Kissing the Shark (Maritime Monsters #1) Chapter 24- Karlo 92%
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Chapter 24- Karlo


“THANK YOU ALL for being here!” Emma taps the microphone at the podium in the lobby of MM Institute. “Now, we invite our man of the hour to say a few words.” There’s a smattering of applause and I take Emma’s place at the podium.

“Thank you, Emma.” I look out at the few folks who have come out to celebrate the Institute. My parents are seated as well as Mrs. Shaughnessy and Aunt Sarah. Several monsters and community members, all patrons of the museum, round out the small audience sitting in plastic chairs. A local newspaper appears to be taking photos as well. “And thank you everyone for coming out. When I filmed the great Mobula birostris migration, I had no idea we would have such an event for the new exhibit. I thought we would just blow the pictures up, slap them on the wall, and call it a day.”

Everyone laughs, and I glance to my left. My boyfriend, the tall handsome man in a white shirt and tight khakis, proudly stands a few feet to the side. It’s been a few weeks since we made love in the sand, and I am proud to say that we haven’t had a night where we’ve slept apart. Forever in Razorjaw’s arms is starting to sound pretty swell.

“But I am more than honored to have this permanent exhibit. And I couldn’t have done it without the support of my co-workers. The people here at Maritime Monsters Institute have made it their mission to support shifters as well as marine wildlife. While tracking the migration patterns of Mobula birostris will help us protect them, we need to keep in mind all members of the underwater food chain and biome. With your funding, we can do more research to protect creatures such as sharks and whales, the gentle giants of the seas. Protecting the delicate balance of the ecosystem with sustainable fishing practices will keep Earth a healthy planet.”

Ardsley hollers and soon everyone’s applauding. “Last but not least, I’d like to thank Razorjaw Shaughnessy. He was our first monster liaison from the ocean, and it was only because of him that I was able to capture such rare and beautiful footage.” I look out at my boyfriend and notice his glistening eyes. “His insight made it possible for us to form a bill to protect marine wildlife on the California coast. In a short amount of time, he’s become an invaluable part of MM Institute. Monsters like him truly bridge the gap between the sea and the land. I am grateful to call him my co-worker, and someone very important to me.”

Skyler wolf whistles and soon everyone’s clapping and turning to Razorjaw. He simply smiles at me from across the room, unfazed by the attention. “Thank you, everyone. Enjoy the exhibit, the footage, and of course, the refreshments.”

With more applause, I leave the podium and the crowd disperses. I approach my boyfriend, but turn to my right when my parents walk up to us. I hug Dad, then notice Mom eyeing Razorjaw behind me.

“Mother,” I say in a warning tone. I only briefly told her on the phone a few weeks ago that I’m still with my monster boyfriend. We haven’t had a chance to hash out all the ways she falsely believes him to be inadequate.

“Relax,” she says with her hands up. “I just wanted to thank you, Mr. Shaughnessy.” He and I exchange looks of surprise before I turn back at Mom. “Seeing my son give such an impassioned speech really moved me. You clearly bring much knowledge and status to my son’s life. I…” She clears her throat and fixes her blazer. “I was wrong to imply that you were inadequate.”

I smile and Razorjaw steps forward. “As I mentioned before, Mrs. Castillo. I will do everything I can to make your son happy. I will never let any harm come to him, for he is the most important part of my life.”

Mom smiles, but before she can share more, my sister approaches us.

“Oh, hey.” I wave at Myra.

“Hey, brother, great presentation. My, um…date got lost.”

My eyebrows threaten to leave my face when she points to the guy behind her. A large ogre, green skin and all, idles behind her. My sister is dating an ogre? He has a shy smile, and there’s something oddly familiar about him.

“Hi, everyone. Sorry I’m late. Hi, Karlo. Mrs. Castillo. Mr. Castillo.” He bows, and his soft features look almost like…

“You remember Declan?” Myra gives an uncomfortable grin and my eyebrows jump again .

“Declan?!” Mom yelps. “You’re a…um…one of the…”

The ogre chuckles nervously, his massive lower fangs clattering as he does so. “Um, yeah.” He scratches the back of his head. “I’m no maritime monster, but I am a monster. An ogre to be exact. And Myra said this would be a family affair and a monster-friendly event. So I thought I’d…come and support…”

He trails off and looks away, nervously. It seems their relationship has progressed rapidly in the month since my parents’ barbecue. I turn to my sister, then to my boyfriend who looks almost as confused as me. Razorjaw turns back to Declan and says, “All monsters are welcome here.” He puts his arm around my waist and Declan does the same to my sister.

I want to lay on the protective older brother routine, but how can I do that to an ogre twice my size? Fortunately, Declan seems like a chill guy, ogre or not.

Mom, however, has not stopped gaping at all of us. When she turns to Dad, he simply shrugs. “I like monsters,” Dad says to Mom. “They’re hardworking. You and I are immigrants, so who are we to judge?” My sister and I laugh, and all feels right in the world.

“There you are!” A familiar voice calls to us. “That was excellent!” Mrs. Shaughnessy, in her white hybrid shark form, rushes up to me and gives me a fierce hug. Aunt Sarah approaches Declan and Myra, and we break off into two little groups. “And you must be the parents!”

Mrs. Shaughnessy slides up to Mom. “I’m Razorjaw’s mama, call me Mary. You raised a good one!” We all chuckle and Mom is trying not to shiver at the physical touch of a shark shifter on her arm. “Your Karlo is such a smart young man!”

“We think so, right honey?” Dad asks with a smirk.

Mom bites back a grimace, then settles on shaking her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“Since our boys are shacking up, guess we’re gonna be in-law sisters!” Mom takes her by the arm and the three of them saunter away. “So, tell me, are you a fan of milkshakes?”

I laugh and Razorjaw and I step back. Before we can hide away, Skyler, Ardsley, and Tyson approach us. “Awesome job, Karlo,” Ardsley says.

“Congrats,” Tyson adds.

“Tonight’s turnout has been great!” Skyler says. When he looks behind me, his smile falls. “And it just got better,” he murmurs. He fixes his collar, unbuttons the top button of his shirt, and rushes off.

Before I can ask, he’s across the lobby, saying hi to meet some guy who just walked in.

“Who is that?” I whisper to Razorjaw.

“That is Reed Sung, a shifter who is considering joining our team.”

The others walk away and I turn to look up at my boyfriend. “Look at you, Mr. Professional Monster, making connections here at the Institute.” I beam and put my arms around his shoulders. He chuckles and places his hands on my waist.

“You were the only connection I wanted to make.”

“Because I was irresistible?”


I give him a quick peck on the lips then turn around. He holds me and places his head on my shoulder while I gaze at the room. My family, my friends, my coworkers, and significant others have all gathered to see my work. I get to be a marine biologist and help shifters. The community is growing stronger still, all for the purpose of helping maritime monsters. I feel like I’m finally the man I was always meant to be.

“So much has changed in the past six months,” I say.

Razorjaw holds me tight. “But this will never change. I want to be your mate indefinitely, Karlo Castillo.”

I laugh and sway with him. “Challenge accepted, RJ.” He kisses my neck, and I breathe in this perfect moment. “I love you, Razorjaw, and I’m going to keep loving you, you know that.”

“Mmm,” he rumbles with satisfaction. “You will need to remind me every day.”

I chuckle. “Deal.”

He breathes in and kisses the top of my head; if he were shifted, his tail would be wagging. “My mate.” he murmurs.

“My shark. My mate,” I echo. And it’s true—this shark shifter is my mate. Against all odds, he found me and stole my heart. And now, I have every intention of growing old with him by the sea.

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