Aloud beeping roused me. I blinked and saw only darkness and a small, red light.
”Why hello, Dennis Swayze. Welcome back. I was a little afraid you wouldn”t wake up. The show wouldn”t be anything without you.” Grace”s voice came from the darkness.
”Swayze?” Domino”s voice rang out, panicked and scared.
I stood quickly and a chain rattled. I took a step and realized that I was shackled. The chain was around my ankle, and my pants and shoes had been removed, leaving me in my boxers and nothing else.
”What the fuck is this?” I snarled. A loud click echoed in the room and a harsh light turned on, illuminating... I wasn”t quite sure what this room was.
”Where am I?” I scanned the room. It was damp in here. The walls were pure stone, the floor cold cement. Across the room was Domino, strapped to a flat medical bed with no rails. I hurried over, finding that the chain was long and reached just fine. ”Oh, my Little Doll. Thank fuck. Are you okay?”
I brushed her hair back. She shook her head. ”No, Swayze, Grace is?—”
”Psycho? If I am, it”s because you made me. You seem to do that to a lot of people. You have way more enemies than friends, Domino Risky.” Grace stepped into the room, holding Domino”s camera, wearing a Jason mask. She clicked, and the flash went off, blinding us. ”This is a perfect moment to capture forever. The calm before the storm.”
I turned away from Domino. ”What are you doing with us?”
”I”m not doing anything with you.” She smirked. ”It”s quite the opposite. It”s what you”re going to do with her.” Grace pointed to a tripod across the room. It was the red dot I”d seen when I first woke up.
”Why are you filming us?” My stomach churned. Something was wrong. I didn”t feel like she was going to kill me, but she had something nefarious planned. Somehow, I felt like this was worse.
”I thought you liked being filmed. Both of you spent all summer making videos and going live at the park, making thousands of dollars, all at the expense of my family”s pain. You two shouldn”t be together. It”s the ultimate betrayal. Seeing you, Koi, and her all happy and in love. It makes me sick to my stomach.”
I licked my lips. She was unhinged. Something in her eyes told me her sanity was completely gone. I had to tread carefully. ”What is your plan for us, Grace? We”ll do whatever you want if you”ll let us go.”
”My plan? My plan is to ruin your life like you ruined mine. Like Dennis”s. You are currently being streamed live on your website. Last time I looked, you had over twenty thousand people watching you right now. Congratulations.”
I looked at the camera. ”Hello? Someone call the police! She”s kidnapped us!” I screamed, and Grace laughed.
”It”s muted. They can see you, but you can”t talk to them. They are going to see you for the monster you truly are, not the charming, handsome man you pretend to be for them.”
”Grace,” I sighed with exasperation. ”Please, just tell me what you want.”
”Every time I see you all together, it”s like being assaulted. I feel violated, and every night I sob myself to sleep. I want you to feel like I feel, so you are going to get on that bed and make her hurt.”
A chill went down my spine.
”What?” I blinked. I looked at the camera. Surely, she didn”t expect me to...
”Did I stutter? Hurt her like you”ve been hurting me. Every single day since she returned, it”s been torture.” She went to a table I hadn”t noticed before and picked up a nail gun.
”Grace…” I lifted my hands. She raised the gun in my direction and pulled the trigger. Domino howled in pain and jerked wildly.
”Stop!” she shrieked. I flipped around and watched her thigh oozing blood. She”d been changed into a white nightgown and blood stained the fabric. ”Please, god, don”t shoot me!”
”Tell your boyfriend to do what I told him!” Grace bellowed.
”Swayze!” Domino screamed.
”I can”t just get it up!” I threw my hands up and tore at my hair. ”What the fuck do you expect from me? Violently raping someone doesn”t get me off.”
”Could have fooled me. I”d suggest you fucking try.” She lifted the gun again and quickly my hands shot to my boxers. I pressed my lips together. My hands were shaking.
”Show the world what you”re packing, Dennis,” Grace ordered.
