Jackson (MC Sinners #7) 12 – Serenity 43%
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12 – Serenity

I hate fighting with Jackson.

Mostly, I hate being stuck out here with nowhere to go.

I’m desperate, helpless, and even though I made a mistake, I don’t entirely regret it because I know where Gerard is, and, because of that, the club can find him and bring him in.

I made strides, and if it wasn’t for that risk, we would still be at square one.

My daughter is spending too long without me, and my mind is playing tricks. I want to be with her, and I’m about ready to do whatever it takes to make that happen, even if it means I take risks that could put me back into prison. I don’t want to sit out here doing nothing.

Then there is the fact that Jackson lied to me. He has a history with Hound, a history I didn’t know about. He only said that Hound wanted revenge, and was going to use me to get it, but for what, I don’t know. Hound already has enough against me because I was part of taking out Hogan’s club, now we’re adding another layer to that revenge scheme.

Still, Hound is the only way I’m getting out of this.

We need to set him up, to make it look like he took me from the prison.

That plan could work, but it won’t work when I’m sitting out here wasting time.

“Your mind is racing,” Spike says, coming out the front door and stopping beside me on the patio where I’m standing, staring out at the trees. “Whatever you’re thinkin’, I’m tellin’ you it ain’t worth it.”

“I know where Gerard is, we can find Hound, I don’t see why we’re not in there making a plan.”

“Because if we don’t do it properly, you’ll end up behind bars again, or worse, dead.”

I exhale, my fingers curling around the patio railing. “I can’t just sit here any longer, Spike. I need to do something. It’s my life, too.”

“Jackson is onto it; you have to trust that he’s making the right choices.”

“Jackson doesn’t even want to speak to me right now.”

“He’ll come around, he’s angry but he doesn’t stay that way for long. You know that.”

I exhale, hanging my head. “I need to see my daughter, Spike.”

“Know you do, precious. We’re doin’ the best we can.”

“Is someone going after Gerard?”

He pulls out a cigarette, lighting it. “Jackson has got the club scoping out the location, see if we can lay eyes on him. Have a feeling he got the police presence at the rally, the man is smart, which is why we need to be smarter.”

That makes sense.

The cops were too close for them not to have been in the area.

Of course, Gerard would have called them. It seems everyone is on his side.

“He has cops on his side, you need to find who they are and bribe them away from him, otherwise we are never going to get what we need,” I suggest.

“Already on it,” Spike assures me. “We’ll find out who is protecting him and why.”

“It must be someone who is working for him, or is being paid a lot of money, because why would you protect someone like that?” I ponder out loud. “Do you think it’s a family member?”

“It’s possible,” Spike agrees. “Hell, he probably isn’t even using his legal name. These are all things we need to find out, and we will, you just have to be patient.”

That’s easy to say.

But being a mother away from my child is something I’m not willing to be patient about.

I have to find a way to draw Hound out, so that I can clear my name and we can prove Gerard killed Alyssa and have him locked away.

It isn’t going to be easy, but my determination is strong.

One thing is for sure, I can’t stay here.

I need to be closer to town so I can help.

Convincing Jackson of that might not be easy, but it’s worth a shot.

I have to do this.

For my baby.

TAKING A WALK IS THE only thing that keeps me sane right now.

The woods surrounding this house are thick and lush, so I spend hours on end exploring them. It’s literally the only way that I can stop myself from running. Every ounce of my being is screaming at me to run, to go and fix this, but I know I have to be careful about any future decisions I make.

No matter what, I have to be sure that they are well thought out so I don’t make those same mistakes once more.

Ahead I can hear the trickling of water. Quickening my pace, I move toward it, hopeful that I might have found somewhere that I can swim. That would at least give me something to fill my days. Smiling, I walk toward the sound, when I hear a stick crunch behind me. Pausing, I tip my head to the side, wondering if an animal is out there, following me.

I glance behind me, but I don’t see anything.

Shrugging, I keep walking, but I could swear I hear leaves crunching, like someone is following me.

Turning again, I narrow my eyes, my heart racing.

What kind of large animals would be out here? I didn’t even think of that.

Biting my lip, my eyes scan the trees, but I don’t hear anything.

Maybe it’s my imagination in overdrive.

I keep walking, but the sounds continue to happen. Maybe it’s best that I turn and go back, but that means walking right toward whatever is following me. Are there mountain lions out here? Bears? Oh gosh, what if it’s a bear? My mind frantically comes up with a plan. Do I jump in the water? Climb a tree? Bears can climb, right?

Damnit, what was I thinking coming out here alone.

I jog toward the stream and finally see it ahead. It isn’t big, just a small, round lake with a waterfall. It’s beautiful, but I don’t have time to admire that, because my heart is racing, and my palms are sweating as I try to figure out a way to protect myself if some large animal decides to launch out of the bushes in my direction.

