How to Hide Your Angel Kid (Closet Baby Chronicles #7) 20. A Bonding And A Birth 95%
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20. A Bonding And A Birth



Galent didn’t have a flight anymore, but the bonding chamber was filled with dragons anyway.

Blade, Griff, Ace, and Raptor, along with their mates, parents, and siblings, had gathered to witness the bonding ceremony. They were all in the sacred chambers of his parents’ old lair, surrounding the concentric circles that Galent’s ancestors had carved into the rock. Between each circle were carvings of animals and trees, rivers and mountains.

Pinks was so pregnant that Galent wanted to carry him everywhere, but Pinks refused to be carried. He stood with Galent before the circles now, dressed in a simple cream-colored gown, his feet bare. He’d dyed his hair a vibrant pink for the occasion—even the hair between his legs—and he was so beautiful that Galent wanted to claim him all over again.

“Later,” Pinks said dryly.

“Later?” Galent frowned.

“I know that look on your face,” Pinks whispered. “We already mated three times this morning.”

“It’ll never be enough unless you have cum dripping down your legs,” Galent pointed out. “Which you don’t right now.”

Pinks flushed as bright as his hair. “There’s a bunch of people listening to us.”

“And?” Galent grinned.

“And we should be having a more appropriate conversation! Like... Like about love or something.”

“Or something,” Galent agreed.

Pinks rolled his eyes, but he was smiling as he dragged Galent closer to the circles.

Someone cleared their throat loudly, followed by several loud squeaks. Handsome stood at the other end of the chamber with Zarrie and Limesicart, a pink book open in his hand.

“No,” Pinks groaned.

“Da da da,” Zarrie said excitedly from her blankets in Limesicart’s belly.

“There’s a whole section in here for weddings,” Handsome said, squinting through his fake monocle.

“No, no one needs to hear that!” Pinks said loudly.

“On your special creamy day.” Handsome’s voice filled the chamber. “May your loins be ungirdled and your love rods unbridled, and may the seed of your love bless the land with fertility.”

The dragons cheered. Pinks buried his face in his hands.

“That was pretty good,” Galent admitted.

Pinks elbowed him. But he followed willingly as Galent stepped onto the largest circle. Pinks took the next-largest circle, their bare feet pressed against the deep grooves in the smooth stone, worn down by several generations of dragons.

It was a binding ceremony in every way: After they’d walked the circles three times, Galent would lose a few years of his lifespan, and Pinks’ life expectancy would grow to match his.

“Ready?” Galent smiled.

“Yes.” Pinks straightened his shoulders. “I shouldn’t let go of your hand, and I need to keep at least one foot on my circle at all times.”

“Exactly.” Galent’s heart thumped. In a deeper voice, he said, “Once for luck.”

They walked slowly, because Pinks’ belly prevented him from seeing in front of himself. He had to seek out the groove of the circle with his toes, and Galent walked with him at his pace.

The moment they completed the first lap, a gentle breeze picked up in the chamber.

“Twice as a promise,” Galent murmured. He couldn’t help admiring the flush on Pinks’ cheeks, the determined way he took his steps. Pinks held his hand tightly, confidently, and Galent’s insides bloomed with love.

The moment they completed the second lap, the circles lit with a faint blue glow. A gust of wind whipped around them, briefly.

“Last one,” Pinks whispered.

“Three times for a future well-told,” Galent announced.

They walked. When they finished the final lap, every circle flared a brilliant blue, from the outermost to the one in the center. Wind rushed through the chamber. And a swell of magic passed from Galent’s body into Pinks. Their hearts fell into sync.

They’d made promises to each other; Pinks wore the red lines on his skin. And now their lives were utterly connected, in the very best of ways.

When Pinks turned to face him, his eyes widened. “You have gray hairs now. Just a few.”

“Yeah?” Galent touched his temple. Then he leaned in, and pressed a soft kiss to Pinks’ lips. “Now you are mine.”

The dragons cheered and whooped. Galent swept Pinks into his arms and kissed him deeply.

Midway into the kiss, Pinks gasped.

“I think my water broke.”

Galent panicked; of course he did. He’d never witnessed a birth before. “What do I do?”

“Bring Pinks to your room,” Sen—Blade’s golden dragon dad—said.

Galent swept Pinks into his arms; Pinks squawked.

“I’ve done this before, there’s no need to panic,” Pinks grumbled, folding his arms.

“But it’s our baby!”

