Lily and the Duke (Regency Spinsters Alliance #1) Chapter 12 80%
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Chapter 12


Knowing she had to bring an end to her intimacy with Gabriel had been the heartbreaking conclusion of Lily’s thoughts during the time she spent alone outside, walking on the terrace of their host’s home.

Much as it hurt her to do so, Lily knew she could not continue feeling this constant uncertainty and only living half a life, reluctant to make plans of her own because she was always waiting to see or hear from Gabriel as to when their next meeting might possibly be. To continue in this way would eventually make her even more heartsick than she already was, possibly even resulting in her becoming physically ill.

She also believed that to continue would only succeed in making her feel more jaundiced toward gentlemen of the ton than she had ever been, rather than less so.

The thought of Gabriel now returning to being the aloof and imperious Duke of St Albans, a gentleman who had barely acknowledged her existence, filled her with despair. But this constant uncertainty of never knowing when she would see him again, and then living in fear that the next time she did see him she would learn Gabriel’s interest in her had waned, was somehow worse.

The stunned expression on Gabriel’s haughty features told her that this was the last thing he had expected her to say to him this evening.

Lily huffed out a humorless laugh. How could it be anything else when her heart was breaking? “I can see I have surprised you with my decision. But I believe that, once you have had time to think about it, you will see it is for the best. For both of us,” she added softly.

He grimaced. “I had already half come to that same realization myself earlier today.”

A pain unlike any previous ones ripped through Lily’s chest at the realization Gabriel really was done with her. It was what she had feared might happen, but it was still difficult to actually hear those words from his own sculpted lips.

“Not because I do not want you with a fieriness of passion such as I have never known before,” he assured forcefully. “But because I do.”

Lily frowned her puzzlement. “I do not understand. If you feel that way, why would you wish to end things with me?”

“Because I was made to realize I am being unfair to you—”

“Made to realize by whom?” she prompted sharply, her eyes wide with horror at the possibility a third party might know of their scandalous arrangement.

“Hellsmere,” he dismissed. “He—”

“The Duke of Hellsmere knows of our—of our private meetings?”

St. Albans nodded. “He has admitted to knowing of our…attraction to each other, yes.”

“He said much more than that.” The gentleman himself stepped onto the terrace. From the direction of the garden rather than the house. He looked as tall and handsome as ever, wearing a dark cloak over his evening clothes. “But I believe that is for Gabriel to tell you rather than me.”

“What the hell are you doing here, Lucien?” Gabriel demanded.

“Lady Tremayne.” The Duke of Hellsmere gave her a formal bow before turning back to the other man. “William Stapleton’s secretary called in the authorities two hours ago after he found the earl’s body slumped over the desk in his study. There was a half-empty decanter of brandy and a used glass beside him, and he was still holding the pistol he had used to blow his brains out after partaking of that liquid courage,” he grimly told Gabriel without attempting to soften the news.

Lily raised an alarmed hand to her throat. “Can you possibly be referring to the Earl of Shefford, a member of Lord Salsbury’s government? That William Stapleton?”

“Yes,” Hellsmere confirmed without preamble.

Lily’s embarrassment at the Duke of Hellsmere knowing of her scandalous relationship with Gabriel was instantly forgotten in the face of this much more distressing news.

Lily didn’t know the Earl of Shefford very well, but her friend Georgiana, who was another member of the Spinsters’ Alliance, was one of his three daughters. From things Georgiana had said, she did not believe that the earl had been the most loving of fathers or husbands. But his death, by suicide, of all things, would be a terrible ordeal for them all to have to suffer through.

What possible reason could Shefford have had for doing such a terrible thing to himself and his family?

A family, Lily knew, despite Shefford being one of Lord Salisbury’s closest advisers, the earl was not always kind to.

Indeed, Georgiana’s unhappiness over her father’s behavior was often such that Lily knew it was mostly the opposite, and also the reason for Georgiana’s aversion to ever marrying. Not that the earl was physically violent toward her or her sisters or mother. No, his hurtfulness appeared to mainly be caused by his indifference to all of them.

Not that many in the ton were aware of that. To all in Society and the government Shefford appeared to be upstanding and law-abiding, and a gentleman devoted to his family. The earl was not often at Society events, but then many older gentlemen were not, but when he did deign to appear at any Society event, he was always the epitome of the perfect husband and father.

