T he moment we’re outside the prison walls and have driven a bit, the truck stops and everything moves quickly. We get out of the back and Hound forces Jackson and Spike to put their guns down and step away. Once they have, he releases me, but not before he whispers into my ear, “I’m letting you live now, but I’ll be back, and I promise your last breath will be at my hands.”
Then, with one more odd smirk toward Jackson, he’s gone.
The moment he is, I turn, and my legs are moving before my mind even kicks into gear. My body launches onto Jackson’s, and when his arms wrap around me, I feel the world come to a standstill. Tears burst forth and roll down my cheeks as he presses his face into my neck, murmuring something I don’t understand.
Pulling back, our lips meet, and everything about this moment is perfect. The way he tastes, the way he smells, everything.
“Hate to break this up,” Spike mutters, “but we gotta move. Right fuckin’ now.”
Sirens in the distance alert us to the fact that they have obviously figured out something is wrong and prisoners have escaped. We have minutes if we’re lucky. Dropping the keys to the truck on the front seat, Spike and Jackson jerk me into a run and we move down a side street to where there is a different truck waiting.
It’s not one of theirs, but I don’t bother asking questions.
We get inside, and Jackson orders me to put my head down as we drive.
For a few minutes, it sounds like we have gotten away with it but then I hear Jackson’s grunt and curse, before the sounds of sirens fill my ears once more, only this time, they’re close.
They’ve found us.
“Fuck,” Spike barks. “Do not stop the truck. We gotta lose them.”
“They’re surrounding us,” Jackson barks, putting his foot down as he speeds up.
I lift my head, just enough to see the cop cars flying behind us, trying to overtake the truck so they can swerve in front of us, forcing us to stop. My heart races and my fingernails dig into my palms as I realize we’re about to get caught, and if we do, I’m going to prison for the rest of my life.
“Jackson,” I cry out, my voice shaky. “Ahead, there is a street, turn right before you get to it. We need to lose them.”
Jackson’s fingers are gripping the wheel as he accelerates, then, just as he’s about at the street, he swerves and goes down it. The truck skids, and we nearly lose traction at the speed we’re going. Bouncing over the sidewalk, we manage to just make it into the narrow street. Two cars manage to follow us down.
“Go toward any kind of bushland,” I frantically tell Jackson. “This truck can take it, their cars can’t.”
“I’m lookin’,” Spike growls, scrolling on his phone as he tries to look at a map. “Ahead, two miles, there is woodland to the left.”
Jackson puts his foot down and the cars get closer and closer as we weave through traffic. By some small miracle, we make it to the woodland, and, without hesitation, Jackson turns the truck and barrels into it. The grass is long and thick, and there are fallen logs and trees everywhere. The car bounces aggressively as Jackson manages to navigate it into the trees just enough for the cops not to be able to follow.
“Get out,” Jackson orders, unbuckling his seatbelt. “We run.”
I don’t question it, I leap out of the car, take Jackson’s hand, and we run. We go deeper and deeper into the woods as sirens and shouting comes from behind us. My chest is tight, and I’m struggling to breathe as we pick up the pace, weaving through trees and getting so deep into the scrub that it’s hard to continue.
“We need another car, right fuckin’ now,” Spike is barking into the phone. “A road is coming up, I sent you the location. Move.”
I don’t know who he is talking to. I don’t care.
I cling to Jackson and run, praying the cops don’t reach us first.
We make it to the road that Spike was talking about, and there a car skids to a stop with Cade and Addison inside. I don’t hesitate, I swing the door open and launch in, followed by Spike and Jackson. Then, we’re speeding off, and as we move, cop cars are filling the streets, their sirens blaring. They’re looking for us.
Thankfully, I think we managed to escape them.
Zipping through streets, we drive until we can’t hear the sirens and everything seems to go quiet. Nobody speaks, our hearts are all no doubt pounding as we realize just how close we came to getting caught. Jackson hasn’t released my hand, not once.
We come to a stop about an hour later. We are on an abandoned dirt road where Ciara and Janine are standing with Muff and about five other bikers from the club. Ciara is holding Ava in her arms, and I don’t stop for even a second before I throw myself out of the truck.
I don’t care if it’s safe or not.
All I can see is her.
I run toward my baby, and the moment I stop in front of her, I pull her into my arms, tears rushing down my cheeks as I breathe in her precious scent and kiss her chubby cheeks. I never want to feel the pain of thinking I might be ripped from her again. I never want to experience that kind of agonizing grief.
“Are you okay?” Ciara asks when I pull back from Ava’s face long enough to focus on her.
“I’m okay,” I croak, running my fingers through Ava’s soft hair.
“We don’t have long, honey.” She smiles, sadly. “It’s not safe for her to come with us, but Janine is going to take care of her.”
I shake my head, more tears rolling down my cheeks.
“I promise you nothing will happen to her,” Janine says, stepping up beside Ciara and reaching out to squeeze my shoulder. “She will be safe.”
