How to Hide Your Angel Kid (Closet Baby Chronicles #7) 14. The Worst Kind Of Embarrassment 67%
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14. The Worst Kind Of Embarrassment



Galent’s chest rose and fell against Pinks’ back. “Do you want the good news first, or the bad news?”

Pinks groaned. “The bad news! Who ever picks the good news first?”

Galent huffed. “You’d be surprised.”

“Well?! Tell me!”

“You care?” Galent’s voice dropped to a teasing lilt. “Is Pinks concerned about lil old me?”

Pinks growled. “No.”

Galent’s breathing hitched. “That was a lie. I heard the skip in your heartbeat. You care about me.”

Pinks twisted at his waist, his teeth sharp. “Galent—Galent Fangy Dragon! I don’t know your full name, damn it! Tell me!”

“I like Galent Fangy Dragon. My parents named me Galent Ironheart.” Galent breathed out. “The bad news is that I’m still cursed.”

“Gods fucking damn it.” Pinks gritted his teeth. “What’s the good news?”

“It feels like half of it is gone.” Galent rubbed his chest. “I don’t want to put any pressure on Zarrie to remove the rest, though. I don’t want to risk her.”

“Thank you.” Pinks blew out his disappointment. After the scare Zarrie had given them, it seemed unfair that Galent was still cursed. “What are we going to do?”

“Well, nothing for now. I want to get us home so we’ll have better protection and more food. And maybe an actual nursery.”

“You have a nursery?”

“Not yet.” Galent blushed. “But I will soon!”

“Does your home have the same wards that Wren set up around here?”

Galent nodded. “Similar. I have several more rooms, and space for you to run, if you wanted. And it has my h—my gifts for you.”

Pinks raised an eyebrow, disbelieving. “Like flowers or...?”

The giant scratched his jaw. “Various things. A few pieces here and there.”

There was a telltale skip in his heartbeat. Pinks frowned. “Why are you lying about the gifts?”

“Because there’s a lot of it!” Galent looked away. “I collected some things, in case I ever found a mate to court.”

“Oh.” Pinks tried to wrap his mind around that. “And... I’m good enough.”

Galent rolled his eyes. “I’ve already told you all the things I like about you. You’re more than good enough.”

Suddenly brave, Pinks said, “I think you should show me your... gifts. And let me decide if they’re acceptable.”

The giant paled a little. “Really? You want to see?”

“Well, I should know, shouldn’t I? I’m already pregnant with your baby.”

Galent straightened his shoulders. “All right. I will tell H—Will you be okay with Handsome living there?”

“We’ll see.”

Galent picked up his phone and began tapping into it. Then he set down the phone and wrapped his arms around Pinks, cuddling him.

Pinks didn’t realize he’d fallen asleep, until Zarrie’s cry woke him.

She sounded hungry. He leaped out of bed and hurried out of the bedroom, only to find her in her playpen, throwing her stuffed toys around. She smacked her lips when she saw him.

He scooped her out of the playpen and brought her over to the couch, letting her squirm around to get comfortable on his lap. Limesicart circled them, then rolled down the hall and bumped against the bathroom door.

It was too quiet. Pinks listened—and realized he couldn’t hear Galent’s heartbeat.

He clutched Zarrie against himself and leaped off the couch, looking into every single room. “Limesicart, have you seen—”

The cart had left the bathroom to follow him around. Now, it rolled straight through the bathroom door.

Pinks followed it—and heaved a sigh.

Standing in front of the toilet with his fly unzipped, was Galent. Completely gray all over.

“Well, at least now I know where you went.”

Galent looked calm, almost bored, his gaze fixed on the wall. He was holding his soft-but-rock-hard cock—it had a droplet of liquid hanging off its tip. Pinks flushed the toilet. Galent could always flush it again when he was done.

He wandered back to the couch and sang to Zarrie, waiting until she was done nursing. Then he changed her diapers and set her back in her playpen, before returning to Galent.

