Kissing the Shark (Maritime Monsters #1) Chapter 25- Razorjaw 96%
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Chapter 25- Razorjaw


THE BOAT THRUMS beneath us as we sail a mile from the shore. I look at Karlo, beaming at the ocean as the islands get smaller in the distance. My tail wags as I watch him put on his scuba gear. My mate has an insatiable thirst for knowledge; it reminds me of how I took for granted the intricate beauty of the ocean floor while living down there for decades.

Our vehicle comes to a stop, and I look up at the darkening sky. Since we are on the hunt for bioluminescent krill, the evening is the best time to go. We have been saving up for a year, ever since the debut of his exhibit on the great migration, and now we are in Hawaii. Well, more precisely, we are in the ocean near Hawaii.

I offered to take him dozens of times these past several months, but each time he was afraid of the lengthy journey on the water. I scoffed whenever he mentioned that, knowing I would never let anything happen to him. After saving up and getting time off from work, we agreed to fly. Sitting inside the airplane was uncomfortable, but it was the appropriate way for humans to travel, so I went.

Being a land dweller this past year-and-a-half has not always been easy. But having Karlo by my side every day and night has made my growing pains so worth it.

“Ready to go?” the captain asks. The two other couples all give a thumbs up. I look around and notice I am the only monster here, and the nerves start to set in. I hope I can accomplish my mission.

So we dive, lower and lower. I jump in five seconds after them, then lazily float down as the humans descend at what feels like a sea snail’s pace. I idly spin, happy to be in the water, and I can almost see Karlo rolling his eyes.

When we get low enough past any sunlight, I know the show is to begin. We do not wait more than ten minutes before the bioluminescent krill appear before us. Jellyfish float about through the reefs. I quietly float down, for if I growl, they will surely disperse. Instead, I allow these land dwellers, people who have paid significant funds, to revel in the multicolored glory. They are aware not to touch any of the sea creatures, so they wade down and observe the beauty.

But of course, the greatest sight underwater is that of my mate. Despite him wearing his scuba mask, I can tell he is in awe of being surrounded by flecks of purple and yellow plankton. The bright lights only make my love look more precious. I was afraid this past year the passion between us would die down, but no. The pull I feel for him is as strong as it was the day we saw the great manta ray migration in a paddle boat. If all of our evenings making love in the sand are any indication, I would say the feeling is mutual .

Seven pink jellyfish float by the others and near Karlo. He reaches out, almost touching one, then pulls his hand back. He seems so enthralled with the wonders of the deep, and I want to show him he is just as worthy of admiration. It is time.

I swim up to him and wave to get his attention. He waves back and I take his hand. Then, floating underwater, I bend my body lower to get down on one knee. I bend my tail forward and take off the tiny, gilded ring of plastic from my fin. At the tip of the band is a plastic orb, just as I ordered it online. Ardsley and I practiced how it would hold up underwater, and now is the moment of truth.

Karlo looks down at me, and the others swim closer. He is understandably confused, so I let go of his hand. To my left, several krill float by, so I swiftly whisk them into the orb. Shutting the plastic ball, the ridges amplify and magnify the natural glow of the creatures.

Looking up at my love, I take his hand and gently place the ring on his finger. I mouth the words ‘Will you marry me?’ hoping he understands. The others look at each other, then back at us. I continue to smile, but nerves thrum through me. Perhaps it is too soon? Aunt Sarah insisted a year of courtship was enough for us.

But when he nods, eyes shining in the water, I know I did the right thing. So, I lean in and hug him— of course, I want to put his lips on mine, but I do not wish for him to lose his oxygen. So, I kiss his cheek multiple times, then pull back. Karlo looks down at the ring between us and opens the orb. The krill disperse, like a twinkling light show between us, and my heart wants to swim the length of the ocean.

Karlo nods at me, then points upward. I take both of his hands and guide him upward. Bubbles and glowing creatures dance around us. All is perfect in the world.

Ten long minutes later, we get closer to our boat above. The moment we breach the surface, Karlo rushes to take his scuba mask off. Without even getting into the boat, he pulls me in by the neck and kisses me. On land or sea, he is the air I need to breathe. We hold each other, kissing, exploring the other’s mouths in the dark waters of the ocean.

When he pulls off, Karlo takes in several deep breaths. With a smile, he asks, “You asked me to marry you, right?”

I nod and grin. “Yes.”

“And you’re serious?” he asks, wading in the water.

“Very much so.” I caress his cheek, and he beams at me.

“Well, Razorjaw.” His eyes glisten with tears. “If I accept this honor, as your mate, I’m going to try to spend the rest of my days making you as happy as possible.”

I bark a laugh as my eyes sting. “You already do.”

“So then yes, shark man. I’ll marry you. But no take-backs.”

I chuckle again and lean closer, resting my forehead against his. “I will never take-back. For I truly wish to be your husband.” He hums in contentment against my skin. When the other humans surface, I hear them cheer and applaud us in the water.

The day we met, he was in the ocean, unconscious, and now, here we are, back in the water. Today, though, he has accepted my proposal, and I get to spend forever as Karlo’s mate. He makes me complete, and I truly am the luckiest monster in the world.

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