How to Hide Your Angel Kid (Closet Baby Chronicles #7) Epilogue 100%
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“Are you ready, kids?” Galent rumbled, stretching his wings under the starry sky.

“Yeah!” Fourteen-year-old Zarrie bounced on her heels, her feathery wings snapping open with all their regal plumage.

Thirteen-year-old Cruzel roared, his dragon form small, but he was the best flier among the kids.

“I wanna race,” eleven-year-old Hilpin said. She wriggled and flapped her leathery wings, going up to Galent and bumping their bellies together. “Papa belly!”

Pinks laughed. “Don’t knock yourself over, Hills. Papa’s belly is bouncy. ”

“Hey,” Galent said, grinning. “Where’s the littlest one?”

“Here, here!” Ten-year-old Stevie raced over on his short little legs, hopping as he shucked the last of his clothes. Then he shifted into a sapphire dragon, too, and spread his wings. “See?”

“You’re doing so well, kiddo.” Galent wrapped his wing around Stevie, thumping him on the back. “Is everyone ready?”

“Think you’re maybe forgetting something?” Pinks said dryly.

“Never.” Galent scooped Pinks up and fastened him into the leather harness against his belly. This would free up Galent’s paws, in case he needed to grab any of the kids. More softly, he nuzzled Pinks’ hair. “Nervous?”

“A little.”

Pinks had never flown with them before. He didn’t like heights; he preferred having all four paws on solid ground. Galent had taught their children to fly, and Pinks always observed them from the ground.

Tonight was different, though. They were taking their first short trip together, now that Stevie could handle longer distances. Galent wrapped his scaly arms around Pinks and squeezed, holding him securely.

“I trust you,” Pinks whispered.

“Aww, Sweety-Pinks.” Galent nuzzled his ear.

“Awww,” Zarrie said.

“Ew, cooties,” Stevie said.

“You still come to me for cuddles,” Pinks pointed out. “If I had cooties, you would’ve gotten them long ago. But no, no one has cooties.”

“Fine,” Stevie mumbled.

“We’re just going over to Uncle Blade’s,” Galent said. “No crashing into his roof! Or he’ll ban us for life.”

Blade wouldn’t, but no one wanted that to become a habit.

“Okay,” the children chorused.

“Everybody ready?” At their nods, Galent began the countdown. With a great flutter of wings, they were all airborne, Galent holding back so he wouldn’t pull too far ahead. He scanned the sky again for threats, then led their fluttering group over to their destination.

“They’re growing up so quickly,” Galent murmured, holding Pinks steady. “See how well they fly?”

Pinks swallowed his nerves and focused on their children. They were all doing wonderfully, Stevie and Hilpin flying with a bit more wobble, Cruzel with steady, powerful beats of his wings. Zarrie flew as a human, confident in her abilities, and Pinks was so proud of all of them.

It was tricky, raising Zarrie with no idea what angels were like. But those mysterious falling feathers from long ago seemed not to affect her at all. Her plumage was magnificent, and she loved her role as the protector of her siblings.

“I think we’re doing all right, as parents,” Pinks said.

Galent snorted. “We’re doing fine. You’re an amazing dad.”

“So are you.”

“Aww, say that more, and we might end up with another baby.”

“Ew, Papa!” The children fluttered and pulled away from them, sending disgusted looks over their shoulders.

“Babies are cute,” Galent replied. “I’d always welcome more babies.”

“Well, we have time for another one,” Pinks said carefully.

“Good. I’m glad we’re on the same page.” Galent grinned wolfishly, sending a thrill down to Pinks’ toes. “Later,” Galent whispered. “I’ll fulfill that promise when we get home.”

“I’ll hold you to it,” Pinks said.

“Good.” Galent whooped. Then he took Pinks higher, and they watched over their children like they always did, hand in hand, utterly happy with their lives.

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