I wake before Jackson the next morning.
Glancing over, I look at him stretched out in the back of the truck on the mattress we rolled out. One hand is tucked up behind his head, and the other rests on his bare stomach. My heart skips a beat as I stare down at him, loving the way his hair falls over his perfect bronze skin.
Jackson ages like fine wine, and I don’t think there is ever a time I won’t look at him and go weak at the knees.
Reaching over, I slowly move the blanket, licking my lips as I expose his naked cock. He fucked me once more before we went to sleep last night, right here in the back of the truck, my legs over his shoulders as he drove his cock into me, his muscles flexing beneath the moonlight.
Utter perfection.
But I need more.
Shifting, I slide down until I am able to carefully guide his cock into my mouth. He stirs, jerking, and it takes him a moment to realize what’s going on. The second he does, his dick hardens in my mouth and his low growl vibrates through his body. Using my tongue, I slide it up and down his length, taking him deep and then releasing him again.
He growls, fingers moving down to glide through my hair as I suck him.
I want to feel him release down my throat, the warm pleasure reminding me that we’re really back together again.
Curling my hand around his shaft, I lick and suck while gently stroking. His body is tight, and his fingers go from stroking to tightening in my hair as I bob my head harder, faster, until he has no other option but to let it all go. With a feral hiss, he cums in my mouth, filling me. I moan, taking all of him, before slowly releasing his cock and licking my lips.
Our eyes meet.
“My turn,” he hisses.
He pushes up, taking hold of my naked body and flipping me over until I land on my back, then he is between my legs, his hot breath against my clit, his mouth taunting and teasing as he carefully flickers his tongue over me, just enough to tease. I arch up, gripping the blanket as I try to thrust myself into his eager mouth.
He growls against my flesh before closing his lips over my clit.
Jackson knows how to lick pussy, and I’m here for it.
Closing my eyes, I relish in the feeling of his tongue gliding up and down, rotating in circles before he closes his lips over and sucks deep, causing me to whimper with pure ecstasy. My entire body is tight, and my legs shake as he brings me closer and closer to the edge.
He does wicked things to my body, and it takes everything for me not to scream out and wake everyone.
When I cum, I do it with my fingers biting into the flesh of his arms as I tremble beneath him.
“Jesus Christ,” a voice yells out, Addison, I think. “She was only gone a damn month. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting.”
Definitely Addison.
I smirk, pressing a hand over my mouth.
“Daddy still has it,” Ciara sings.
“Shut the hell up, Ciara, I swear ...”
Spike’s chuckle rings out.
“I guess we should get up,” Jackson murmurs, running a finger over my bottom lip.
“Guess so. Where are we going today?”
He sits up, running a hand through his messy hair. “A secure location, we should be safe now, but the police will be on a man hunt looking for you. We can’t be too careful.”
“What if we don’t find Gerard and fix all of this? I can’t hide forever.”
“I have a plan B.”
I frown. “That is?”
“I’ll bribe someone on the inside. Not somethin’ I want to do, but I will if it comes to it.”
In other words, he’ll bribe someone big.
A deal that will forever link him to someone.
“Do you have any idea how we’re going to find Gerard?”
Jackson nods. “I do have some information from the inside as to where he might be. It’s proving it was him that we need the most. Addison and Ciara are workin’ on a plan, but we will get him.”
“Sooner rather than later, I hope,” I murmur, pulling my shirt down over my head. “I need my daughter.”
“I know, baby,” Jackson murmurs, his eyes growing soft. “I’m sorry you don’t have her right now.”
“No, but I do have you, and that’s something.”
He grins, pulling me forward and pressing his lips to mine.
A slap on the side of the track has us pulling apart. I turn to see Addison with her eyes closed, a scowl on her pretty face. “You two better get dressed. We have shit to do.”
“Don’t open your eyes now then,” Jackson murmurs, a hint of laughter in his voice.
“You’re disgusting, Father.”
She turns and walks off, and I smile.
A real smile.
For the first time in a month.
