and then keep my eyes on the darkness. Behind me, Rhett and Gunnar are arguing about finances. I’d come back downstairs a little while ago with a promise to behave. I plan on doing anything but. They don’t know that though.
The corner of my lips ticks up with my amusement. Fuck if I don’t love a woman brave enough to run. Fuck if I don’t wanna give chase, catch her out in the pasture, and fuck her until she agrees to stay. But she deserves a head start for her attempt.
“What are you lookin’ at?” Trent grumbles at me an hour later when I don’t move from the window. I’ve stayed as a silent sentinel, watching just in case I need to move sooner.
I suppose now is as good a time as any.
“The path she took as she ran,” I answer honestly.
Trent’s eyes widen. “How long ago?”
I shrug. “Bout an hour, I think.”
Gunnar whirls around. “You saw her? And you didn’t say shit?”
The smirk pulls at my lips and makes Gunnar tense. “I like a good chase, don’t you?”
“You fucking idiot!” Rhett growls, leaping to his feet. “The mountain lions have been moving more because it’s huntin’ season for ‘em. You know that!”
My smile falls. Fuck. I hadn’t thought about the big cats. “Well, we should go get her,” I point out. “She can’ t leave like this. She could call the cops.”
“Fuck!” Rhett snarls, rushing toward the door.
We all do, but when we step out, Houdini comes whinnying up, blowing air at Gunnar. He immediately grabs the horse.
“We’ll discuss this later, asshole,” he tells the horse for escaping.
I toss him his lasso just before I rush after Rhett toward the side-by-side. The fences are going to slow us down, but Houdini is a jumper. He’ll soar right over the fences.
“Bring her home,” I tell him.
He scowls at me, but kicks Houdini into gear. I watch as he rides the horse bareback after Fable. She couldn’t have gone far, and now, she’s gonna find out just what it feels like to be lassoed by a cowboy.
I can’t wait to see what we do to her after. I can’t wait to play.