During the two other times Pinks had tried to undo Galent’s curse, he hadn’t gotten the chance to prod at Galent’s lower legs. So he knelt, poking his fingers between the giant’s toes. He grabbed Galent’s large feet and squeezed his legs through his pants, then grabbed his ass again to be sure. When he’d gone over every single bit of Galent’s body, Pinks squinted at the man. There were a few parts that he hadn’t been able to reach.

Surely Galent’s magic spot couldn’t be in his asscrack, or behind his balls.

Those were covered up by his rock-hard pants, so there wasn’t anything else Pinks could do.

He gave Zarrie a bath in the kitchen sink, then rooted around the almost-empty pantry for something to eat.

Two hours later, Pinks had to acknowledge the growing urgency in his lower body.

He had to use the bathroom.

And there was only one bathroom in the safehouse.

He returned to the toilet and squirmed, staring at it. “Why can’t I just need to pee? Why now?”

He whimpered and squirmed more. Surely Galent would remain a statue for the next few minutes. He wouldn’t even know a thing.

Some bodily functions were best kept a secret, even from your lovers.

Especially from your lovers.

Pinks hurriedly shoved down his pants and squeezed between Galent and the toilet. He sat down heavily and stared at Galent’s stony cock, pushing hard so he could get this over with.

“Don’t look,” he chanted. “Don’t look, don’t look, don’t look.”

It went quickly. Pinks grabbed the TP and wiped, thinking maybe he had managed to pull this off with Galent none the wiser.

Except something wet landed on him. Something warm and wet.

It didn’t stop.

“Oh, gods! ” Pinks yelled and flung himself sideways, his foot catching against the toilet. He stumbled and landed in a heap on the cold floor, then realized he hadn’t flushed the toilet. “Oh, gods, just kill me now. Oh my hairy baby gods.”

The toilet flushed behind him. Pinks curled into a ball and pulled his shirt over his head so he could pretend he didn’t exist.

How was he ever going to look Galent in the eye again? Galent was probably disgusted and ready to break things off right there.

Fluid continued to tinkle against porcelain. Then the toilet flushed again. A zipper rasped.

“Pinks,” Galent rumbled. “Sorry. I didn’t have bodily control those first few seconds.”

“Go away! This is terrible. Everything is terrible. Just bury me.” Of all the times Galent could’ve reverted back to flesh and blood, he had to pick the worst possible moment. Pinks groaned.

“C’mon. It’s not that bad.” Water ran in the sink. Galent was lathering up some soap.

Pinks hadn’t even washed his hands, and he also had Galent’s pee on him. “Oh, gods. This is so horrific, it doesn’t even appear in movies.”

He crawled into the shower and pulled the curtains around himself, peeling off his dirty clothes. They smelled like pee. He left them in the shower with him and reached up, turning the water on.

Galent nudged aside the curtain and peeked in. “You know nothing’s changed between us, right?”

Pinks wailed. “You caught me pooping, I caught you peeing, everything is terrible.”

The giant raised an eyebrow. “I’m sorry for getting some on you. I tried to stop, I really did. But consider this: How many times has Zarrie peed on you?”

“... Many. But she’s different!” Vaguely, Pinks knew he sounded silly. It wasn’t the end of the world. He buried his face in his hands. “I’m just really embarrassed right now.”

The shower curtain slid shut. Fabric rustled. Then the curtain opened again, and Galent stepped in completely naked.

“What?” Pinks gaped.

“Figured we could both use a shower.” Except Galent scooped Pinks off the shower floor, sat down cross-legged, and arranged Pinks on his lap.

“You can’t be serious.”

“Why not?”


Galent wrung out Pinks’ soaked clothes. He set them on the bathroom floor, pulled the curtain shut, and closed them into this tiny space. Then he wrapped his arms around Pinks, warm and sturdy, nuzzling the back of Pinks’ neck. “Still mine.”

Pinks blinked hard. “Really?”


Galent pressed kisses down Pinks’ shoulder. He grabbed the soap and began to wash Pinks—his fingers, hands, and arms, his toes, feet, and legs. He washed Pinks’ abdomen and chest, then leaned him forward, and washed his back, too.