It’s a shame it won’t last long.
“WHAT ARE WE GOIN’ TO do about Hound?” Spike asks, lighting a cigarette and leaning against the wall of a large but old house we are bunkering down in. I have no idea where it is, but I think that’s the point.
It’s in the middle of the woods, and by the looks of it, in the middle of absolutely nowhere.
“Hound is goin’ to be a problem,” Jackson mutters, bringing a beer to his lips and kicking an old piece of timber out of the way so he can put his foot on a rickety chair. “He has a vendetta, and he’s goin’ to find a way to make it a problem for us.”
“He has a problem with me,” I tell them. “He always has. Killing Hogan and most of the club would have made it a thousand times worse.”
“He doesn’t have a club to fall back on,” Cade points out.
“No, but he’ll probably join another chapter in another state, and with enough motivation, he can have them turn on us.” I exhale. “He is going to come after me, he made that clear.”
“Then we need to find him before he joins another chapter and take him out,” Jackson growls.
“Agreed.” Spike nods. “But that ain’t easy to do when we’re chasin’ Gerard. Our first priority is clearin’ Serenity’s name and getting her home. Then we can work on that fucker.”
“What’s the plan in regard to that?” Jackson asks Addison, who is sitting on a railing that I certainly wouldn’t trust.
“We are going back through everything, questioning as many people as we can. We’re also trying to locate his family. If we can do that, we might be able to get some information. All we need to do is find him, then I can sure as hell make him talk.”
Ciara nods, her eyes narrowing. “I’ll be in on that. He has ruined enough. It’s time he understood just who he is dealing with.”
“He’s smart,” Cade points out. “So fuckin’ smart I wonder if he will be two steps ahead of us.”
“Then we have to be smarter.” Ciara crosses her arms. “I’m not letting him go this time.”
“We need a solid plan,” Jackson exhales. “Somethin’ to draw him out, somethin’ to make sure he can’t escape. Anyone got somethin’ fuckin’ incredible, because I’m out of ideas.”
“I have an idea,” I say, pursing my lips. “It’s different from usual club tactics, but it could work.”
Spike nods. “Spill.”
“Ciara, do you have any kind of evidence that Gerard did it?”
“Only a shitty photo, but if we compared it to another photo of him, I think it would be enough for people to believe it was him with Alyssa.”
“Well, it could be enough. Would Halo be willing to help us by splashing something all over social media? We don’t need proof to make something go viral. We can get her to spread a story that it was Gerard with Alyssa and she knows it, then we could all share and spread it. Cases like this go viral quickly, especially when someone is in hiding.”
Ciara’s eyes go up. “That’s actually genius, you clever cookie. If Halo is begging for help finding Gerard, and saying that she knows he killed her friend, people might get on board.”
“Exactly, and all we need is for him to see it. He’ll hate it; there is no way he’ll sit back and have his name tarnished. He’ll find a way to slip up, I know it.” I grin. “That’s when we’ll get him.”
“Fuckin’ not a bad idea.” Jackson nods. “Think Halo will go for it?”
Ciara nods. “Hell yes. Once I tell her everything, she will go for it. She wants Alyssa’s killer taken down as much as the rest of us.”
“Then you need to make contact with her and get the ball rollin’,” Jackson tells Ciara. “The quicker we can do this, the quicker we can clear Serenity’s name. Right now, there is a manhunt out for her, and if they get her, we won’t be so lucky the next time.”
My stomach twists, and I know that we have done what we have to, but I’m also terrified they’ll get hold of me before we can fix this. Even if we do prove Gerard did it, how are they going to clear my name from breaking out of prison? I know Jackson has the ability to twist the law, but to that extent? I don’t know.
“It’ll be okay.” Ciara smiles, noticing the expression on my face. “We’re going to fix all of this, and you’ll be home with your baby soon.”
I hope so.
I really, really hope so.
Because if we can’t fix this, I might never see her again.
That thought has everything inside me twisting in an ugly pain that I don’t even want to begin to comprehend.
This has to go right.
It just has to.