Loki’s Enemy Mate (Mated to the Viking Alpha #2) Chapter Twenty-Six Heimdall 90%
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Chapter Twenty-Six Heimdall

B y the time I woke up the next morning, leaned against the wall of the shack, my cock had finally slipped out of Loki. It was a bit of a relief, no longer being attached like that. But at the same time, I couldn’t help a feeling of loss. I loved being that close to him, being inside him. Just the thought of it made my cock lengthen against his ass once more.

“No,” he grumbled against my neck. But despite his protest, his cock hardened against my belly. “Don’t even think about it. I’m too sore.”

I could feel the twinge of pain through the bond indicating that he was telling the truth. Not that I doubted him. My dick was big to begin with, but in Alpha form it was practically a baseball bat. I still had no idea how he’d managed to take it all.

“I’m stubborn,” he replied, reading my thoughts easily over the bond. Being this close together, we hardly needed to speak at all. “And I always get what I want.”

“You’re going to be a nightmare to live with, aren’t you?” I asked, a grin spreading over my face.

There was a pulse of surprise and Loki leaned back, looking me in the eye. “Y-You want me to live with you?”

“We’re mated now,” I chuckled. “I figured we’d end up there eventually.”

“Yeah, but you actually want that?”

I furrowed my brows, confused by his surprise. “Of course I do. I want to spend every single day with you for the rest of my life.”

“Good,” he smiled, the affection between us swelling so much I could think of little else. Then there was a shift in his demeanor as he leaned back. “Now suck me off and we’ll get this day started.”

“Oh? Is that an order?”

“Yes. And a favor for you ruining my asshole for the rest of my life.”

I pushed him onto his back on top of the blankets, crawling toward his waist. “I guess you’ll just have to knot me to pay me back.”

“You have my word,” he replied. “Once this is all over, I’ll make you my bitch.”

I smiled despite his implications. I knew he was just trying to be cute. We’d agreed to let me look like the more dominant one in the relationship to further convince Tyr that Loki wasn’t a threat. However, as soon as we were done with this insane plan of ours, I fully intended on getting fucked well and often by Loki. I wanted it so damn bad I could taste it.

But for now, I’d have to settle for the taste of his cock instead.

Without another word, I pushed his thighs apart to give me better access and inched my way up to his cock. I could feel the excitement brimming through his side of the bond, mixing with my own until it became an irresistible pull. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t stop myself now. His cock was already rock hard, and I took it with one hand, opened my mouth, and swallowed it to the hilt. I came back up a second later, gagging and sputtering.

“Slow down there, Hamball,” Loki laughed, grabbing me by the chin. “I like the flattery, but don’t hurt yourself.”

“I want your cum so fucking bad,” I growled back.

“Don’t worry, baby,” he replied, giving me a pat on the cheek. “I’ll give you ever last drop.”

I was back on his cock in an instant, sucking like my life depended on it. Loki’s pleasure blossomed on his side of the bond, overflowing until it filled my mind as well. My hand went to my cock in an instant, stroking my thickness as my head bobbed on his. I swirled my tongue against the sensitive underside of his cockhead, enjoying the way he writhed in delight. He didn’t stop me though, and that was just the way I liked it.

Between his scent, my stroking, and the feedback loop of bliss racing through our bond, both of us were on the edge in less than a couple minutes. Suddenly his hand was in my hair, fingers gripping it tightly.

“Fuck,” he groaned, his body tensing and his cock thickening against my tongue. “I’m gonna cum.”

I just grunted and kept on going, my own orgasm close at hand. In a matter of seconds Loki was forcing my head down, ramming his thick cock down my throat as he cried out and pumped me full of his seed. The taste of him burst over my tongue, his orgasm invading my mind. Before I even knew what was happening, I was cumming as well, my cock throbbing in my hand as I painted the floor. However, I didn’t stop sucking until Loki forced me away, the overstimulation too much for him to bear.

“Fuck, you’re good at that!” he groaned, leaning back against the wall. “You sure you didn’t have any practice?”

“You’re the first person I’ve ever had sex with,” I admitted. “So, no.”

Loki’s jaw dropped open. “I… I’m your first?”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “Aren’t I yours?”

He paused for a long moment, a sudden anxiety spilling over the bond. Then, keeping his eyes on me, he slowly shook his head.

“I’ve… uh… been with a few women.”


I wasn’t sure if I should be upset or not. There was a part of me that was deeply jealous that anyone else in the world, man or woman, had touched my mate. But, once the emotions had filtered through, logic kicked in. Until a week or so ago, we’d never spoken to one another. Or even seen each other in person.

“I feel like I should apologize,” he began.

“No,” I said, holding up a hand. “It’s fine. Weird to process now that we’re mated. But fine. I hardly expected my mate to be a virgin.”

“But you are.”

“Yeah,” I scoffed. “Because I had no other choice.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. You can make it up to me.” I reached out, caressing his cheek. “When we’re done with all this, you just have to fuck me every day until we die.”

His eyes went wide. “That’s… a lot of dick. And energy.”

“But I’m worth it, right?” I said, giving him a wink.

“Hamball,” Loki laughed. “If I’d known you before this, you’d be so well fucked you wouldn’t be able to see straight.”

I just laughed, knowing he meant it. The thought did turn me on though, I had to admit. Man… if we’d met straight out of high school, we would’ve hurt one another from doing it too often.

“So, what’s it like being with a woman?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

Loki grinned, looking more than a little nervous. “It’s uh… soft I guess?”


He reached out a hand, tracing the hard line of my jaw. “They aren’t as sharp as you. Or nearly as handsome.” His hand ran down my neck and over my pecs. “And these are way more fun than boobs. They're just kinda… I don’t know… there .” Loki gave my pec a squeeze. “This is way more satisfying.”

I just stared at him. “And you’ve had these opinions and still thought you were straight?”

“Meh,” he shrugged. “When women were the only option, I figured that’s just the way it was. Now that I know better, I can see it wasn’t really my thing all along.”

“Well, at least I know I didn’t ruin you.”

“Oh no. You did. My ass will never be the same.” He leaned forward, kissing me hard on the lips. “And I wouldn’t want it any other way.”


“Yeah?” he asked, his forehead still pressed against mine.

“Promise me we’re gonna make it through this. Both of us.”

He paused, his brown eyes locked on mine. Then he smiled. “I promise.”

“And you’ll still want me after all of this?”

“I’m mated to you, Hamball. There’s no deceiving that bond.” He kissed me again, this time on the tip of my nose. “I promise I’ll still want you. And I also promise to take you to restaurants, show you the world, and watch all the movies you can stand. I want you at my side, your hand in mine, for the rest of our lives. I love you more than I can say, and I want to be at your side forever.”

“I love you too, Dinky,” I replied, smiling despite the tears of joy running down my cheeks. “I promise I’ll be the best man and mate you’ve ever had.”

“You already are, baby.”

I stifled a sob, throwing my arms around him. Loki didn’t laugh or sigh or make me feel like my emotional outburst was silly. He just held me tight, his fingers laced through mine. Already he was making good on his promise. And now, as we prepared to depart for the Skoll pack, it was time I made good on mine.

My father’s reign of terror needed to come to an end. And I was going to do everything I could to bring peace between the packs once more. Because, without it, Loki and I wouldn’t have a home. The more I thought about it, the more I realized the cold hard truth.

If there ever came a moment where I was forced to choose between my father and Loki, this time I wouldn't choose my father.

I’d choose my mate.

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