“ C an you not read? It clearly states employees only.” She seethes, both her hands rest on her hips, her foot taps on the floor very impatiently like she was waiting for me to back away the way I came. I take a moment to really look at the little witch, her blonde hair is missing her ponytail but it looks fucking beautiful framing her face. I bet her plump lips would feel amazing on my cock, and those hands. Fuck , her skin looks so soft, so untouched that I want to beg her to let me slice her open just a little. Her glare hardens when she notices the bulge growing in my pants, I don’t back down. I don't care if she knows how she’s affecting me.
“Careful with how you’re looking at me, witch.” I slowly make my way to her, closing the distance just enough to allow her scent to overtake me but far enough that she doesn’t flinch away from my touch. I know she’s been through hell, I’m not sure how she’s handling it, but if the way she flinched last time I saw her was any indication; she is still recovering and as much as I want to push her buttons, I weirdly don’t want her to be uncomfortable.
“And, how pray tell am I looking at you, Demon?” She arches an eyebrow, amusement dances in her eyes, her hands still firmly planted on those luscious hips.
“Like you want me to chase after you,” I pause, taking another step forward and lean in just enough that I can whisper in her ear, “like you want me to devour you.” I take a step back, letting her take in my words. I don’t miss the way goosebumps spread on her porcelain skin, or the red that tints her cheeks and neck. But as soon as I step far enough away from her, I see her mask slip back on her face. “There’s no way I’d allow you to catch me, you’re not even my type. I prefer the non-demon variety.” She scoffs loudly.
“You want to put that to the test? I’m up for the challenge,” I say, knowing full well of the double meaning I threw in there for her. Just the thought of hunting her down, makes my cock twitch in excitement. Fuck, I’m thinking too much with my dick, what the fuck is happening to me? I growl in frustration and her face grows concerned, while I look at her one last time and make my way out of the kitchen, frustrated that I’m feeling shit that I don’t fucking know how to handle and that I’m hard as fucking stone. Mother fucking witch. Fuck .
I walk back to my spot at the bar. I don’t sit down, I don’t get comfortable enough to stay. Catalina eyes me suspiciously and I pretend not to notice, does that make me a coward? When the fuck did I start running away from a situation? Fuck. I am a coward. Pinche bruja. Marcelo is completely silent, which is no surprise. While Catalina and Enzo chat among themselves, I tap on the bar getting Marcelo’s attention away from the frozen state he seems to be in. “Let’s go. I need to fucking kill someone now.” Marcelo glares at me, like he wants to fucking pummel me to the ground for confessing just how badly I need to slit someone’s throat. I couldn’t care less. It’s not like anyone in this godforsaken town will ever mess with me or my family.
He places two hundred dollars under his half full glass of whiskey, the amber liquid looks enticing, since it doesn’t look like he’ll be finishing it at all. I grip the glass and down the amber liquid before he even has a chance to knock the glass out of my hands. The glass against the cool wood of the bar clinks louder than I expected. Just as that happens, Sierra comes striding out of her little cave, and I repress the urge to go up to her, drag her onto the bar and slice her open a bit before fucking her until she screams my name in both ecstasy and pain.
Fuck me.
“Don’t fucking break my glasses, asshole,” she barks, her tone filled with malice, and annoyance. Shrugging, I say, “Sometimes I don’t even know my own strength. Don’t worry, Mu?eca, keep the change for the splendid service.” Lifting my chin, I wink at her and say goodbye to Catalina. Catalina smacks my arm and chuckles; she wraps me in a hug as she often does. I don’t understand the need to hug, but she’s always felt safe with me so I allow her comfort. I kiss the top of her head, and pull away. “Stop being a dick to Sierra, she’s been through enough. I’m serious, , I won’t stop her if she wants to try and kick your ass.” Smirking, I glance over at Sierra waiting until she meets my eye so I can make it extremely obvious as I check out every inch of her body. "She can try to kick my ass any day, I’ll hunt her down afterwards,” I say loudly enough just to be sure she heard my declaration, the promise hidden beneath the threat of chasing after her.
I wait for a moment for some sort of retort to escape her lips, but it doesn’t. She rolls her eyes, turning her back towards me so I get a glimpse of her ass which naturally fucks with me even more. I need to get out of here before I throw her over my shoulder and cut her open to see what makes her so fucking different that I feel this weird fucking shit. I turn my back towards her, and fucking speed walk out the building, waiting by the car door with a few of our men, while Marcelo finally leaves with a pace as slow as a fucking turtle.
I tap on my invisible watch. “Chop, chop, hermano. I don’t have all day, I have people to see and bodies to kill.” I chuckle, he doesn’t even crack a smile, not a single hint of a smirk on his familiar face. I groan opening the door to our dark SUV, and sliding through to the other end, I grab my knees, my fingers rubbing the cotton of the dark suit pants, the anxiety building inside me to dig my knife inside someone is so close to taking over my thoughts.
“Oye, who was that chick at the bar?” Marcelo asks, his face completely neutral. “Mika?” I question, leaning my head back on the leather seats. “She’s one of Catalina’s friends. She’s been here a couple months now, seems like she’s gone through some serious shit, but Cat says she’s from the same town Father was from.”
He turns his face towards the window, not giving me any indication as to why he wanted to know. Marcelo has always been the silent type, after our father beat the crap out of him when we were younger, something we hid from Lina, she didn’t need to know the cruelty he served us with.
“What’s up with you and Cat’s friend, she really seems to have gotten under your skin.”
“Nah, she’s not under anyone’s skin. She hates me as much as I hate her, besides, it’s fun to fucking push her buttons.” I shrug, I’d rather not talk about the little bruja or think about her, or the way her breath hitched when I was near her, the way the blush reached her neck as a clear contrast of her pale skin, or the way that just that alone made my cock hard as fuck. I’d rather not be thinking about hunting her down, and pinning her down, or fucking her like some wild fucking animal. Nope, these feelings are going to fucking be the death of me.
The rest of the drive to our warehouse was silent, I had messaged my men making sure they had Columbians tied up and waiting for me. Torturing these assholes has become a fulltime job, that I’m proud of doing, the way those bodies become an art full of red paint soothes my soul in the most fucked up way.