Loki’s Enemy Mate (Mated to the Viking Alpha #2) Chapter Twenty-Seven Heimdall 93%
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Chapter Twenty-Seven Heimdall

I was practically shaking as Loki and I headed down the mountain toward the edge of the Skoll pack village. We already knew that the reaction from the pack was going to be unpredictable and probably violent. My coming back from the dead would be unexpected, but Loki walking into our territory would be considered an act of war. But that’s why I kept him tight at my side. Nobody was going to hurt my mate and if they tried, I’d kill them.

We’d managed to slip into Skoll territory without much issue. However, when we came to the edge of the forest where the village started and the trees fell away, I stopped and pulled him back behind one of the larger trees. Grabbing him by the shoulders, I kissed him hard, my heart racing a million miles a minute.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked for the twentieth time. “We don’t have to do this. We can turn back right now.”

“Heimdall,” Loki replied, his hand already on my cheek. “It’s going to be alright. With you at my side, the pack will hesitate. And with the information I have, your father will listen to me.” He paused for a moment, his brown eyes searching mine. “And I trust you. I know you won’t let anyone hurt me.”

“If anyone tries to touch you,” I growled. “Even my father… I’ll kill them.”

“You don’t have to do that, but I appreciate the offer,” Loki nodded. “But if we want to stop this war and have both our families come out alive on the other side, we have to do this. There’s no other way to end this without one of us losing something precious.”

“Do you think it’s right? To trick them all like this?”

“I think it’s our best chance at survival.”

My bottom lip quivered, fear still flooding my system. “Not everyone is going to live through this. You know that.”

“I know,” he nodded. “And as awful as it is, sometimes being a leader means you bring home as many as you can instead of everyone. Our only other choice is to kill your father now and hope the pack follows us because neither of us are strong enough to take on Thor and Baldr alone, I can promise you that.”

I stared at Loki for a long moment, my hands shaking as I held him. “I want to try to save him,” I said at last. “I know he might not be worth it, and he probably won’t ever give up his ideals. But I have to try, right? I can’t just give up on him.”

Loki nodded, a note of sadness in his expression. I didn’t need to ask to understand what it meant. We both knew that the reason other wolves were going to die in this war was because I wasn’t strong enough to kill my own father. I couldn’t destroy the monster he’d become because all I saw when I looked at him was the man I’d looked up to as a boy. Somewhere, deep under that extremist insanity that had overtaken him was the man that took me fishing for the first time, taught me how to hunt, and took care of me when it felt like my own mother abandoned me.

As much as I knew I should hate him, I couldn’t. So yes, wolves were going to get caught up in this war and some of them would die. I just hoped that when it was all said and done, the future would be worth the sacrifice. And even though I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Loki in my arms, I wasn’t a coward. I was willing to lay down my own life if that’s what it took to get the job done.

“You’re a good son,” Loki said, pulling me out of my thoughts. “Any father would be lucky to have you.”

“You are too,” I replied. “I didn’t know your father but from what you’ve told me… I think he’d be proud of you for trying to save your people.”

Loki’s eyes glistened, but tears didn’t fall. Instead, he just nodded.

“I love you, Hamball.”

“I love you too, Dinky.” With one last deep breath I took his hand and pulled him toward the treeline. “Stay close to me.”


Hand in hand, we stepped into the bright sunlight. There was a light dusting of snow in the village, although the majority of it clung to the rooftops where the sun seemed to have less effect. The forest was naked now, all those beautiful golden leaves rotting on the ground under the snow. The air was crisp, and I could see our breath fogging in front of us as we walked. Loki kept his fingers laced in mine as we went, always in step with me.

The Skoll pack was small, but it didn’t take long for someone to notice us. First was a woman, one of the few with cubs in the pack. She scooped up both her children and ran inside one of the dilapidated houses. A few seconds later, her mate appeared, a loaded shotgun in his hands. However, the moment he saw me, his jaw fell open and the gun swung down to face the porch. A moment later we were spotted again, then again. But this time, one of them ran for my father’s house.

It seemed like my moment to return to the land of the living had come. In a matter of seconds, my father was going to walk through that front door, and he was going to see Loki. I hoped against hope that he’d be so overwhelmed with joy at my being alive that he’d hardly notice the man at my side or the fact that his scent proved we were mated.