”Grace, I”ll catch a charge.” I motioned to the camera.
”You already should be arrested. I wouldn”t worry about this crime. What you”ll be arrested for is much worse if you don”t do what I say.”
With trembling hands, I slid my boxers down. My cock was flaccid, and I covered it with my hands and turned away from the camera.
”Now, get on the bed.”
I closed my eyes. ”I”m so sorry, Domino,” I said. My emotions got the best of me, and a tear slid down my face as I climbed on top of her, resting my body between her splayed legs. ”Please don”t be mad at me. I love you.”
”Lift her dress.”
I did so and thrust my hips against hers. I glared at Grace in the corner. ”Happy?” I snarled.
”You didn”t penetrate.”
”You can”t see from there.”
”I would have heard it.”
What did that even mean?
I closed my eyes and tried to focus on anything but what was going on. I thought back to the Ferris wheel, our first official time at Johnny Blue’s, all the times after, and just the last time, when she had her pretty little mouth wrapped around my cock.
My cock began to stir, and I apologized again as I positioned myself against her entrance.
”Swayze, I”m scared.” Domino”s face broke me, and I had to close my eyes and force away the dark thoughts.
”I”m waiting!” Grace demanded.
”I can”t stay hard, you bitch!” I shouted. She pushed the trigger on the gun again, and Domino jerked and screamed again. Another nail was buried into her thigh. She sobbed, and I couldn”t take it. I leaped off the bed and pulled on my boxers.
”I can”t do it. Fucking kill me. I”m not going to rape her. Put that nail gun to my temple right here, right now.” I dropped to my knees and put my hands behind my head. ”I surrender. Nothing is worth hurting her.”
Grace lowered the gun and clicked her tongue.
”What a shame. If you die, so does she. Are you sure you”re prepared to make that decision for both of you?”
I stared at the floor, watching her inch closer. I needed to move fast.
”Don”t you want to say something to your followers, Dennis Swayze? What is it? Like, comment, share? Give me money, follow, subscribe, and all that good stuff. I don”t know all the lingo.” She circled me, just out of reach. ”Your followers are waiting.”
I looked up at the camera and shook my head.
”You”ll pay for this.”
”For what, exactly? It”s you who committed the crime. You said so yourself. Exposing yourself, attempted rape. I”m not the monster. You are.”
”Nice fucking try.” A door burst open, and Koi”s hulking form rushed forward, shoving me and Grace to the ground. The nail gun slid across the room and Koi was able to snatch it and point it at her.
”You won”t.” She cackled, standing up. ”You owe it to Dennis to keep me alive. You wouldn”t fucking dare.”
The gun went off, and Grace dropped to the floor, clutching her chest. Her eyes widened under the mask, and she collapsed.
I looked back at Koi. He tipped his head and patted his eye. ”I think I might be a better shot without the extra eye.”
I crawled to Grace and dug into her pockets. I found keys for my shackles and Domino”s straps. I sat her up, and she sobbed, covering her face.
”Ssshhh, you”re safe now,” I tried to soothe her, but it was futile.
”You need to go wash yourself.”
”What do you mean?” I demanded. Domino looked up from her sobs and shook her head.
”She rubbed something on you so that when you made contact with me, it”d give you a chemical burn. I don’t know exactly, something about our fluids combining.” She shook her head in confusion.
I looked at my boxers. So that was what she meant by she”d hear if I”d gone through with it. I stood and nodded to Koi.
”We”re underneath the main office. Take the stairs,” he said. I hurried up the stairs, finding a bathroom. I washed my dick and balls as thoroughly as I could. I returned to the basement, where I found Domino standing and stumbling forward.
”What are you doing? Rest.” I hurried to her, and she brushed me off.
”Domino, my little doll, my perfectly imperfect doll, please. I”ll call the ambulance. Just go sit.”
”Not yet. I have to end this.”
”What do you mean? It”s ended. Everyone is dead.”
”Not everyone.” She reached the stairs and looked back. ”No one”s killed Marisol yet.”