“D o you really think we can fool Tyr?” I asked after we’d discussed Heimdall’s idea at length on our walk back to the shack. “I don’t know if I believe he’ll ever let me into the pack.”
“Oh, he’s not going to trust you at all,” Heimdall replied. “I’m counting on it. He’ll be so worried about you that he won’t be watching me.”
“Are you sure you want to do this? To betray him like this?”
“What other choice do I have?” he asked, shaking his head. “If he gets his way, your entire family will be dead. But if I find a way to stop him first, I could save his life and theirs. There’d be no reason for bloodshed at all.” He glanced up at me, those green eyes full of concern. “But are you okay with this?” he asked, reaching out and squeezing my shoulder. “Your brothers will think you’re a traitor.”
“They already think that,” I sighed. “Or that I’m lost at the very least. I don’t think they expected me to switch sides, but that’ll work to our advantage as well. It’ll put Thor on the defensive and take heavier precautions. He’s been too distracted by Flynn to even notice that I’ve been sneaking into the resort. His guard is down too far.”
“I know this is my idea…” he said, combing his fingers through his short brown hair. “But deceiving both packs simultaneously to the benefit of all seems like a stretch.”
“I don’t know if we can do it either. But we have to try. Tyr can’t be allowed to continue his reign of terror.”
“I know he needs to be stopped… I just wish it wasn’t my father…”
I stopped at the edge of the clearing and pulled Heimdall into my arms. “I know. And I’m sorry. I wish he was someone else too, someone less important to you.”
“How is it possible that I can see his insanity but still feel something for him?”
I held him tight. “You feel how you feel. And that’s okay. I wish I could tell you how to deal with it and make it all go away, but I don’t know the answer. Nothing has ever prepared me for something like this. I'm even scared of what we’re about to do.”
Heimdall’s lips trailed up the side of my neck, leaving soft kisses in his wake. My skin prickled under his touch, waves of pleasure washing down my body. I let out a soft moan, leaning into his touch.
“Can we have one last night together?” he whispered in my ear. “Just you and me.”
“On one condition,” I whispered back.
“Anything you want.”
I took a deep breath, forcing away the nervous twist in my stomach. “I want you to mate me.”
Heimdall looked up, his eyes wide with surprise. “B-But… my father… he’ll notice.”
“Good,” I replied. “That’ll force his hand when we confront him in front of the entire pack.”
“But he hates gay people. He thinks it’s a human affliction.”
“That’s not what the pack is going to see.”
“What do you mean?”
I placed my hands on either side of his face, looking him in the eye. “The pack will see the son of the Alpha, their next in line, returning from the dead. Not only that, you’ll be bringing me home, a useful source of insider information about the enemy pack. If he stands there in front of them all and denies you… they’ll lose their faith in him. If he disowns you, they’ll see just how petty and tyrannical he is. And him giving me up? Well that just shows them that he wants to sacrifice lives. Because without me and my information, half that pack will die in the first ten minutes of fighting. We, together, are the only thing that can give them an edge in the battle that’s to come.”
He stared at me for a long moment, his green eyes pinging back and forth as if searching for any flaw in my plan.
“Do you really think so?”
“I know so,” I replied. “If there’s one thing I know about running a pack, it’s that leadership must be earned . If Tyr proves that he’s willing to abandon family, to betray them, well… then he’s going against all those principles and traditions he’s been pounding into his pack’s heads for decades. He has to talk the talk and walk the walk if he wants to stay in power. And there’s not enough of you left to be getting choosy. He needs every man he can get.”
“You sound more like an Alpha than I do.”
I couldn’t help blushing at that, my cheeks burning. But I kept Heimdall’s gaze and squeezed his cheek.
“You flatter me.”
“I really love you, Loki,” he replied. “I know it hasn’t been long, but… I just feel like you’re the person for me, you know? Even beyond the bond.”
“I love you too, Hamball.” I leaned in close, kissing him softly. “Now come on. If you’re going to mate me, you better go ahead and do it before I change my mind. I want one last night with you before all hell breaks loose.”
Heimdall gave me a nod and pulled me back toward the shack perched on the side of the mountain. During our talk the last remnants of the sunset had faded away, replaced by starlight and moonlight. A cold wind blew up the mountain and clouds moved in from the north. There was a definite chill in the air that signaled the oncoming of snow. I had no doubt in my mind that we would wake in the morning to a fresh coating of white blanketing the entire world. Secretly I hoped that we’d both live to see another spring because if Tyr found out what we were up to before we pulled it off, I had no doubt in my mind that we’d find ourselves in a shallow grave.
But I pushed that thought from my mind as Heimdall opened the door and pulled me inside, cutting off the outside world. All that existed in that tiny space was us and the possibly foolish love we shared for one another. But I didn’t care about that. If being a fool meant loving the man of my dreams, I’d choose to be the fool every single time. Heimdall was worth it.
He let go of my hand only long enough to spread the blanket over the floor. Thanks to my trips to the resort, we were able to snag a couple more that made that little shack much warmer in the night. Not to mention, softer when we spent half of those nights worshiping each other’s bodies. I’d grown used to this easy intimacy with Heimdall and I never wanted it to end.