However, as the front door swung open and my father stepped out onto the front porch, there was no change in his expression. He wore the same look of apathetic disgust that he always wore these days. Even when I was too close to doubt who I was, he didn’t budge. But the moment his gaze went to Loki, his thin lips curled into a snarl of disgust.

“What the fuck is this?!” he spat, using his only hand to point at Loki. “You know we don’t take prisoners here, boy!”

“He’s not my prisoner,” I replied, my heart sinking as I realized the truth. He’d become such a monster that he didn’t even see me anymore. He didn’t give a shit that I was still alive. So, I supposed there was no reason to beat around the bush. “He’s my mate.”

My father’s face turned from white, to red, to purple in a matter of seconds. I heard the deep growl in his chest and watched his muscles swell. Fangs filled his mouth as claws extended from his fingertips. My proclamation had made him so angry that he’d spontaneously shifted into his Alpha form. I wasn’t sure if I was terrified or proud of myself. Still, I knew I at least had his attention.

“How dare you shame this family with your… deviance ,” he growled, the sound shaking the very stones.

“Mates are determined by the gods,” I replied, doing everything I could to keep my cool. “Who are you to question them?”

“I’m the leader of this pack!”

“And we are werewolves,” I said calmly. “And we have to follow our instincts when it comes to matters of mate bonding.”

“Just because we’re werewolves doesn’t mean we’re not mountain people too!” my father roared, pointing a threatening finger at Loki. “ His family was disloyal! They broke us all apart with their welcoming of strangers and new ways! They put all of us in danger! And now their Alpha is dating a human!” He turned his gaze on me, his eyes burning with golden light. “We take care of our own!”

“Take care of our own?” I scoffed, anger getting the better of me. “Was that what you were doing when you abandoned me at the bottom of that cavern with a man that you’ve labeled the enemy ?”

His rage faltered. But it wasn’t sadness that filled his voice, it was concern. His Alpha form slowly began to fade as he formulated a response.

“I… I thought you were dead.”

“Yeah, but did you even fucking check ?! NO! You just walked away like you always do, letting others take the fall for your decisions!” I gestured to the small Skoll pack that had now surrounded us. “Not to mention all the others you’ve sacrificed along the way. Tell me, what part of our pack has remained unbroken thanks to your care ?”

“You better watch your fucking mouth, boy,” he growled, his brows furrowed.

“Or what? You’ll drop me down a hole again and leave me to rot?! I’m your SON! You need me to lead this pack when you’re gone!”

“Who says I’m going anywhere?” He took a wider stance, as if preparing himself for impact. “Are you challenging me for leadership over this pack?”

I glared at him with all the venom I could muster. But in the end, I had to take a deep breath and force it down.

“No,” I replied at last. “I didn’t come here to challenge you. I didn’t even come here to ask you to be a better father.”

His lips curled back at my words, but he didn’t say anything else.

“I came here with my mate ,” I continued, holding fast to Loki’s hand. “Because we have information that could help you win this war.”

Tyr scoffed, shaking his head. “What could you possibly know that would help me?”

Loki stepped forward. “I have been to the witch of the woods,” he said, his voice more even and controlled than I could ever be. “And she told me that in order for us all to survive, I have to join you.”

“Witch of the woods? Are you kidding me? There’s no such thing! And you’re just lying to get into my pack so you can report back to your traitor of a brother!”

“I have left my pack and my family behind because, as much as I hate you, I hate humans even more.”

Tyr gave him a good hard look, but he didn’t say anything.

“And if you want me to prove I’ve been to the witch, I can. Because I know you’ve been to see her too.”

“I don’t dabble in magic.”

“Is that why you have a mage trapped in a magical dome inside pack territory?” Loki grinned. “Mistilteinn is his name I believe. And the witch told you where to find her.”

Tyr’s gaze zeroed in on me. “You told him about our secret?!”

But I knew this question would come, and I was prepared for it.

“I know his name and location, yes,” I replied, turning the suspicion back on him. “But who is this witch he’s talking about?”

“She’s the one that–”

The moment the words left his lips, Tyr snapped his mouth shut. Without meaning to, he’d revealed his hand. A deep sense of satisfaction filled my belly, and I saw Loki smile beside me. I, however, kept my face stoic and questioning. As far as Tyr knew, I was never told about the witch.

