Chapter 56
I glance over my shoulder as I run, my gait growing more erratic as I stumble over clumps of grass and uneven ground. Behind me, I can see headlights. I’m not sure if they’re from a truck or the side-by-side, but whatever it is lights up the real threat.
Houdini, Gunnar on his back, his lasso spinning above his head.
“No,” I gasp, pushing myself harder despite knowing this is it. I can’t outrun a horse. But still, I don’t stop. I scramble forward, Jethro at my side. When he starts to bark, I don’t shush him. I just keep running. I’m so close to Steele Mountain. I gotta be. I’ve been running for an hour.
As I take another step forward, rope comes out of nowhere and circles me. It tightens before I even have a chance to scream, halting my progress.
“Let me go!” I scream, jerking at the rope, reaching up to yank at it.
Gunnar is in front of me so fast, I don’t even know how he got off the horse like that. “Calm down, Fable,” he tries, but when that doesn’t work, he winces and grabs my wrists in one hand, quickly wrapping the rope around in some intricate pattern I can’t move from. “I’m sorry. We just need to talk to you.”
My chest rises and falls rapidly, both from exhaustion and from anger. I’m full of it. “This is what you call talking?” I spit. “Tying me up like a cow?”
Gunnar has the decency to look sheepish as the side-by-side pulls up and the other three guys hop out.
“It you want to be treated like a cow, we can hogtie you instead,” Colt says with a grin. “In fact, I’d like to see that.”
I turn and glare at him.
“Relax,” Rhett says, stepping forward. “Things are tense, I get that, but?—”
“Says the man not currently tied up,” I growl. “This is fucking ridiculous. You’re holding me hostage!”
Rhett sighs. “Untie her.”
Gunnar hesitates but reaches forward and tugs the rope. It drops as if it hadn’t been tied very much at all. Immediately, I rub my wrists where the rope touched me, as if that’ll make me forget the feeling of it.
“You’re not a prisoner, Fable,” Rhett says, his expression open. “But we have a family to protect, one that I’d like to think you feel like you’re part of. Runnin’ off in the middle of the night to a neighboring ranch won’t exactly earn us any goodwill with ‘em.” He shakes his head. “Of all your plans, this was the stupidest one you could’ve thought up. Didn’t I tell you there are mountain lions out here?”
I scowl. “Running seemed a better option than getting murdered. As for the mountain lions. . . I didn’t think of them until we were already out here.”
“You think we’d really murder you?” Gunnar asks, his frown deep set.
“You? No,” I admit. My eyes trail over to Colt. “Others? Maybe.”
Colt grins. “I wouldn’t kill you, Annie Oakley. I’d just keep you.”
That should be fucking terrifying. That has red flag all over it. But for some reason. . . it’s also kind of endearing. Like damn, what the fuck is wrong with me?
“What is it with you?” I ask, glaring at him. “Why set this all up?”
I figured it out pretty quickly. Dolly is a retired drug dog. Of course she’d lead me to the cocaine. But that door had always been locked before and then suddenly it wasn’t, coincidently at the same time Colt asks me to watch Dolly. I don’t believe in accidents that slap you in the face with such obvious shit. Colt set me up. He wanted me to know what was in the barn. And now here we are.
He stalks forward, his eyes hard, but there’s a fierceness in his gaze, too, and something else. Something that looks a little bit like. . .
“Unlike these assholes,” he says. “I can admit I don’t want you to leave. No matter what.” He reaches up and pushes a strand of hair off my face. I don’t stop him. “Since I met you, you’re all I think about. I’m fucking smitten,” he groans. “This morning, I woke up so in love with you, I didn’t know what to do with my body. I don’t know how it happened. I just woke up one morning and you were the most important thing in the world.”
I blink. “What?”
“I left that door unlocked because I can’t think of you gettin’ on a plane and leavin’ me,” he growls. “If that makes me an asshole, then so be it, but I’ll be the first to demand you stay.” He pauses, his eyes on mine as he reaches up and cups my cheek. “I’ll also be the first to beg if need be.”
“I. . . I told you my history,” I whisper. “Drugs. . .I can’t do the drugs.”