“I can’t leave her again,” I whisper, my voice shaking as Ava takes my hair and ties to put it in her mouth.
“It’s not safe,” Ciara says again, her voice careful and kind.
Swallowing back the lump in my throat, I know she’s right. I press my face back into Ava, breathing her in, kissing her cheeks, telling her over and over just how much I love her. I have never felt a pain quite as intense as the one I do right now. It’s soul consuming, gripping my chest like a vice.
“We have to go, honey,” Addi is beside me now, and she gently places her hand on my arm.
It takes everything I have to hand my daughter to Janine, but I know she’ll keep her safe, and, even though it kills me, I know it’s for the best. It is, without a doubt, the worst feeling I have ever experienced in my entire life. I never want to feel this again. I want this to be over so I can go home to my family.
Something I took for granted before.
Janine and Muff both get into a car and leave, and I watch my daughter disappear once again.
Ciara steps up beside me and puts her arm around me. “We’re going to fix this, I promise you.”
A broken sob leaves my throat as I watch the car completely fade into the distance.
“We gotta move, the cops will be lookin’ for us and we can’t risk stayin’ still for too long,” Cade tells us. “Let’s go.”
Turning to face Jackson, I crumble into his arms.
“We’re goin’ to fix this, darlin’. I promise you.”
Then, once again, we’re back on the road in yet another lot of cars.
Where we are going, I don’t know.
WE DRIVE WELL INTO the night, and when we finally stop, it’s on a long, dark road. We’re not at our destination, but everyone is tired, and Jackson deems it safe enough for us to sleep. We’re far enough away that we shouldn’t run into trouble, and hopefully the cops have lost us.
Sitting across from him in the truck, I stare over at his face in the darkness, and a need washes over me so intensely that when his eyes meet mine and grow dark, I know he feels it too. I have been too long without him, and I can’t wait another second to feel him inside me.
Spike and Ciara are in the back.
“Get out,” he growls.
They don’t bother asking questions.
They get out.
I don’t bother asking what he wants, I already know because I want it just as badly. I fling off my seatbelt, and then in a matter of seconds, I’m on his lap. He growls with an intensity that has my core tightening, and I know this is going to be quick, hot, and very much needed. His fingers curl into my hair and he jerks my head back, his mouth hovering near mine. “Never fuckin’ want to be away from you again, darlin’.”
“Me either,” I whisper, bringing my lips down onto his as I reach for his jeans.
“I’m warnin’ you,” he rasps against my lips, “this won’t last long.”
“I’m warning you,” I whimper, shoving my hand into his jeans and curling my fingers around his cock, “I don’t care.”
Hard and smooth, I stroke my hand up and down his already throbbing length. With a hiss, we both frantically shift so I can awkwardly remove my pants. The moment they’re gone, I’m back on his lap and his jeans are down. His cock pushes against me as I settle over him, my lips gliding up his neck, my fingers tangling in his long, thick hair.
God dammit.
I’ve never wanted anything so badly in my life.
“I’m goin’ to fuck you hard,” he growls. “Fuck.”
I sink down onto his cock, moaning as he fills and stretches me. Everything about the way he makes me feel is like a raging inferno ripping through my body. I love this man in a way that words simply can’t describe. Feeling him inside me again is something I had missed so damn much.
“Jackson,” I moan when his fingers curl into the flesh surrounding my hips, and he uses that momentum to hold me still so he can thrust his hips upward, fucking me just like he promised.
“Fuckin’ missed you, baby,” he hisses into my ear as the slapping sounds of him driving into me fill the quiet space in the car.
“Yes, oh God, yes,” I scream, my hand slapping against the cool glass window as my head drops back.
Together, our bodies moving perfectly, me fucking him and him driving up, makes the perfect friction. It’s enough to have everything inside me tightening and my body clenching around him as my orgasm rises to the surface.
I can’t hold on.
“I’m going to cum,” I cry out, my fingers curling into the flesh of his shoulder.
“Fuck, baby, yes.”
Together we find our release, a perfect explosion.
My head drops to his shoulder, and I breathe him in, my heart aching with the time we spent apart.
“I hated not being able to touch you,” I murmur, and my voice hitches.
“Hush, baby. We’re good now.”
His fingers glide down my back as he soothes me.
“Tell me we are going to end this ...”
He pulls me back, his green eyes meeting me. “I swear it.”
“Do you think Xander is okay? Hound stabbed him, I’m so worried he didn’t make it.”
“I’ll find out, but I’m sure he’s good. We’ll make sure he is protected and gets what he was promised. I gotta know, how did Hound get into the women’s side of the prison?”
“I don’t know,” I whisper. “From what I heard, he had his hands in a lot of pies, and I think he got someone to help him. I don’t know how he knew what we were planning, but he did. He just...knew. That scares me.”
“Men like that have more control of what goes on in those prisons than even the guards. There was nothin’ you could have done. We’ll fix this, I swear it.”
I hope he’s right.
God, do I hope he’s right.