Knife, Comment, Share: A masked man dark horror romance Rule 59 - Domino 92%
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Rule 59 - Domino

Swayze helped me stand, and Koi dropped down into the seat.

”Are you alright?” Koi sighed, looking up at me with tired eyes. I scoffed.

”You”ve been shot. Are you alright?”

His eyes swung to Swayze. ”What do you say, doc? Patch me up real quick and we”ll get a move on. Who”s left?”

I looked around the swan boat. I felt ridiculous. My shirt and panties were gone, my hair was a mess, and dirt, scratches, and lubrication covered the lower half of my body. I reached for my shirt, cleaned myself up as best as I could, and then grabbed Koi”s knife. It was larger than I realized and unusually shaped. I studied it only a moment before bracing myself and climbing out of the boat. My leg hurt so bad, and now, I was shoeless. I limped forward.

”Where are you going?” Swayze asked. I turned back as he was cutting Koi”s pants away from the wound.

”I”m going to get the person who actually stabbed me. It wasn”t Andrew.” I looked toward the dead body. I should have felt... something, but I didn”t. My heart had hardened and all that was left was the need for revenge. ”Come find me when you”re ready, but don”t get in my way.”

They were rendered speechless. Swayze nodded. ”Do what you gotta do. We won”t be far behind.”

I trudged into the park and took the first golf cart I saw. I headed into camp, with the intent to pass through it to get to the house, when I saw a fire going. I stopped the cart and limped my way close, hiding behind a cabin. Grace, Mattias, and Beth sat around the fire.

”I want money. That can be my prize.” Beth laughed.

Rage flashed in my vision. She was laughing?

”Yeah, but did you kill her? Because Marisol said not to kill her,” Grace pointed out.

Mattias sighed and brought a joint to his lips. ”She did say that. Where did you maim her?”

”I got her in the leg. And I took her shoes. She can”t even walk away now, with her little leg.” She cackled.

I bit my lip. I wanted to defend myself, but I was struggling to walk. I was in pain, and I was always uncomfortable walking on my bare feet. The gash in my calf didn”t help things.

”I”ll text my sister and let her know where to find her.” Mattias blew out smoke and reached for his phone.

”Cool, and have her send that money too. I want it tonight so I can leave this fucking place.” Beth stood. ”I”m going to go pee. Don”t let Mitchell or Andrew drink my beer when they get here?” she warned Grace. They got into a small conversation, and while they talked, I made my way behind the cabins toward the bathrooms. I stepped inside and waited in the darkness on top of a toilet seat. I gripped the knife I”d taken and breathed in, remaining as steady as I could.

The door opened, and she flicked the light on. She went to a stall, did her business, and while she was zipping herself back up, I silently stepped off the toilet and opened my door. She stepped out of the stall next to me, and I lunged my arm, the knife going straight through her neck. Blood spurted out as she choked on it. I let go of the knife and she dropped to the ground. The life drained from her body. I took my knife back.

”I guess I was able to walk away.”

I shut the light off as I left and returned to the golf cart to continue back to the house. I was sure that”s where they”d put Georgie. The sound of a chainsaw and a scream caught my attention. I stopped the cart and looked toward the woods. The screams stopped abruptly which only drew my curiosity more. I looked up at the house. I was so close. Had it been Fabian? He was supposed to come out to help me fight against everyone.

I left the safety of my golf cart and went toward the direction of the sound. The chainsaw was still going. I followed the sound and stopped short when I saw a figure staring at something on the ground. I snapped a twig, and he spun his head quickly.

”Who”s there? Show your face, you fucking coward. You want to kill me, look me in the eye,” Fabian shouted.

I stepped out of the shadows with my hands high. ”It”s me. I”m hurt.”

”Holy shit.” Fabian hurried away from the chainsaw to come to me. ”What happened?”

”Beth stabbed me. Andrew shot Koi while aiming for me.”

”Oh, well, I killed Mitchell.” He turned his gaze toward the chainsaw, and he cringed. ”He was tied to the tree, and the moment I let him go, he started swinging.”

I pushed Fabian aside and slowly stepped closer, but I didn”t need to go far. I could see, even in the darkness, the chainsaw lodged in Mitchell”s chest. I let out an involuntary scream, and Fabian smacked his hand over my mouth.

”Shut up!” he hissed. ”You said yourself that the others are trying to kill you. We can”t lead the others to us.”

I collapsed, and Fabian went to Mitchell, yanking the chainsaw out of him and turning it off. ”I don”t know why he thought it was smart to take this weapon. I told him repeatedly that the chain was still on it as I was untying him. He had no control over it. He swung and fell over.”

Fabian tossed the chainsaw and came to sit with me.

”So, what now? Who”s left?” he asked.

I licked my lips and wiped my tears. ”Mattias and Marisol, Grace, and Koi and Swayze.”

”You said Andrew shot Koi, trying to kill you. Did Koi hurt you?”

I couldn”t meet my brother”s gaze. I was too tired to be embarrassed of sleeping with them when people were trying to kill me, but I was slightly ashamed of how much I”d liked it. I liked Koi and Swayze overpowering me and telling me what to do. They were the only people I”d ever allowed to do so, and they did it with... love.

They loved me.

It hit me then, as I stared at Mitchell”s dead body.

None of this would have happened if they hadn”t been trying to protect me. And they continued to do it, even now. Koi hadn”t even blinked an eye. He pulled out that gun and shot Andrew as if swatting an annoying fly.

Because he loved me.

”Growing up, Marisol and your mom told me that no one would love me. That I was too much like my mom. But now that I”ve read the diary...”

Fabian put his arm around me and drew me in close. ”You see now that none of that”s true, huh? It was weird reading it at first. I always remembered Dad loving Mom… my mom. But he couldn”t stand her.” He laughed. ”Which, knowing her as an adult, and what she did to you and Marisol, I get it. Dad should have married with your mom.”

”They were madly in love.” I sniffled. There were photos of them in the diary. I”d never seen them before. When I looked at the back of them for dates, I found a note.

Photo taken by Jennifer King.

That was my mother, and she was a photographer.

My dad had given me a camera.

”I”m sorry you were treated so badly. I wasn”t much better than Marisol and Mattias. I could have been nicer.”

I forced a smile. ”Eh, you were what I imagine most older brothers are like. The twins were... not.”

Fabian stood and offered me his hand. ”And that”s why we”re going to end all of this tonight. Let”s get to the park.” We stood and walked out of the woods. He plopped down in the golf cart, but I hesitated.

”I need to check on Georgie. That”s why I was coming back to the house.” I pointed over to the house, and Fabian frowned.

”Your dog isn”t there. That”s why I was heading to the park. I saw Mattias on the cameras. He took him an hour ago.”

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