“If you need more proof,” Loki offered, taking another step forward. “Her methods of payment were a little… intimate . Not only that, she looked decades younger when we were done. Oh, and didn’t she tell you that your little plan would fail if an outsider found out about it? Seems to me like the only way I avoid being an outsider if for you to let me in .”

Tyr stared, his jaw working, but no words leaving his lips. Loki had him cornered and there was no way out.

“So, I'll make you an offer, Tyr,” he continued. “I’ll join your little band and help you unite the Skoll and Hati packs once more. On one condition.”

“What’s that?” Tyr barked.

Loki took a step back, lacing his fingers through mine once more. “I want you to give Heimdall and I your blessing. Allow him to maintain his place as pack heir and accept me as his future Luna. If you do that, I’ll not only help you defeat my brother, but I’ll make sure your wolves remain alive.” Loki turned back, looking at each one of them in turn. “Your numbers are small, and you can’t afford more loss. I see how hurt and exhausted you all are. Let me help and I’ll make sure all of you make it out alive.” He turned back to Tyr, a wide grin filling his face. “All you have to do is accept our bond.”

Tyr stared at us both, his eyes darting back and forth. Then, after a few seconds, he began to pace across the porch, growling under his breath. He was like a bull on a rampage but forced to contain it all within himself. I watched as his muscles flexed and his nostrils flared. More than once, he looked up at us, snorted, and kept on pacing.

It seemed to go on forever. Even the other members of the Skoll pack looked worried. More than one took the opportunity to give us both a good once over. Some of their expressions were shock, probably from seeing me alive and a sworn enemy of the pack standing in the middle of our village. Others were sizing up Loki, seemingly trying to determine if he was telling the truth or not. And there were some who stared at Tyr, waiting expectantly for him to make a decision before they passed judgement. Most of them, stoic women with small children clinging to their legs, had seen enough war and death to last a lifetime. They didn’t want their babies caught up in the oncoming massacre and too many of them had already lost their husbands.

My father was more than cornered. He was trapped in a snare with no way out. His only choice was to accept Loki’s help or look like the heartless leader I knew he could be. The lives of his pack didn’t matter to him. If he wanted me to find a mate and have pups, it was because he wanted more bodies to throw into the fires of war so that his dreams could be realized. He’d already proven he didn’t care about me, but to tell the entire pack that he loved war and death more than their lives… Well, that would be his downfall.

When he finally came to a stop and stared directly into my eyes, I could see that understanding at last. His only choice was the accept us and take Loki’s help. But that didn’t explain the slight grin pulling at the corner of his mouth. And it worried me.

“You’re right,” he said at last, holding his arms out wide in a gesture of peace. “I don’t want to spend any more blood than necessary to bring us into a better future. If you can guarantee my wolves will be safe, I’ll accept you not only as my son and his mate, but the future Alpha and Luna of this pack.”

Several of the pack members let out a sigh of relief. So many of them had been holding their breaths in anticipation. But now they could fill their lungs and hazard a small smile. Less death was always welcome to those hounded by war.

“However,” Tyr continued, his lips curling into a cruel smile. “You have to prove yourself.”

“Of course,” Loki nodded. “I need to prove to you I’m trustworthy. And I have since I’m returning your son alive and intact.”

“Unfortunately,” Tyr said, glaring at me. “That won’t be enough to convince me.”

“What would you have me do then?”

“It’s simple.” He took a few steps forward, clasping his hands behind his back. “Help me attack the resort.”


“Just because you’ve turned your back on your pack doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten its weak points. Thor and his mountain top resort is damn near impossible to sneak up on, much less get inside. If you help me and my men get into the resort and attack the Hati pack on their home turf, I’ll consider you a full member of the Skoll pack.”

With every word my father spoke, my heart beat faster and faster. By the time he’d finished speaking, it was pounding so loud I thought he could hear it. Cold fear flooded my system as I realized the tables had turned. Tyr, in an astounding move, had backed Loki into a corner. If he refused my father’s offer, it would expose us both as the liars we were. Chances are we wouldn’t escape the village with our lives. But the alternative was to ask Loki to hurt his own family, the very thing we’d set out to protect in the first place.

“Loki–” I whispered, squeezing his hand.

“I accept,” he said, cutting me off. “I’ll not only help you sneak up on the resort, but I’ll help you get inside too.”

“Oh good,” Tyr grinned, his expression full of a joy I hadn’t seen in years. “Because I just got a new shipment of explosives this week and I’m dying to try them out.”

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