“Your mother is only your mother until one of you forgets,” he growls. “Trust me. I know. Rhett explained our story. I made a mistake by giving him the contact details. We’ve been making mistakes since, but you, you are not a mistake. We’ll find our way around that. We’ll never endanger you. If you want to pretend you never saw what you did and live in blissful ignorance, we’ll make sure it stays that way. We’ve protected Callie all these years. We can do the same for you.”
I tilt my head, frowning. “That seems like a lot of trouble for a Florida Girl with PTSD and a penchant for making costumes.”
“It ain’t no trouble at all for a woman I love,” Colt declares, his chin tilting up.
Real or bullshit? A month and he loves me? That seems. . .
But my mind whispers that maybe it’s not so farfetched. Sometimes, we fall in love without meaning to, and even I can admit that I’m bordering on loving these four men, even this psycho in front of me. So why am I still hesitating?
I glance at the other three standing silently, their eyes on me. “What. . . what do y’all think about all this?”
When no one says anything, Colt turns and scowls at them. “Go on, fuckers. Unless you wanna lose her.”
My chest squeezes tight. Is that what I’m missing? Do I just need to hear from the others? And am I really considering this? Am I really trying to find a way to reason this and convince myself to stay?
“Of course I want you to stay,” Gunnar murmurs, his eyes on me.
“Yeah?” I rasp.
When Gunnar doesn’t say anything else, Colt elbows him. Gunnar scowls at him but looks back at me and his eyes soften.
“I don’t remember falling in love with you,” he admits. “I just know I was holding your hand while we were at the rodeo, and I realized how much it was going to hurt when I would have to let you go.” He comes forward to take my hand and I don’t pull away. God help me, I don’t pull away. “I’ll love you if I never see you again, if you leave this place and never look back. And I will love you if I see you every morning. I will love you everywhere, in all the universe, in every costume you wear. In all of them at once. I will love you the same no matter your choice.”
“There you go,” Colt says proudly, patting him on the shoulder. “I knew you had it in you.”
Gunnar shrugs his hand off, but the scowl he shoots at him is weak. Instead, he leans down and rests his forehead against mine. “I’m sorry for the position we put you in, Florida Girl, but like Colt, I don’t want you to leave either.”
The emotion in my throat forces me to swallow. Nobody told me how poetic cowboys can be. Nobody warned me.
When Gunnar steps back, his hand holding onto mine until the last minute, our fingers trailing apart, I’m left to stare at Rhett.
Rhett, the forever bachelor, the man who declared there would never be anything between us besides sex. He stands there, his eyes on me, his hands in his pockets.
“I promised myself I would never fall in love,” he admits. Here in the darkness, the only light from the side-by-side’s headlights, he looks like a devil, like a demon come to take my soul. It’s so strange how he can be so bright in the sunshine, and so tentatively dangerous in the dark. “But it was a nice sunny day out by the bees, and we were laughing, and you looked over at me, and I knew I was screwed.” He shakes his head. “I should have walked away then, but I’ve always been real bad at skirtin’ danger. We were out on that mountain, screaming our pain, and that echo sounded so alike,” he rasps. “When I wrapped you in my arms, it felt right, and I fought against it. I’m still fighting against it. I’m afraid to say it, to admit it out loud. I can barely admit it to myself.” He drops his eyes, refusing to look at me. “I’m afraid of a lot of things—losing Circle Bee, letting everyone down, dying—but I think what I’m most afraid of now, is being completely unraveled by you, of you looking so deeply, and you finding nothing you want in here.”
Gunnar stares at Rhett with wide eyes. “Holy shit, man.”
“Shut up,” Rhett growls. “We’re being honest right now.” He meets my eyes again. “It doesn’t matter what happens now, what the future holds, what you choose. I. . . I love you anyway,” he chokes out. “For now, if you leave, and I have no doubt it’ll stay forever. You’re too fucking bright not to remain. However this pans out, I’m already better for knowing you, Wild West Barbie.”
My eyes well and when he reaches for me, I let him pull me in for a hug, his chin resting on top of my head as he holds me close.
“We can protect you,” he whispers. “We can keep you safe.”
When he steps back, we all look at Trent expectantly, who has stood like a silent sentinel, his eyes on me. Rhett’s words struck something inside me. All of their words have, but Trent is a man of few words. I don’t know what to expect from him.
“Tell her,” Colt commands him.