Indeed, Lily had not known the extent of the earl’s hurtful behavior until Georgiana had visited Lily at her home one day in a flood of tears because her father had been particularly cruel to her mother.

It was now a shock to Lily that such a self-absorbed gentleman, one who was always so strict about what was right and wrong, in public at least, and had vehemently adhered to that code of behavior, should have ended his life in a way that would bring such scandal to his name.

The more Lily thought about it, the less she was inclined to believe the earl could possibly have carried out such an act, no matter the provocation.

But a much more immediate question, Lily realized, was why the Duke of Hellsmere believed the earl’s death to be of such importance to Gabriel that the other man had sought him out at a musical soiree, of all things.

Lily’s thoughts stilled, her gaze sharpening when she saw how the dukes of St. Albans’s and Hellsmere’s gazes were locked and seemed to be engaged in a silent conversation.

Because they did not wish her to know what else they had to say to each other.

Gabriel had mentioned earlier that he had recently been occupied with an investigation on behalf of the Prince Regent. For just these past two days? Or had he been involved in this mysterious investigation before that time? Possibly during the week Gabriel had supposedly spent in the country at one of his estates?

She straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin before addressing both men. “What crime was the earl suspected of having committed that you were investigating him on the Prince Regent’s behalf?”

“I told you she was intelligent as well as beautiful,” Hellsmere admired.

“I believe I had already told you that same thing previous to your own comment,” Gabriel reminded his friend irritably.

Inwardly, he was still reeling at Lily having told him she was ending their relationship.

It was the last thing he had expected to hear this evening.

Although why it should be, he had no idea, when Lily had explained how their intimacy was now hurting her more than fulfilling her.

His own opinion on the matter was his to deal with. Lily’s health and happiness were of paramount importance, not his own feelings.

To say Gabriel was now stunned at her perception in regard to this current situation—despite already having recognized her intelligence—would be an understatement. For her to have assessed the events of the past few weeks and the news of Shefford’s suicide this evening, and then drawn such a conclusion—the correct one—was formidable.

“Was that before or after you had told me she was too good for you and that, for her sake, you should walk away?” Hellsmere retaliated.

Lily turned to look at Gabriel. “You told your friend that?”



Gabriel scowled. “You are becoming beyond irritating, Hellsmere.”

“I am aware of that,” the other man acknowledged without concern. “But that really was a magnificent piece of deduction on your behalf just now, Lady Tremayne.”

“Call me Lily,” she instructed impatiently. “You will also cease flattering me and tell me if that deduction was correct.”

“You will not address her so informally,” Gabriel warned his friend before answering her. “And yes, your assessment of the situation is perfectly correct.”

“Are you allowed to tell me more on the subject? My friend Georgiana… Do you remember her as being one of the other young ladies from the meeting in your library that day?” she prompted, her cheeks reddening when she received a nod of acknowledgment from Gabriel. “She is the Earl of Shefford’s eldest daughter.”


The two men looked at each other before Gabriel nodded. “I do not see why we should not tell you more of the situation when Shefford’s suicide will most likely bring the whole scandal to light in any case.”

“Allow me to send word to my mother of my further delay before you do so,” Lily pleaded. “I shall tell her I am feeling unwell and prefer to remain in the garden a little longer.” She turned to walk the length of the terrace before stepping into the music room to talk softly to the footman standing just inside.

“Admirable woman, that,” Hellsmere murmured.

“I will call you out if you continue in this vein, Lucien,” Gabriel bit out from between gritted teeth.

The other man grinned at him. “You are so deliciously easy to provoke where she is concerned.”

Lily, as Gabriel recalled, preferred it when he concentrated that deliciousness on physical pleasures.

“What did I say to make you smile?” Hellsmere eyed him quizzically.

“I was thinking of Lily,” he admitted.

The other man shook his head. “You will be a double—a triple fool, if you let such a diamond slip through your fingers,” he muttered.

Gabriel was already well aware of that. But if Lily meant to end things between them, he did not see how—

Damn it, he was the Duke of St. Albans.

The arrogant, imperious, the bloody-minded Duke of St. Albans.

A man who had never backed down from a fight or a challenge in his life.

He would not think of doing so now either. Not when it was in regard to something as important to him as Lily now was.

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