How to Hide Your Angel Kid (Closet Baby Chronicles #7) 15. The Curse Strikes Again 71%
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15. The Curse Strikes Again



“Handsome,” Pinks said, panicking. Galent was still twitching, and Zarrie’s statue form was leaking so much light, he feared the worst. “We can’t fight them right now.”

The thing and its friends were slowly approaching, like it knew they were trapped.

“I’ll fight them,” Galent growled through gritted teeth.

Handsome met Pinks’ eyes through the rearview mirror. The butler said, “What do you propose?”

“I don’t suppose you could... keep on driving.”

The butler snorted. But he stepped hard on the gas so the car engine roared, and abruptly released the brakes.

The SUV shot forward. They hurtled toward the group of cloaked creatures, and Pinks gripped Galent tight when the thing raised its arm to curse them.

Handsome spun the wheel, swerving into the next lane and narrowly avoiding an ominous green beam of light.

The other creatures raised their arms, too. Pinks couldn’t breathe; they were all going to be pulverized.

The creatures began firing spells. Galent smashed his fist through the car window, breathing a plume of the hottest blue flames.

“Galent!” Pinks yelped. Without the window glass, Galent was completely vulnerable to their attacks.

“It’s a matter of attack range,” Handsome said as they swerved between lanes, speeding ever closer to the creatures. Pinks couldn’t breathe; they were so close. Bolts of light whizzed past them.

The creatures fanned out to cover the entire width of the road. They threw up a shield to defend against Galent’s flames. At the last moment, Handsome swerved the car onto the surrounding grass, narrowly avoiding the creatures.

Then the creatures were behind them, the car fishtailing on the grass. Pinks clutched at Galent, yanking Galent’s head down in case someone tried to curse them through the back window.

Handsome pulled them back onto the road. With a roar, the car surged forward, putting more and more distance between them until the creatures were mere specks in the distance.

The creature screeched in fury.

Somehow, Limesicart was still trailing next to the car, safe and sound.

“Maybe it would’ve been better to run them over.” Pinks couldn’t take his eyes off the road they’d left behind.

“I’d rather not be cursed from underneath the car,” Galent growled.

Zarrie was still shining through her rocky exterior. Pinks cradled her against himself, his heart thumping. “Do you think they saw Zarrie?”

Galent narrowed his eyes. “I don’t know. She’s shining pretty bright. Let’s get her home first.”

Galent carefully wrapped Zarrie’s travel blanket around her, so no one else would see the bright light from outside the car. They wound through the streets of Cartfalls, merging into traffic and taking a few wrong turns to be sure no one was following them. Then they pulled into a quiet neighborhood with large houses and even larger lawns, slowing to a stop outside a thick, tall hedge with a sturdy wooden gate.

“Wouldn’t that burn?” Pinks asked.

“Spelled to be fireproof, and reinforced with iron on the other side. I don’t want anyone looking in.” Galent frowned at the blanket in Pinks’ arms.

The gate rolled open. They drove through with Limesicart, and Pinks watched to make sure the gate shut tightly behind them. They meandered down the winding driveway, past a vast front yard with several kinds of wildflowers, up to the two-story house in the middle of the property.

It was overwhelming, actually. The house was all quaint brickwork with several large windows looking in, and the double front doors were made of wood and intricate glass. Two flying-dragon lamps guarded the porch, and the air around the house shimmered ever so slightly.

“Is it... spelled?” Pinks asked, momentarily distracted from Zarrie’s plight.

“Yes. It twinkles like fireflies at night.” Galent cracked a small smile. “I wanted my home to be beautiful. To keep my mate.”

“You don’t need a beautiful home to make your mate stay. That’s not what mates are about.” Pinks paused. “But also, you willingly stayed at the safehouse, with one bathroom, when you could’ve been here instead?”

Galent rolled his eyes. “It’s the company that counts, not the house, remember?”

He scooted closer, though, cupping Zarrie’s head through the blanket. “Is she okay?”

“I don’t know.” Pinks pulled back the blanket, tracing the cracks in his Zarrie-statue with his gaze.

Slowly, the light faded. Pinks stopped breathing. Was this a good sign, or a bad one? Galent wrapped his arm around Pinks’ shoulder and held him tight.

In front of their very eyes, the cracks began to seal shut. Then the statue gained color, Zarrie’s hair growing soft again, her skin turning from stone to flesh. Pinks hugged her as tightly as he dared, burrowing into Galent’s chest.