Just as I am making the choice whether to jump or climb, a chuckle behind me has me freezing. I wish it was a chuckle from Spike, or Jackson, teasing me for acting like I’m scared, but it’s a chuckle I’m familiar with. There is no way. No way he could have found me out here. Turning slowly, I come face to face with Hound.

His face is black and blue like he has been in more than one fight. Hound no doubt has a list of enemies as long as his arm, especially considering he was in prison so long, but seeing him like that makes him look even scarier than he usually does. My heart jumps in my chest as I shake my head, wondering how the hell he found us out here.

“You look shocked.” He grins, crossing his arms, allowing his jacket to move enough that I can see he is packing at least two guns. “Wondering how I found you?”

“What the fuck do you want?”

I’m trying to sound strong, brave, scary, but really, I sound like a pathetic mouse fronting up to a tiger. He knows I’m afraid of him, and he plays on it.

His grin widens. “You caused quite a scene in town yesterday. Not the smartest thing you’ve done. But, who am I to complain when it allowed me to follow you back out here?”

How? There is no way. Jackson is so careful; he ensures that nobody is ever behind us.

“It’s not possible,” I say, shaking my head.

“I put a tracker on Jackson’s truck, it’s possible. He thinks he’s slick, hiding you out here, but really, he’s just asking for people to come hunt you down. That’s exactly what I did.”

“What do you want?” I say, crossing my arms and rubbing them, trying to stop my skin from prickling.

“You know what I want, Serenity, and I’m going to use you to get it.”

“Why?” I whisper.

“Because he caused the death of my old lady years ago. He shot the wrong person and took her from me, then the two of you proceeded to take out my entire club. So, you see, this revenge is a long time coming.”

Jackson killed his old lady?

Jackson would never kill a woman intentionally, at least not without good reason. My memory flashes back to the moment he found out who I was and that I had betrayed his club. He held that gun up at me, and, for a moment, I was so sure he was going to pull the trigger. I have never been so afraid in all my life, and seeing the cold emptiness in his gaze was enough to forever damage a piece of my heart.

But he didn’t kill me.

He chose not to.

“What are you going to do?” I dare to ask.

A cold smile spreads across his face. “I’m going to use you to get Jackson to give me everything I want.”

“And what exactly do you want?”

My heart is racing, but I’m trying to stay calm.

“I want his territory. All of it. He is going to take his club and leave this area. If he doesn’t, I’m going to fucking burn everything he loves to the ground.”

I stare at him, my eyes wide, my lips parting. He’s going to try and take the club’s territory. Why? For what purpose?

“There are a million other locations, go find one,” I mutter.

Hound’s eyes flash. “This was Hogan’s territory before it was ever Jackson’s, and you know it. That club fuckin’ stole what was ours and then took them out. I’m going to take it back, and I’m going to do it with a club bigger, better, and stronger than Hogan’s ever was. Jackson will do well to heed my warnings and get out.”

I know enough about clubs to know that there is a good reason Hound wants Jackson’s territory. It must be because the club does incredibly well with shipments and dealings. Hound wants power, he wants money, and he is going to try and combine the two by taking everything Jackson holds dear.

“He’ll never let you touch what’s his.”

Hound laughs, a cold, brittle sound that feels to my body like someone is running their nails down a chalkboard. I shiver and take another step back, wondering what move I should make next.

“He won’t get a choice. Everyone knows the lengths he’s willing to go to for those he loves, and you’re one of those things. You’re going to help me, because if you don’t, I will kill everyone you love.”

“Hogan tried that, and in case you’ve forgotten, it didn’t go well for him. I won’t be doing a single thing to help you. I’ve made that mistake before; it wasn’t worth it. I’d rather die.”

Hound’s face twists, a mixture of frustration and rage. “You’ll do it, because if you don’t, I’ll hit you where it hurts. I know where your baby is, Serenity, and I’m certain you don’t want anything happening to her.”

Something inside me snaps, like a fragile branch breaking under pressure. He has hit a nerve, and an instinct inside me, one I’ve never ever felt so strongly, rises up. He can threaten me, the club, and everyone else, but he will never threaten my daughter. I will never have another innocent child used against me.

“If you so much as fucking breathe in her direction,” I hiss, “I’ll hunt you down and cut your dick off, then I’ll shove it down your throat and leave you to suffocate.”

He throws his head back and laughs.

I take the chance to move.

I reach beside me, snapping off a branch just as his head snaps back up at the sound. I don’t hesitate, I plunge the stick right into his eye. His bellow fills the quiet woods, and I know that I have a matter of seconds to get out of here. As he clutches his face, blood running over his hands, I make a break for it.

I run.

I run, and I don’t stop until I reach the house.

We need to get out of here.


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