Seeing the guys last night was even more surreal than I imagined it would be. They haven’t changed at all, but I’m not the same scared woman they helped last year. Adam tried to break me, he probably would have succeeded if I had stayed, but thanks to them and my sister I got away from his toxic ass and found myself again. Or maybe found myself for the first time.
Whitney helped me get a remote job so I could work from anywhere and once I started getting a steady paycheck I joined the rest of the world in the twenty-first century. I got a phone, a small apartment, and a sense of independence while I repaired the damage Adam did. I still battle with some of the scars he left behind, but I’m doing my best to keep moving forward .
I filed for divorce immediately, but it took forever to get him to sign everything. He kept trying to delay the process but when I told him either he could tell everyone whatever story he wanted to about why I was gone, or I could blast the truth all over social media, he finally made the right choice and signed the papers. I knew he wouldn’t let his reputation take a hit like that.
As of a few weeks ago I am no longer Zoe Noble. I didn’t want to go back to my dad’s name either, so I took my mom’s maiden name and became Zoe Watson.
Zoe Mathis was a quiet, shy girl who trusted the wrong guy. Zoe Nobel was a scared woman who stayed in a bad situation for too long before getting out. I’m still getting to know Zoe Watson, but she takes no shit and I’m working hard to make her the best version of myself I can be.
I just have to remember that while I’m back in Sommersville. Adam and I spoke through our lawyers and on the phone a few times, but I haven't seen him since the guys took me there to pack my stuff. I’m sure when he finds out I’m back in town he’s going to pull something, but I’m not going to let him get to me.
He’s nothing.
Instead of worrying about what might happen I turn my thoughts back towards the guys. I was so nervous to see them last night, but now I’m excited to go to the garage and talk. Over the past year I stalked their social media accounts, but I never reached out, I couldn’t. I needed to prove that I could take care of myself and I knew it would be too easy to lean on them if they were in the picture.
Now that I’m in a good place and back in town there’s no reason not to reconnect with them.
Unless you count the fact that they’ve starred in every fantasy I’ve had since leaving town. Adam did a real number on me and even though I feel like I’ve taken my sexuality back I’ve never actually been with anyone other than him. Despite all of his accusations while we were married, I never cheated on him, and after leaving I couldn’t stomach the thought of letting another man touch me. Except the guys, I thought about them touching me a lot, too much probably.
Sex with Adam was never great, I get along much better with my new battery operated boyfriend, and that’s the only boyfriend I ever want to have again. I’m not opposed to a physical relationship between consenting adults, but I’m never putting myself in a position where feelings are involved again. I don’t ever want a man to have that kind of control over me. My heart belongs to me and me alone.
A quick check online got me the hours for the shop so once I know they’re open I throw my purse in the old Chevelle I’ve inherited and head their way. I’m not sure if anything can be done to save my dad’s classic or not, but I trust them to tell me the truth about it.
They worked at the garage all through high school and after graduation. When old man Jim was ready to retire I heard they bought him out and it became theirs. Revved Up has always had a good reputation, but they’ve turned it into the best mechanic shop in town.
Pulling the Chevelle into an empty parking spot I’m not surprised to find I’m not the only one here this early, good service speaks for itself around here. There are already a few other people milling around looking to get their cars in early. I pop in the office and a little bell chimes when the door opens. Nate hollers from the office behind the desk that he’ll be right out so I lean against the counter and wait.
There are giant glass windows between the lobby and the shop area, so I take a look around, but I wasn’t expecting to get turned on as soon as I showed up. Probably a dumb thought on my part. Reynolds is under the hood of a silver car with his coverall sleeves pushed up his forearms and the front unzipped halfway down his chest, showing off the fitted shirt he's wearing underneath as it clings to his very defined muscles. His shaggy dark hair still looks like it needs a trim, but it works for him anyway. Despite it being so early in the day he’s already got some grease stains on his exposed skin and my mouth is watering at the sight.
He’s scowling at whatever is giving him trouble and I’m imagining what those hands would feel like on me when Nate comes out of the office and catches me ogling his friend .
“Hey, Hot Rod. Do you want to pull a chair over? I don’t think Reynolds would mind. But if you really want a show I can go out there and start washing some of the cars. I’ll make sure to stretch over the hoods and accidentally get my shirt wet for you.”
He’s teasing, but the picture he just painted has me blushing and squeezing my thighs together anyway. His knowing smirk just flusters me more. Nate isn’t covered in grease, yet, but he looks just as good in his coveralls as Reynolds does. What is it about this look that just does it for me? Is it the grease and the muscles that go with the job, or is it just the guys themselves?
There’s no denying I was looking, so instead of answering, or acknowledging the silly nickname, I just ignore his taunting altogether. “Good morning, Nate. I hope it’s ok that I came early, I wasn’t sure when you would be busiest.”
He moves around the counter to stand next to me, pushing a lock of stray hair back over my shoulder with the rest of it. My tongue darts out across my lower lip and his eyes track the movement. We’re playing a very dangerous game here, but I’m not forfeiting.
“So where are you staying while you’re here?”
He’s still standing a little closer than he probably should be, I can smell the soft hint of citrus from the bodywash he must have used in the shower this morning. I refuse to back up so instead I tilt my head back to meet his gaze, those green eyes of his are sparkling with mischief .
