”Who”s left?” I turned to Koi, who”d managed to limp out of the Tunnel of Love ride with a bullet still lodged in his thigh.
”Andrew”s gone, so that leaves?—”
”Me, it sounds like.” Grace stepped out from behind a vendor stand. ”We just found Beth in the bathroom with a giant hole in her neck, and Mitchell was struck through with that stupid chainsaw.” She pushed her long, brown hair behind her shoulder and smiled. ”But something tells me you had nothing to do with those two.”
”What makes you think we had anything to do with the other ones?” I asked.
She laughed. ”Oh, come on, Dennis. We”re not stupid. It”s obvious. You were the only two with a motive to spare her life. Everyone else would have just let her go weeks ago. We could have collected the money, buried the body, and been on our way. But you two had to go and get your dicks wet.”
A low growl escaped my throat. It was more than just sex with Domino. We were in love with her. She was the perfect person, inside and out.
”You have no idea what you”re talking about,” Koi said.
”Oh really? So you haven”t been sneaking out every night to sleep with her? You had your chance to end things, but still, she”s alive and now apparently, slashing anyone she comes in contact with. You could have saved Beth and Mitchell, if you had just killed her the first time like Marisol wanted.”
Marisol wanted the impossible. She gave us access to Domino”s life with the phone, and that was our undoing. We didn”t grow to hate her like she”d planned. We grew to love her.
”Marisol”s wants are selfish. Domino did nothing to anyone.” The moment the words left my mouth, I knew it was a mistake. Grace had the biggest vendetta against Domino.
”Did you forget about your best friend that fast?” Tears flooded her eyes but none fell. ”It”s nice to know where my dead brother ranks.” She walked backward, falling into the shadows.
”Grace!” I called, but she fled. I turned back to Koi, who had his eyes closed, trying to not show how much pain he was in.
”I don”t know what to do.” I threw my hands up. ”I feel bad for her, but?—”
”She tried to kill her. Go take care of it,” he groaned.
”Man, I don”t know if I can,” I replied honestly. ”It”s Dennis”s little sister. She”s all her parents have left.”
”If you don”t do it, I”ll have to, and I”m not feeling too fucking hot right now so will you just go fucking kill the cunt!” He started off slow but by the end of his sentence, he was screaming. He limped to a bench and sat. ”Just shoot her. Make it quick, then come back for me.”
I nodded. I hated to leave Koi like this, with a gunshot wound in his leg, but he was right. Grace needed to be stopped before she hurt Domino, my little doll, his blessing. I don”t know what I”d do if she died.
Go on a fucking rampage.
”Good dog!” Mattias walked by, walking Georgie. I hesitated, wanting to see what exactly he was doing.
”Ah, you”re here! How have things gone so far?” He spotted us and came over. His eyes were bloodshot, pupils dilated. His entire body was jerking like he”d taken something. He sniffled, telling me it was cocaine. ”I”m assuming you heard about Mitchell?” His chin trembled.
I put my hand on his shoulder. ”I”m sorry, man. What happened?”
He scratched his nose. ”What happened was that stupid bitch trapped him. I know it was her. She was the only one who”d want to hurt him. Mitchell couldn”t hurt a soul.”
I fought back my words. Mitchell was a dick. He”d also been there for Ruth, Blane, and Chitra”s body disposal. He was no saint. Even if I had said something, it wouldn”t have mattered. Mattias was too blitzed to hear me.
”It doesn”t matter though. She took something I loved, so I did the same.” He lifted Georgie”s leash. ”I”m going to make sure she knows what it feels like. Come on, buddy.”
I followed after him as he went over to the Viking”s Voyage ride.
”What are you doing, man? Kill whoever you want, but don”t mess with the dog,” I pleaded, but he wasn’t listening.
“I never liked her. My dad always treated her like she was special. Like she was this perfect little thing, but my mom and Marisol and I knew the truth. She was just some random bitch’s bastard kid sent to steal our money right from under us. The moment she came into our life, all of us lost millions of dollars, just like that. It was bad enough to have to split my inheritance with two people, but at least they were my actual siblings. Now we had to add in this little bastard too? Didn”t seem fair then, and it sure as hell doesn”t feel fair now. I put in the work, not her. Why should she get my money?”
He rambled on as he took Georgie up the platform and tied him to the side of the ride.
”Why did Marisol tell Mitchell that Domino killed Elliott Spencer?” I asked. My question got his attention. He stopped what he was doing and turned.
”That”s a name I haven”t heard in a while. I don”t know why she told him that, although it probably helped get Mitchell more on board with our plans. She probably thought she was covering for me or something, who knows.”
”Do you know who killed him?” I had to keep him distracted. He nodded rapidly.
”Uncle Carlos. Marisol said she wanted to marry him, and he got jealous. They had a thing, you know. I wasn”t privy to details, but I heard things around the house. Who was I to judge? I didn”t kill Elliott, but I did toss the body afterward. I did a shit job, but hey, I”m just one man.” He smacked his chest and laughed.
”How many deaths have you been involved with, Mattias?” I couldn”t believe it, yet the look on his crazed face told me he was telling the truth. His expression darkened. I stepped over to the operating box, shielding it from his view.
”I do whatever it takes to make sure the Risky name isn”t damaged. My dad wanted his name to be something we were proud of, but with our fortune, there”s always someone trying to damage it. We”ve been doing damage control for years, even bringing Domino back to help, but, man, I don”t think we can fix this.” A tear slid down his face. ”I loved him. Mitchell. And she took that.”
Mattias brushed his hair back and took a deep breath. He looked back at Georgie and petted his head.”Sorry, buddy, but in the end, everyone has to feel pain. Marisol lost Elliott, I lost Mitchell, so now you”ve got to go.”
”Why not kill me?” I blurted. I”d rather fight a guy high on coke than watch him murder a helpless animal. Mattias blinked as if the thought had never occurred to him.
”Because she doesn”t love you.”
The words pierced my chest like a knife..
”Yes, she does,” I said, my confidence waning.
”Oh, sweetie, Domino can”t love another human being. Sorry about your luck. No, Georgie is the way to go. He”s gonna go flying, kind of like Ruth did.” He laughed and stormed across the platform toward me, but a shadow rolled onto the platform in a flash and lunged at his back. Mattias screamed and tumbled to the ground. Fabian stood, removing the knife from his brother”s back. He looked up and nodded to me.
”I”ve been waiting a long time for this. You take the dog, get out of here, and save Domino.”
”Are you sure, man?” I hurried to Georgie, quickly untying him.
”Absolutely. This is a brother-to-brother matter. I”ll catch up in the morning. Keep her alive, will you?”
I swallowed my nerves and nodded.
”You have my word.” I took off, Georgie running beside me. Not knowing where to stash him, I took him to the medical office and locked it. Then, I went back to check on Koi. I was headed that way when I saw a flash of long hair and a slim figure rush toward me and then I was hit with something so hard I dropped to the ground and everything went black.