Trent glances over at him without emotion before focusing back on me. I start to fidget, not sure what I should do with my hands. He’s such a beautiful man, such a lonely one, and as we lock eyes, I know he won’t be like the others. I know he won’t profess his love in the same way, if he even loves me. I hadn’t expected. . . I don’t know. I don’t know.
“Trent,” Rhett says. “Come on, man.”
Trent doesn’t even look at Rhett. Instead, his eyes are on me. He opens his mouth and?—
“You should leave,” Trent says.
“What the fuck?” Rhett snarls at the same time as Colt and Gunnar swear.
“You should get out of here. Leave to Florida. Never look back,” he continues.
“You want me to leave?” I ask, my chest squeezing tight.
He hesitates. “I didn’t say that. I said you should leave.”
I frown. “So, you don’t want me to leave?”
“It doesn’t matter what I want,” he counters. “You deserve to have a life without worry. You deserve not to worry about laws and crime and all our bullshit.”
“That’s fucked up—” Rhett starts.
“Shut up,” Trent growls and Rhett clamps his lips closed. “In another universe, in another time, we find each other before we created this life. Maybe you save us before we get too deep. Maybe you think up some grand idea to save the ranch. Maybe you’re there after we lose it. It doesn’t matter. In that life, we make it together, but we’re long past it.” Trent straightens. “It doesn’t matter if I love you. It doesn’t matter if any of us love you. We aren’t good men. Not anymore. In that other world, you save us. You do. But here, we save you.” He takes my hand. “So you should leave. You should get on that plane in a few days and never look back. That’s us saving you. That’s us making sure you get out of this alive.”
My cheeks are wet. When had I started crying? I reach up and wipe at my face and my fingers come away shiny.
The rest of them look around at each other with Trent’s words, their eyes as haunted as his. They don’t say a word, not at first. The only sounds are of Houdini making soft chuffs and the night insects. This doesn’t feel right. This doesn’t feel?—
“He’s right,” Gunnar whispers. “Fuck, he’s right.”
Rhett looks at me with such longing, it nearly kills me. “I suppose that’s the sweetest form of karma,” he laughs, but it’s such a sad sound. “All my avoidance of love, and here when I finally find it, I can’t have it.” The last words are choked out, and his eyes water, but he turns away before I can get a good look at his face.
Colt’s face splits into a scowl. “This is bullshit!”
“Give it a rest, Colt,” Gunnar grumbles. “If you really care about her, you let her go.”
He looks around at all of them, taking in their expressions, before turning back to me. His jaw clenches so tight, I swear I can hear his teeth grind together. His face is twisted with hatred, but it’s not directed at me. It’s for himself.
“Three days,” he demands, but it sounds like he’s begging. His eyes shine but he blinks before anything can give away his emotion. “Give us these last three days, Annie Oakley.”
I stare at the four of them, tears streaming down my cheeks, my heart shattering into a million pieces. Because I do love them. I really do. In this moment, I can admit it to myself even as crazy as it sounds. I came to Circle Bee to escape my reality, to escape my pain, and I ran right into more of it.
I press the heel of my hands to my eyes, a sob working its way up my throat. “I broke the rule,” I croak out, my words strangled.
“The door was unlocked,” Rhett says, thinking that’s what I mean. “We can hardly blame you for?—”
“No,” I cry, choking on the sobs. “Not. . . not that one. Rule number five.”
Rhett’s eyes blink in surprise, but the others just look confused.
“What’s rule number five?” Trent asks. “I didn’t know there were five.”
“It was a joke,” Rhett murmurs, his own voice thick with emotion. “Never fall in love with a cowboy.”
Their eyes widen as I stand there, crying, knowing I’ll have to leave, but. . . I can give them three days. I can stay until then, and I’ll cherish every last minute of it.
“ Oh, Everhart ,” Jinx whispers in my mind. “ I’m so sorry .”
She sounds as sad as she had when my plant died. I’d cried then, too, convinced I’d never be able to take care of another living thing without killing it. I’d watered it too much, and Jinx had told me it’s because I never know when to stop giving. So we tried again, and again, and again, until we realized neither one of us had a green thumb.
This is different. This feels more like murder.
