Idle Hour is the place to be for a good drink in Sommersville so that’s where Liam takes us. It’s been a while since we went out, but Zoe’s return calls for a celebration.
There are a few pool tables in the back, but they’re already claimed so we grab a high top near the bar after Zoe whispers her drink order to Laim. Idle Hour isn’t fancy, but the owner runs a tight ship so it’s always clean, they normally have good music, and the prices aren’t too high. Can’t argue with that.
We went to school with most of the people in here, I don’t miss the way our former classmates turn their heads to check out Zoe as we walk through. She’s been noticeably absent the past year and Adam hasn’t been shy about being out with other women in that time, but no one else really knows what happened. It’s not our story to share so we’ve kept our mouths shut about it, he stayed out of our way, and we stayed out of his, but these guys are checking her out like she’s fresh meat in the pitiful dating pool here. I want to tuck her under my arm and lay claim to her, but I can’t do that... yet.
It is hard not to look though. She’s not trying to get attention like some of the desperate women in here, Zoe’s just herself and that’s all I need. While she was gone she found that spark Adam tried to smother, her sapphire eyes shine bright with it tonight.
When she sits down I snag one of the stools next to her, scooting a little closer to her side of the table so our knees brush because I’m craving any contact with Zoe I can get. Those mischievous eyes sparkle when she smirks in my direction. She knows exactly what I’m doing, but she hasn’t moved away. That’s got to be a good sign. She’s more confident now than I’ve ever seen her, as much as I hated her leaving it seems her time away was exactly what she needed.
Liam is still at the bar, so Reynolds takes the barstool across from me on Zoe’s other side. With her between us the constant ache I’ve been living with in my chest lessens a little more. When she showed up at the festival last night out of nowhere I swear I took my first real breath since she left. I don’t know what her plans are yet, but I’m going to do everything I can to get her to stay.
Forever .
Preferably with me.
“Do you guys come here a lot?” She’s got her eye on Liam who’s still at the bar shrugging off the very persistent Izzy while he waits for our drinks.
“Not really.” Are we going to sound pathetic if she finds out all of us have been pining over her for the past year? “Izzy is actually one of the reasons we don’t, she just can’t take a hint.”
For probably the millionth time Liam shrugs her hand off his shoulder. She’s always trying to get close to him, like if she could get her hands on him long enough she could dig her claws in. He stopped being nice about it a long time ago, but she’s relentless.
Zoe frowns watching their interaction, until Izzy pouts her overly plumped lips at whatever rejection Liam came up with. Thankfully the bartender, Shasta, cuts off whatever Izzy was going to try next when she gives Liam a bucket full of our beers and whatever drink Zoe asked for.
She offered to buy the first round as thanks for us fixing her car, but there’s no way we were going to let her do that. Eventually she’ll catch on.
“Here we go.” Liam unceremoniously slides the bucket of beer onto the table for us but passes Zoe her pink concoction with a smile. “One pink panty pull down for the lady.”
It’s a good thing I don’t have my beer open yet or I would be choking on it the way Reynolds is right now. He splutters, trying to inhale with liquid going down the wrong pipe is hard. When he pulls himself together he shoots a look between Liam and Zoe. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
She answers with an innocent smile on her face, twirling her straw around like she didn't pick that drink on purpose. “Pink panty pull down? It’s my new favorite drink.”
Liam was spot on when he called her a little minx. This is going to be a fun night.
The four of us catch up and joke around, we all flirt a little testing out the waters, but Zoe gives it right back and keeps us on our toes. She’s been flourishing in Walport and tells us all about her new job. Her sister helped her get on her feet and now Zoe is living her life the way she wants, which is all we ever wanted for her.
After we’ve all had a few drinks, except Liam because he's driving, she lowers her eyes and some of the happiness fades as she finally brings up the past we’ve all been carefully avoiding.
“I never got a chance to properly thank you guys for what you did for me last year. I’m so embarrassed you saw me that way, I was so weak, but I wouldn’t have been able to get out without your help and I can never express how much I appreciate it. Because of you I was able to start over.”
We’re all momentarily stunned but Liam recovers first. “Zoe, you weren’t weak, and we never thought of you that way. What you did took strength most people will never have, we were just your back up, that was all you. ”
How she can possibly see herself that way is mind blowing. She took years of abuse from that asshole, but never let him break her. She left and never looked back. She rebuilt her life into one she wants and she’s thriving. That’s not weak.
His answer flusters her and it’s obvious she’s feeling self-conscious now. In an effort to bring back the smile I’m now addicted to I slide off my bar stool and offer her my hand.
“I agree with Liam, but that’s all in the past now. Instead of looking back let’s keep moving forward.”
She hesitates for a moment, an unsure shadow in her eyes before she blinks it away, bringing back the woman who came out tonight.
“You’re right. It all belongs in the past.” Sliding her hand into mine she follows me out to the dance floor where I spin her around amongst the other dancers.
I feel Reynolds and Liam’s jealous stares burning into my back, but it’s not my fault I asked her first. As I spin us around I wink at my friends, enjoying the eyeroll and scoff I get in return. I’m sure they’ll be arguing over who gets to dance with Zoe next, but right now it’s my turn and I’m going to enjoy every moment of her in my arms.