“ R y, I’m going to fucking go on a murderous bender if we can’t fucking find that puto, Eduardo and his father.” I toss the cup I had in my hands across the room of my office, the glass shatters against the bullet proof windows. Ry sighs, knowing full well that I’d follow through on whatever homicidal threat that comes out of my mouth. Ryan has been in my life since I was a toddler, his family had always had a job with mine. Ryan was just more advanced when it came to technology that he became crucial in our family. He’s one of the best at what he does, he’s our hacker, developer and eyes everywhere we may need. So when I start making threats, I am as serious as a dead man.
I’ve been tempted to kill every single Columbian I set my eyes on, just out of principal, how dare they fuck with my family.
“Don’t be stupid, I’m doing everything I can to locate him, it looks like he went off grid. There is no paper trail on where he can be.” He exhales as I pace in circles around my office, carefully stepping over the mess I made.
“Yeah, well if he doesn’t appear soon… maybe he will if I go after those close to him? Or I’ll fucking just kill all of those fuckers and call it a day.” I rub the back of my neck while he chuckles in my ear as I refrain from the urge to toss my phone at my windows too. “Why the fuck are you in such a rush to kill the fuckers?” he asks, it’s a valid question. It’s been a couple weeks since we found Catalina, the youngest of my siblings and only sister I fucking have. She had been abducted, along with her best friend, by the fucking Columbians and was about to be sold to the highest bidder by her goddamn fiancé, just the reminder of the prick has me fuming. The need to kill those fuckers hasn’t gone away, and every time I think about going to that damn dive bar with Catalina, the one that she owns, I see red all over again. Catalina will be leaving soon which gives me no reason to see my little mu?eca, and that irritates me even more.
“Just fucking find them. I want every single one of those mother fuckers dead.” I seethe, Ry practically laughs as the line goes dead. Fucker .
I stand in the middle of the office, the sun comes through the floor to ceiling windows, our desks are lined up in a straight line, one for each of us brothers. Behind us are bookshelves full of books of either the history of our people or information needed to run a successful business. Growing up, I was the one with my nose in the books, late at night when I was home and then 90% of the time was learning from real world experience with Enzo, running the streets as head of our school. Enzo was another childhood friend, who protected me one day against some kid that wanted his ass kicked and ended up gaining my respect as soon as he did. I didn’t need the help, but he offered it anyway. We had been inseparable ever since until high school, that is. And now the asshole is marrying my sister.
I continue to have an impact in the business, but Marcelo, the eldest of us Dominguez kids, is the face of our operation now that our father is dead. I take pride in being the enforcer, the one that scares off those who pose a threat, the one who inflicts pain, the one who is simply unhinged.
I don’t feel most things, there’s no empathy, no guilt or shame. I simply do what I want when I want to and do what it takes to have the type of outcome I strive for. So, the fact that I’m feeling anger and fury because of this abduction is really fucking messing with my head and making me even more murderous than usual, and to top it off, it’s fucking annoying that my blood boils whenever she’s around, that my body practically comes to life whenever her icy blue eyes find mine. Grabbing another glass off my desk, I fling it towards the window. It shatters, leaving more of a mess where the pieces land.
Straightening my suit, I walk out of the room, shutting the door with a slam. Marcelo walks around the corner of the hall and his familiar eyes glare at me like he has no idea what to do with me. He’s been handling the business, while I stand there ready to kill whoever needs to be killed. During my free time, I look for Eduardo, hoping to have my time torturing the asshole soon. He walks by me, stopping short of the office door, and pauses, without saying a single word for minutes. “Do you want to have lunch with Catalina at the Butterfly?” I question him. He hasn’t been to her favorite spot, and I may just be suggesting it as an excuse to see that goddamn little witch. He quickly agrees and steps back towards our living room. He's been a little stressed since our father died, taking over as head of the cartel would do that to you, although he’s been doing great running shit, with my help, of course.
I quickly send a text message to Catalina to meet us at the dive bar, hoping she reads it in time. She’s been spending time between here and Enzo’s penthouse now that they’ve been officially engaged. She has more security, but at least now she’s free to do whatever she pleases. I turn towards the living room, Marcelo stands there waiting, silently like he always is. His outside appearance is always pristine, but his inner demons, well he has a lot of them. He takes responsibility and every feeling he may have, he sweeps them under a rug until he just explodes, that’s what we call a silent killer. And Marcelo? Well, he’s the very definition of it.