Rhett is the first one to wrap his arms around me, his warmth holding me together as I fall apart. Colt is right after, wrapping around me, his body shaking with his anger and frustration. Gunnar comes next, tears falling from his lashes just the same, openly crying for what we have to do. Trent stands back, his eyes on us, his face a mask, but when my eyes meet his, his shoulders tense and he looks away. In his dark eyes, I’d seen his sadness. Slowly, he steps forward and wraps his arms around the four of us, holding us together.
“Three days,” I choke out.
We break apart and Colt lifts me into his arms, his body warm, his eyes hard as he carries me over to the side-by-side and sets me in the passenger seat. He slides into the driver seat and waits, looking straight ahead as we wait for Rhett and Trent to get in the back with Jethro. Gunnar climbs back up on Houdini.
The trip back to the big house is slow, as if moving slower means the time won’t pass as fast. When we pull up to the big house and Gunnar comes back from putting Houdini up in a new stall, we all just stare at the house.
“Do you want to go back to your cabin?” Rhett asks.
I shake my head. “Not by myself.”
“We can come with you,” Colt says, not looking over at me.
“I’d like that,” I rasp.
It’s Rhett who lifts me out of the side-by-side this time.
“I can walk,” I murmur.
“You’ve walked enough for tonight,” he replies.
Inside the cabin, we all look at the items on the bed. It isn’t until Rhett sets me on my feet that I realize Trent is carrying my sewing machine back over to the table. He sets it gently on top.
“Thank you for picking that up,” I whisper sheepishly. What had I been thinking running off in the middle of the night? These men wouldn’t kill me. I’d panicked and. . . I’m an idiot.
We all just stand around for a few minutes. I’m unsure what to do, what to say, so I just look down, afraid to meet any of their eyes.
Rhett steps in front of me. With his fingers on my chin, he lifts my face until I’m forced to look up into his eyes. The sadness in his nearly kills me, and I want nothing more than to hold him close and tell him that I won’t ever find anything that’ll change how I feel about him, but I don’t. I can’t. Not when I know the outcome. That’ll somehow make things more painful.
His thumb caresses my jaw as he studies my face. Slowly, he leans down, his lips a hairbreadth from mine, as if he’s scared to kiss me but really wants to. I lean up, closing the distance, tasting his pain and desire. It’s a gentle kiss at first, a sweet one. His lips move softly against mine, his beard scraping against my skin, and I lean closer, my fingers clenching in his shirt.
Someone else grabs me from behind and spins me, and then I’m kissing Gunnar, his kiss more desperate, hungrier than any of his kisses before. His hand threads into my hair as he kisses me, pulling it back from my shoulder. A body presses against my back before lips appear where my hair had been, kissing, nipping. I gasp into Gunnar’s mouth, and he swallows it down like a secret only meant for him. Hands trail along my body, caressing, driving me insane. My heart beats wildly in my ears, threatening to drown out all sounds, but the gentle movement of fabric and husky moans are so loud, I can still feel them in my chest.
Gunnar pulls back and Colt is there, his hand tight in my hair as he claims me. Unlike the others, Colt lets me have it, feeding me all his hatred, all his anger, every emotion that refuses to fall from his lips. He snarls against my lips and sweeps his tongue inside and part of me feels as if he’s trying to consume my soul, as if that’ll change anything. I pant against him, my thighs clamped together as he thoroughly kisses me. Gunnar and Rhett trail their hands across my body, teasing, exploring. They step back only when Colt spins me to face Trent. Trent doesn’t say anything as Colt reaches for my shirt and strips it over my head. Trent’s eyes drop to my breasts where they hide inside my bra. Colt makes quick work of it, exposing my chest to their eyes.
Trent’s ironclad control slips and I can see his yearning for the first time.
“She’s leaving,” Colt tells him. “We give her memories to take with her.”
Trent looks at Colt over my shoulder, but doesn’t move, so Colt gently coaxes me forward until I’m standing right in front of him, until I’m looking up into his eyes.
“Kneel for her,” Colt groans. “Worship her.”
Slowly, Trent sinks to his knees, his eyes on mine the entire time, and I nearly come from that alone. That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed. As he looks up at me, he reaches for the waistband of my jeans and slowly unbuttons them. He eases them over my hips, down, down, until he helps me step out of the legs. He’s careful over my prosthetic, being as gentle as possible. Colt’s hands come around me and cup my breasts, caressing them before squeezing them together. Trent leans forward and presses his lips there, sucking, rolling my nipples between his teeth and driving me insane.