“Oh, I got something when I was in town today,” I added, shuffling through the couple of grocery bags I’d brought back with snacks and food. I pulled out a small clear bottle full of clear viscous liquid and tossed it to Heimdall. “Stole that from the pharmacy.”
He glanced down at the bottle, smiling to himself. “You’re gonna need all the help you can get if you want to take my knot.”
“The lube isn’t gonna help me walk tomorrow.”
“You’ll be fine.”
“I’ll remember that when I finally fuck you and you’re whining about being sore.”
Heimdall grinned, reached up, and yanked me down to his level, kissing me hard and rough. “When that day comes, I promise I’ll savor every last sensation. Even if it’s uncomfortable.”
“But you’ll still whine about it?” I chuckled.
“Idiot,” I grumbled, running my fingers through his hair.
“ Your idiot,” he corrected.
Affection bloomed in my chest, the heat spreading through my body. It was nice to have someone that belonged to me, someone I could count on. I loved it more than I could say. Family was good, but finding that perfect person just for me… well, that was a million times better.
With one hand in the center of Heimdall’s chest, I pushed him back against the headboard and climbed up to straddle his hips, my already hard cock pressed against his belly through my jeans. I reached down, grabbed the hem of his shirt, and pulled it up over his head. Tossing it to the floor I ducked down, running my tongue over his sensitive nipple. He hissed through his teeth in pleasure as I bit down, letting him know I meant business.
“It’s gonna be so fucking hard not to rail you,” he whispered in my ear, his voice full of desire.
“Who said I don’t want to be railed?” I whispered back, kissing his neck. Then I thought better of it. “But maybe take it slow since it’s my first time, huh?”
“I’ll do my best.”
“I have faith in you,” I replied, sliding off his waist. “Now shut up and let me suck your cock.”
Heimdall didn’t have time to argue as I slipped his pants off and tossed them aside. His massive dick, free at last, pulsed as I wrapped my hand around the base, pulling his cockhead up to my lips. I licked the sensitive underside of his crown, his moans letting me know I was doing an excellent job at finding all his special spots. I kept my eyes locked on his as I finally wrapped my lips around his cock, taking him as far as I could go.
“Fuck,” he moaned, his breath heavy. “That feels so fucking good. You’re getting better and better at that.”
“Naturally gifted,” I chuckled. “That and it’s just so much fun to do.”
“I bet you’re just as good at taking dick.”
I lifted an eyebrow, feeling the butterflies in my stomach flutter. I never knew I was into dirty talk.
“I guess we’ll just have to find out,” I replied, giving him a wink.
But I wasn’t done with his blowjob just yet. Breaking eye contact at last, I went to work on the task at hand. I wanted as much of that fat cock in my mouth as I could take. Really, I was after the taste of him and Heimdall didn’t disappoint. His pre-cum oozed out in a steady stream as I worked, the rich taste of him spreading over my tongue and driving my arousal ever higher. My mind was completely overtaken with his cinnamon-like scent as he thrusted into my mouth. Everything about sucking him was perfect. I just wished I could take him all the way to the hilt. However, considering I wanted to draw breath again, I figured it would be best to hold off until I had more practice.
Heimdall suddenly reached down, grabbing a fistful of my hair and pulling me off his cock with a pop. Saliva trailed from my swollen lips to his cockhead as he stared at me, his eyes full Alpha gold.
“If you want to get bred,” he growled. “You better get up here. Now .”
That last word reverberated through my chest. It wasn’t a request. It was an order. And to my surprise, it made my dick throb. Or maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised. I wasn’t sure. But either way, I knew I was going to obey. Before the thought had even crossed my mind, I was straddled over his waist, his cock pulsing against my cheeks.
I kissed him roughly as my hands fumbled with the bottle of lube. I filled my palm with the sticky liquid, warming it up before I reached back and slathered it all over his rod and my ass. My lips remained locked with his as I leaned forward, aimed his thick cock at my needy hole, and leaned back.
A tingling bliss rushed through my body, lighting up all those nerves that hadn’t gotten much exercise yet. It was all so new and bright that I could barely force myself to go at a steady pace. Heimdall wasn’t small, and I didn’t want to hurt myself in the process just because I got too horned up to think logically. Still, that didn’t stop me from pushing back against him, feeling my tight ring stretch around his cockhead. Between the kisses, the lube, and my tenacity, it wasn’t long before he slipped inside, his ridge gliding over my prostate.
“Oh fuck,” I groaned arching my back. “This feels better and better every time we do it.”
“You feel incredible, baby,” Heimdall cooed against my neck. “And you look so fucking beautiful like this, all hot and aching for more.”
His compliment made my heart flutter. At the same time, it gave me more confidence to continue. I’d already been fucked by him once after all. How much more could there really be to handle?
Of course, that was before he started to shift.