It was all so careful and gentle, so intimate, that Pinks’ throat tightened.

“You... really don’t mind?”

“We’re all human,” Galent said. “Someday, I’m going to fart in bed and you’re going to be awake for it. You’re not going to run away, are you?”

“Well, no,” Pinks mumbled.

“So you don’t have to be embarrassed about this, either.”

“So you enjoyed pissing on me like a wolf marking its territory?”

Galent snorted. “Is that something you want?”

“No! Skin scents are fine. We don’t need... other scents.”

“Fine by me.” Galent washed between Pinks’ legs, then ran his hand over Pinks’ belly again, lingering there.

They were going to have a baby. Sometimes it was still hard to believe, when his body hadn’t changed much at all.

Galent washed Pinks’ nipples again. Then he ran the shower to rinse the suds off.

“What about you?” Pinks blurted.

“What about me?” Galent smiled.

“You didn’t get any soap on you.”

“Would you like to do the honors?”

Pinks’ heart skipped. “Okay.”

It was different, touching every part of Galent’s body when he was warm and human. His skin was soft and breakable. And yet he allowed Pinks complete access, dipping his head to let Pinks wash his face and hair.

It almost felt... domestic. Like this was something mates did with each other, all trust and little moments.

Pinks swallowed hard, washing the rest of Galent when they both stood up.

“Your heart is beating fast,” Galent murmured, covering Pinks’ chest with his hand.

Pinks nodded. Galent didn’t press for answers; he rinsed them both, then stepped out of the shower to hand Pinks a fluffy towel. When they were both dry, Galent swept Pinks off his feet in a bridal carry, bringing him to the room they shared with Zarrie.

“I can walk, you know,” Pinks grumbled.

“I want to prove that I can provide for you. In every way.” Galent set Pinks on his feet and handed him some fresh clothes. Then he retrieved his phone and turned the camera to face them, pressing their faces together. “Smile.”

Pinks’ smile looked surprised. Galent saved the picture and tucked the phone hurriedly into his pocket, like he was stashing a treasure.

“Handsome will pick us up in an hour,” Galent said. “If there’s anything you need at my lair, tell me. I’ll arrange for it to be delivered.”

In a daze, Pinks helped to pack up. Galent messaged Yaeger and the rest to tell them they were leaving the safehouse. Then Handsome showed up, knocking on the front door.

“Lord Fangy’s Consort,” Handsome said brightly, sticking his hand out. “I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced.”

Pinks stared suspiciously at his hand.

“It’s very clean, I promise.” Handsome seemed thoughtful. And he whipped out a familiar pink book that made Pinks cringe. “I come bearing a gift?”

Pinks recoiled. “No! I don’t want that in my house.”

Handsome put the book away and rubbed his jaw. “Tell you what. I’ll tell you all the stories Lord Fangy has made me promise not to tell anyone.”

“I’ll fire you,” Galent snarled from further inside the safehouse.

“I want the stories,” Pinks said.

Handsome smiled gleefully. “Deal.”

“Sweety-Pinks!” Galent came charging up to the front door, looking betrayed.

Pinks stretched out his arms and faced him, defending Handsome. “I want my stories.”

“They’re terrible. Worse than the bathroom.” Galent looked beseechingly at him.

“Nothing can be worse than the bathroom,” Pinks griped.

“ Oh? What happened in the bathroom?” Handsome asked eagerly. “You don’t even have to say it out loud. You can just whisper it, and I’ll hear you from across the mansion.”

“M-mansion?” Pinks stuttered, his brain grinding to a halt. But it only made sense. How else could Galent carry hundreds of dollars in his wallet, and just as readily give it away? “I thought it was just a house.”

Galent shrugged. “It’s a smaller place than what my parents used to live in.”

That sounded insane.

“I’ll trade you all of Lord Fangy’s childhood photos for the bathroom story,” Handsome said solemnly.