“Fuck,” Rhett groans. The sound of clothing being removed meets my ears a moment later and I turn my head in time to see him strip completely bare, his cock standing proud in front of him. He wraps his hand around the base of it and strokes, his eyes liquid fire as he watches Trent explore me and Colt stroke me.
“Come kiss her,” Colt tells him. “Let her touch you.”
Like an orchestra conductor, Colt takes charge, his movements sure and confident. He doesn’t waste time trying to figure things out. He just commands and no one seems concerned with that. No one argues. In fact, Rhett immediately comes over and grabs a fistful of my hair, his lips on mine even as I reach for his length and start to stroke. His breath stutters against my lips as he deepens the kiss.
“Gunnar,” Colt says, and he appears on my other side, his clothing gone, his lips on my neck as Rhett kisses me.
I’m surrounded on all sides by the men I gave my heart to. They gave me their hearts too, but I can’t keep them. That thought makes me kiss Rhett back harder, makes me start to move with desperate jerks.
Trent grabs my left leg and hooks it over his shoulder. He dips his face down and licks, drawing a gasp from my lips as he slowly swirls his tongue and laps at the moisture between my thighs. I’m embarrassingly wet, but he seems to enjoy it, his fingers coming up to stroke along my entrance before pressing inside.
“Look at you,” Colt says. “So eager. A fucking mess for us to use you.”
My core clenches on Trent’s fingers, and I go to pull back from Rhett’s kiss, but Colt’s hand in my hair holds me still, forcing me to keep kissing him.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he purrs in my ear. “You want to be dripping with our cum, don’t you?” he moans. “Our dirty, little cowgirl.”
My hands are wrapped around Rhett and Gunnar’s cocks while Trent eats me, his fingers thrusting slowly in and out, drawing soft sounds from my throat that Rhett swallows. Colt stands behind me, his hands caressing me, as he directs the show.
“I can’t wait to see you gagging on their cocks,” Colt says. “I can’t wait to watch them fill you full, lose yourself, and then force you to take my cock so deep, you can’t breathe while you come undone around them.”
Rhett pulls back and groans. “I’m fucking dripping for you,” he moans as he pulls my hand along his length to his tip so I can feel the wetness there. “See how much I want you,” he rasps. “How much I need you.”
Colt’s hand wraps around my throat from behind and squeezes. “Do you want to taste him?”
I nod and he purrs in my ear. “That’s my good, little cowgirl.” To Trent, he orders, “Lie on the bed, face up.”
Trent immediately sets my leg down and does as he says, laying down across the bed, his face looking up at me, hunger in his eyes despite his words from earlier. He doesn’t think I should stay here, but he wants me to. I see it in his eyes. He’ll never tell me that. He’ll never ask me to stay, not when it could hurt me. But just knowing he wants me is enough.
“Straddle his face,” Colt commands, pushing me toward the bed. When I fumble a little bit, he stops me. “Prosthetic on or off?”
I hesitate. It’s pinching me right now after walking so much, and it’s probably going to get in the way. “Off,” I whisper.
He nods but doesn’t reach forward. Instead, it’s Gunnar who carefully sets me on the bed before kneeling down and carefully working it off. He pulls the socks off next before his fingers trace over the flesh there, stroking, caressing, easing the red marks from being pressed against the prosthetic. When he’s finished, he stands and helps me onto the bed before watching as I straddle Trent’s face. Trent immediately wraps his large hands around my thighs and drags me down onto his mouth, driving me insane. I moan and grind down against his tongue.
“Look at you, riding his face like he’s your horse,” Colt purrs as he steps forward between Gunnar and Rhett.
I’m at the edge of the bed where Trent’s face nearly hangs off. One lean forward and I’ll fall, but they step forward to block it. I watch as Colt finally strips his clothing off, leaving Trent as the only one clothed. Colt reaches forward and grabs my hair. I think he’s about to pull me down to his cock. Instead, he directs my head to Gunnar’s, and I open my mouth with a pop as he presses inside, gently. He moans at the feeling of my lips on him as Colt directs my head. He lets me suck Gunnar for a minute before he pulls me back and forces me onto Rhett’s, a little rougher.
“Look at you taking him so deep,” Colt purrs. “Can you take him deeper?”