“Fuck, don’t scare us like that,” Pinks mumbled. He tried to breathe through his overwhelming relief.

“Yeah. You shouldn’t make your dad worry.” Galent finally relaxed, patting Zarrie through her blankets. “You don’t have to help me like this, Baby Zee.”

Zarrie wriggled and kicked, babbling.

Galent smiled. He met Pinks’ gaze, and ever so slowly, he leaned closer, kissing the top of Zarrie’s head through the blanket.

Pinks really, really wanted to have Galent’s babies.

“What’s her real name?” Galent murmured.

Pinks gulped. “Not yet. You haven’t earned it yet.”

Galent raised an eyebrow. “Okay. I will try harder.”

He opened his door and got out of the car, before opening the other door for Pinks. Pinks frowned. “I can get out by myself.”

“Your legs might be shaky after what we’ve just been through.” Galent scooped Pinks out of the car, Zarrie in Pinks’ arms, and carried them to the porch. Handsome opened the front doors for them.

“What’s your real name?” Pinks asked Handsome.

Galent groaned. “Don’t even try.”

“I’ll tell you,” Handsome said. To which Galent raised a very doubtful eyebrow. Handsome leaned in and whispered in Pinks’ ear, “My real name is Hiddly Humpity Hump Bump.”

Galent snorted. Pinks grimaced. “That’s not actually your name, is it?”

“Nope!” Handsome cackled and flounced away.

“Told you,” Galent said, setting Pinks on his feet. “Make yourself at home. I’ll get Zarrie’s things unpacked wherever you want them.”

Pinks wandered through the door, staring at the high ceilings and spacious rooms. Bright daylight shone through all the windows. A huge, bed-sized couch occupied a significant part of the living room. The kitchen was covered in redwood cabinetry of all shapes and sizes, and odd little copper contraptions hung from the walls; they looked like spindly props from a steampunk movie set.

Limesicart rolled in after them, squeaking its wheels pitifully when Pinks headed up the stairs.

“Later,” Pinks said. “Galent might carry you upstairs, but you’re not allowed to crash into anything if he does. Okay?”

The cart nudged eagerly against him, lifting its flap. Pinks gave it a few tender pets.

He showed Zarrie the different rooms upstairs. There was an office, a small library full of old books, a few guest rooms, and some empty rooms. At the end of the hallway was a set of double doors—probably Galent’s bedroom.

“Well?” Galent said from behind Pinks, startling him. “Are you going in?”

“You make it sound weird,” Pinks said, but he opened the door handle.

Galent’s bedroom was a rich dark blue—walls, ceiling, even his bedspread. But it wasn’t just blue—stars and galaxies covered the space, from tiny stars to large spiral galaxies, and colorful clouds that Pinks remembered seeing in some of the magazines at the safehouse. There was a wooden bookcase in one corner, filled with books.

“You like to read,” Pinks said with some surprise. Galent nodded. “You didn’t read at the safehouse.”

“I had something better to occupy my attention with.” Galent grinned and wrapped his arms around Pinks from behind. He looked over Pinks’ shoulder. “Hey, Zarrie.”

Zarrie yawned and reached for Galent again; Galent smoothly avoided her hand.

Pinks froze. “You’re still cursed?”

Galent sighed. “Yes. She took another chunk, but there’s still some left.”

“Damn it. I’m sorry.”

They looked at each other. Galent’s mouth curved into a soft smile. “It’s not your fault, Sweety-Pinks. I’ll figure it out.”

Pinks wasn’t sure how, but at least they were safe in Galent’s home for now. “You were going to show me my gifts.”

Galent sucked in a slow breath, looking nervous. “All right.”

He led Pinks down the stairs to the first floor, then through a twisting hallway to the back of the mansion. There, they stopped by a set of large steel doors with a black scanning panel.

Galent blew a small, thin plume of fire onto it—cool orange, hot white, cool orange, and white again. Then he turned the flame into the hottest blue, and stopped.

The doors unlocked with a hiss, revealing a set of gentle stairs lit by warm yellow lights. Galent gestured for Pinks to go first. Limesicart came butting in, so Galent let the cart follow Pinks, its wheels thudding against every step.

Pinks slowed down when he reached the end of the stairs. The basement was vast—this couldn’t possibly be just one room. But huge white pillars supported the ceiling, which was a velvety dark blue speckled with glowing stars.

“You really love the stars,” Pinks whispered, staring at the ceiling in awe.