“No,” Galent growled. “No one wants to see me as a baby. ”

Pinks chewed his lip. “Maybe.”

Galent’s mouth fell open. “But...”

Handsome rubbed his hands together and smiled brilliantly. “Good. By the way, I promise not to jerk off listening to you two have wild animal sex.”

That hadn’t even occurred to Pinks. “Oh, gods.”

“Handsome,” Galent growled.

“If I have any comments, I’ll keep it between me and my brothers,” Handsome added. “You won’t hear about it.”

Pinks buried his face in his hands.

“We’re leaving.” Galent all but shoved them toward the nondescript black SUV, except he paused. “Damn it. I can’t pick up Zarrie.”

Pinks went in to bundle Zarrie into her traveling blanket. Galent disassembled her playpen, and fitted it into the back of the car.

“What about the pictures on the bedroom wall?” Galent asked. “The ones from magazines.”

“Oh.” Pinks had cut out the landscape photos just for some decoration—none of it actually meant anything. “We can leave those behind. They’re not really mine.”

Galent frowned. “But you have a home, right? A place where your actual things are?”

Pinks nodded. “I haven’t been back in a while. I—I don’t know if it’s all still there. Maybe my landlord decided that he didn’t want to wait for my late rent, and threw out everything.”

Galent scowled. “When we get rid of this curse, we’ll go retrieve your belongings.”

That was the other thing—Pinks hadn’t thought he was moving in permanently with Galent. “Really? You want me to move in with you?”

“Of course.” Galent came closer, his gaze turning soft as he ran his knuckles over Pinks’ belly. “How else am I supposed to help care for our baby?”

Pinks melted. At the same time, guilt whispered through his stomach. He’d promised his friends he’d stick with them, before they and their babies had all been captured.

Pinks’ friends needed help sometimes. Walren, Ivo, Nat, and Killian—they were all missing parts of their bodies, in some way or other. Walren had one leg shorter than the other—he was missing a knee. Ivo was blind in one eye and covered in scars. Nat had missing fingers. Killian refused to tell them what was wrong with him, but he had panic attacks a lot.

It was the reason they’d created the distraction with the kidnappers and shoved Pinks toward safety—because he was the most mobile of them all, and he had the highest chances of getting out alive.

What was Pinks going to tell them, if—not ‘if’— when they were rescued? He always ran errands for them because he had the least trouble doing things. He’d be breaking that promise if he stayed in Southern California with Galent.

“Pinks?” Galent asked gently.

Pinks snapped out of his thoughts. “Just—Just thinking.”

Galent cupped his face, brushing his thumb over Pinks’ lips. “You’re not happy.”

Pinks sighed. “I’ll tell you later.”

“Okay.” Galent leaned in and kissed Pinks’ forehead. Then he bundled Pinks into the backseat, and slid in with him.

“All ready?” Handsome asked from the driver’s seat.

Galent waited for Pinks to nod, before telling Handsome, “We’re ready.”

They took the quiet roads away from the safehouse. Pinks kept glancing out of the window. The last time they’d left the safety of the wards, they’d been chased down by a spindly creature. And before that, Galent had been attacked by the thing.

Galent didn’t live too far away, right? They’d be safe soon enough? Pinks reached over, slipping his hand into Galent’s. Galent smiled and squeezed him.

In hindsight, Pinks should’ve held Zarrie’s bundle more tightly. With a wriggle and a kick, Zarrie stuck her hand out of her blankets, reaching for Galent again.

Before Pinks could wrap his arm back around her, Zarrie heaved herself forward and fell into Galent’s lap. She grabbed his other hand.

Galent spasmed like he’d been electrocuted. The next moment, Zarrie turned into stone.

“Zarrie!” Pinks snatched her off Galent, but he was too late.

Except Zarrie’s statue began to crack, bright rays of light shining out of it.

“What was that?” Handsome said, right before the car swerved sharply, sending Pinks crashing into Galent’s side. “Holy alligator!”

They slammed to a halt. In front of them, on the empty road, was the shadowy thing.

And it had brought friends.

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