He forces my head down, and I open my throat, trying my best not to gag while Trent licks up my juices. My thighs start to shake just as Colt pulls my head back. Spit dribbles from the corner of my lips and I reach up to wipe it away, but Colt stops my hand.
“Leave it,” he commands. And then he jerks me to his cock and roughly presses inside, hitting the back of my throat. I gag and he groans at the feeling of it, his head falling back as he starts to fuck my face.
I shatter when Trent presses against my clit and cry out, shaking violently as Colt fucks my throat, forcing the sounds down.
“You take him so well as you come apart,” Rhett moans. “Fuck. I need inside you.”
“Then take her,” Colt groans, pressing inside and holding.
I feel Trent move and then someone is tugging my hips back across the bed, forcing me to my hands and knees. Colt follows, keeping my throat full even as someone starts to stretch my pussy, pressing inside. I moan even as Colt pulls out and pushes Gunnar over to take his place. Trent appears as he slowly removes his clothing, revealing all his tattoos to my eyes again. His face is still wet where he ate me. He doesn’t bother wiping it away as he watches me take Rhett’s cock and suck Gunnar’s.
“Perfect, isn’t she?” Colt asks him as he watches, his hand wrapped around his cock. “Such a dirty, little slut for us.”
Trent strokes his straining cock, watching, his eyes hooded as he watches me take on the men. Every part of me is a livewire as Rhett starts to fuck me hard, brutal, desperate. He jerks against me as I explode, screaming around Gunnar’s cock, my fingers digging into the bed. He jerks against me and buries himself deep, his cock jumping as he follows me over.
Colt laughs. “That was fast, Beekeeper.”
“Shut up,” Rhett groans. “You fuck her perfect pussy and see how long you last.”
“Oh, I plan to,” Colt murmurs.
Gunnar moves over to the bed and lays down before grabbing me and helping me straddle his waist. He eases inside before forcing me to ride him, grinding up against me as he jerks me down for a kiss. Someone steps in between his legs where they hang off the bed and I feel fingers prob at where Gunnar disappears inside me. I gasp against his lips, but he holds me down.
“Relax, Annie Oakley,” Colt instructs. “We’re just going to fill you as full as possible.”
He probes against my entrance and Gunnar holds us still before Colt presses inside, stretching me so much it’s almost painful. They move slowly, until they’re both stretching my pussy so much, I can barely breathe. They start moving together after giving me a second to gather myself, their cocks rubbing together as they pump inside me.
“Which one of us do you want to take this sweet ass?” Colt groans as he slowly pumps inside. “Trent’s big cock? Or mine?”
“Trent,” I gasp out, my nails digging into Gunnar’s chest as they fuck me. Rhett stands in the corner, watching, his hand rubbing his already hardening again cock.
“You don’t get it yet,” Colt groans. “Not without coming at least two more times.” He slams inside me and holds tight. “Come right now, or else you don’t get his cock.”
I shatter, as if he controls my body, as I’m just another part of his orchestra. I cry out, only for Rhett to press past my lips, cutting off the sound. His cock is hard, ready to go again despite finishing.
“You want me to finish against your ass?” Colt grunts. “Trent can use my cum as lube as he fucks your sweet ass.”
I can’t answer, not as Rhett takes his pleasure with my mouth.
“We’ll all do it,” Colt moans. He jerks out of me and presses his tip against my ass, pressing just enough to the point of pain as he paints me with his seed. It starts to drip, but he swipes his hand down and scoops it up with his finger before easing it inside me, making me spasm around Gunnar.
“Oh, fuck,” he groans. “I’m coming.”
Colt lifts me up just barely. It’s him who grabs Gunnar’s cock and directs it to my ass, painting it with him now. That alone makes me shatter, the thought of him directing so thoroughly he doesn’t even think about. Gunnar moans and lets him, his hands clutching tight to my thighs as he adds to Colt’s cum.
“Rhett,” Colt growls, and he pops free from my mouth to line up behind me even as Gunnar pulls out and leaves me on my hands and knees.