Marcelo and his security walk out the front door first, I stride behind him with an extra pep in my step. A scowl forms on my face when I realize that I’m fucking excited at the potential of seeing Sierra since we drove her home after the abduction. It’s been driving me crazy not seeing her. Fucking bruja, I curse under my breath, slowing each step until I step foot inside the vehicle. Marcelo stays silent, staring outside as we move closer to our destination. He watches the clouds as our car moves and I mimic the action, getting lost in my own thoughts about a fucking witch’s piercing blue eyes, and the perfect blonde ponytail I desperately want to grip and pull. Exhaling, I turn towards Marcelo. “Are you okay? You appear to be extra broody today.” His dark brown eyes drill holes into my skin. He doesn’t want to speak, but he knows I’ll bug him until he eventually does. “I’m fine, just annoyed we haven’t terminated Eduardo, and that I have to deal with the territories now. We’ve been at this our whole lives, I just fucking want out,” he admits, and I wish I could say I understand but I don’t. He has everything; he’s the leader, we can do whatever we please, we are essentially above the law, so why the fuck would he want out? I shake my head. “There’s only two ways out, exile and death. You shouldn’t say those things.”
He frowns, his tattooed hands reaching the back of his neck as he rubs the small curls of his hair with an upwards motion and back down before placing them on his knee.
“Olvidalo, hermano,” he says softly. A part of me wishes I could comfort him but the only way I know how would be by killing our enemies, so I stay silent until we arrive at the bar. He steps out of the car first, makes his way inside the building, and stops short as soon as we walk through the bar.
I practically run into him as I walk in, his deadly glare stays on Mika, the new bartender that started around the time we hired Enzo. “Hermano.” I squeeze his shoulder and start walking towards the empty seat at the bar next to Catalina. Enzo is on the other side of her, his arm wrapped around her like he couldn’t break away for a second.
That’s when I notice her; Sierra’s blonde hair is curled and down over her shoulder. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen it loose like that, her crystal blue eyes shimmer under the light, her lips are a bright red, a color I’ve never seen her wear before. She wears a loose black T-shirt and a pair of leggings that show off her glorious ass. Sierra scowls the moment she notices me watching her. “Go away, demon,” she says, her blue eyes filled with fire; it’s hot as fuck to see the flames she gets when she sees me.
“Now, mu?eca, that’s no way to speak to a paying customer.” I smirk, giving her the kind of smile that has been known to break hearts and drop panties. She simply rolls her eyes and starts getting a drink ready for me. Mika helps Marcelo with his order, while staying a little more silent than usual.
Catalina wraps an arm around me. “Play nice, she’s been through a lot.” The reminder has my blood boiling, the need for revenge and blood simmers through me for a moment before the scent of cinnamon and perfume surrounds me, my cock twitches and I force the groan to die out before I admit how much this little bruja has affected me. “I’m always nice, hermana,” I whisper, faking a smile all too well. It feels like it’s a permanent feature, fake a smile, act interested, act surprised, act out what you should be feeling even when I can’t.
“How’s business?” I ask her. I pause at the question, unsure why I even blurted out the question. Enzo raises his eyebrows as he watches me closely. Well, too late to take it back. I shrug at him and look back at the beautiful blonde currently planning my death. “Fine?” She stares at me a little longer, questioning me without saying a word, returning back to the drink she’s making. “Do you not know how your own business is doing? Are you working on some brujeria, little witch?” I tease, as she stirs some mint into a glass for a mojito.
“Actually, I am. Maybe then you’ll disappear inside the hole you crawled out of, Demon,” she snaps, her lips lift into a smile for only a moment before hiding back under the mask she’s forced on.
She finishes the drink and places it in front of my sister, giving her a genuine smile. Her hair flips to the side as she turns towards the center of the wrap around bar, and she bends over, pulling out a tray of empty dishes from the rack. My eyes stay glued on her ass in those leggings, I hold back the groan that’s threatening to come out of my mouth. I imagine her cheeks spread out for me while I drive my tongue inside her puckered hole. She sashays through the kitchen doors; I don’t even take a moment to think or to hold back. I quickly swallow the tequila she had placed in front of me, push my bar stool back and stand, and without a second glance I follow her into the kitchen.
Fucking bruja, is making me into fucking puddy in her hands and I don’t even fucking know how. I’m irritated, and yet I’d follow that ass anywhere she asked of me.