Galent grinned. “Is that your favorite part of my hoard? The stars? I stay up late at night sometimes to stargaze. The night sky in Cartfalls isn’t quite as dark as in the wilderness, but I can still see my favorites. I used to do that with my family.”

Pinks ached. “We could stargaze with you.”

Galent glowed; he looked so happy. “Oh! Um. That’s—That’s amazing. I collected all the things down below for you. Well, not everything. Some are for me.”

Pinks looked down to find a sea of... things. Polished gold coins covered the entire floor, piled around dressers and other exquisite wooden furniture—cribs, rocking chairs, rocking horses. A few books were stacked on a dresser, next to huge bags of yarn.

“Merino wool,” Galent said. “But I also like bamboo. It’s very soft.”

A stack of paintings leaned against the wall, at the foot of three pine trees, all different sizes.

“They’re spelled to be as fresh as the day they were cut,” Galent said. “I understand if you want new trees for the holidays. The ornaments are mine, from my parents. They’re yours if you want them.”

“You’d just give them to me?” Pinks asked, aghast.

“What’s mine will also be yours, if you become my mate,” Galent said, almost shy.

Pinks’ heart skipped. “Let me think about it.”

Galent nodded and watched as Pinks carried Zarrie through the piles of gold.

“These coins are all really shiny,” Pinks said.

“I scrubbed them all myself.”

“For me?”

“For you.”

It must’ve taken decades, to amass a collection like this and turn everything pristine. Pinks trailed his hand over the dresser, wandering over to the far side of the hoard where there was a section of things that didn’t belong. Stacks of video tapes and CDs, some miniature robots, and... a huge humanoid robot, whose head almost touched the ceiling. It was girthy like a tree, made of shiny metal, with tubes and lights running all over it. Its face looked stern.

“That’s an original AlphaBot movie prop,” Galent said proudly. “Made of solid steel.”

“How did you even get it in here?”

“Carefully. I had to make sure it didn’t hit anything on the way down.”

“It’s heavy!”

“I’m strong.” Galent flexed his arms. Pinks tried not to let his drool drip down his chin. Galent’s smile grew. “Would you like me to prove my strength in bed?”

“Actually, yes.”

“Later.” Galent’s eyes darkened.

Pinks gulped and turned back to the movie props. “So, this part of the hoard is yours.”

“Yes.” Galent went up to the giant robot—it towered over him! A giant!—and rested his hand fondly on its side.

Quietly, Pinks wondered if there was anything in here he could use to defend himself. He was a lone wolf with barely any strength, and he was next to useless if Galent got into trouble. “I need to borrow your phone. Or I need a phone, anyway.”

“I’ll order you one. In fact, Handsome can go out and get one right now.”

Elsewhere in the mansion, Handsome said, “You’re abusing your bossly privileges.”

“I hired you to be my butler. Your job scope covers phone shopping,” Galent retorted.

“I’ll fill that phone with your baby pictures!”

“No,” Galent roared.

“Too late! I’m going!” Quick feet, then a flutter of wings.

Galent scowled at the ceiling. “Damn it.”

“I’ll be happy to see those pictures,” Pinks said.

“I guess that’s the only good thing that’ll come out of it. That, and you’ll get your phone.” Galent folded his arms and huffed. He looked so adorably grumpy that Pinks laughed, leaning against his chest. “I can already tell that you were a very cute dragonet.”

“Fine,” Galent grumbled.

Pinks gave Zarrie a gold coin. It was too wide for her to accidentally swallow, so Pinks let her hold on to it. Right before he turned to leave, he caught sight of a folded, knitted blanket.

“That was made by my grandfather,” Galent said. “It’s been passed down through my family.”

It smelled old, but clean. Pinks gathered it up and lined Limesicart’s cargo basket with it, then set Zarrie in there. The cart squeaked its wheels excitedly. Galent’s chest puffed up so much, Pinks worried that he might explode.

“You’ll get to help Limesicart back up the stairs,” Pinks said to Galent. “Because you’re so strong.”

“With pleasure.” Galent picked up the entire cart and began climbing the stairs, Zarrie and all. Zarrie squealed.

Pinks rolled his eyes and sighed. “Show off!”

“I’m not going to stop showing off in front of you, Sweety-Pinks. I will prove that I can be the best mate.” Just to prove his point, Galent pumped Limesicart and Zarrie up and down in the air.

It was kind of hot. Damn it.

The giant looked over his shoulder and smirked. Of course he knew what he did to Pinks. Of course.

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