Pinks rolled his eyes. “Yes. And you stretched me three times this morning.”

Galent rumbled with satisfaction. “That’ll help the birth go more painlessly, right?”

“Probably,” Pinks conceded.

Galent brought his mate to his old bedroom in his parents’ mansion. Blade’s flight had gathered a few days ago to help straighten up the place, and they were all sticking around in case Pinks needed help with the birth.

It was nice. Galent hadn’t had a flight in a long time, and this felt like belonging.

He gently deposited Pinks on their bed, setting Pinks’ overnight bag with him. “What do you want to do first? It’ll be a while, right?”

Pinks popped a few slices of habanero peppers into his mouth. When he burped, flames came out of his mouth. So beautiful. “I’m eating these while I still can,” Pinks said. “My spice tolerance is going to plummet when I’m not pregnant anymore.”

“I’ll make food as spicy as you want,” Galent promised.

Pinks smiled. He tucked away the snack box of peppers and pulled out his origami paper—something he’d bought for himself, using the money Galent had given him. He showed Galent how to fold a paper crane; they folded one for each of the dragons and mates that had gathered to witness their bonding and birth.

“I can’t believe I forgot to ask,” Galent said suddenly. “What’s Zarrie’s actual name?”

Pinks laughed. “Zaraieh. It’s Old Wolfish for ‘strength’.”

“It’s a beautiful name. I didn’t know wolves had a language,” Galent admitted.

“We don’t just howl!”

“Or gnaw on bones.”

“We pee on trees, too,” Pinks said, his eyes sparkling.

Galent laughed, hugging Pinks close. It felt incredible to know that they were bonded for life. “What about your real name?” Galent whispered. “The one you don’t use anymore.”

Pinks sighed. “My parents were... drunk or high or something. They thought it would be great to name me after the steakhouse where they had their first date. Benihemi. They regretted it later on and asked if I wanted to change my name, so I did. Pink is my favorite color.”

“It might be my favorite, too,” Galent said.

“You’re such a sap.” Pinks beamed. Then his smile fell when his contraction hit him.

Galent growled and crowded closer to his mate. He didn’t like to see Pinks in pain. “Sweety-Pinks.”

“I’m fine,” Pinks panted.

Galent walked with Pinks as he waddled around the room. Sen and Thomas, the flight’s elders, came in to check on them every so often.

When his contractions grew more frequent, Pinks shifted into a gray wolf and lay on his side. Galent curled around him in his human shape, rubbing Pinks everywhere he could, to ease the tension in his muscles.

“What if I helped,” Galent said suddenly. “If—I don’t know—if I reach inside to help you stretch?”

Pinks tilted his head sideways like he was confused. Then he slumped against the bed and rolled his haunches, in a gesture that said, Go ahead.

So Galent slipped his hand into his mate, slowly, carefully so he wouldn’t hurt their pup. His heart skipped when his fingers bumped into a small, warm shape. “Is that—”

Maybe he should’ve read up on this before doing it. Both Pinks’ and their pup’s heartbeats sounded normal. Galent gently got his hand around their pup, easing it toward the exit, little by little so no one would get hurt.

“I think someone might come in here and yell at me,” Galent whispered.

Except their pup slipped out of Pinks easily, a lump of gray, bedraggled fur, so small and precious that Galent’s heart swelled. He severed the umbilical cord with his dragon teeth and brought their pup to Pinks’ snout so he could lick him clean.

“You did great,” Galent said, choking up. Pinks and their pup were so beautiful.

Pinks licked their pup until the little one took his first breath. Then he shifted back into a human, and scooped the pup into his arms. “I didn’t do much. You did most of it, to be honest. This was a lot easier than the time I had Zarrie.”

“Guess we know how we’re doing the next births.” Galent wrapped himself around Pinks, dropping kisses all over Pinks and the pup. “Mine. All mine.”

“Ours,” Pinks said.

“Ours.” Galent laughed, nuzzling them both. “Welcome to the world, Cruzel. You’ve got a big sis, Zarrie, and a godfather—his name isn’t actually Handsome, but we don’t know what it is. And we have a trusty shopping cart, Limesicart, who will be so happy to rock you to sleep.”

Cruzel whimpered, rooting against Pinks’ chest and latching onto his nipple. He was so tiny. But he would grow, and with time, he would be strong like Pinks, and just as amazing.

“I can’t wait to bring all of you home,” Galent whispered.

Pinks smiled, leaning closer. “Same here.”

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