“I’m at my dad’s for now. No sense in paying for a place when I have a whole house with my name on it.” It’s still weird being there, but I leave that part out.
“Well feel free to drop by our place anytime, we could have a sleepover.” He’s got that teasing lilt to his voice again, but there’s no missing the sincerity in his invitation and that kicks my imagination back into overdrive.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Before we can get into any real trouble Reynolds drops the hood of the car he’s been working on, and the bang steals our attention. He’s wiping his hands on a shop rag but he’s not the only one out there anymore.
Liam wandered in at some point with a beautiful brunette and my smile drops at the sight of them. He looks just as deliciously put together as he always does, with his dark hair styled back and his coveralls perfectly in place, but I can’t help but notice how great she looks as well. She clearly put a lot of time into her hair and make-up and she’s not being subtle about her intentions as she runs a hand up his arm.
I never saw any women on their social media, but that doesn’t really mean anything. They mostly use their pages to promote the shop anyway. They could all have girlfriends I don’t know about, which shouldn’t matter because I have no plans to ever be in a relationship again, but I don’t make it a habit to ogle other women’s men either .
Much to my surprise he doesn’t even lift his eyes from the clipboard he’s reviewing, just shrugs her hand off his arm and takes a step away to put some distance between them. Her smile sours at whatever he’s saying but I can’t stop mine from pulling at my lips. I shouldn’t care if he’s turning down gorgeous women in his garage, but for some reason I’m glad he is.
Like he can feel my eyes on him Liam finally looks up from his clipboard, over the woman’s shoulder, to meet my gaze. The heat reflecting back at me sizzles in my chest, spreading lower until I find myself melting into a puddle in their lobby.
He rips the top sheet of paper off from his stack and hands it to the brunette before she stomps off. A few other people had been here to drop off or pick up, but as I look around now I realize it’s just the four of us.
Reynolds and Liam come in from the shop, knocking Nate away from the counter, and away from me. I chuckle as he whines, but Liam is all business. “Is the Chevelle out there yours?”
“Yes, well... it was my dad's, so now it’s mine, I guess. It makes a funny noise and jerks a little bit; I don’t think he was driving it much, it’s probably been sitting around more than being used.”
They all look out the window at the vehicle in question and Reynolds lets out an appreciative whistle. “Did you drive that here yourself, Red?”
Of course he would assume I can’t drive a stick. Rolling my eyes I try to keep my answer straightforward instead of being sassy. “ As a matter of fact, I did, my dad insisted I learn how to drive a stick before he would let me in an automatic.”
Nate clutches his heart dramatically as he turns away from the window to make big puppy dog eye at me. “I think I’m in love!”
Liam smacks his friend in the back of the head and gets right down to business. “Are you wanting to sell it, or do you want it fixed up so you can use it?”
“I’m not really sure at this point, I guess mainly I want to know what’s wrong with it and if it’s going to be worth fixing it or not.”
“No problem, we can take a look at it today. If you want to leave your keys here you can borrow my car for the day and come back at closing.”
I raise my eyebrow at his offer, certain that’s not standard procedure. “Do you let all your customers borrow your car for the day?”
Spinning around to give me his full attention Liam looks me over, his blue eyes taking me in from bottom to top before he answers. “You aren’t just anyone, Zoe.”
His words aren’t provocative, they could be considered friendly even, but the way he says it has me biting my bottom lip. Electric tension fizzles through the room before Nate breaks it.
“So it’s settled, Hot Rod you take Liam’s car and then come back at closing, and we’ll let you know what we find.” Grabbing my keys he tosses them to Reynolds who catches the bundle midair. “Then we can all go out for a drink to celebrate you being back.”
I don’t know how this got turned into going out for drinks, but I’m not mad about it.
That night I pull into the parking lot at Revved Up in Liam’s Tahoe. After driving around in this bad boy all day I’m tempted to get my own. I thought driving something so big would be terrifying, but I kind of love it.
All of their other clients have left so once I get inside Liam locks the door behind me and starts cutting off the signs in the window while Reynolds explains what’s wrong with the Chevelle. The only problem is I have no idea what he’s talking about. I’ve never heard of half the things he’s mentioning which has me ready to give up because I’m sure it’s going to be expensive. Thankfully Nate sees my look of defeat and chimes in to interpret.
“You’re just confusing her man, lay off the shop talk.” Nudging his friend out of the way Nate moves to stand across the counter from me and leans in with a smile. “Basically, you need a coil replaced. It’s an easy fix and not even an expensive part. For this car a coil should be less than a hundred dollars. Nothing to stress out about, Hot Rod. ”
That’s better than I could have hoped for honestly.
“That’s great news!” Things are looking up. It might not be a fancy upgraded Tahoe, but having a paid off car that runs smoothly will be great. “How long do you think it will take to get the part and get it fixed? Can I prepay for that, or will you just give me an invoice when it’s done?”
“It’s cute you think we would charge you, Little Minx.” Liam teases when he joins us at the counter.
“Of course you’re charging me, don’t be ridiculous.”
Liam looks like he’s going to argue with me until Reynolds buts in. “You can pay for the part, but we wouldn’t charge a friend to change out a coil.”
“We’re friends, right, Hot Rod?” Nate joins in and with all of them looking at me expectantly I know I’m not winning this argument.
“Fine, but I am paying for the part and the first round is on me tonight.”