Heimdall’s body swelled beneath me, his muscles even more juiced up in his Alpha form. Claws appeared at his fingertips, although he took care to make sure he didn’t scratch me as he held tight to my hips. Fangs filled his mouth, and our kisses became more animalistic and erratic. Not only that, but his cock began to thicken inside of me. For a moment I wondered if I could ever possibly take it all. But just when I was about to admit defeat, he stopped growing. When I reached back to check how much I’d taken, I was a little concerned to realize I’d only managed the first couple of inches. Already he was pressed tight against my prostate, his cock pulsing and sending tiny shockwaves through my body.
“Holy fuck,” I whispered, more in shock than anything else. “That’s a lot of dick.”
“You don’t have to take it all if you–”
“I will,” I shot back, my obstinance taking over. “I’m gonna take all of you and your knot. And you’re going to mate me.”
Heimdall smiled, holding tight to me as I let my own Alpha form take over. Much like him, my fangs and claws extended as my muscles swelled. My own cock lengthened against his belly, the knot grinding against him as my pre-cum soaked his skin.
Once I was transformed, I looked into his golden eyes, my worries all but gone. My Alpha form not only made me bigger, but it seemed to make my tolerance level rise at the same time. Now that we were both larger, taking him all didn’t seem like an impossible task. Still, it wasn’t going to be easy. But I wasn’t a quitter.
“Just stay still, okay?” I said, my speech slurred thanks to the fangs.
Heimdall nodded, holding onto my hips as I began to fuck myself on his massive werewolf cock. He watched me eagerly, taking in every moan and gasp as I slid down to his knot then back to the head once more, milking his perfect dick with my tight ass. I could see the pleasure in his eyes, and I knew he wanted more. With each bounce I managed to stretch myself a little further, waiting for that moment when he’d finally knot me.
In the meantime, my pleasure was building at an astounding rate. With every movement, another rush of endorphins swept through my body. Not only that, but the sensitive underside of my cock was grinding against his belly, made slick with pre-cum. It wasn’t a lot of friction, but it was more than I needed to find myself barreling toward an orgasm at breakneck speed.
“Fuck,” I groaned. “This is going faster than I thought… but it feels so… ah… good.”
“I’m close too, baby,” Heimdall replied, his voice shaking as he clenched his eyes shut. “So… fucking… close.”
I knew there wasn’t any more time to waste. If I wanted him to mate me, I had to do it now. With a deep breath, I slid to the base of his cock and sat there, feeling his knot slowly stretch me open. I reminded myself to breathe and forced my body to relax, letting gravity do most of the work. My patience was rewarded a moment later when I felt him finally slip the rest of the way inside me, his knot coming to rest against my prostate.
For a moment, all I saw was stars. The fullness of having him buried inside me was overwhelming to say the very least. His knot was incredible, but the fact that he was pushed beyond my second ring was almost too much to fathom. Heimdall seemed to feel the same way, but he hadn’t lost his senses. If anything, he was pushed to the limits of his patience.
Digging his fingers into my hips, Heimdall rocked my body with short, quick thrusts. The friction was minimal, but somehow more intense than anything I’d ever felt in my life. My entire body broke out in goosebumps as our hearts picked up the pace. Breathing heavily, my lips crashed against his, our tongues dancing around one another. Both of us were so drunk with lust that we thought of nothing but release. And we didn’t have to wait long for that.
Heimdall was the first to cry out, his fangs clamping down on my shoulder as he drove his cock to the hilt inside me. A searing heat filled my belly as he came over and over again, filling me with his seed. That sensation combined with the friction of his skin against my cock sent me over the edge. Before I knew it, my face was turned toward the ceiling as I cried out, coating him in a hot sticky layer of my own cum.
I collapsed against him almost instantly, the combination of tingling, pleasure, exhaustion, panting, and my heart racing almost too much to bear. My vision seemed to darken around me as I leaned into him, the orgasm threatening to consume me whole. However, just when I thought the pleasure would begin to fade, it started to increase. There was a ping in the back of my mind as a connection formed. As soon as I noticed it, there was a rush of information from some outside source. I saw images, heard words, and felt sensations that didn’t belong to myself.
The mate bond had formed between us.
The rush of information and euphoria seemed to rock us both. We panted and held tight to one another, neither of us able to speak. I don’t know how long we stayed that way, but it must have been for several minutes before the bond calmed down enough that we could think for ourselves. Even so, I was acutely aware of Heimdall’s sensations, especially the way my body hugged his giant Alpha cock.
“C-Can you feel that?” I stuttered, not lifting my face from his neck.
“Yeah,” he replied in a hoarse whisper.
“It’s weird… but nice.”
“Is this what it feels like to get fucked?” he asked, glancing down at me.
I just nodded, too tired to say much else.
“Oh god… I can’t wait to try it.”
I shifted slightly and felt the tug at my ass, another wave of delight washing through me. It seemed I was good and knotted and that meant I wasn’t going anywhere for a while. A rush of exhaustion seemed to sweep through my limbs. Between the warmth of Heimdall’s body and my ravaged one, I could barely keep my eyes open.
“I’m so tired,” I whispered against his neck.
“Get some rest. You’ve earned it.”
A smile filled my face as I kissed his neck. “I love you so much, Hamball.”
“I love you too, Dinky.”