Rhett presses inside my pussy, pounding into me. I’m so wet, there’s nothing holding him back as he fucks the shit out of me, his hand on my lower back to force me to arch as he slams me into the mattress. I come apart, shaking, screaming as he fucks me hard and fast. He jerks out just as I start to shake and finishes across my ass, running his hand through the mess there and doing just as Colt did, pressing a finger inside and readying me for Trent. Then they leave me there, kneeling on the bed, all four of them watching me as I pant against the sheets.
“Your pussy throbs so good for us,” Colt purrs. “I love the sight of you dripping with our cum.” He comes forward and grabs my chin hard, a little too roughly. “Even if you leave here, Annie Oakley, you belong to us. You understand that?” I nod my head. “Good girl,” he purrs. “Now beg Trent to fuck your asshole.”
“Please,” I gasp, my fingers digging into the comforter. “Please Trent. Please fuck my ass.”
He groans and steps forward. Colt steps back to give him room and Trent stops to plant a sweet kiss against my lips.
“Remember to breathe, honeybee,” Rhett encourages, coming over to sit on the bed beside me. He reaches down and caresses my chest as Trent’s large hand strokes along my ass, spreading around their releases. He presses his tip against my ass but doesn’t push inside, not yet.
“Who do you belong to?” Colt asks me as he comes to sit on the other side.
“All of you,” I croak.
“That’s right,” Colt growls. “Every part of you.”
Trent starts to press inside, stretching me, and I groan in pain and arousal. He’s the largest of the men, so it was probably a bad idea to say his name. But I’d wanted him to claim me like this, to take me just as I’d taken him.
“Fuck,” Trent moans. “You’re so tight.”
But he eases inside thanks to their releases, sliding in as if I’m perfectly ready. I stretch around him, gasping, my pussy spasming as he fills me.
“Fuck her hard,” Colt orders.
Trent follows his instructions, starting to pound inside me, making me scream in pleasure.
“That’s our girl,” Gunnar praises, reaching down to slide his fingers inside me, making me jerk against the bed.
Trent reaches down and jerks me up, forcing my head to the side to meet his eyes.
“Tell me what you want me to do,” he begs. “Tell me how you want to feel.”
“Fill me,” I moan. “Mark me. Fuck me until I see stars.”
He grabs a fistful of my hair and wrenches my head back for a brutal kiss. It’s hard, angry. Tears spring to my eyes when it starts to feel like good-bye. He jerks back and shoves my face down into the bed before he starts to pound me harder, fucking me so hard, my ass shakes with every thrust. Gunnar continues to finger me at the same time. Rhett watches with hooded eyes, so turned on, he’s clearly ready to go again. His cock is in his hand as he strokes himself to the sight of Trent fucking me. Colt does the same, his cock in his hand, his eyes on mine. He grins when our eyes meet.
“No one will ever fuck you like this again,” he says. “You will never feel so full.”
Trent starts to pant, his rhythm jumping as he starts to spill inside me. I come undone at the feeling of it, at the feeling of him taking me over the edge. When he slowly pulls out of me, I throb, my body shaking as I collapse to the bed.
Colt laughs. “What are you doin’, Annie Oakley?” he teases. “You aren’t done yet.”
He comes around behind me and takes Trent’s place, pressing inside my ass, driving me insane as Rhett slides under me and fills my pussy again. After a few minutes, Gunnar is ready again and pressing inside my mouth. As I cry out, screaming around them, letting them consume me until I’m too weak to hold myself up, I give them my all. When I can’t move, they move for me, holding me up, sandwiching me in between them as they take turns filling me more and more, painting me until I’m a mess of their claim, until there isn’t an inch of my skin not covered.
“You belong to us,” Colt growls in my ear as I start to grow too tired to keep my eyes open. “When you leave, you’ll wear the Circle Bee brand on your heart, Annie Oakley. I don’t care if you find someone else. They’ll never have you completely. A part of you will always be here, with us, in this moment.” He kisses me hard, sucking the last of my energy from me as I shatter again. I don’t even know whose cock is inside me. I don’t even know how many times I’ve finished.
“Say it,” Colt demands before I black out completely. “Say it!”
“I belong to y’all,” I rasp, collapsing as I’m painted again with a release. “Forever.”
“That’s our girl,” he purrs, wrapping around me. I’m enveloped in too many arms, too many legs, as exhaustion claims me. “You’ll never escape us, even when you leave.” He presses a kiss against my shoulder. “Even when you leave us behind.”
I fall asleep and hear no more.